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Probucol, a lipid-lowering drug, has been shown to offer protection against adriamycin-induced cardiomyopathy. In order to define the mechanism of this protection, we examined changes in antioxidants and lipid peroxidation in hearts as well as lipids in hearts and plasma from rats treated with either adriamycin or adriamycin and probucol with appropriate controls. Any potential free radical quenching as well as growth inhibitory effects of probucol were also examined using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells in culture. In animal model, adriamycin caused a significant depression in glutathione peroxidase and increased plasma and cardiac lipids as well as lipid peroxidation. Probucol treatment modulated adriamycin-induced cardiomyopathic changes and increased glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities. In the presence of adriamycin under hypoxic conditions, formation of adriamycin semiquinone radical was detected by ESR. The cell growth in these cultures was also inhibited by adriamycin in a dose-dependent manner. Probucol had no effect on adriamycin-induced growth inhibition as well as formation of semiquinone radicals. It is proposed that probucol protection against adriamycin cardiomyopathy is mediated by increased antioxidants and lipid-lowering without any effect on free radical production.  相似文献   
The individual stereoisomers cis-PtCl(2)(dexrazoxane) and cis-PtCl(2)(levrazoxane) were synthesized and their structures were determined by X-ray crystallography. Dexrazoxane and levrazoxane inhibit cell growth because they are strong catalytic inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase II, whereas cisplatin acts through the formation of DNA cross-links. It was hypothesized that platinum(II) complexes of dexrazoxane and levrazoxane would retain both activities and yield drugs with a dual mode of action. Both cis-PtCl(2)(dexrazoxane) and cis-PtCl(2)(levrazoxane) inhibited Chinese hamster ovary cell growth, but more weakly than dexrazoxane and levrazoxane did. Based on their weak topoisomerase II inhibitory activity, it was concluded that these compounds did not inhibit cell growth by targeting topoisomerase II. A comparison of the conformation of cis-PtCl(2)(dexrazoxane) to that of dexrazoxane bound to the dimer interface of topoisomerase II showed that the highly constrained cis-PtCl(2)(dexrazoxane) was in a highly unfavorable conformation for binding. Neither of the platinum complexes were able to cross-link DNA. Thus the cell growth inhibitory activity of these complexes was also not likely due to any cisplatin-type cross-linking activity.  相似文献   
A series of bisintercalating DNA binding bisanthrapyrazole compounds containing piperazine linkers were designed by molecular modeling and docking techniques. Because the anthrapyrazoles are not quinones they are unable to be reductively activated like doxorubicin and other anthracyclines and thus they should not be cardiotoxic. The concentration dependent increase in DNA melting temperature was used to determine the strength of DNA binding and the bisintercalation potential of the compounds. Compounds with more than a three-carbon linker that could span four DNA base pairs achieved bisintercalation. All of the bisanthrapyrazoles inhibited human erythroleukemic K562 cell growth in the low to submicromolar concentration range. They also strongly inhibited the decatenation activity of topoisomerase IIα and the relaxation activity of topoisomerase I. However, as measured by their ability to induce double strand breaks in plasmid DNA, the bisanthrapyrazole compounds did not act as topoisomerase IIα poisons. In conclusion, a novel group of bisanthrapyrazole compounds were designed, synthesized, and biologically evaluated as potential anticancer agents.  相似文献   
Etoposide is a widely used anticancer drug that targets topoisomerase II, an essential nuclear enzyme. However, despite the fact that it has been in use and studied for more than 30 years the specific site on the enzyme to which it binds is unknown. In order to identify the etoposide binding site(s) on topoisomerase II, a diazirine-based photoaffinity etoposide analog probe has been synthesized and its photoreactivity and biological activities have been characterized. Upon UV irradiation, the diazirine probe rapidly produced a highly reactive carbene species that formed covalent adducts containing stable carbon-based bonds indicating that it should also be able to form stable covalent adducts with amino acid residues on topoisomerase II. The human leukemia K562 cell growth and topoisomerase II inhibitory properties of the diazirine probe suggest that it targets topoisomerase II in a manner similar to etoposide. The diazirine probe was also shown to act as a topoisomerase II poison through its ability to cause topoisomerase IIα-mediated double-strand cleavage of DNA. Additionally, the diazirine probe significantly increased protein–DNA covalent complex formation upon photoirradiation of diazirine probe-treated K562 cells, as compared to etoposide-treated cells. This result suggests that the photoactivated probe forms a covalent adduct with topoisomerase IIα. In conclusion, the present characterization of the chemical, biochemical, and biological properties of the newly synthesized diazirine-based photoaffinity etoposide analog indicates that use of a proteomics mass spectrometry approach will be a tractable strategy for future identification of the etoposide binding site(s) on topoisomerase II through covalent labeling of amino acid residues.  相似文献   
