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Effect of precursors on biosynthesis of monensins A and B   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Precursors of monensins (acetate, propionate, butyrate, isobutyrate) affect the total production and the relative proportion of monensins A and B. Addition of propionate into the fermentation medium causes a prevalence of monensin B whereas butyrate and isobutyrate stimulate the production of monensin A and suppress the production of monensin B.  相似文献   
Collections from high altitudes (3840–5100 m a.s.l.) have added several species to the Pannariaceae of Ecuador: Fuscopannaria praetermissa, Pannaria hookeri, Psoroma paleaceum and Psoroma tenue are new to the Andes, and phytogeographic consequences of these are discussed. The following new taxa are described: Parmeliella corallina P. M. Jørg. & Palice, Parmeliella psoromoides P. M. Jørg. & Palice, Psoroma cinnamomeum ssp. andinum P. M. Jørg. & Palice and Santessoniella macrospora P. M. Jørg. & Palice. They are part of a high‐andean element which is not well known and is indicative of a migration route between the polar regions. In addition, two species with associated cyanobacteria, as the primary or secondary symbiont, are reported for the first time from South America: Thelignya lignyota (Wahlenb.) P. M. Jørg. & Henssen and Pilophorus cereolus (Ach.) Th. Fr, both originating from the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
Summary The 550-day semicontinuous cultivation of Claviceps fusiformis immobilized in calcium alginate is documented. The vegetative mycelium from seed or from early-production submerged culture is the best choice for immobilization. No extracellular glucans are produced by immobilized cells. Immobilized spores give low yields of clavine alkaloids. Alginate concentrations in a range of 2%–4% do not influence yield and spectrum of alkaloids. The cytoplasm of the immobilized cells becomes condensed (after 3 days), polysaccharides disappear, and centres of lipid synthesis are formed in the cytoplasm. After 60 days the cells harbour a great number of lipid particles, mitochondria are diminishing and their cristae partly disappear, indicating a decreased respiration capacity. After 350–500 days the volume of most cells is increased many times and the cells are filled with large oval bodies of electrondense material. Chloramphenicol protects immobilized cultures against bacterial contamination.  相似文献   
Summary Skin tests with autologous cholesteryl hemisuccinate (CHS)-treated and untreated cells were performed in ten metastatic melanoma patients. In the majority of cases evident reaction was noted with CHS-treated cells (9/10) while the reaction with untreated cells was mostly negative (7/10). Tumour cell suspensions used for skin tests were characterized for reactivity with monoclonal antibody TAL 1B5 detecting the HLA-DR alpha chain. There were no differences between CHS-treated and untreated cells with respect to HLA-DR expression and no correlation was found between grade of skin reaction to CHS-treated cells and the proportion of HLA-DR positive cells in the injected cell sample.  相似文献   
Summary HRS60.1, a monomer unit (184 bp) of a highly repeated nuclear DNA sequence of Nicotiana tabacum, has been cloned and sequenced. Following BamHI digestion of tobacco DNA, Southern hybridization with HRS60.1 revealed a ladder of hybridization bands corresponding to multiples of the basic monomer unit. If the tobacco DNA was digested with restriction endonucleases which have no target site in HRS60.1, the larger part of DNA homologous to HRS60.1 remained as uncleaved relic DNA. These results suggest a tandem arrangement of this DNA repeat unit. Four other clones of tobacco nuclear DNA cross-hybridized with HRS60.1, thus forming a HRS60-family. Sequencing their inserts has shown their strong mutual homology. HRS60-family comprised about 2% of the nuclear genome of N. tabacum. Computer comparisons with other tandem plant-repeated DNA sequences could not detect any other homologous sequence.  相似文献   
Summary The on-line estimation of biomass concentration and of three variable parameters of the non-linear model of continuous cultivation by an extended Kalman filter is demonstrated. Yeast growth in aerobic conditions on an ethanol substrate is represented by an unstructured non-linear stochastic t-variant dynamic model. The filter algorithm uses easily accessible data concerning the input substrate concentration, its concentration in the fermentor and dilution rate, and estimates the biomass concentration, maximum specific growth rate, saturation constant and substrate yield coefficient. The microorganismCandida utilis, strain Vratimov, was cultivated on the ethanol substrate. The filter results obtained with the real data from one cultivation experiment