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Adult rat heart muscle cells were isolated after simultaneous perfusion of multiple (two to eight) hearts with buffered salt solutions containing collagenase and hyaluronidase. Yields (35 to 50% of ventricular weight with approximately 70% viability) are quantitatively suitable for metabolic studies. Viability has been determined by the ability of intact cells to exclude trypan blue and the inability of intact cells to oxidize exogenous succinate. Micrographs show that the fine structure of the isolated cells is well ordered. Cell concentrations of glycogen, glucose 6-phosphate, citrate, and various enzymes were similar to those of intact heart. ATP and creatine phosphate concentrations were lower than in whole hearts. Adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate concentrations were somewhat elevated. Deoxyribonucleic acid was lower than in whole tissue. The isolated cells retain certain metabolic control mechanisms. The uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, 2,4-dinitrophenol, increased oxygen consumption severalfold, whereas exogenous ADP had no effect on respiration. Under anaerobic conditions the rates of glucose utilization and lactate production were faster than in the presence of oxygen, indicating retention of the Pasteur effect. The addition of glucose and insulin caused a decrease in oxygen uptake or the Crabtree effect. Exogenously added pyruvate decreased glycolytic flux and produced a pronounced increase in intracellular citrate and glucose 6-phosphate. Isoproterenol stimulated adenylate cyclase activity of the isolated cells at the same concentrations effective with intact heart preparations. Isoproterenol and glucagon caused the activation of phosphorylase. The cells deteriorated as a function of incubation time, as indicated by a decrease in ATP content and a loss of lactate dehydrogenase into the medium. Cell deterioration was greatly accelerated by Ca2+ at concentrations greater than 10?5m.  相似文献   
Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria can be characterized into over 90 serotypes according to the composition of their polysaccharide capsules. Some serotypes are common in nasopharyngeal carriage whereas others are associated with invasive disease, but when carriage serotypes do invade disease is often particularly severe. It is unknown whether disease severity is due directly to the capsule type or to other virulence factors. Here, we used a clinical pneumococcal isolate and its capsule-switch mutants to determine the effect of capsule, in isolation from the genetic background, on severity of meningitis in an infant rat model. We found that possession of a capsule was essential for causing meningitis. Serotype 6B caused significantly more mortality than 7F and this correlated with increased capsule thickness in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), a stronger inflammatory cytokine response in the CSF and ultimately more cortical brain damage. We conclude that capsule type has a direct effect on meningitis severity. This is an important consideration in the current era of vaccination targeting a subset of capsule types that causes serotype replacement.  相似文献   
As a corollary to X-ray crystallographic work performed by H. Muirhead, detailed studies on crystalline pig muscle phosphoglucose isomerase have been conducted to establish its basic physical and chemical properties. The enzyme species being investigated by X-ray diffraction has been determined to be isoenzyme III. Its molecular weight in the native state was found to be 132,000, its s020,w value to be 7·25 S. The enzyme is composed of two subunits of equal molecular weight (66,000). Its amino acid composition is largely similar to that of rabbit muscle phosphoglucose isomerase, with the significant exception that the pig muscle isomerase contains only three sulfhydryl groups per polypeptide chain (two of them accessible to titration with p-mercuribenzoate) as compared with twice that number for the rabbit muscle enzyme. This low number of sulfhydryl groups is interpreted as being responsible for the ease with which heavy-atom, isomorphous derivatives could be prepared for the pig muscle enzyme by Shaw & Muirhead (1977).  相似文献   
