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A new human acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cell line, designated HBL-3, was established from the bone marrow of a patient with non-T-ALL. The HBL-3 cell line expressed B4 (CD 19), BA-1 (CD 24) and HLA-DR antigens, but not surface immunoglobulin (SIg) or cytoplasmic immunoglobulin (CIg). The cell line lacked the common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA) and antigenic markers characteristic of T-cell and myeloid cell lineages. The HBL-3 cells had structural rearrangements of both the homologous chromosome 9s, including a translocation with chromosome 1 which has been reported in a patient with common ALL. The cell line had rearranged immunoglobulin heavy chain genes but retained germ-line κ light chain genes and germ-line T-cell receptorβ- and γ-chain genes. The HBL-3 cell line was strongly positive for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT). These findings indicate that the HBL-3 cell line is derived from the earliest B-cell committed to B-cell lineage.  相似文献   
Summary Two-dimensional (2D)1H NMR experiments using deuterium labeling have been carried out to investigate the solution structure of ribonuclease HI (RNase HI) fromEscherichia coli (E. coli), which consists of 155 amino acids. To simplify the1H NMR spectra, two fully deuterated enzymes bearing several prototed amino acids were prepared from an RNase HI overproducing strain ofE. coli grown in an almost fully deuterated medium. One enzyme was selectively labeled by protonated His, He. Val. and Leu. The other was labeled by only protonated His and Ile. The 2D1H NMR spectra of these deuterated R Nase H1 proteins, selectively labeled with protonated amino acids, were much more simple than those of the normally protonated enzyme. The simplified spectra allowed unambiguous assignments of the resonance peaks and connectivities in COSY and NOESY for the side-chain protons. The spin-lattice relaxation times of the side-chain protons of the buried His residue of the deuterated enzyme became remarkably longer than that of the protonated enzyme. In contrast, the relaxation times of the side-chain protons of exposed His residues remained essentially unchanged.  相似文献   
Progestin (P) target cells were identified in the pituitary gland of gonadectomized female rats which had been primed with estrogen (E). P staining was localized using the immunohistochemical avidin-biotin-peroxidase (ABP) complex method. Dark brown precipitates were primarily found over the cytoplasm of cells in the pars distalis, but not in the pars intermedia nor in the pars nervosa. The majority of P-sensitive cells in the pars distalis were identical with luteotrophs, a few being lactotrophs. These observations suggest a role of P in the regulation of production and secretion of gonadotrophins in the pituitary glands of female rats.  相似文献   
Synopsis We collected schools of young, guarded by parents, of six common cichlid species to investigate the frequency and origin of interspecific brood-mixing. The main host species were a piscivore Lepidiolamprologus elongatus and a scale-eater Perissodus microlepis; more than half of their schools included heterospecific young, accounting for 20–40% of the total young. Most of the foreign young belonged to four biparental mouth-brooders whose parents have a habit of carrying their young in their mouths. Many of these young were smaller than the largest young brooded by their own parents. We concluded that adoption of young before independence results from farming-out, a behavior by which parents actively transfer their young to foster parents.  相似文献   
The genes that cause a variety of neurologic and neuromuscular disorders have been mapped to the distal region of Xq. In an effort to isolate genes from this area, a regional genomic library of the distal 30% of Xq was constructed from a single metaphase spread by means of laser microdissection and single unique primer-polymerase chain reaction. Using pooled probes of 1000 clones from the genomic library, human brain cDNA libraries were screened for expressed sequences encoded by this region. From the 250,000 cDNA clones screened so far, 10 nonoverlapping sequences that mapped back to the target portion were isolated. The complete nucleotide sequences of these cDNA clones have been determined. Analysis of the sequences indicates that none has significant similarity to previously characterized primate genes. One sequence mapping to Xq27.3-qter contained an open reading frame of 281 amino acids and was expressed in every tissue tested. This gene, as well as others isolated in this manner, may prove to be a candidate gene for heritable disorders mapping to this region.  相似文献   
Production of nitric oxide (NO) in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was investigated using cultures of mouse peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) and the macrophage cell line RAW264.7. In the presence of anti-(interferon-gamma) (IFN-gamma), NO production was markedly suppressed in the PEC culture but not in the RAW264.7 culture. In the PEC culture, LPS induced both IFN-gamma production and activation of IFN response factor-1, which leads to the gene expression of inducible NO synthase, but neither was induced in the culture of RAW264.7 cells. In addition to anti-(IFN-gamma), antibodies against interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-18 showed a suppressive effect on LPS-induced NO production in the PEC culture, and these antibodies in synergy showed strong suppression. Stimulation of the PEC culture with IL-12 or IL-18 induced production of IFN-gamma and NO, and these cytokines, in combination, exhibited marked synergism. Stimulation of the culture with IFN-gamma induced production of NO, but not IL-12. The macrophage population in the PEC, prepared as adherent cells, responded well to LPS for IL-12 production, but weakly for production of IFN-gamma and NO. The macrophages also responded well to IFN-gamma for NO production. For production of IFN-gamma by stimulation with LPS or IL-12 + IL-18, nonadherent cells were required in the PEC culture. Considering these results overall, the indirect pathway, through the production of intermediates (such as IFN-gamma-inducing cytokines and IFN-gamma) by the cooperation of macrophages with nonadherent cells, was revealed to play the main role in the LPS-induced NO production pathway, as opposed to the direct pathway requiring only a macrophage population.  相似文献   