are presented. The practical possibility of using this method for on-line estimation of biomass concentration, which is difficult to measure, is discussed.Nomenclature D dilution rate (h-1) - DO2 dissolved oxygen concentration (%) - E identity matrix - F Jacobi matrix of the deterministic part of the system equations g - g continuousn-vector non-linear real function - h m-vector non-linear real function - K Kalman filter gain matrix - K S saturation constant (kgm-3) - KS expectation of the saturation constant estimate - M Jacobi matrix of the deterministic part of the measurement equations h - P(t0) co-variance matrix of the initial values of the state - P(tk/tk) c-variance matrix of the error in (t k|t k) - P(tk+1/tk) co-variance matrix of the error in (t k+1|t k - Q co-variance matrix of the state noise - R co-variance matrix of the output noise - S substrate concentration (kgm-3) - S i input substrate concentration - t time - t k discrete time instant with indexk=0, 1, 2,... - u(t) input vector - v(tk) measurement (output) noise sequence - w(t) n-vector white Gaussian random process - x(t0) initial state of the system - (t0) expectation of the initial state values - x(t) n-dimensional state vector - x(tk) state vector at the time instantt k - (tk|tk) expectation of the state estimate at timet k when measurements are known to the timet k - (tk+1|tk) expectation of the state prediction - X biomass concentration (kgm-3) - expectation of the biomass concentration estimate - y(tk) m-dimensional output vector at the time instantt k - Y XIS substrate yield coefficient - X|S expectation of the substrate yield coefficient estimate - specific growth rate (h-1) - M maximum specific growth rate (h-1) - expectation of the maximum specific growth rate estimate - state transition matrix  相似文献   
Three-dimensionally preserved and chemically prepared skulls and natural casts of representatives of the families Benthosuchidae, Melosauridae, and Capitosauridae yield data on the structure of the ethmoidal endocranium, i. e. of those nasal cranial structures that consisted originally of cartilage. This study demonstrates that the ethmoidal endocranium was principally a dorsoventrally compressed plate, pierced by a broad and oblique canal which communicated anteriorly with the outer dorsal surface by the fenestra endonarina and posteriorly with the mouth cavity by the fenestra endochoanalis(seu foris). The canal was very short, and housed the olfactory organ. The ethmoidal endocranium was connected with the palatoquadrate by the commissura quadratocranialis anterior; there was no lateral ethmoidal commissure, however, in older individuals the anterior section of the palatoquadrate might also contact the postchoanal part of the nasal endocranial skeleton.  相似文献   
The influence of indole-3-acetylaspartic acid (IAAsp) on rooting of stem cuttings from bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) of different ages, cultivated at different temperatures (17°, 21° and 25°C) was studied and compared to that of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). At a concentration of 10–4 M, IAAsp only nonsignificantly stimulated adventitious root formation, approximately to the same level as IAA in all treatments. IAAsp at 5×10–4 M further enhanced rooting, by up 200% of control values, with little influence of temperature conditions and stock plant age. This concentration of IAA usually stimulated rooting more than the conjugate. The largest differences between the effects of IAAsp and IAA occured at the highest cultivation temperature of 25°C where stock plant age also influenced the response. The number of roots produced in comparison with the control, was enhanced from 350% on cuttings from the youngest plants to more than 600% on cuttings from the oldest. In contrast to the conjugate, 5×10–4 M IAA induced hypocotyl swelling and injury of the epidermis at the base of cuttings, in all treatments.  相似文献   
Sterol composition was examined during batch growth on complex media containing ethanol, molasses or glucose as the carbon source. The molasses-grown cells exhibited a balanced sterol composition throughout growth, maintaining the proportion of ergosterol to 24:28-dehydroergosterol equal to 1.4. The negative effect of glucose on sterol synthesis manifested itself by decreasing the accumulation of 24:28-dehydroergosterol and total sterols but not of ergosterol. Using ethanol as the sole carbon source, a large amount of 24:28-dehydroergosterol accumulated, partly at the expense of other sterols. The gradual addition of nitrogen source during growth significantly decreased the accumulation of ergosterol, 24:28-dehydroergosterol and of total sterols. A general scheme of regulation of sterol synthesis in baker's yeast is presented.  相似文献   
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