Genome integrity and genome engineering require efficient repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination (HR), or alternative end-joining pathways. Here we describe two complementary methods for marker-free quantification of DSB repair pathway utilization at Cas9-targeted chromosomal DSBs in mammalian cells. The first assay features the analysis of amplicon next-generation sequencing data using ScarMapper, an iterative break-associated alignment algorithm to classify individual repair products based on deletion size, microhomology usage, and insertions. The second assay uses repair pathway-specific droplet digital PCR assays (‘PathSig-dPCR’) for absolute quantification of signature DSB repair outcomes. We show that ScarMapper and PathSig-dPCR enable comprehensive assessment of repair pathway utilization in different cell models, after a variety of experimental perturbations. We use these assays to measure the differential impact of DNA end resection on NHEJ, HR and polymerase theta-mediated end joining (TMEJ) repair. These approaches are adaptable to any cellular model system and genomic locus where Cas9-mediated targeting is feasible. Thus, ScarMapper and PathSig-dPCR allow for systematic fate mapping of a targeted DSB with facile and accurate quantification of DSB repair pathway choice at endogenous chromosomal loci.  相似文献   
The arroyo southwestern toad is a specialized and federally endangered amphibian endemic to the coastal plains and mountains of central and southern California and northwestern Baja California. It is largely unknown how long these toads live in natural systems, how their population demographics vary across occupied drainages, and how hydrology affects age structure. We used skeletochronology to estimate the ages of adult arroyo toads in seven occupied drainages with varying surface water hydrology in southern California. We processed 179 adult toads with age estimates between 1 and 6 years. Comparisons between skeletochronological ages and known ages of PIT tagged toads showed that skeletochronology likely underestimated toad age by up to 2 years, indicating they may live to 7 or 8 years, but nonetheless major patterns were evident. Arroyo toads showed sexual size dimorphism with adult females reaching a maximum size of 12 mm greater than males. Population age structure varied among the sites. Age structure at sites with seasonally predictable surface water was biased toward younger individuals, which indicated stable recruitment for these populations. Age structures at the ephemeral sites were biased toward older individuals with cohorts roughly corresponding to higher rainfall years. These populations are driven by surface water availability, a stochastic process, and thus more unstable. Based on our estimates of toad ages, climate predictions of extreme and prolonged drought events could mean that the number of consecutive dry years could surpass the maximum life span of toads making them vulnerable to extirpation, especially in ephemeral freshwater systems. Understanding the relationship between population demographics and hydrology is essential for predicting species resilience to projected changes in weather and rainfall patterns. The arroyo toad serves as a model for understanding potential responses to climatic and hydrologic changes in Mediterranean stream systems. We recommend development of adaptive management strategies to address these threats.  相似文献   
Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important cause of bacterial meningitis and pneumonia but usually colonizes the human nasopharynx harmlessly. As this niche is simultaneously populated by other bacterial species, we looked for a role and pathway of communication between pneumococci and other species. This paper shows that two proteins of non-encapsulated S. pneumoniae, AliB-like ORF 1 and ORF 2, bind specifically to peptides matching other species resulting in changes in the pneumococci. AliB-like ORF 1 binds specifically peptide SETTFGRDFN, matching 50S ribosomal subunit protein L4 of Enterobacteriaceae, and facilitates upregulation of competence for genetic transformation. AliB-like ORF 2 binds specifically peptides containing sequence FPPQS, matching proteins of Prevotella species common in healthy human nasopharyngeal microbiota. We found that AliB-like ORF 2 mediates the early phase of nasopharyngeal colonization in vivo. The ability of S. pneumoniae to bind and respond to peptides of other bacterial species occupying the same host niche may play a key role in adaptation to its environment and in interspecies communication. These findings reveal a completely new concept of pneumococcal interspecies communication which may have implications for communication between other bacterial species and for future interventional therapeutics.  相似文献   
