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Abstract. A technique for fine-scale vegetation mapping with the aid of low-altitude aerial photography was developed. The procedure is as follows: 1. The site is divided into a lattice pattern - in case the site is too large to fit into a single photograph with satisfactory resolution. The coordinates of every lattice point are surveyed to be used as control points for geometric correction. A photograph of each block of the lattice is taken using a remote-controlled camera system lifted by a captive helium balloon. 2. The vegetation is classified on the basis of a phytosociological survey. 3. The shapes and locations of vegetation patches appearing in the photographs are entered into a computer, using a digitizer. A geometric correction is carried out through coordinate transformation referring to the coordinates of the control points and subsequently a draft vegetation map is produced. Finally, discrepancies are corrected and the map is coloured to produce the final version of the vegetation map. This technique was applied to vegetation mapping at a bar, 500 m wide and 2 km long, in the river Yoshino in Shikoku, Japan. A fine-scale vegetation map was obtained and used to analyse the influence of plants on geomorphic processes and community-specific hydrogeomorphic conditions on the bar.  相似文献   
Cytoplasmic membranes of L-forms of Staphylococcus aureus exerted a strong mitogenic effect on splenocytes of athymic nude mice as well as normal mice, while a cytoplasmic fraction of the same bacteria did not show definite mitogenicity. The mitogenic principle(s) of the membrane fraction was resistant to treatment with trypsin and was heat stable (at 100 C for 10 min). The active principle(s) in the insoluble residue of the membrane fraction digested with trypsin was not extracted with cold acetone, but could be solubilized by extraction with a cold chloroform-methanol mixture (2:1, v/v). The mitogenic principle(s) in the extract was fractionated by silicic acid column chromatography. Among five fractions separated by chromatography, fractions eluted with chloroform-methanol mixtures (1:1 and 1:20, v/v) were found to be strongly mitogenic. The cytoplasmic membranes of the L-forms also exerted a definite mitogenic effect on guinea pig splenocytes, but not on the thymocytes.  相似文献   
Uptake of sodium cefoxitin, D-phenylalanine and insulin into human red blood cells was significantly enhanced by the presence of salicylate and 5-methoxysalicylate in the medium. The mechanism of adjuvant action appeared to depend on an affinity between the adjuvant and the protein fraction in the erythrocyte membrane. The inhibitory effect of DIDS and phlorizin on the salicylate-enhanced uptake of these compounds strongly suggests that the ability of salicylate to permeate the membrane may be essential for it to act as an adjuvant.  相似文献   
ß-Tubulins from fourteen benomyl-resistant strainsof the homobasidiomycete Coprinus cinereus, which carry thebenA, benB, benC or benD mutations, were analyzed by urea SDS-PAGEor isoelectric focusing and subsequent immunoblot analysis.Electrophoretic aberrations in a major ß-tubulin isotype,denoted ß1 were found in two strains, BEN154 and BEN215,both of which carry benomyl resistance mutations in benA + Theaberrations of ß1 in BEN154 and BEN215 cosegregatedwith benomyl resistance among the progeny of outcrosses of BEN154 and BEN215 to wild type, indicating that the ß1aberrations were caused by the benA mutations. Both the mutantand wild-type ß1 tubulins were present in the heterozygousdikaryons, BEN 154/wild-type and BEN215/wild-type, ruling outpost-translational modification as a possible cause for theaberrations in ß1. Thus, we conclude that benA isa structural gene for ß1. Transhyphal migration ofnuclei in dikaryosis was blocked in the mycelia of BEN 154 andin its progeny that carried benA (ß1 mutation), demonstratingthat microtubules are involved in the migration process. Nuclearmigration in dikaryosis seems to differ in terms of mechanism,at least in part, from the migration of tetrad nuclei from basidiainto prespores during formation of basidiospores and from themigration of nuclei from basidiospores into hyphae during germination,because a benA mutation blocked the former without affectingthe latter two processes. (Received May 19, 1989; Accepted August 30, 1989)  相似文献   
Carrot and tobacco plants were transformed with Agrobacteriumtumefaciens harboring wild-type, aux or cyt Tiplasmids. In tobacco, these wild and mutant Ti plasmids inducedthe formation of non-morphogenic galls, galls with shoots, andgalls with roots, respectively. In carrot, however, transformationwith any of these plasmids resulted in only the formation ofamorphous tumors. Determination of IAA and cytokinin contentsshowed that in tobacco, significantly high amounts of cytokininsor IAA are present in the cells transformed with Ti plasmidspossessing cytokinin or IAA biosynthetic genes, respectively.In carrot, cytokinin contents were also high in the cells transformedwith Ti plasmids having cytokinin biosynthetic genes, whereasIAA contents of the cells were similar regardless of the plasmidsused for transformation. These results suggest that the mechanism regulating IAA metabolismmay be different in tobacco and carrot. (Received June 25, 1987; Accepted February 1, 1988)  相似文献   
Benzyladenine-induced changes in the translatable mRNA population in excised cucumber cotyledons were studied. Poly (A)+ RNA was prepared from etiolated cotyledons incubated with or without benzyladenine (BA) for various periods in the dark. Using nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis-SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing-SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both basic and neutral proteins translated in vitro were separated. About 240 spots were detected and 16 of them changed within 6 h after BA application. Some spots changed quickly (within 1–2 h). Among them, three were repressed markedly  相似文献   
An improved methenamine-silver impregnation method is presented which exhibits sensitivity for amyloid substances comparable to that of anti-β protein immunostaining. In optimally treated sections, this technique stained both β-amyloid deposits and neurofibrillary tangles, which are known to have a β-pleated structure. This simple procedure allows a large number of sections to be stained for routine examination.  相似文献   
A new germacranolide isolated from M. sieboldii was shown to be 15-acetoxycostunolide by spectroscopic and chemical methods. 1H NMR spin decoupling and NOE experiments in the presence of a lanthanide shift reagent were used for structure elucidation.  相似文献   
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