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Vanadium K-edge X-ray-absorption spectra were collected for samples of thionine-oxidized, super-reduced (during enzyme turnover) and dithionite-reduced VFe-protein of the vanadium nitrogenase of Azotobacter chroococcum (Acl*). Both the e.x.a.f.s and the x.a.n.e.s. (X-ray-absorption near-edge structure) are consistent with the vanadium being present as part of a VFeS cluster; the environment of the vanadium is not changed significantly in different oxidation states of the protein. The vanadium atom is bound to three oxygen (or nitrogen), three sulphur and three iron atoms at 0.215(3), 0.231(3) and 0.275(3) nm respectively.  相似文献   
EXAFS and XANES spectra have been recorded above the nickel K edge of urease and three model compounds. Preliminary results indicate that the local environment of the nickel ions in urease resemble most closely that of the nickel ions in the model compound [Ni(L)2(L)1] (ClO4)1, where L is 1-n-propyl-2-α-hydroxybenzyl benzimidazole and L is the deprotonated form.  相似文献   
During thermal inactivation, the addition of as low as M urea resulted in the reduction of delta G identical to barrier of the inactivation of carp myosin Ca2+-ATPase, whereas that of rabbit myosin remained unaffected. In the absence of urea, a four-hour incubation of carp myosin was accompanied by the release of light chains at 30 degrees C, a value 10 degrees C lower than that for rabbit myosin. Electron micrographs revealed that carp myosin forms artificial thick filaments, which were uniform in size and may differ in a few details from those of rabbit. Not only that helical content of carp myosin was about 4% less than those of rabbit myosin, but it showed more sensitivity to thermal and urea denaturation; and its reversibility upon subsequent cooling or removal of urea was rather poor. The loss in helicity of myosins by urea was a concentration- and temperature-dependent biphasic reaction, with the most obvious effect observed on carp myosin. That carp myosin has increased tendency of unfolding in urea solutions was confirmed by viscosity data and the exposure of thiols also. Even in the absence of urea more SH groups of carp myosin were incorporated by DTNB, and more epsilon-amino groups reacted with NQS. Carp myosin remained in solution till the modification of about 52 surface myosin remained in solution till the modification of about 52 surface amino groups, whereas no precipitation effect was noted in case of rabbit myosin. Neither amino-acid composition nor some parameters derived from it, such as average hydrophobicity polarity index and number of polar side chains, revealed any difference pertinent to the relative stability of the two myosins. On the contrary, the contractile efficiency of carp myosin in the near physiological range was high and thus inversely related with the thermostability. This relationship along with the above evidence has been regarded to demonstrate the adaptability of carp myosin through a loose molecular conformation, which has probably been achieved by the addition of weak interactions in the course of evolution.  相似文献   
X-ray solution scattering has been used for studying the structural changes that take place upon uptake and release of iron from serum and chicken ovo-transferrin and human lactoferrin. In the case of chicken ovo-transferrin, data have been obtained for both the intact protein and the isolated N and C-lobes with and without iron. These studies reveal that both lobes undergo a change that is consistent with an opening of the inter-domain cleft when iron is removed from the protein. We suggest that the conformational change of the protein increases the specificity of receptor binding and that the closed configuration of the iron-loaded protein is one, or perhaps the, decisive step in the mechanism for receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   
Eight distinct forms of the soluble 17alpha-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase of rabbit liver were resolved by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and isoelectric focusing. Five of these enzymes were homogeneous as judged by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Substrate-specificity studies carried out with oestradiol-17alpha and oestradiol-17alpha 3-glucuronide revealed a variation in activity toward these substrates among the different purified enzyme forms. Three forms of the 17alpha-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase exhibited equal activity toward both oestrogen substrates, whereas three forms of the enzyme displayed a greater activity toward the glucuronide derivative of oestradiol-17alpha. One enzyme in particular is essentially specific for oestradiol-17alpha 3-glucuronide, its activity toward oestradiol-17alpha being only one-thirtieth that observed with the 3-glucuronide derivative.  相似文献   
The oxidized state of rusticyanin, the blue copper protein with the highest redox potential in its class, has been investigated through (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance applied to its cobalt(II) derivative. The assignment of the protons belonging to the coordinated residues has been performed. Many other amino acids situated in the vicinity of the metal ion, including six hydrophobic residues (isoleucine140 and five phenylalanines) have also been identified. The orientation of the main axes of the magnetic susceptibility tensor for the cobalt(II)-rusticyanin as well as its axial, Deltachi(ax), and rhombic, Deltachi(rh), magnetic susceptibility anisotropy components have been determined. A comparison of the present results with those previously obtained for cobalt(II)azurin [Donaire, A., Salgado, J., Moratal, J. M. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 8659-8673] allows us to provide further insights into the reasons for the high redox potential of this protein. According to our results, the interaction between the metal ion and the thioether Sdelta of the axial methionine is not as influential as the strong destabilizing effect that the hydrophobic residues close to the metal ion undergo in the oxidized state.  相似文献   