Summary The solution structure of a specific DNA complex of the minimum DNA-binding domain of the mouse c-Myb protein was determined by distance geometry calculations using a set of 1732 nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) distance restraints. In order to determine the complex structure independent of the initial guess, we have developed two different procedures for the docking calculation using simulated annealing in four-dimensional space (4D-SA). One is a multiple-step procedure, where the protein and the DNA were first constructed independently by 4D-SA using only the individual intramolecular NOE distance restraints. Here, the initial structure of the protein was a random coil and that of the DNA was a typical B-form duplex. Then, as the starting structure for the next docking procedure, the converged protein and DNA structures were placed in random molecular orientations, separated by 50 Å. The two molecules were docked by 4D-SA utilizing all the restraints, including the additional 66 intermolecular distance restraints. The second procedure comprised a single step, in which a random-coil protein and a typical B-form DNA duplex were first placed 70 Å from each other. Then, using all the intramolecular and intermolecular NOE distance restraints, the complex structure was constructed by 4D-SA. Both procedures yielded the converged complex structures with similar quality and structural divergence, but the multiple-step procedure has much better convergence power than the single-step procedure. A model study of the two procedures was performed to confirm the structural quality, depending upon the number of intermolecular distance restraints, using the X-ray structure of the engrailed homeodomain-DNA complex.Abbreviations rmsd root-mean-square deviation - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - 4D-SA simulated annealing in four-dimensional space - Myb-R2R3 repeats 2 and 3 of the DNA-binding domain of the c-Myb protein - DNA 16 Myb-specific binding DNA duplex with 16 base pairs - IHDD-C residues 3 to 59 of the C-chain of the engrailed homeodomain-DNA complex - DNA11 DNA duplex with base pairs 9 to 19 of the engrailed homeodomain-DNA complex  相似文献   
A water-soluble glucuronan “protuberic acid”, [α]d22 −83.6° and purified from Kobayashia Nipponica, and its physicochemical properties were investigated.The purified protuberic acid was homogeneous as shown by zone electrophoresis, gel filtration over Sepharose 4B, and ultracentrifugation. The sedimentation coefficient was 1.8 S and its intrinsic viscosity was 1.1 dl/g. By gel filtration the molecular weight was estimated to be about 170 000. The results of periodate oxidation, methylation analysis, and partial acid hydrolysis indicated that this acidic polysaccharide has a linear structure of mainly 1,4-linkages and containing an acid-labile linkage. Reduced protuberic acid, [α]d22 −44°, is also described.  相似文献   
Thioredoxin h (TRX h) functions as a reducing protein and is present in all organisms. As a new approach for inducing the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, TRX h (OsTRX23) was expressed as a secretory protein using the endosperm-specific glutelin GluB-1 promoter and a signal peptide. In transgenic rice seeds, the majority of the recombinant TRX h accumulated in the ER but some was also localized to the protein body IIs (PB-IIs). The rice grain quality was dependent on the TRX h accumulation level. Increased TRX h expression resulted in aberrant phenotypes, such as chalky and shriveled features, lower seed weight and lower seed protein content. Furthermore, the accumulation of some seed storage proteins (SSPs) was significantly suppressed and the morphology of the protein bodies (PB-Is and PB-IIs) changed according to the level of TRX h. SSPs, such as 13 kDa prolamin and GluA, were specifically modified via the reducing action of TRX h. These changes led to the activation of the ER stress response, which was accompanied by the expression of several chaperone proteins. Specifically, the ER stress markers BiP4 and BiP5 were significantly up-regulated by an increase in the level of TRX h. These results suggest that changes in the conformation of certain SSPs via the action of recombinant TRX h lead to an induced ER stress response in transgenic rice seeds.  相似文献   
In angiosperms, chlorophyll biosynthesis is light dependent. A key factor in this process is protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR), which requires light to catalyze the reduction of protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide. It is believed that this protein originated from an ancient cyanobacterial enzyme that was introduced into proto‐plant cells during the primary symbiosis. Here we report that PORs from the cyanobacteria Gloeobacter violaceus PCC7421 and Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 function in plastids. First, we found that the G. violaceus POR shows a higher affinity to its substrate protochlorophyllide than the Synechocystis POR but a similar affinity to plant PORs. Secondly, the reduced size of prolamellar bodies caused by a knockdown mutation of one of the POR genes, PORA, in Arabidopsis could be complemented by heterologous expression of the cyanobacterial PORs. Photoactive protochlorophyllide in the etioplasts of the complementing lines, however, was retained at a low level as in the parent PORA knockdown mutant, indicating that the observed formation of prolamellar bodies was irrelevant to the assembly of photoactive protochlorophyllide. This work reveals a new view on the formation of prolamellar bodies and provides new clues about the function of POR in the etioplast–chloroplast transition.  相似文献   
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