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The size distribution of marmoset luteal cells was determined on Days 6, 14 and 20 after ovulation in non-pregnant cycles and in early pregnancy. Image analysis was used to estimate the cell diameter of dispersed cells prepared from the marmoset corpus luteum (CL). Steroidogenic cells showed a size distribution consistent with one population of cells. There was a significant increase in mean cell diameter (P less than 0.05) from Day 6 to Day 14 in pregnant and non-pregnant animals with no further increase on Day 20. Micrographs of marmoset luteal tissue showed cells of greater than 10 micron containing the organelles typical of steroid-producing cells, and smaller non-steroidogenic cells surrounding the steroid-producing cells. On the basis of microscopy, there were no areas within the CL where cell composition was noticeably different. In contrast, micrographs of human luteal tissue showed two types of steroidogenic cell; most cells were similar to those in the marmoset CL but a smaller population of smaller cells could be distinguished around the periphery and along vascular septa. It is likely that these smaller and larger types of steroidogenic cells are of theca and granulosa cell origin respectively, the two cell populations differing in the degree of electron density and amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum. A distinguishing feature between marmoset and human luteal cells was the shape of the mitochondrian which were considerably rounder in marmoset luteal cells. The origin of steroidogenic cells in the marmoset CL is unclear, although in marmosets and man the luteal cell types display morphological characteristics distinct from the large and small luteal cells described for CL of the domestic ungulates.  相似文献   
Granulosa cells, aspirated from the follicles of patients undergoing treatment for in-vitro fertilization, were cultured in serum-supplemented medium. Adrenaline and noradrenaline stimulated a dose-related increase in progesterone secretion with a maximum stimulation at 10(-5) M, a response that was prevented by the beta-antagonist, propranolol. Adrenaline and hCG showed similar characteristics in their stimulation of progesterone secretion but there was no further increase in progesterone when the 2 compounds were added together. Melatonin stimulated progesterone secretion and, like adrenaline, this stimulation was prevented by propranolol. The ability of both adrenaline and melatonin to increase progesterone secretion was dependent on the degree of follicular development, as determined by peripheral oestradiol concentrations, on the day of laparoscopy. These results suggest that adrenaline and melatonin may have a physiological role in modulating luteal function and that melatonin may act by a beta-adrenergic-related mechanism.  相似文献   
Previous studies have found that immunoglobulin cannot be immunolabeled in tissues prepared for electron microscopy by usual methods. To test this conclusion, we used a protein A-gold postembedding immunolabeling method on tissues that were fixed in glutaraldehyde, post-fixed in osmium tetroxide, and embedded in epoxy resin; sections were pretreated with sodium metaperiodate. A variety of common fixation protocols were also used and the most suitable conditions for immunolabeling were determined. This technique permitted the ultrastructural localization of immunoglobulin light chains in optimally preserved and contrasted plasma cells from human tonsil, lymph nodes, plasmacytomas, and a renal biopsy. We were able to demonstrate multiple antigens in the same tissue and label antigens in tissues that had been stored for many years in epoxy resin. The technique allows quantitation of the gold label over plasma cell organelles and therefore gives information about the immunoglobulin secretory pathway in these cells. We found that the protein A-gold procedure compares favorably in technical ease with the immunoperoxidase, avidin-biotin peroxidase, and immunoglobulin-colloidal gold immunolabeling methods, and has added advantages in allowing precise localization and quantitation of the labeled antigen.  相似文献   
Virus obtained during serial plaque passage of the virulent parent egg seed (PES) of the Trinidad strain of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus produced only large plaques during either 3 serial plaque passages in chick fibroblasts or 10 plaque passages in L cells, and was lethal for mice by the intraperitoneal route. Virus showing these characteristics was designated the stable large-plaque (Ls) type. In contrast, virus obtained during serial plaque passage of the attenuated 9t strain in chick fibroblasts formed only very small plaques and was not lethal for mice by the intraperitoneal route. Virus showing these properties was designated the stable small-plaque (Ss) type. Under other passage conditions, however, large-plaque virus that yielded about 90% large and 10% small plaques was obtained; this virus was designated the unstable large or Lu type because it differed from the Ls type, which yielded only large plaques. The Lu type continued to yield the same ratio of large to small plaques for several plaque-to-plaque passages. In addition, small-plaque virus that yielded both large and small plaques and that showed a reduced capability to infect mice was also recovered. This virus was designated the unstable small or Su type because it differed from the Ss type in its higher level of virulence and in its plaque-forming properties. Thus, based upon the properties of virulence for mice and plaque size, four viral types could be discerned. The evidence suggests that serial passage in cell culture imposed environmental pressures that sequentially selected the following viral types: Ls, Lu, Su, and Ss.  相似文献   