It is now well-established that phosphorylation of the 20,000-dalton light chain of smooth muscle myosin (LC20) is a prerequisite for muscle contraction. However, the relationship between myosin dephosphorylation and muscle relaxation remains controversial. In the present study, we utilized a highly purified catalytic subunit of a type-2, skeletal muscle phosphoprotein phosphatase (protein phosphatase 2A) and a glycerinated smooth muscle preparation to determine if myosin dephosphorylation, in the presence of saturating calcium and calmodulin, would cause relaxation of contracted uterine smooth muscle. Addition of the phosphatase catalytic subunit (0.28 microM) to the muscle bath produced complete relaxation of the muscle. The phosphatase-induced relaxation could be reversed by adding to the muscle bath either purified, thiophosphorylated, chicken gizzard 20,000-dalton myosin light chains or purified, chicken gizzard myosin light chain kinase. Incubation of skinned muscles with adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) prior to the addition of phosphatase resulted in the incorporation of 0.93 mol of PO4/mol of LC20 and prevented phosphatase-induced relaxation. Under all of the above conditions, changes in steady-state isometric force were associated with parallel changes in myosin light chain phosphorylation over a range of phosphorylation extending from 0.01 to 0.97 mol of PO4/mol of LC20. We found no evidence that dephosphorylation of contracted uterine smooth muscles, in the presence of calcium and calmodulin, could produce a latch-state where isometric force was maintained in the absence of myosin light chain phosphorylation. These results show that phosphorylation or dephosphorylation of the 20,000-dalton myosin light chain is adequate for the regulation of contraction or relaxation, respectively, in glycerinated uterine smooth muscle.  相似文献   
Development of the mammary gland is influenced both by the systemic hormonal environment and locally through cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions. We have previously demonstrated aberrant mammary gland morphogenesis in transgenic mice with elevated levels of the long isoform of beta1,4-galactosyltransferase 1 (GalT), a proportion of which is targeted to the plasma membrane, where it plays a role in cell-ECM interactions. Here, we show that mammary glands of mice lacking the long GalT isoform exhibit a complementary phenotype. Cell-surface GalT activity was reduced by over 60%, but because the short GalT isoform is intact, total GalT activity was reduced only slightly relative to wild type. Mammary glands from long GalT-null mice were characterized by excess branching, and this phenotype was accompanied by altered expression of laminin chains. Laminin alpha1 and alpha3 were reduced 2.4- and 3.0-fold, respectively, while expression of laminin gamma2 was elevated 2.3-fold. The expression and cleavage of laminin gamma2 have been correlated with branching and cell migration, and Western blotting revealed an altered pattern in gamma2 cleavage products in long GalT-null mammary glands. We then examined the expression of metalloproteases that cleave laminins or that have been shown to play a role in mammary gland morphogenesis. Expression of MT1-MMP, a membrane-bound protease that can cleave laminin gamma2, was elevated 5.5-fold in the long GalT-nulls. MMP 7 was also elevated 5.1-fold. Our results suggest that expression of surface GalT is important for the proper regulation of matrix expression and deposition, which in turn regulates the proper branching morphogenesis of the mammary epithelial ductal system.  相似文献   
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-3 effects proliferation and differentiation of numerous cell types by binding to insulin-like growth factors (IGF) and attenuating their activity or by directly affecting cells in an IGF-independent manner. Consequently, IGFBPs produced by specific cells may affect their differentiation and proliferation. In this study we show that embryonic porcine myogenic cells, unlike murine muscle cell lines, produce significant quantities of a binding protein immunologically identified as IGFBP-3. Nonfusing cells subcultured from highly fused porcine myogenic cell cultures do not produce detectable IGFBP-3 protein or mRNA, thus suggesting the IGFBP-3 is produced by muscle cells in the porcine myogenic cell cultures. Treatment of porcine myogenic cultures with 20 ng of IGF-I or 20 ng of Des (1-3) IGF-I/ml serum-free media for 24 h results in a threefold reduction in the level of IGFBP-3 in conditioned media. This reduction is not affected by cell density over a sixfold range. Additionally, treatment for 24 h with 20 ng of IGF-I/ml media results in a sevenfold decrease in the steady-state level of IGFBP-3 mRNA. This IGF-I-induced decrease in IGFBP-3 mRNA level appears to be relatively unique to myogenic cells. IGF-I treatment also causes a fourfold increase in the steady-state level of myogenin mRNA. This increase in myogenin mRNA suggests that, as expected, IGF-I treatment accelerates differentiation of myogenic cells. The simultaneous decrease in IGFBP-3 mRNA and protein that accompanies IGF-I-induced myogenin expression suggests that differentiation of myogenic cells may be preceded or accompanied by decreased production of IGFBP-3.  相似文献   
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