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Classical studies on spore release within the Saprolegniaceae (Oomycetes) led to the proposition that different mechanisms of sporangial emptying represent steps in an evolutionary transition series. We have reevaluated this idea in a phylogenetic framework using internal transcribed spacer sequences of four genera. These data were compared with the response to osmotic stress exhibited by each taxon. Saprolegnia emerges as the most basal genus, sister to Achlya, Thraustotheca, and Dictyuchus. Achlya and Thraustotheca are most closely related, while Dictyuchus appears to have evolved along a separate evolutionary lineage. The resulting phylogenetic framework is consistent with the idea that the mechanism of sporangial emptying exhibited by Saprolegnia represents the plesiomorphic condition from which the other mechanisms were derived independently. These alternative mechanisms of spore release may have resulted from a small number of mutations that inhibited axonemal development and altered the temporal and spatial expression of lytic enzymes that degrade the sporangial wall. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
The effect of sulphide on the growth of several species of salt-marsh plants was investigated. Relative growth rates were significantly reduced in two upper-marsh species, Festuca rubra and Atriplex patula, and in the lower-marsh species Puccinellia maritima. However the growth of Salicornia europaea, a species frequently associated with sulphide-containing sediments, was unaffected. In a separate experiment the wide ranging halophyte Aster tripolium, also appeared to be tolerant of sulphide at a concentration frequently encountered in salt marshes. Sulphide pretreatment inhibited the activity of two metallo-enzymes, polyphenol oxidase and external phosphatase, in plants from the upper marsh, but had no effect on enzymes from P. maritima or S. europaea. The rate of respiration by root tissue was significantly reduced in all of the species investigated but whereas the uptake of 86rubidium was markedly inhibited in the other three species, uptake by S. europaea showed a significant stimulation. Similarly, whereas sulphide-grown plants of F. rubra, A. patula and P. maritima had a considerably reduced tissue iron content, the total iron concentration in S. europaea tissues was comparable to that of the controls. When the sulphide-tolerant species A. tripolium was grown in sulphide-containing media there was no significant effect on the tissue concentration of any of the elements investigated. These results are discussed in relation to possible mechanisms of sulphide toxicity and resistance.  相似文献   
Changes in climate conditions, particularly during the Quaternary climatic oscillations, have long been recognized to be important for shaping patterns of species diversity. For species residing in the western Palearctic, two commonly observed genetic patterns resulting from these cycles are as follows: (1) that the numbers and distributions of genetic lineages correspond with the use of geographically distinct glacial refugia and (2) that southern populations are generally more diverse than northern populations (the “southern richness, northern purity” paradigm). To determine whether these patterns hold true for the widespread pest species the winter moth (Operophtera brumata), we genotyped 699 individual winter moths collected from 15 Eurasian countries with 24 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We find strong evidence for the presence of two major genetic clusters that diverged ~18 to ~22 ka, with evidence that secondary contact (i.e., hybridization) resumed ~ 5 ka along a well‐established hybrid zone in Central Europe. This pattern supports the hypothesis that contemporary populations descend from populations that resided in distinct glacial refugia. However, unlike many previous studies of postglacial recolonization, we found no evidence for the “southern richness, northern purity” paradigm. We also find evidence for ongoing gene flow between populations in adjacent Eurasian countries, suggesting that long‐distance dispersal plays an important part in shaping winter moth genetic diversity. In addition, we find that this gene flow is predominantly in a west‐to‐east direction, suggesting that recently debated reports of cyclical outbreaks of winter moth spreading from east to west across Europe are not the result of dispersal.  相似文献   
Although published normative reference standards for hematologic and clinical chemistry measures are available for adult baboons, their applicability to infants has not been addressed. We analyzed these measures in 110 infant baboons (55 females and 55 males) from a large breeding colony at the Southwest Regional Primate Research Center in San Antonio, Texas. The sample consists of olive baboons and olive/yellow baboon hybrids, 1 week to 12 months of age. We produced cross-sectional reference values and examined the effects of age, sex, and subspecies on these variables. Hematology reference ranges for infant baboons are similar to, but wider than, those for adults. Reference ranges for blood biochemistry measures are generally more dissimilar to adults, indicating that for many variables, reference ranges for adult baboons are not adequate for infants. Although sex and subspecies differences are rare, age accounts for more than 10% of the variance in many of the variables.  相似文献   
