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The chick axon-associated surface glycoprotein neurofascin is implicated in axonal growth and fasciculation as revealed by antibody perturbation experiments. Here we report the complete cDNA sequence of neurofascin. It is composed of four structural elements: At the NH2 terminus neurofascin contains six Ig-like motifs of the C2 subcategory followed by four fibronectin type III (FNIII)-related repeats. Between the FNIII-like repeats and the plasma membrane spanning region neurofascin contains a domain 75-amino acid residues-long rich in proline, alanine and threonine which might be the target of extensive O-linked glycosylation. A transmembrane segment is followed by a 113-amino acid residues-long cytoplasmic domain. Sequence comparisons indicate that neurofascin is most closely related to chick Nr-CAM and forms with L1 (Ng-CAM) and Nr-CAM a subgroup within the vertebrate Ig superfamily. Sequencing of several overlapping cDNA probes reveals interesting heterogeneities throughout the neurofascin polypeptide. Genomic Southern blots analyzed with neurofascin cDNA clones suggest that neurofascin is encoded by a single gene and its pre-mRNA might be therefore alternatively spliced. Northern blot analysis with domain specific probes showed that neurofascin mRNAs of about 8.5 kb are expressed throughout development in embryonic brain but not in liver. Isolation of neurofascin by immunoaffinity chromatography results in several molecular mass components. To analyze their origin the amino-terminal sequences of several neurofascin components were determined. The NH2-terminal sequences of the 185, 160, and 110-135 kD components are all the same as the NH2 termini predicted by the cDNA sequence, whereas the other neurofascin components start with a sequence found in a putative alternatively spliced segment between the Ig- and FNIII-like part indicating that they are derived by proteolytic cleavage. A combination of enzymatic and chemical deglycosylation procedures and the analysis of peanut lectin binding reveals O- and N-linked carbohydrates on neurofascin components which might generate additional heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Spore-producing organisms have small dispersal units enabling them to become widespread across continents. However, barriers to gene flow and cryptic speciation may exist. The common, haploid peatmoss Sphagnum magellanicum occurs in both the Northern and Southern hemisphere, and is commonly used as a model in studies of peatland ecology and peatmoss physiology. Even though it will likely act as a rich source in functional genomics studies in years to come, surprisingly little is known about levels of genetic variability and structuring in this species. Here, we assess for the first time how genetic variation in S. magellanicum is spatially structured across its full distribution range (Northern Hemisphere and South America). The morphologically similar species S. alaskense was included for comparison. In total, 195 plants were genotyped at 15 microsatellite loci. Sequences from two plastid loci (trnG and trnL) were obtained from 30 samples. Our results show that S. alaskense and almost all plants of S. magellanicum in the northern Pacific area are diploids and share the same gene pool. Haploid plants occur in South America, Europe, eastern North America, western North America, and southern Asia, and five genetically differentiated groups with different distribution ranges were found. Our results indicate that S. magellanicum consists of several distinct genetic groups, seemingly with little or no gene flow among them. Noteworthy, the geographical separation of diploids and haploids is strikingly similar to patterns found within other haploid Sphagnum species spanning the Northern Hemisphere. Our results confirm a genetic division between the Beringian and the Atlantic that seems to be a general pattern in Sphagnum taxa. The pattern of strong genetic population structuring throughout the distribution range of morphologically similar plants need to be considered in future functional genomic studies of S. magellanicum.  相似文献   
