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In this paper we discuss three topics concerning N2O emissions from agricultural systems. First, we present an appraisal of N2O emissions from agricultural soils (Assessment). Secondly, we discuss some recent efforts to improve N2O flux estimates in agricultural fields (Measurement), and finally, we relate recent studies which use nitrification inhibitors to decrease N2O emissions from N-fertilized fields (Mitigation).To assess the global emission of N2O from agricultural soils, the total flux should represent N2O from all possible sources; native soil N, N from recent atmospheric deposition, past years fertilization, N from crop residues, N2O from subsurface aquifers below the study area, and current N fertilization. Of these N sources only synthetic fertilizer and animal manures and the area of fields cropped with legumes have sufficient global data to estimate their input for N2O production. The assessment of direct and indirect N2O emissions we present was made by multiplying the amount of fertilizer N applied to agricultural lands by 2% and the area of land cropped to legumes by 4 kg N2O-N ha-1. No regard to method of N application, type of N, crop, climate or soil was given in these calculations, because the data are not available to include these variables in large scale assessments. Improved assessments should include these variables and should be used to drive process models for field, area, region and global scales.Several N2O flux measurement techniques have been used in recent field studies which utilize small and ultralarge chambers and micrometeorological along with new analytical techniques to measure N2O fluxes. These studies reveal that it is not the measurement technique that is providing much of the uncertainty in N2O flux values found in the literature but rather the diverse combinations of physical and biological factors which control gas fluxes. A careful comparison of published literature narrows the range of observed fluxes as noted in the section on assessment. An array of careful field studies which compare a series of crops, fertilizer sources, and management techniques in controlled parallel experiments throughout the calendar year are needed to improve flux estimates and decrease uncertainty in prediction capability.There are a variety of management techniques which should conserve N and decrease the amount of N application needed to grow crops and to limit N2O emissions. Using nitrification inhibitors is an option for decreasing fertilizer N use and additionally directly mitigating N2O emissions. Case studies are presented which demonstrate the potential for using nitrification inhibitors to limit N2O emissions from agricultural soils. Inhibitors may be selected for climatic conditions and type of cropping system as well as the type of nitrogen (solid mineral N, mineral N in solution, or organic waste materials) and applied with the fertilizers.  相似文献   
Wetlands Ecology and Management - Peatlands represent a globally important carbon stock. Peat soil carbon stock assessments rely on measurements of carbon concentration, bulk density and soil...  相似文献   
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 is a Gram-positive, plant-associated bacterium, which stimulates plant growth and produces secondary metabolites that suppress soil-borne plant pathogens. Its 3,918-kb genome, containing an estimated 3,693 protein-coding sequences, lacks extended phage insertions, which occur ubiquitously in the closely related Bacillus subtilis 168 genome. The B. amyloliquefaciens FZB42 genome reveals an unexpected potential to produce secondary metabolites, including the polyketides bacillaene and difficidin. More than 8.5% of the genome is devoted to synthesizing antibiotics and siderophores by pathways not involving ribosomes. Besides five gene clusters, known from B. subtilis to mediate nonribosomal synthesis of secondary metabolites, we identified four giant gene clusters absent in B. subtilis 168. The pks2 gene cluster encodes the components to synthesize the macrolactin core skeleton.  相似文献   
Constitutive proteasomes and immunoproteasomes shape the peptide repertoire presented by major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules by harboring different sets of catalytically active subunits. Here, we present the crystal structures of constitutive proteasomes and immunoproteasomes from mouse in the presence and absence of the epoxyketone inhibitor PR-957 (ONX 0914) at 2.9 ? resolution. Based on our X-ray data, we propose a unique catalytic feature for the immunoproteasome subunit β5i/LMP7. Comparison of ligand-free and ligand-bound proteasomes reveals conformational changes in the S1 pocket of β5c/X but not β5i, thereby explaining the selectivity of PR-957 for β5i. Time-resolved structures of yeast proteasome:PR-957 complexes indicate that ligand docking to the active site occurs only via the reactive head group and the P1 side chain. Together, our results support structure-guided design of inhibitory lead structures selective for immunoproteasomes that are linked to cytokine production and diseases like cancer and autoimmune disorders.  