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Sulfur bacteria such as Beggiatoa or Thiomargarita have a particularly high capacity for storage because of their large size. In addition to sulfur and nitrate, these bacteria also store phosphorus in the form of polyphosphate. Thiomargarita namibiensis has been shown to release phosphate from internally stored polyphosphate in pulses creating steep peaks of phosphate in the sediment and thereby inducing the precipitation of phosphorus-rich minerals. Large sulfur bacteria populate sediments at the sites of recent phosphorite formation and are found as fossils in ancient phosphorite deposits. Therefore, it can be assumed that this physiology contributes to the removal of bioavailable phosphorus from the marine system and thus is important for the global phosphorus cycle. We investigated under defined laboratory conditions which parameters stimulate the decomposition of polyphosphate and the release of phosphate in a marine Beggiatoa strain. Initially, we tested phosphate release in response to anoxia and high concentrations of acetate, because acetate is described as the relevant stimulus for phosphate release in activated sludge. To our surprise, the Beggiatoa strain did not release phosphate in response to this treatment. Instead, we could clearly show that increasing sulfide concentrations and anoxia resulted in a decomposition of polyphosphate. This physiological reaction is a yet unknown mode of bacterial polyphosphate usage and provides a new explanation for high phosphate concentrations in sulfidic marine sediments.  相似文献   
We present evidence for a dimorphic life cycle in the vacuolate sulfide-oxidizing bacteria that appears to involve the attachment of a spherical Thiomargarita-like cell to the exteriors of invertebrate integuments and other benthic substrates at methane seeps. The attached cell elongates to produce a stalk-like form before budding off spherical daughter cells resembling free-living Thiomargarita that are abundant in surrounding sulfidic seep sediments. The relationship between the attached parent cell and free-living daughter cell is reminiscent of the dimorphic life modes of the prosthecate Alphaproteobacteria, but on a grand scale, with individual elongate cells reaching nearly a millimeter in length. Abundant growth of attached Thiomargarita-like bacteria on the integuments of gastropods and other seep fauna provides not only a novel ecological niche for these giant bacteria, but also for animals that may benefit from epibiont colonization.  相似文献   
When seedlings of Pharbitis nil Choisy, cv. Violet, are exposed to a single inductive dark period at 27°C, brief interruptions with red light (R) can be promotive after 2–3 h of darkness but increasingly inhibitory to flowering up to the 8–9th h of darkness. This rhythmic response to R interruptions can be advanced in phase by > 1 h when the preceding light period is interrupted with far-red (FR) 2 h before darkness (FR -2 h) or with FR – 15 h, whereas FR –8 h or FR–22 h retard the rhythm. These shifts in the R interruption rhythm are paralleled by equal shifts in the length of the dark period required for flowering. Brief FR interruptions of darkness displayed a similar rhythm which was also advanced by FR –2 h and retarded by FR –8 h. We conclude therefore that the semidian rhythm in the light, which we have previously described, continues through at least the first 12 h of darkness, is manifested in the R interruption rhythm, and determines the critical night length. A circadian rhythm with a marked effect on flowering was also identified, but several lines of evidence suggest that the circadian and semidian rhythms have independent additive effects on flowering and do not appear to show phase interaction.  相似文献   
Studies have been carried out in which growth patterns of a Salmonella sp. and competing micro-organisms, especially other Enterobacteriaceae, were followed during pre-enrichment in buffered peptone water (BPw) and subsequent selective enrichment in tetrathionate broth (TBB). Pre-enrichment cultures were inoculated with minced meat and three reference samples containing nalidixic acid-resistant salmonellas. Irrespective of their initial numbers in BPw, Enterobacteriaceae increased to 10(8)/ml or more. During incubation in TBB at 43 degrees C, numbers of lactose-positive Enterobacteriaceae decreased in most enrichments which resulted in a positive salmonella isolation, but remained constant in the majority of those that did not. Levels of lactose-negative Enterobacteriaceae did not decrease in most salmonella-positive tests, but did so in half of the salmonella-negative ones. In the salmonella-positive tests the numbers of salmonellas had increased to 10(3)-10(7)/ml in BPw and after transfer to TBB slowly reached 10(4)/ml or more. In all cases the numbers of salmonellas exceeded those of the competing flora on brilliant green agar (BGA). In the salmonella-negative tests the numbers of salmonellas had increased less in BPw and decreased in most of the TBB enrichments. In none of these negative tests did the numbers of salmonellas exceed those of the competing flora on BGA. Escherichia coli dominated in most of the salmonella-negative tests. The results suggest more influence of lactose-positive than lactose-negative Enterobacteriaceae on the detection of salmonellas. The effect of competing microorganisms seems to depend not only upon their initial numbers, but also upon the types that can interact with salmonellas during selective enrichment.  相似文献   