Astrocytes and neurons cultured from mouse cerebellum and cerebral cortex were analyzed with respect to content and synthesis of amino acids as well as export of metabolites to the culture medium and the response to fluorocitrate, an, inhibitor of aconitase. The intracellular levels of amino acids were similar in the two astrocytic populations. The release of citrate, lactate and glutamine, however, was markedly higher from cerebellar than from cortical astrocytes. Neurons contained higher levels of glutamate, aspartate and GABA than astrocytic cultures. Cortical neurons were especially high in GABA and aspartate, and the level of aspartate increased specifically when the extracellular level of glutamine was elevated. Fluorocitrate inhibited the TCA cycle in the astrocytes, but was less effective in cerebellar neurons. Whereas neurons responded to fluorocitrate with an increase in the formation of lactate, reflecting, glycolysis, astrocytes decreased the formation of lactate in the presence of fluorocitrate, indicating that astrocytes to a high degree synthesize pyruvate and hence lactate from TCA cycle intermediates.  相似文献   
Axis formation in animals The last common ancestor of Cnidaria and Bilateria likely used the WNT/β‐Catenin pathway in a regionalized fashion to establish its primary, anterior‐posterior axis. Unexpectedly, the morphological head of Cnidaria corresponds to the rear end of Bilateria. Moreover, annelids use the WNT/β‐Catenin system for early, local and binary decisions, and insects developed a completely unrelated pathway. They use Bicoid (Drosophila) – or Hunchback/Orthodenticle (Tribolium) – to control axis formation. Nevertheless, WNT functions are essential during the segmentation phase in insects and in ancestral insects as well as in other arthropods during formation of posterior structures. In summary, the WNT/β‐Catenin system is an essential part of the molecular tool kit, which helped to establish the unique features of animals.  相似文献   
RNase-L mediates critical cellular functions including antiviral, pro-apoptotic, and tumor suppressive activities; accordingly, its expression must be tightly regulated. Little is known about the control of RNASEL expression; therefore, we examined the potential regulatory role of a conserved 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR) in its mRNA. The 3'-UTR mediated a potent decrease in the stability of RNase-L mRNA, and of a chimeric beta-globin-3'-UTR reporter mRNA. AU-rich elements (AREs) are cis-acting regulatory regions that modulate mRNA stability. Eight AREs were identified in the RNase-L 3'-UTR, and deletion analysis identified positive and negative regulatory regions associated with distinct AREs. In particular, AREs 7 and 8 served a strong positive regulatory function. HuR is an ARE-binding protein that stabilizes ARE-containing mRNAs, and a predicted HuR binding site was identified in the region comprising AREs 7 and 8. Co-transfection of HuR and RNase-L enhanced RNase-L expression and mRNA stability in a manner that was dependent on this 3'-UTR region. Immunoprecipitation demonstrated that RNase-L mRNA associates with a HuR containing complex in intact cells. Activation of endogenous HuR by cell stress, or during myoblast differentiation, increased RNase-L expression, suggesting that RNase-L mRNA is a physiologic target for HuR. HuR-dependent regulation of RNase-L enhanced its antiviral activity demonstrating the functional significance of this regulation. These findings identify a novel mechanism of RNase-L regulation mediated by its 3'-UTR.  相似文献   
Abstract: The effects of 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NPA), an inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase, on cerebral metabolism were investigated in mice by NMR spectroscopy. 3-NPA, 180 mg/kg, caused a dramatic buildup of succinate. Succinate was labeled 5.5 times better from [1-13C]glucose than from [2-13C]acetate, showing a predominantly neuronal accumulation. [1-13C]Glucose labeled GABA in the C-2 position only, compatible with inhibition of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle associated with GABA formation, at the level of succinate dehydrogenase. Aspartate was not labeled by [1-13C]glucose in 3-NPA-intoxicated animals. In contrast, [1-13C]glucose labeled glutamate in the C-2, C-3, and C-4 positions showing uninhibited cycling of label in the TCA cycle associated with the large, neuronal pool of glutamate. The labeling of glutamine, and hence GABA, from [2-13C]acetate showed that the TCA cycle of glial cells was unaffected by 3-NPA and that transfer of glutamine from glia to neurons took place during 3-NPA intoxication. The high 13C enrichment of the C-2 position of glutamine from [1-13C]glucose showed that pyruvate carboxylation was active in glia during 3-NPA intoxication. These findings suggest that 3-NPA in the initial phase of intoxication fairly selectively inhibited the TCA cycle of GABAergic neurons; whereas the TCA cycle of glia remained uninhibited as did the TCA cycle associated with the large neuronal pool of glutamate, which includes glutamatergic neurons. This may help explain why the caudoputamen, which is especially rich in GABAergic neurons, selectively undergoes degeneration both in humans and animals intoxicated with 3-NPA. Further, the present results may be of relevance for the study of basal ganglia disorders such as Huntington's disease.  相似文献   