The root extract of Operculina turpethum (OTE) has been used as an anti-inflammatory, purgative, and hepato-protective agent. N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a potent hepatotoxin that induces fibrosis of the liver. In the present study, we examined the therapeutic effects of OTE root extract against NDMA-induced hepatotoxicity and clastogenicity in rats. Hepatic fibrosis was induced in adult male albino rats through serial intraperitoneal administrations of NDMA at a concentration of 10 mg/kg body weight on three consecutive days of each week over a period of three weeks. A group of rats received OTE orally in doses of 75, 150 and 200 mg/kg body weight at 5 h after the administration of NDMA. The controls and treated animals were sacrificed on days-7, 14 and 21 after the start of the administration of NDMA. The progression of hepatic fibrosis as well as the amelioration effect of OTE was evaluated through histopathologically as well as by immunohistochemical staining for the activation of hepatic stellate cells. Alterations in serum and liver biochemical parameters and LDH isoenzymes were also studied. Serial administration of NDMA resulted in well formed fibrosis in the liver and induction of micronuclei in the bone marrow cells. Staining of α-SMA demonstrated activated stellate cells from day-7 onwards which was dramatically increased on day-21. An elevation of micronuclei count, liver function enzymes, serum hydroxyproline levels and LDH isoenzymes 4 and 5 were also observed. All these changes were remarkably reduced in OTE administered animals and fibrogenesis was completely absent. Our results suggest that OTE has hepatoprotective and anti-clastogenic effects against NDMA-induced hepatic fibrosis. Therefore OTE may be used as a hepatoprotective agent against various liver diseases including toxic liver injury.  相似文献   
A culture collection of 110 indigenous Streptomyces strains originally isolated from saline farmlands (Punjab, Pakistan) using stringent methods was screened biologically and chemically to investigate their potential for the production of bioactive secondary metabolites. In a biological screening the crude extracts obtained from the culture broth of selected strains were analysed for their activity against a set of test organisms, including Gram-positive, Gram-negative bacteria, fungi and microalgae using the disk diffusion bioassay method. Additionally a cytotoxicity test was performed by means of the brine shrimp microwell cytotoxicity assay. In a chemical screening each of the crude extracts was analysed by TLC using various staining reagents and by HPLC-MS/MS measurements. The results depicted an impressive chemical diversity of crude extracts produced by these strains. The taxonomic status of the selected strains was confirmed by preliminary physiological testing and 16S rRNA gene sequencing.  相似文献   

Two chromium-resistant bacterial strains, Bacillus cereus S-6 and Ochrobactrum intermedium CrT-1, and two cyanobacterial strains, Oscillatoria sp. and Synechocystis sp., were used in this study. At initial chromate concentrations of 300 and 600 μg K2CrO4 mL−1, and an inoculum size of 9.6×107 cells mL−1, B. cereus S-6 completely reduced Cr(VI), while O. intermedium CrT-1 reduced Cr(VI) by 98% and 70%, respectively after 96 h. At 100 μg K2CrO4 mL−1, Synechocystis sp. MK(S) and Oscillatoria sp. BJ2 reduced 62.1% and 39.9% of Cr(VI), respectively, at 30°C and pH 8. Application of hexavalent chromate salts adversely affected wheat seedling growth and anatomical characters. However, bacterial inoculation alleviated the toxic effects, as reflected by significant improvements in growth as well as anatomical parameters. Cyanobacterial strains also led to some enhancement of various growth parameters in wheat seedlings.

We have collected synchrotron x-ray solution scattering data for the MoFe protein of Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogenase and show that the molecular conformation of the protein that contains only one molybdenum per alpha(2)beta(2) tetramer is different from that of the protein that has full occupancy i.e. two molybdenums per molecule. This structural finding is consistent with the existence of MoFe protein molecules that contain only one FeMo cofactor site occupied and provides a rationale for the 50% loss of the specific activity of such preparations. A stable inactive transition state complex has been shown to form in the presence of MgADP and AlF(4)(-). Gel filtration chromatography data show that the MoFe protein lacking a full complement of the cofactor forms initially a 1:1 complex before forming a low affinity 1:2 complex. A similar behavior is found for the MoFe protein with both cofactors occupied, but the high affinity 1:2 complex is formed at a lower ratio of Fe protein/MoFe protein. The 1:1 complex, MoFe protein-Fe protein x (ADP x AlF(4)(-))(2), formed with MoFe protein that lacks one of the cofactors, is stable. X-ray scattering studies of this complex have enabled us to obtain its low resolution structure at approximately 20-A resolution, which confirms the gel filtration finding that only one molecule of the Fe protein binds the MoFe protein. By comparison with the low resolution structure of purified MoFe protein that contains only one molybdenum per tetramer, we deduce that the Fe protein interacts with the FeMo cofactor-binding alpha-subunit of the MoFe protein. This observation demonstrates that the conformation of the alpha-subunit or the alpha beta subunit pair that lacks the FeMo cofactor is altered and that the change is recognized by the Fe protein. The structure of the 1:1 complex reveals a similar change in the conformation of the Fe protein as has been observed in the low resolution scattering mask and the high resolution crystallographic study of the 1:2 complex where both cofactors are occupied and with the Fe protein bound to both subunits. This extensive conformational change observed for the Fe protein in the complexes is, however, not observed when MgATP or MgADP binds to the isolated Fe protein. Thus, the large scale conformational change of the Fe protein is associated with the complex formation of the two proteins.  相似文献   
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