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Chromosome 14 and late-onset familial Alzheimer disease (FAD)   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Familial Alzheimer disease (FAD) is genetically heterogeneous. Two loci responsible for early-onset FAD have been identified: the amyloid precursor protein gene on chromosome 21 and the as-yet-unidentified locus on chromosome 14. The genetics of late-onset FAD is unresolved. Maximum-likelihood, affected-pedigree-member (APM), and sib-pair analyses were used, in 49 families with a mean age at onset ≥60 years, to determine whether the chromosome 14 locus is responsible for late-onset FAD. The markers used were D14S53, D14S43, and D14S52. The LOD score method was used to test for linkage of late-onset FAD to the chromosome 14 markers, under three different models: age-dependent penetrance, an affected-only analysis, and age-dependent penetrance with allowance for possible age-dependent sporadic cases. No evidence for linkage was obtained under any of these conditions for the late-onset kindreds, and strong evidence against linkage (LOD score ≤ –2.0) to this region was obtained. Heterogeneity tests of the LOD score results for the combined group of families (early onset, Volga Germans, and late onset) favored the hypothesis of linkage to chromosome 14 with genetic heterogeneity. The positive results are primarily from early-onset families. APM analysis gave significant evidence for linkage of D14S43 and D14S52 to FAD in early-onset kindreds (P < .02). No evidence for linkage was found for the entire late-onset family group. Significant evidence for linkage to D14S52, however, was found for a subgroup of families of intermediate age at onset (mean age at onset ≥60 years and <70 years). These results indicate that the chromosome 14 locus is not responsible for Alzheimer disease in most late-onset FAD kindreds but could play a role in a subset of these kindreds.  相似文献   
Our aim was to identify genes that influence the inverse association of coffee with the risk of developing Parkinson''s disease (PD). We used genome-wide genotype data and lifetime caffeinated-coffee-consumption data on 1,458 persons with PD and 931 without PD from the NeuroGenetics Research Consortium (NGRC), and we performed a genome-wide association and interaction study (GWAIS), testing each SNP''s main-effect plus its interaction with coffee, adjusting for sex, age, and two principal components. We then stratified subjects as heavy or light coffee-drinkers and performed genome-wide association study (GWAS) in each group. We replicated the most significant SNP. Finally, we imputed the NGRC dataset, increasing genomic coverage to examine the region of interest in detail. The primary analyses (GWAIS, GWAS, Replication) were performed using genotyped data. In GWAIS, the most significant signal came from rs4998386 and the neighboring SNPs in GRIN2A. GRIN2A encodes an NMDA-glutamate-receptor subunit and regulates excitatory neurotransmission in the brain. Achieving P2df = 10−6, GRIN2A surpassed all known PD susceptibility genes in significance in the GWAIS. In stratified GWAS, the GRIN2A signal was present in heavy coffee-drinkers (OR = 0.43; P = 6×10−7) but not in light coffee-drinkers. The a priori Replication hypothesis that “Among heavy coffee-drinkers, rs4998386_T carriers have lower PD risk than rs4998386_CC carriers” was confirmed: ORReplication = 0.59, PReplication = 10−3; ORPooled = 0.51, PPooled = 7×10−8. Compared to light coffee-drinkers with rs4998386_CC genotype, heavy coffee-drinkers with rs4998386_CC genotype had 18% lower risk (P = 3×10−3), whereas heavy coffee-drinkers with rs4998386_TC genotype had 59% lower risk (P = 6×10−13). Imputation revealed a block of SNPs that achieved P2df<5×10−8 in GWAIS, and OR = 0.41, P = 3×10−8 in heavy coffee-drinkers. This study is proof of concept that inclusion of environmental factors can help identify genes that are missed in GWAS. Both adenosine antagonists (caffeine-like) and glutamate antagonists (GRIN2A-related) are being tested in clinical trials for treatment of PD. GRIN2A may be a useful pharmacogenetic marker for subdividing individuals in clinical trials to determine which medications might work best for which patients.  相似文献   