We used an approach for detecting genotype x environment interactions to detect and characterize genotype x age interaction in longitudinal measures of three well known cardiovascular risk factors: total plasma cholesterol (TC), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and body weight (Wgt). Our objectives were to determine if the same gene or suite of genes influences quantitative variation in each of these phenotypes in the 4th and 6th decades of life, to assess the impact of additive gene effects in these two decades, and to evaluate the stability of pleiotropic relationships among these phenotypes. Using the Framingham Heart Study data, we constructed two cross-sectional samples comprising individuals on whom these phenotypes were measured at ages 30-39 years (Original Cohort: exam 1, Offspring Cohort: exam 2) and at ages 50-59 years (Original Cohort: exam 11, Offspring Cohort: exam 5). We also constructed a longitudinal sample from the cross-sectional sample members for whom measures on these traits were available at both ages (i.e., 4th and 6th decades of life). Patterns of pleiotropy, inferred from genetic correlations between traits, differ between the two age classes. Further, additive genetic variance in SBP during the 4th decade of life is attributable to a different gene or suite of genes than during the 6th. The magnitude of the effect increases for SBP. Variation in TC and Wgt appear to be influenced by the same gene or genes in both decades. The magnitude of the effect is stable for TC, but increases dramatically with age for Wgt.  相似文献   
The Adelges (Dreyfusia) piceae (Ratzeburg) species complex is a taxonomically unstable group of six species. Three of the species are cyclically parthenogenetic [Ad. nordmannianae (Eckstein), Ad. prelli (Grossmann), and Ad. merkeri (Eichhorn)] and three are obligately asexual [Ad. piceae, Ad. schneideri (Börner), and Ad. nebrodensis (Binazzi & Covassi)]. Some species are high‐impact pests of fir (Abies) trees, so stable species names are needed to communicate effectively about management. Therefore, to refine species delimitation, guided by a reconstruction of their biogeographic history, we genotyped adelgids from Europe, North America, and the Caucasus Mountains region with 19 microsatellite loci, sequenced the COI DNA barcoding region, and compared morphology. Discriminant analysis of principal components of microsatellite genotypes revealed four distinct genetic clusters. Two clusters were morphologically consistent with Ad. nordmannianae. One of these clusters consisted of samples from the Caucasus Mountains and northern Turkey, and the other included samples from this region as well as from Europe and North America, where Ad. nordmannianae is invasive. A third cluster was morphologically consistent with Ad. piceae, and included individuals from Europe, where it is native, and North America, where it is invasive. In North America, the majority of Ad. piceae individuals were assigned to two geographically widespread clones, suggesting multiple introductions. The fourth cluster included individuals morphologically consistent with Ad. prelli or Ad. merkeri. However, based on genetic assignments, hybrid simulations, and approximate Bayesian computation, we find it likely that these are contemporary hybrids between Ad. nordmannianae and Ad. piceae that arose independently in Europe and North America, so we propose that Ad. prelli and Ad. merkeri are invalid. Finally, we synonymise Ad. schneideri (syn.n.) with Ad. nordmannianae and designate Ad. nebrodensis as subspecies Ad. piceae nebrodensis (stat.n.) . Our revised taxonomy therefore recognises two species: Ad. nordmannianae and Ad. piceae, which we estimate to have diverged recently, during one of the last two interglacial periods. Finally, we comment on this species complex being in the midst of transition between sexual and asexual reproduction, a pattern that is probably common in Adelgidae.  相似文献   
In 2003, Laricobius nigrinus Fender was introduced into the eastern United States as a biological control agent of the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae Annand). Following its release, it was discovered that L. nigrinus was hybridising and producing viable progeny with Laricobius rubidus LeConte, a species native to eastern North America. Recently, Laricobius osakensis Montgomery and Shiyake was imported from Japan into the USA as a potential biological control agent of hemlock woolly adelgid. Hybridisation between L. nigrinus and L. rubidus led to interest in the outcome of interactions between L. osakensis and the other two Laricobius spp. The purpose of this study was to determine if L. osakensis could mate with L. nigrinus, if they could produce hybrid progeny, and whether mating interferes with reproductive output. Laricobius spp. were observed mating directly following emergence and found to be capable of producing sterile eggs in the absence of a mating event. Laboratory and confined field studies found no evidence that L. osakensis and L. nigrinus could produce hybrid progeny and the interaction between the two species did not result in a lower reproduction associated with interspecific mating attempts. Interbreeding should therefore not have an impact on biological control using these species. Fecundity experiments showed that L. osakensis produced eggs earlier in the season and at a higher rate than L. nigrinus, suggesting that L. osakensis may have the potential to be an even more successful biological control agent than L. nigrinus.  相似文献   