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have a major influence on the structure, responses and below‐ground C allocation of plant communities. Our lack of understanding of the response of AM fungi to factors such as light and temperature is an obstacle to accurate prediction of the impact of global climate change on ecosystem functioning. In order to investigate this response, we divided a grassland site into 24 plots, each either unshaded or partly shaded with soil either unheated or heated by 3°C at 2 cm depth. In both short‐term studies in spring and autumn, and in a 1‐year‐long study, we measured root length colonization (LRC) by AM and non‐AM fungi. For selected root samples, DNA sequences were amplified by PCR with fungal‐specific primers for part of the small sub‐unit (SSU) rRNA gene. In spring, the total LRC increased over 6 weeks from 12% to 25%. Shading significantly reduced AM but increased non‐AM fungal colonization, while soil warming had no effect. In the year‐long study, colonization by AM fungi peaked in summer, whereas non‐AM colonization peaked in autumn, when there was an additive effect of shading and soil warming that reduced AM but increased non‐AM fungi. Stepwise regression revealed that light received within the 7 days prior to sampling was the most significant factor in determining AM LRC and that mean temperature was the most important influence on non‐AM LRC. Loglinear analysis confirmed that there were no seasonal or treatment effects on the host plant community. Ten AM fungal sequence types were identified that clustered into two families of the Glomales, Glomaceae and Gigasporaceae. Three other sequence types were of non‐AM fungi, all Ascomycotina. AM sequence types showed seasonal variation and shading impacts: loglinear regression analysis revealed changes in the AM fungal community with time, and a reduction of one Glomus sp. under shade, which corresponded to a decrease in the abundance of Trifolium repens. We suggest that further research investigating any impacts of climate change on ecosystem functioning must not only incorporate their natural AM fungal communities but should also focus on niche separation and community dynamics of AM fungi.  相似文献   
Carbon (C) allocation and turnover in arctic bryophytes is largely unknown, but their response to climatic change has potentially significant impacts on arctic ecosystem C budgets. Using a combination of pulse-chase experiments and a newly developed model of C turnover in bryophytes, we show significant differences in C turnover between two contrasting arctic moss species (Polytrichum piliferum and Sphagnum fuscum). 13C abundance in moss tissues (measured up to 1 year) and respired CO2 (traced over 5 days) were used to parameterise the bryophyte C model with four pools representing labile and structural C in photosynthetic and stem tissue. The model was optimised using an Ensemble Kalman Filter to ensure a focus on estimating the confidence intervals (CI) on model parameters and outputs. The ratio of aboveground NPP:GPP in Polytrichum piliferum was 23% (CI 9–35%), with an average turnover time of 1.7 days (CI 1.1–2.5 days). The aboveground NPP:GPP ratio in Sphagnum fuscum was 43% (CI 19–65%) with an average turnover time of 3.1 days (CI 1.6–6.1 days). These results are the first to show differences in C partitioning between arctic bryophyte species in situ and highlight the importance of modelling C dynamics of this group separately from vascular plants for a realistic representation of vegetation in arctic C models.  相似文献   
Summary Tzs and ipt are two Ti plasmid genes coding for proteins with isopentenyltransferase (IPT) activity in vitro. We cloned both genes for protein expression in Escherichia coli and in Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and we investigated differences between the two genes by analysing the properties of the proteins in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, extracts with tzs or ipt-coded proteins had high IPT activity, and the enzymes were identical in most properties. The most important difference was detected in vivo: the tzs-encoded protein was very active in cytokinin production, while the ipt protein required overexpression in order to obtain measurable activity in bacteria. In both cases, rans-zeatin was the major product of the gene activity. Formation of this cytokinin requires a hydroxylase function in addition to the IPT reaction. No such activity could be ascribed to tzs or ipt-encoded proteins in vitro or in vivo, but cytokinin hydroxylase activity was detected in cells and extracts of E. coli, regardless of the presence or absence of the cytokinin genes. Based on these results it is proposed that both genes code for a single enzyme activity (isopentenyltransferase), that the genes and proteins are adapted for function either in bacteria (tzs) or in transformed plant cells (ipt), and that in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells hydroxylation to trans-zeatin is a function contributed by host enzymes.Abbreviations DMAPP dimethylallylpyrophosphate - iP isopentenyladenine - iPA isopentenyladenosine - iPMP isopentenyladenosine 5-monophosphate - IPT isopentenyltransferase - trans-Z trans-zeatin  相似文献   
An automated system for continuous soil respiration and microbial biomass measurements based on Infra Red Gas Analysis was constructed. The switching device is computer controlled and allows hourly measurements of up to 24 samples when switching intervals of 2.5 min are selected. This allows the use of the substrate-induced respiration method for biomass determination. A software package to run the system was developed.  相似文献   
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