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A gene (pMON9617; Chi2;1) identified by screening a tomato pistil cDNA library has been found to encode a protein similar in sequence to class II chitinases. Using a baculovirus expression system we show that the Chi2;1 protein is an active endochitinase. The Chi2;1 protein is most similar in sequence to a previously described stylar chitinase (SK2) isolated from potato. Both proteins lack the diagnostic N-terminal cysteine-rich regions and the C-terminal vacuolar targeting signals of class I chitinases and appear to define a novel type of class II endochitinases associated with flowers. Chi2;1 is expressed predominantly in floral organs and its expression within these organs is temporally regulated. The highest level of expression is found in the transmitting tissue of the style where Chi2;1 mRNA begins to accumulate just prior to anthesis. In vegetative tissue, low levels of Chi2;1 mRNA were detected, and these levels did not increase in response to wounding or treatment with ethephon. mRNA from Chi2;1 orthologs was not detected in most other angiosperms tested, even including some members of the Solanaceae, and it is therefore unlikely that Chi2;1 is essential for stylar function. A fragment containing 1.4 kilobase pairs of 5-flanking DNA from the Chi2;1 gene was shown to drive high-level expression of an attached reporter gene in the styles of transgenic tomatoes. This fragment has utility for engineering expression of other coding regions in styles.  相似文献   
Abstract An internal fragment from each of the penicillinebinding protein (PBP) 1A, 2B and 2X genes of Streptococcus pneumoniae , which included the region encoding the active-site serine residue, was replaced by a fragment encoding spectinomycin resistance. The resulting constructs were tested for their ability to transform S. pneumoniae strain R6 to spectinomycin resistance. Spectinomycin-resistant transformants could not be obtained using either the inactivated PBP 2X or 2B genes, suggesting that deletion of either of these genes was a lethal event, but they were readily obtained using the inactivated PBP 1A gene. Analysis using the polymerase chain reaction confirmed that the latter transformants had replaced their chromosomal copy of the PBP 1A gene with the inactivated copy of the gene. Deletion of the PBP 1A gene was therefore tolerated under laboratory conditions and appeared to have little effect on growth or susceptibility to benzylpenicillin.  相似文献   
Mechanically isolated asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) mesophyll cells dedifferentiate and divide when cultured in the dark in a medium containing sucrose. A strong correlation was observed between the onset of cell division and a loss of photosynthetic capacity. For the first 8 to 9 d of culture, there was no change in chloroplast size or morphology. However, following this period, the chloroplasts divided to form smaller proplastid-like structures. The gross chlorophyll content of the cell population did not change, suggesting that the loss of photosynthetic potential was not by senescence. Northern analysis showed that mRNA of the small subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase was undetectable within 1 d postisolation, which was quicker than in dark-treated plants. The mRNA of the large subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase decreased to low levels within 2 d of cell isolation. Both the large and small subunits of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase protein showed a gradual reduction in abundance, falling to basal levels by days 6 to 7, which coincided with the onset of rapid cell division. A similar trend was observed with chloroplast rRNA molecules, which decreased to basal levels by day 6 in culture.  相似文献   
Bcl-xL is an anti-apoptotic protein that is frequently found to be overexpressed in non-small cell lung cancer leading to an inhibition of apoptosis and poor prognosis. Recently, the role of miRNAs in regulating apoptosis and cell survival during tumorigenesis has become evident, with cancer cells showing perturbed expression of various miRNAs. In this study, we utilized miRNA microarrays to determine if miRNA dysregulation in bcl-xL silenced lung adenocarcinoma cells could be involved in regulating cell death. Short interfering RNA-based transfection of A549 and SK-LU1 lung adenocarcinoma cells was successful in inducing a reduction in bcl-xL expression levels, resulting in a decrease in cell viability. A total of 10 miRNAs were found to be significantly differentially expressed when compared between siRNA-transfected and non-transfected cells including hsa-miR-181a, hsa-miR-769-5p, hsa-miR-361-5p, hsa-miR-1304 and hsa-miR-608. When overexpression studies on hsa-miR-608 was performed via transfection of miRNA mimics, cell death was found to be induced in A549 and SK-LU1 cells in comparison to untreated cells. This effect was reversed when knockdown studies involving anti-sense inhibitors were introduced. Combination of siRNA based silencing of bcl-xL (siBcl-xL) followed by anti-sense inhibitor transfection led to a decrease in the apoptotic population of A549 and SK-LU1 cells in comparison to cells only treated with siBcl-xL, illustrating the connection between bcl-xL, hsa-miR-608 and cell death. Gene target prediction analysis implicated the PI3K/AKT, WNT, TGF-β, and ERK signaling pathways as targets of bcl-xL induced miRNA alterations. We have demonstrated that bcl-xL silencing in A549 and SK-LU1 cells leads to the occurrence of cell death through the dysregulation of specific miRNAs. This study also provides a platform for anti-sense gene therapy whereby miRNA expression can be exploited to increase the apoptotic properties in lung adenocarcinoma cells.  相似文献   
Intracellular delivery of nucleic acids is one of the critical steps in the transfections. Prior findings demonstrated various strategies including membrane fusion, endosomal escape for the efficient cytoplasmic delivery. In our continuing efforts to improve the nucleic acids transfections, we harnessed cell permeable properties of Tomatidine (T), a steroidal alkaloid abundantly found in green tomatoes for maximizing intracellular delivery of lipoplexes. We doped Tomatidine into liposomes of cationic lipid with amide linker (A) from our lipid library. Six liposomal formulations (AT) of Lipid A (1?mM) with varying concentrations of Tomatidine (0–1?mM) were prepared and evaluated for their transfection efficacies. Owing to its signature characteristic of cell membrane permeability, Tomatidine modulated endocytosis process, enhanced the intracellular delivery of the lipoplexes, and in turn increased the transfection efficacy of cationic liposomes. Our findings provide ‘proof of concept’ for enhancing transfections in gene delivery applications with Tomatidine in cationic liposomal formulations. These findings can be further applied in lipid mediated gene therapy and drug delivery applications.  相似文献   
Human cancers have multiple alterations in cell signaling pathways that promote resistance to cytotoxic therapy such as X rays. Parthenolide is a sesquiterpene lactone that has been shown to inhibit several pro-survival cell signaling pathways, induce apoptosis, and enhance chemotherapy-induced cell killing. We investigated whether parthenolide would enhance X-ray-induced cell killing in radiation resistant, NF-kappaB-activated CGL1 cells. Treatment with 5 microM parthenolide for 48 to 72 h inhibited constitutive NF-kappaB binding and cell growth, reduced plating efficiency, and induced apoptosis through stabilization of p53 (TP53), induction of the pro-apoptosis protein BAX, and phosphorylation of BID. Parthenolide also enhanced radiation-induced cell killing, increasing the X-ray sensitivity of CGL1 cells by a dose modification factor of 1.6. Flow cytometry revealed that parthenolide reduced the percentage of X-ray-resistant S-phase cells due to induction of p21 waf1/cip1 (CDKN1A) and the onset of G1/S and G2/M blocks, but depletion of radioresistant S-phase cells does not explain the observed X-ray sensitization. Further studies demonstrated that the enhancement of X-ray-induced cell killing by parthenolide is due to inhibition of split-dose repair.  相似文献   
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - In vitro regeneration of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) plants through somatic embryogenesis leads to the generation of somaclonal variants. The...  相似文献   
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