Parkinson''s disease (PD) was recently found to be associated with HLA in a genome-wide association study (GWAS). Follow-up GWAS''s replicated the PD-HLA association but their top hits differ. Do the different hits tag the same locus or is there more than one PD-associated variant within HLA? We show that the top GWAS hits are not correlated with each other (0.00≤r2≤0.15). Using our GWAS (2000 cases, 1986 controls) we conducted step-wise conditional analysis on 107 SNPs with P<10−3 for PD-association; 103 dropped-out, four remained significant. Each SNP, when conditioned on the other three, yielded PSNP1 = 5×10−4, PSNP2 = 5×10−4, PSNP3 = 4×10−3 and PSNP4 = 0.025. The four SNPs were not correlated (0.01≤r2≤0.20). Haplotype analysis (excluding rare SNP2) revealed increasing PD risk with increasing risk alleles from OR = 1.27, P = 5×10−3 for one risk allele to OR = 1.65, P = 4×10−8 for three. Using additional 843 cases and 856 controls we replicated the independent effects of SNP1 (Pconditioned-on-SNP4 = 0.04) and SNP4 (Pconditioned-on-SNP1 = 0.04); SNP2 and SNP3 could not be replicated. In pooled GWAS and replication, SNP1 had ORconditioned-on-SNP4 = 1.23, Pconditioned-on-SNP4 = 6×10−7; SNP4 had ORconditioned-on-SNP1 = 1.18, Pconditioned-on-SNP1 = 3×10−3; and the haplotype with both risk alleles had OR = 1.48, P = 2×10−12. Genotypic OR increased with the number of risk alleles an individual possessed up to OR = 1.94, P = 2×10−11 for individuals who were homozygous for the risk allele at both SNP1 and SNP4. SNP1 is a variant in HLA-DRA and is associated with HLA-DRA, DRB5 and DQA2 gene expression. SNP4 is correlated (r2 = 0.95) with variants that are associated with HLA-DQA2 expression, and with the top HLA SNP from the IPDGC GWAS (r2 = 0.60). Our findings suggest more than one PD-HLA association; either different alleles of the same gene, or separate loci.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to explore combined effects of four candidate susceptibility genes and two exposures on Parkinson’s disease (PD) risk; namely, α-synuclein (SNCA) promoter polymorphism REP1, microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) H1/H2 haplotypes, apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε2/ε3/ε4 polymorphism, ubiquitin carboxy-terminal esterase L1 (UCHL1) S18Y variant, cigarette smoking and caffeinated coffee consumption. 932 PD patients and 664 control subjects from the NeuroGenetics Research Consortium, with complete data on all six factors, were studied. Uniform protocols were used for diagnosis, recruitment, data collection and genotyping. A logistic regression model which included gene-exposure interactions was applied. Likelihood ratio tests (LRTs) were used for significance testing and Bayesian inference was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs). MAPT (P = 0.007), SNCA REP1 (P = 0.012), smoking (P = 0.001), and coffee (P = 0.011) were associated with PD risk. Two novel interactions were detected: APOE with coffee (P = 0.005), and REP1 with smoking (P = 0.021). While the individual main effects were modest, each yielding OR < 1.6, the effects were cumulative, with some combinations reaching OR = 12.6 (95% CI: 5.9–26.8). This study provides evidence for the long-held notion that PD risk is modulated by cumulative and interactive effects of genes and exposures. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that while interaction studies are useful for exploring risk relationships that might otherwise go undetected, results should be interpreted with caution because of the inherent loss of power due to multiple testing. The novel findings of this study that warrant replication are the evidence for interaction of coffee with APOE, and of smoking with REP1 on PD risk. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The affected sib method. III. Selection and recombination.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The affected sib-pair method has been used to investigate the mode of inheritance, and to estimate the "disease" allele frequency, for a number of HLA-associated diseases. One of the assumptions of the original sib-pair method is that the disease confers no selective disadvantage on affected individuals. This is obviously not the situation for most diseases. We have determined the expected HLA haplotype-sharing distribution among affected sib-pairs when selection against individuals with the disease is taken into account. We have shown that if the mode of inheritance of the selectively disadvantageous disease is recessive or additive, the original affected sib-pair analysis, ignoring selection, still estimates the true mode of inheritance, but usually yields an underestimate of the "disease" allele frequency. For intermediate and dominant models of disease predisposition, both the estimates of the degree of penetrance of the "disease" genotypes, and the "disease" allele frequency, are altered if selection is ignored in the analysis. Similarly, allowing for recombination between the "disease" locus and the HLA region does not affect the determination of the mode of inheritance of the disease if it is recessive or additive; in other cases, however, the estimate of the mode of inheritance is affected. The "disease" allele frequency is overestimated when nonzero recombination is ignored for all the modes of inheritance that have been studied.  相似文献   