The occurrence of knee osteoarthritis (OA) increases with age and is more common in women compared with men, especially after the age of 50 years. Recent work suggests that contact stress in the knee cartilage is a significant predictor of the risk for developing knee OA. Significant gaps in knowledge remain, however, as to how changes in musculoskeletal traits disturb the normal mechanical environment of the knee and contribute to sex differences in the initiation and progression of idiopathic knee OA. To illustrate this knowledge deficit, we summarize what is known about the influence of limb alignment, muscle function, and obesity on sex differences in knee OA. Observational data suggest that limb alignment can predict the development of radiographic signs of knee OA, potentially due to increased stresses and strains within the joint. However, these data do not indicate how limb alignment could contribute to sex differences in either the development or worsening of knee OA. Similarly, the strength of the knee extensor muscles is compromised in women who develop radiographic and symptomatic signs of knee OA, but the extent to which the decline in muscle function precedes the development of the disease is uncertain. Even less is known about how changes in muscle function might contribute to the worsening of knee OA. Conversely, obesity is a stronger predictor of developing knee OA symptoms in women than in men. The influence of obesity on developing knee OA symptoms is not associated with deviation in limb alignment, but BMI predicts the worsening of the symptoms only in individuals with neutral and valgus (knock-kneed) knees. It is more likely, however, that obesity modulates OA through a combination of systemic effects, particularly an increase in inflammatory cytokines, and mechanical factors within the joint. The absence of strong associations of these surrogate measures of the mechanical environment in the knee joint with sex differences in the development and progression of knee OA suggests that a more multifactorial and integrative approach in the study of this disease is needed. We identify gaps in knowledge related to mechanical influences on the sex differences in knee OA.  相似文献   
Given the threat of resistance of human malaria parasites, including to artemisinin derivatives, new agents are needed. Chloroquine (CQ) has been the most widely used anti-malarial, and new analogs (CQAns) presenting alkynes and side chain variations with high antiplasmodial activity were evaluated. Six diaminealkyne and diaminedialkyne CQAns were evaluated against CQ-resistant (CQ-R) (W2) and CQ-sensitive (CQ-S) (3D7) Plasmodium falciparum parasites in culture. Drug cytotoxicity to a human hepatoma cell line (HepG2) evaluated, allowed to calculate the drug selectivity index (SI), a ratio of drug toxicity to activity in vitro. The CQAns were re-evaluated against CQ-resistant and -sensitive P. berghei parasites in mice using the suppressive test. Docking studies with the CQAns and the human (Hss LDH) or plasmodial lactate dehydrogenase (Pf LDH) enzymes, and, a β-haematin formation assay were performed using a lipid as a catalyst to promote crystallization in vitro. All tested CQAns were highly active against CQ-R P. falciparum parasites, exhibiting half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values below 1 μΜ. CQAn33 and CQAn37 had the highest SIs. Docking studies revealed the best conformation of CQAn33 inside the binding pocket of Pf LDH; specificity between the residues involved in H-bonds of the Pf LDH with CQAn37. CQAn33 and CQAn37 were also shown to be weak inhibitors of Pf LDH. CQAn33 and CQAn37 inhibited β-haematin formation with either a similar or a 2-fold higher IC50 value, respectively, compared with CQ. CQAn37 was active in mice with P. berghei, reducing parasitaemia by 100%. CQAn33, -39 and -45 also inhibited CQ-resistant P. berghei parasites in mice, whereas high doses of CQ were inactive. The presence of an alkyne group and the size of the side chain affected anti-P. falciparum activity in vitro. Docking studies suggested a mechanism of action other than Pf LDH inhibition. The β-haematin assay suggested the presence of an additional mechanism of action of CQAn33 and CQAn37. Tests with CQAn34, CQAn37, CQAn39 and CQAn45 confirmed previous results against P. berghei malaria in mice, and CQAn33, 39 and 45 were active against CQ-resistant parasites, but CQAn28 and CQAn34 were not. The result likely reflects structure-activity relationships related to the resistant phenotype.  相似文献   
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