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Summary Electroantennographic and single sensillum recordings were performed on male pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer, antennae. Responses to the sex pheromone component (2S, 3S, 7S)- 3,7-dimethyl-2-pentadecenyl (diprionyl) acetate (SSS:OAc), to the behavioral inhibitor (2S, 3R, 7R)-diprionyl acetate (SRR:OAc), to the six other enantiomers of diprionyl acetate, and to the biosynthetic precursor diprionol were recorded. Responses to trans-perillenal, a monoterpene identified in female gland extracts and to (2S, 3S, 7S)-diprionyl propionate (SSS:OPr), a field attractant for N. sertifer and some related sawfly species were also recorded.EAG recordings demonstrated a high antennal sensitivity to SSS:OAc and to SSS:OPr. A somewhat lower response was elicited by SRR:OAc.Single sensillum recordings revealed 8–12 different cells firing in each sensillum, corresponding to the number of cells observed in earlier morphological investigations. Out of these cells all, except one, responded to SSS:OAc and to SSS:OPr. No differences in the response to the two components could be observed. The largest amplitude cell in each sensillum was specifically tuned to the behavioral antagonist, SRR:OAc. The pheromone perception system encountered in male pine sawflies thus differs clearly from that observed in moths.Abbreviation EAG electroantennogram - OAc acetate - OPr propionate  相似文献   
The bird-lemming hypothesis postulates that breeding success of tundra-nesting geese and waders in Siberia follows the cyclic pattern of lemming populations, as a result of predators switching from lemmings to birds when the lemming population crashes. We present 50 years of data on constant-effort catches of red knot Calidris canutus and curlew sandpiper C. ferruginea at an autumn migratory stopover site (Ottenby) at the Baltic Sea, supplemented with literature data on winter censuses of dark-bellied brent goose Branta b. bernicla and white-fronted goose Anser albifrons in northwestern Europe, and waders in Germany and Southern Africa. Number and proportion of juveniles in these bird populations (both our own and literature data) were compared with an index of predation pressure (calculated from the abundance of lemmings on the Taimyr peninsula), and climate indices for the North Eurasia and the North Atlantic regions. The index of predation pressure correlated significantly with the number of juveniles of red knot and curlew sandpiper, but not with number of adults. Also, this index correlated with the reproductive performance of geese and waders reported in the literature. Fourier analysis revealed a significant deviation from random noise with the maximum spectral density at the period length of 3 years for number of juvenile red knots and curlew sandpipers captured at Ottenby, abundance of lemmings, reproduction in arctic fox Alopex lagopus, and reproductive performance in geese on the Siberian tundra. Also, the date of passage at Ottenby for adult red knot and curlew sandpiper showed a spectral density peak at a period length of 3 years, the latter species also showing a peak at a period length of 5-6 years. Passage dates for adult red knot and curlew sandpiper were earlier in years of high predation pressure compared with years of low predation pressure. The fluctuations in reproductive success of the studied Siberian goose and wader species appear to be primarily influenced by biotic factors in the breeding area, rather than by abiotic factors, such as climate oscillations. Annual variations in migratory arctic bird populations may have far reaching effects in habitats along their migration routes and in their wintering areas. We suggest a link between lemming cyclicity in the Northern Hemisphere and predation pressure on Southern Hemisphere benthos, in which the signal is carried between continents by long distance migrating waders.  相似文献   
This note is based on a literature search and a recent review of bat mortality data from wind farms in Europe (published elsewhere). We suggest that mortality of bats at wind turbines may be linked to high-altitude feeding on migrating insects that accumulate at the turbine towers. Modern wind turbines seem to reach high enough into the airspace to interfere with the migratory movements of insects. The hypothesis is consistent with recent observations of bats at wind turbines. It is supported by the observation that mortality of bats at wind turbines is highly seasonal (August–September) and typically peaks during nights with weather conditions known to trigger large-scale migratory movements of insects (and songbirds). We also discuss other current hypotheses concerning the mortality of bats at wind turbines.  相似文献   
Adenovirus type 37 (Ad37) is a leading cause of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), a severe and highly contagious ocular disease. Whereas most other adenoviruses infect cells by engaging CD46 or the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR), Ad37 binds previously unknown sialic acid-containing cell surface molecules. By glycan array screening, we show here that the receptor-recognizing knob domain of the Ad37 fiber protein specifically binds a branched hexasaccharide that is present in the GD1a ganglioside and that features two terminal sialic acids. Soluble GD1a glycan and GD1a-binding antibodies efficiently prevented Ad37 virions from binding and infecting corneal cells. Unexpectedly, the receptor is constituted by one or more glycoproteins containing the GD1a glycan motif rather than the ganglioside itself, as shown by binding, infection and flow cytometry experiments. Molecular modeling, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography reveal that the two terminal sialic acids dock into two of three previously established sialic acid-binding sites in the trimeric Ad37 knob. Surface plasmon resonance analysis shows that the knob-GD1a glycan interaction has high affinity. Our findings therefore form a basis for the design and development of sialic acid-containing antiviral drugs for topical treatment of EKC.  相似文献   
Flight is one of the energetically most costly activities in the animal kingdom, suggesting that natural selection should work to optimize flight performance. The similar size and flight speed of birds and bats may therefore suggest convergent aerodynamic performance; alternatively, flight performance could be restricted by phylogenetic constraints. We test which of these scenarios fit to two measures of aerodynamic flight efficiency in two passerine bird species and two New World leaf-nosed bat species. Using time-resolved particle image velocimetry measurements of the wake of the animals flying in a wind tunnel, we derived the span efficiency, a metric for the efficiency of generating lift, and the lift-to-drag ratio, a metric for mechanical energetic flight efficiency. We show that the birds significantly outperform the bats in both metrics, which we ascribe to variation in aerodynamic function of body and wing upstroke: Bird bodies generated relatively more lift than bat bodies, resulting in a more uniform spanwise lift distribution and higher span efficiency. A likely explanation would be that the bat ears and nose leaf, associated with echolocation, disturb the flow over the body. During the upstroke, the birds retract their wings to make them aerodynamically inactive, while the membranous bat wings generate thrust and negative lift. Despite the differences in performance, the wake morphology of both birds and bats resemble the optimal wake for their respective lift-to-drag ratio regimes. This suggests that evolution has optimized performance relative to the respective conditions of birds and bats, but that maximum performance is possibly limited by phylogenetic constraints. Although ecological differences between birds and bats are subjected to many conspiring variables, the different aerodynamic flight efficiency for the bird and bat species studied here may help explain why birds typically fly faster, migrate more frequently and migrate longer distances than bats.  相似文献   