Dispersed marmoset luteal cells were incubated for 2 h and progesterone production measured after exposure to hCG, cloprostenol, dibutyryl cAMP, PGF-2 alpha, PGF-2, adrenaline or melatonin. The cells were studied on Days 6, 14 and 20 after ovulation in conception and non-conception cycles. Luteal cells from Day 14 non-pregnant marmosets were compared with human luteal cells taken in the mid-luteal phase. All the treatments stimulated progesterone production including cloprostenol, which is luteolytic when administered to the marmoset in vivo, but the degree of response varied with the stage of the cycle or pregnancy and between marmoset and human luteal cells. In the marmoset, overall analysis of the effect of the treatments showed that, on Day 6 after ovulation, there was no significant effect of any of the treatments in cells from pregnant or non-pregnant animals. In contrast, luteal cells from non-pregnant animals on Day 14 showed a significant response to the treatments (F (8,41) = 2.79, P less than 0.0145) whereas cells from pregnant Day-14 animals were responsive; in cells from pregnant animals, the control production of progesterone was high and already equivalent to the levels stimulated by the treatments. By Day 20, cells from pregnant animals produced lower control concentrations of progesterone than did those on Day 14 and there was a significant overall effect of the treatments (F (8,33) = 3.78, P less than 0.003). These results show that the marmoset CL gains responsiveness to treatment between Days 6 and 14 after ovulation in the non-pregnant cycle. In pregnancy, on Day 14, 2 days after attachment of the embryo, the high control concentrations of progesterone and absence of response to treatment suggest that an embryo message may have affected the CL, providing an endogenous stimulus.  相似文献   
DNA-dependent RNA polymerase has been measured at various stages of preimplantation development in mouse embryos. The total RNA polymerase activity per embryo increases rapidly from the 8-cell stage to the blastocyst stage. Studies with low α-amanitin concentrations, which inhibit form II RNA polymerase, and high α-amanitin concentrations, which inhibit both form II and III RNA polymerases indicate that the relative proportions of the three forms change significantly during preimplantation development. The changes which occur in the types and levels of RNA polymerase appear to parallel corresponding changes in the synthesis of the major classes of RNA.  相似文献   
Insects feeding on plant sap, blood, and other nutritionally incomplete diets are typically associated with mutualistic bacteria that supplement missing nutrients. Herbivorous mammal dung contains more than 86% cellulose and lacks amino acids essential for insect development and reproduction. Yet one of the most ecologically necessary and evolutionarily successful groups of beetles, the dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) feeds primarily, or exclusively, on dung. These associations suggest that dung beetles may benefit from mutualistic bacteria that provide nutrients missing from dung. The nesting behaviors of the female parent and the feeding behaviors of the larvae suggest that a microbiome could be vertically transmitted from the parental female to her offspring through the brood ball. Using sterile rearing and a combination of molecular and culture-based techniques, we examine transmission of the microbiome in the bull-headed dung beetle, Onthophagus taurus. Beetles were reared on autoclaved dung and the microbiome was characterized across development. A ~1425 bp region of the 16S rRNA identified Pseudomonadaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, and Comamonadaceae as the most common bacterial families across all life stages and populations, including cultured isolates from the 3rd instar digestive system. Finer level phylotyping analyses based on lepA and gyrB amplicons of cultured isolates placed the isolates closest to Enterobacter cloacae, Providencia stuartii, Pusillimonas sp., Pedobacter heparinus, and Lysinibacillus sphaericus. Scanning electron micrographs of brood balls constructed from sterile dung reveals secretions and microbes only in the chamber the female prepares for the egg. The use of autoclaved dung for rearing, the presence of microbes in the brood ball and offspring, and identical 16S rRNA sequences in both parent and offspring suggests that the O. taurus female parent transmits specific microbiome members to her offspring through the brood chamber. The transmission of the dung beetle microbiome highlights the maintenance and likely importance of this newly-characterized bacterial community.  相似文献   
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