A method is described to reveal the relative predispositional effects (RPEs) (predisposing, protective, or neutral) of the HLA alleles or of any other marker system that is associated with a disease. When the disease is associated with two or more alleles of a locus, the RPE method identifies the associations sequentially according to their strength; thus the problem that a strong association with one allele can create misleading deviations in the frequencies of other alleles is alleviated. Using this method, we have examined the relative effects of HLA-DR alleles in susceptibility to Graves disease in the Caucasian population. The well-established positive association with DR3 was confirmed as the strongest effect. In addition, a negative association was found between DR5 and Graves disease. The reduced frequency of DR5 among patients is statistically significant and is not a result of the increase in DR3. Finally, when patients were divided according to the presence or absence of eye disease, the latter showed a significant increase in the frequency of DR4. With family data, linkage to HLA of Graves disease was established in both Caucasian and Chinese families by the sib-pair method.  相似文献   
A large number of familial Alzheimer disease (FAD) kindreds were examined to determine whether mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene could be responsible for the disease. Previous studies have identified three mutations at APP codon 717 which are pathogenic for Alzheimer disease (AD). Samples from affected subjects were examined for mutations in exons 16 and 17 of the APP gene. A combination of direct sequencing and single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis was used. Sporadic AD and normal controls were also examined by the same methods. Five sequence variants were identified. One variant at APP codon 693 resulted in a Glu-->Gly change. This is the same codon as the hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis-Dutch type Glu-->Gln mutation. Another single-base change at APP codon 708 did not alter the amino acid encoded at this site. Two point mutations and a 6-bp deletion were identified in the intronic sequences surrounding exon 17. None of the variants could be unambiguously determined to be responsible for FAD. The larger families were also analyzed by testing for linkage of FAD to a highly polymorphic short tandem repeat marker (D21S210) that is tightly linked to APP. Highly negative LOD scores were obtained for the family groups tested, and linkage was formally excluded beyond theta = .10 for the Volga German kindreds, theta = .20 for early-onset non-Volga Germans, and theta = .10 for late-onset families. LOD scores for linkage of FAD to markers centromeric to APP (D21S1/S11, D21S13, and D21S215) were also negative in the three family groups. These studies show that APP mutations account for AD in only a small fraction of FAD kindreds.  相似文献   
The G2019S mutation in the LRRK2 gene, the most common known cause of Parkinson's disease (PD), will soon be widely available as a molecular clinical test for PD. The objective of this study was to assess performance characteristics of G2019S as a clinical test for PD in the setting of typical movement disorder clinics in the United States. Subjects included 1,518 sequentially recruited PD patients from seven movement disorder clinics in the United States, and 1,733 unaffected subjects. All 3,251 subjects were genotyped for the G2019S mutation using a TaqMan assay, and mutations were verified by direct sequencing. Test validity estimates were calculated using standard methods. A total of 20/1518 patients and 1/1733 controls carried the G2019S mutation. Specificity was 99.9% (95% CI, 99.6-100%), sensitivity was 1.3% (0.8-2.1%), and the positive likelihood ratio was 22.8. A positive family history of PD increased the positive likelihood ratio to 82.5. Information on gender, age at disease onset, or age at testing did not improve test performance. The gene test was highly accurate in classifying mutation carriers as PD, but it performed poorly in predicting the phenotype of non-mutation carriers. A G2019S molecular test for PD would be highly specific, technically simple, and inexpensive. Test interpretation is straightforward when used for diagnosis of symptomatic individuals, but is more complex for risk assessment and predictive testing in asymptomatic individuals. Test results can have psychological, social, and economical ramifications; thus, proper counseling is essential.  相似文献   


Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer's disease. Most cases are sporadic, however familial cases do exist. We examined 12 families with familial Parkinson's disease ascertained at the Movement Disorder clinic at the Oregon Health Sciences University for genetic linkage to a number of candidate loci. These loci have been implicated in familial Parkinson's disease or in syndromes with a clinical presentation that overlaps with parkinsonism, as well as potentially in the pathogenesis of the disease.  相似文献   
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