Female sex pheromones attracting mating partners over long distances are a major determinant of reproductive isolation and speciation in Lepidoptera. Males can also produce sex pheromones but their study, particularly in butterflies, has received little attention. A detailed comparison of sex pheromones in male butterflies with those of female moths would reveal patterns of conservation versus novelty in the associated behaviours, biosynthetic pathways, compounds, scent-releasing structures and receiving systems. Here we assess whether the African butterfly Bicyclus anynana, for which genetic, genomic, phylogenetic, ecological and ethological tools are available, represents a relevant model to contribute to such comparative studies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using a multidisciplinary approach, we determined the chemical composition of the male sex pheromone (MSP) in the African butterfly B. anynana, and demonstrated its behavioural activity. First, we identified three compounds forming the presumptive MSP, namely (Z)-9-tetradecenol (Z9-14:OH), hexadecanal (16:Ald ) and 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecan-2-ol (6,10,14-trime-15-2-ol), and produced by the male secondary sexual structures, the androconia. Second, we described the male courtship sequence and found that males with artificially reduced amounts of MSP have a reduced mating success in semi-field conditions. Finally, we could restore the mating success of these males by perfuming them with the synthetic MSP.


This study provides one of the first integrative analyses of a MSP in butterflies. The toolkit it has developed will enable the investigation of the type of information about male quality that is conveyed by the MSP in intraspecific communication. Interestingly, the chemical structure of B. anynana MSP is similar to some sex pheromones of female moths making a direct comparison of pheromone biosynthesis between male butterflies and female moths relevant to future research. Such a comparison will in turn contribute to understanding the evolution of sex pheromone production and reception in butterflies.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Protoplasten der obligat aeroben Hefe Rhodotorula gracilis wurden hinsichtlich ihrer charakteristischen physiologischen und Transporteigenschaften mit intakten Zellen verglichen. Folgende Ergebnisse wurden gewonnen: 1. Endogene und durch d-Glucose stimulierte Atmung entsprach den Werten von intakten Hefezellen. 2. d-Glucose wurde von Protoplasten aus dem Medium aufgenommen und abgebaut. 3. Die Aufnahme von d-Xylose führte zu vielfacher Akkumulation der Pentose im Zellinnern. Nach 50 min wurde ein für den Xyloseabbau induziertes System wirksam. 4. Bei Zugabe im Gemisch wurde die Aufnahme von d-Xylose durch d-Glucose unterbunden. 5. Akkumulierte d-Xylose wurde bei Zugabe von d-Glucose im Austauschtransport durch den mobilen Träger aus der Zelle heraus befördert. 6. Der Zuckertransport, gemessen an der d-Xyloseaufnahme, war streng stoffwechselenergieabhängig und wurde durch Entkoppler vollständig gehemmt.Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Stoffwechsel- und Transportfunktionen der intakten Hefezellen in ihren Protoplasten vollstädig erhalten bleiben. Die Anwendung von R. gracilis-Protoplasten zur Klärung spezieller Fragestellungen ergab: 1. Der Transport von d-Trehalose erfolgte nach extracellulärer Spaltung des Disaccharides durch Aufnahme der entstandenen Glucose. 2. Densitometrische Messungen an Protoplastensuspensionen zeigten sich geeignet zur kontinuierlichen Aufzeichnung von Zuckeraufnahmevorgängen.
Protoplasts from the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis II. Physiological and transport properties
The protoplasts of the obligatory aerobic yeast Rhodotorula gracilis (5/Fres/Harrison) were compared with the intact yeast cells with respect to the identity of their physiological and transport properties. It was found: 1. The rates of endogenous and glucose-stimulated respiration of protoplasts were similar to those of the whole cells. 2. d-glucose was taken up from the medium with constant velocity; no free glucose could be detected inside the protoplasts. 3. The uptake of d-xylose led to manifold accumulation of the pentose intracellularly. Within 50 min incubation an enzyme system for the degradation of d-xylose became effective. 4. In a mixture of d-xylose and d-glucose the latter blocked the uptake of the pentose. 5. d-xylose once accumulated was exchanged by the mobile membrane carrier for d-glucose after its addition to the protoplast suspension. 6. Addition of NaN3 or CCCP resulted in an inhibition of d-xylose uptake. The transport process is tightly coupled to cell metabolism.It is concluded that the metabolic and transport functions of R. gracilis protoplasts equal those of the intact yeast cells. The application of the protoplasts to study some special transport problems revealed: 1. In the course of d-trehalose uptake the disaccharide was cleaved to glucose, which was actually transported across the cell membrane. 2. Densitometry of protoplasts suspensions was found suitable for the continuous recording of sugar uptake processes. This observation is of special importance for further investigations of the oscillations in sugar transport observed earlier (Heller and Höfer, 1973).

Herrn Professor Dr. Maximilian Steiner zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
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