Vegetative plants of Poa pratensis L. cv. Holt (origin 69°N) raised in short days gave large and significant increases in plant dry weight, plant height and leaf area upon exposure to continuous light, compared with 8-h short days, at essentially identical daily inputs of radiant energy (8-h summer daylight ± low intensity extension). For example, by the fourth harvest (after 26, 34 and 46 days at 21, 15 and 9°C, respectively), the dry weights of plants in long days were 81, 163 and 195% greater than those of the corresponding short-day controls at the respective temperatures. Plant leaf areas in long days were between two and four times as large as control values by the end of the experiment. This was mainly due to increased leaf length caused by long-day stimulation of cell extension and division. However, the photoperiod did not affect the partitioning of assimilates amongst leaves, culms and stolons. Most of these effects could also be brought about by exogenous gibberellin application to plants in short days. However, in contrast to the effect of long days, gibberellin treatment also induced stem internode elongation even in these vegetative plants. Examination by standard growth analysis procedures revealed that the observed increases in relative growth rate were due primarily to increased net assimilation rate followed, several days later, by increases in leaf area ratio when newly-emerged leaves began to constitute a significant proportion of the leaf area. It is concluded that these reactions are of great adaptive significance for growth at the marginal temperatures prevailing at high latitudes.  相似文献   
Microtubule assembly is required for the formation of the male and female pronuclei during mouse, but not sea urchin, fertilization. In mouse oocytes, 50 μM colcemid prevents the decondensation of the maternal meiotic chromosomes and of the incorporated sperm nucleus during in vitro fertilization. Nuclear lamins do not associate with either of the parental chromatin sets although peripherin, the PI nuclear peripheral antigen, appears on both. DN A synthesis docs not occur in these fertilized, colcemid-arrested oocytes. This effect is limited to the first hours after ovulation, since colcemid added 4–6 hours later no longer prevents pronuclear development, lamin acquisition, or DNA synthesis. Neither microtubule stabilization with 10 μM taxol nor microfilament inhibition with 10 μM cytochalasin D or 2.2 μg/ml lalrunculin A prevent these pronuclear events; these drugs will inhibit the apposition of the pronuclei at the egg center. In sea urchin eggs, colcemid or griseofulvin treatment doe? not result in the same effect and the male pronucleus forms with the attendant accumulation of the nuclear lamins. The differences in the requirement for microtubule assembly during pronucleus formation may be related to the cell cycle: In mice the sperm enters a meiotic cytoplasm, whereas in sea urchin eggs it enters an interphase cytoplasm. Refertilization of mitotic sea urchin eggs was performed to test the possibility that this phenomenon is related to whether the sperm enters a meiotic/mitotic cytoplasm or one at interphase; during refertilization at first mitosis, the incorporated sperm nucleus is unable to decondense and acquire lamins. These results indicate a requirement for microtubule assembly for the progression from meiosis to first interphase during mouse fertilization and suggest that the cytoskeleton is required for changes in nuclear architecture necessary during fertilization and the cell cycle.  相似文献   
A fluorescence depolarization study of the orientational distribution of crossbridges in dye-labelled muscle fibres is presented. The characterization of this distribution is important since the rotation of crossbridges is a key element in the theory of muscle contraction. In this study we exploited the advantages of angle-resolved experiments to characterize the principal features of the orientational distribution of the crossbridges in the muscle fibre. The directions of the transition dipole moments in the frame of the dye and the orientation and motion of the dye relative to the crossbridge determined previously were explicitly incorporated into the analysis of the experimental data. This afforded the unequivocal determination of all the second and fourth rank order parameters. Moreover, this additional information provided discrimination between different models for the orientational behaviour of the crossbridges. Our results indicate that no change of orientation takes place upon a transition from rigor to relaxation. The experiments, however, do no rule out a conformational change of the myosin S 1 during the transition. Correspondence to: Y. K. Levine  相似文献   
Loscher R  Heide L 《Plant physiology》1994,106(1):271-279
The enzymatic formation of p-hydroxybenzoate from p-coumarate in cell-free extracts of cell cultures of Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. et Zucc. was investigated. p-Coumaroyl-coenzyme A (p-coumaroyl-CoA) is the activated intermediate in this biosynthetic reaction. It is formed by an ATP-, Mg2+ -, and CoA-dependent 4-hydroxycinnamate:CoA ligase reaction. p-Coumaroyl-CoA is oxidized and cleaved to p-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA and acetyl-CoA in a thioclastic reaction in which NAD is an essential cofactor. These CoA esters are rapidly hydrolyzed to acetate and p-hydroxybenzoate, probably by thioesterases. The enzymes involved in the formation of p-hydroxybenzoate are soluble. p-Hydroxybenzalde-hyde is not an intermediate in this conversion, and S-denosylmethionine and uridine-5[prime]-diphosphoglucose do not enhance formation of p-hydroxybenzoate in our system.  相似文献   
Mesophyll protoplasts from primary leaves of 2, 3, and 4 weekold Viciafaba L. plants and from not expanded leaves of 2 weekold plants were incubated with rabbit anti-ubiquitin antibodyand FITC labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG. Dependent on age of theplant material, an increase in size and number of immunoreactivespots at protoplast surfaces were observed, when incubationswere performed after 16 h storage to allow protoplast to recover.A relationship between isolation stress and the intensity ofimmunolabeling was demonstrated for protoplasts from not expandedleaves. Furthermore, the surface of isolation stressed protoplastsshowed an increasing number of immunoreactive spots when plantswere previously exposed to water deficiency conditions for 1,2 or 4 days. Water deficiency conditions and isolation stressare therefore thought to induce ubiquitination of surface locatedproteins. A phenomenon, which seemed to be normally correlatedwith early events of senescence. (Received October 28, 1993; Accepted February 21, 1994)  相似文献   
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