Transport and metabolism of dicarboxylates may be important in the glial-neuronal metabolic interplay. Further, exogenous dicarboxylates have been suggested as cerebral energy substrates. After intrastriatal injection of [(14) C]fumarate or [(14) C]malate, glutamine attained a specific activity 4.1 and 2.6 times higher than that of glutamate, respectively, indicating predominantly glial uptake of these four-carbon dicarboxylates. In contrast, the three-carbon dicarboxylate [(14) C]malonate gave a specific activity in glutamate which was approximately five times higher than that of glutamine, indicating neuronal uptake of malonate. Therefore, neurones and glia take up different types of dicarboxylates, probably by different transport mechanisms. Labelling of alanine from [(14) C]fumarate and [(14) C]malate demonstrated extensive malate decarboxylation, presumably in glia. Intravenous injection of 75 micromol [U-(13) C]fumarate rapidly led to high concentrations of [U-(13) C]fumarate and [U-(13) C]malate in serum, but neither substrate labelled cerebral metabolites as determined by (13) C NMR spectroscopy. Only after conversion of [U-(13) C]fumarate into serum glucose was there (13) C-labelling of cerebral metabolites, and only at <10% of that obtained with 75 micromol [3-(13) C]lactate or [2-(13) C]acetate. These findings suggest a very low transport capacity for four-carbon dicarboxylates across the blood-brain barrier and rule out a role for exogenous fumarate as a cerebral energy substrate.  相似文献   
During its haploid phase the dimorphic fungus Ustilago maydis grows vegetatively by budding. We have identified two genes, don1 and don3, which control the separation of mother and daughter cells. Mutant cells form tree-like clusters in liquid culture and grow as ring-like (donut-shaped) colonies on solid medium. In wild-type U. maydis cells, two distinct septa are formed during cytokinesis and delimit a fragmentation zone. Cells defective for either don1 or don3 display only a single septum and fail to complete cell separation. don1 encodes a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) of the Dbl family specific for Rho/Rac GTPases. Don3 belongs to the germinal-centre-kinase (GC) subfamily of Ste20-like protein kinases. We have isolated the U. maydis homologues of the small GTP binding proteins Rho2, Rho3, Rac1 and Cdc42. Out of these, only Cdc42 interacts specifically with Don1 and Don3 in the yeast two-hybrid system. We propose that Don1 and Don3 regulate the initiation of the secondary septum, which is required for proper cell separation.  相似文献   
Abstract: We investigated the activity of the cerebral GABA shunt relative to the overall cerebral tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and the importance of the GABA shunt versus 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase for the conversion of 2-oxoglutarate into succinate in GABAergic neurons. Awake mice were dosed with [1-13C]glucose, and brain extracts were analyzed by 13C NMR spectroscopy. The percent enrichments of GABA C-2 and glutamate C-4 were the same: 5.0 ± 1.6 and 5.1 ± 0.2%, respectively (mean ± SD). This, together with previous data, indicates that the flux through the GABA shunt relative to the overall cerebral TCA cycle flux equals the GABA/glutamate pool size ratio, which in the mouse is 17%. It has previously been shown that under the experimental conditions used in this study, the 13C labeling of aspartate from [1-13C]glucose specifically reflects the metabolic activity of GABAergic neurons. In the present study, the reduction in the formation of [13C]aspartate during inhibition of the GABA shunt by γ-vinyl-GABA indicated that not more than half the flux from 2-oxoglutarate to succinate in GABAergic neurons goes via the GABA shunt. Therefore, because fluxes through the GABA shunt and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase in GABAergic neurons are approximately the same, the TCA cycle activity of GABAergic neurons could account for one-third of the overall cerebral TCA cycle activity in the mouse. Treatment with γ-vinyl-GABA, which increased GABA levels dramatically, caused changes in the 13C labeling of glutamate and glutamine, which indicated a reduction in the transfer of glutamate from neurons to glia, implying reduced glutamatergic neurotransmission. In the most severely affected animals these alterations were associated with convulsions.  相似文献   
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