Bethoxazin is a new broad spectrum industrial microbicide with applications in material and coating preservation. However, little is known of its reactivity profile and mechanism of action. In this study, we examined the reactivity of bethoxazin toward biologically important nucleophilic groups using UV-vis spectroscopy and LC-MS/MS techniques and found the molecule to be highly electrophilic. Bethoxazin reacted with molecules containing free sulfhydryl groups such as GSH and human serum albumin to form covalent adducts that were detectable by MS, but did not react with amino, carboxylic, phenolic, amino oxo, alcoholic, and phosphate functional groups. Bethoxazin potently inhibited the catalytic activity of yeast DNA topoisomerase II and the growth of yeast BY4742 cells at low micromolar concentrations. However, the reduced form of bethoxazin and GSH-treated bethoxazin were both inactive in these assays. The experimentally determined relative reactivity of bethoxazin and its reduced form analog correlated with their biological activities as well as their quantum-mechanically calculated electrophilicity properties. Taken together, the results suggest that bethoxazin may exert its microbicidal action by reacting with sensitive endogenous sulfhydryl biomolecules of microbial cells. Consistent with this view, the inhibitory activity of bethoxazin on topoisomerase II may be due to its ability to react with critical free cysteine sulfhydryl groups on the enzyme. Our studies have provided for the first time a better understanding of the reactivity of bethoxazin, as well as some insights into the mechanism by which the compound exerts its microbicidal action.  相似文献   
ICRF-187 (dexrazoxane) is currently in clinical trials as a cardioprotective agent for the prevention of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. ICRF-187 likely acts through its strongly metal ion-binding rings-opened hydrolysis product ADR-925 by removing iron from its complex with doxorubicin or by chelating free iron. The ability of NADPH-cytochrome-P450 reductase to promote hydroxyl radical formation by iron complexes of ADR-925 and EDTA was compared by EPR spin trapping. The iron-EDTA complex produced hydroxyl radicals at six times the rate that the iron-ADR-925 complex did. The aerobic oxidation of ferrous complexes of ADR-925, its tetraacid analog, EDTA and DTPA was followed spectropho-tometrically. The iron(II)-ADR-925 complex was aerobically oxidized 700 times slower than was the EDTA complex. It is concluded that even though ADR-925 does not completely eliminate iron-based hydroxyl radical production, it likely protects by preventing site-specific hydroxyl radical damage by the iron-doxorubicin complex.  相似文献   
Anticancer drugs that bind to DNA and inhibit DNA-processing enzymes represent an important class of anticancer drugs. In order to find stronger DNA binding and more potent cytotoxic compounds, a series of ester-coupled bisanthrapyrazole derivatives of 7-chloro-2-[2-[(2-hydroxyethyl)methylamino]ethyl]anthra[1,9-cd]pyrazol-6(2H)-one (AP9) were designed and evaluated by molecular docking techniques. Because the anthrapyrazoles are unable to be reductively activated like doxorubicin and other anthracyclines, they should not be cardiotoxic like the anthracyclines. Based on the docking scores of a series of bisanthrapyrazoles with different numbers of methylene linkers (n) that were docked into an X-ray structure of double-stranded DNA, five bisanthrapyrazoles (n=1-5) were selected for synthesis and physical and biological evaluation. The synthesized compounds were evaluated for DNA binding and bisintercalation by measuring the DNA melting temperature increase, for growth inhibitory effects on the human erythroleukemic K562 cell line, and for DNA topoisomerase IIalpha-mediated cleavage of DNA and inhibition of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha decatenation activities. The results suggest that the bisanthrapyrazoles with n=2-5 formed bisintercalation complexes with DNA. In conclusion, a novel group of bisintercalating anthrapyrazole compounds have been designed, synthesized and biologically evaluated as possible anticancer agents.  相似文献   
Abstract— The rates of uptake of DL-[1-14C]leucine into the three classes of protein in myelin isolated from slices of rat brain and spinal cord were determined. Basic protein exhibited the slowest rate of uptake; chloroform-methanol-soluble proteolipid protein exhibited intermediate rates and the insoluble protein had the most active uptake. All myelin proteins were less active than the mixture of proteins derived from the non-myelin fraction. Cyclohexi-mide (10?3 M) and choramphenicol (5 × 10?3 M) inhibited the incorporation of [1-14C]leucine into brain proteins by as much as 95 per cent. γ-Aminobutyric acid had no effect on the system. Chloramphenicol also inhibited the uptake of [1-14C]acetate into myelin lipids, but cycloheximide did not affect lipid synthesis. These effects were observed on both 35-day-oldand 18-month-old rats, but the biosynthetic activity was far less in myelin from the older rats. The results are discussed in relation to the structure of myelin. It is suggested that the data best fit models in which lipid and protein are in separate phases in the membrane.  相似文献   
The kinetics of the action of fumarase on L-malate and fumarate were investigated at constant ionic strength. This was done to evaluate reports that fumarase follows simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics. However, when pH, buffer concentration and ionic strength are all maintained at constant values, the Lineweaver-Burk plots exhibit pronounced downward curvature, characteristic of negative kinetic co-operativity.  相似文献   
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