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Saccharum robustum Brandes & Jesw. ex Grassl has been suggested as the immediate progenitor species of cultivated sugarcane (S. officinarum L.) [4]. Chromosome pairing and assortment in these two species were previously studied by genetic analysis of single-dose DNA markers in parents in and 44 F1 progeny of a cross between euploid, meiotically regular 2n=80S. officinarum LA Purple andS. robustum Mol 5829 [2]. This same population was subsequently clonally propagated and evaluated in replicated trials for quantitative traits important to sugarcane breeders. Numbers of stalks, tasseled stalks, and stalks with smut, and the average diameter of two stalks were determined one day prior to harvest. At harvest, plant material from each plot was weighed and evaluated for pol (sucrose content) and fiber percentages. Clones were significantly different (P<0.01) for all traits analyzed. Associations of 83 single-dose arbitrarily primed PCR genetic markers with quantitative trait loci (QTL) of recorded traits was determined by single-factor ANOVA, and multiple regression. QTL analysis revealed markers significantly (P<0.05) associated with the expression of each trait analyzed. Markers associated with QTL after multiple regression were tested for digenic linear × linear epistatic interactions. The various multilocus models explained between 23% and 58% of the total phenotypic variation and 32% and 76% of the genotypic variation for the various traits. Digenic interactions were uncommon. Implications for marker-assisted selection in sugarcane and sugarcane domestication are discussed.  相似文献   
A Genetic Linkage Map of Saccharum Spontaneum L. `ses 208''   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction was used to detect single-dose polymorphisms that, in turn, were used to generate a linkage map of a polyploid relative of cultivated sugarcane, Saccharum spontaneum `SES 208' (2n = 64). The mapping population was composed of 88 progeny from a cross between SES 208 and a diploidized haploid derived from SES 208 by anther culture, ADP 85-0068. This cross allowed direct analysis of meiosis in SES 208 and gametic segregation ratios to be observed. One hundred twenty-seven 10-mer oligonucleotide primers of arbitrary sequence were selected from a pool of 420 primers used to screen the mapping parents. Three hundred thirty-six of the 420 primers amplified 4,540 loci or 13.5 loci per primer. The selected 127 primers revealed 2,160 loci of which 279 were present in SES 208 and absent in ADP 85-0068 and easily scored. Two hundred and eight (74.6%) of these 279 polymorphisms were single-dose polymorphisms (i.e., they displayed 1:1 segregation, χ(2) at 98% confidence level). Linkage analysis (θ = 0.25, LOD = 9.0 for two-point analysis, then θ = 0.25, LOD = 6.0 for multipoint analysis) of single-dose polymorphisms placed them into 42 linkage groups containing at least 2 markers. These single-dose markers span 1,500 contiguous centimorgans (cM) with 32 markers remaining unlinked (15.4%). From this 208-marker map we estimated the genome size of SES 208 to be 2,550 cM. The map has a predicted coverage of 85.1% at 30 cM, meaning that any new marker placed has an 85.1% chance of being within 30 cM of an existing marker. Furthermore, we show that SES 208 behaves like an autopolyploid because (i) the ratio of single-dose markers to higher dose markers fit the assumption of autooctaploidy and (ii) the absence of repulsion phase linkages. This is the first genetic map constructed directly on a polyploid species for which no diploid relatives are known.  相似文献   


Mitotic Activity Index (MAI) is an important independent prognostic factor and an integral part of the breast cancer grading system. Thus, correct estimation of this prognostically relevant feature is essential for guiding treatment decision and assessing patient prognosis.The aim of this study was to validate the use of high resolution Whole Slide Images (WSI) in estimating MAI in breast cancer specimens.


MAI was evaluated in 100 consecutive breast cancer specimens by three observers on two occasions, microscopically and on WSI with a wash out period of 4 months. MAI was also translated to mitotic scores as in grading. Inter- and intra-observer agreement between microscopic and digital MAI counts and scores was measured.


Almost perfect inter-observer agreements were obtained from counting MAI using a conventional microscope (intra-class correlation coefficient (ICCC) 0.879) as well as on WSI (ICCC 0.924). K coefficients reflected good inter-observer agreements among observers'' microscopic mitotic scores (average kappa 0.642). Comparable results were also observed among digital mitotic scores (average kappa 0.635). There was strong to perfect intra-observer agreements between MAI counts and mitotic scores for the two diagnostic modalities (ICCC 0.716–0.863, kappa 0.506–0.617). There were no significant differences in mitotic scores using both diagnostic modalities.


Scoring mitoses using WSI in breast cancer seems to be just as reliable and reproducible as when using a microscope. Further development of software and image quality will definitely encourage the use of WSI in routine pathology practice.  相似文献   
We have conducted proteome-wide analysis of fresh surgery specimens derived from breast cancer patients, using an approach that integrates size-based intact protein fractionation, nanoscale liquid separation of peptides, electrospray ion trap mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics. Through this approach, we have acquired a large amount of peptide fragmentation spectra from size-resolved fractions of the proteomes of several breast tumors, tissue peripheral to the tumor, and samples from patients undergoing noncancer surgery. Label-free quantitation was used to generate protein abundance maps for each proteome and perform comparative analyses. The mass spectrometry data revealed distinct qualitative and quantitative patterns distinguishing the tumors from healthy tissue as well as differences between metastatic and non-metastatic human breast cancers including many established and potential novel candidate protein biomarkers. Selected proteins were evaluated by Western blotting using tumors grouped according to histological grade, size, and receptor expression but differing in nodal status. Immunohistochemical analysis of a wide panel of breast tumors was conducted to assess expression in different types of breast cancers and the cellular distribution of the candidate proteins. These experiments provided further insights and an independent validation of the data obtained by mass spectrometry and revealed the potential of this approach for establishing multimodal markers for early metastasis, therapy outcomes, prognosis, and diagnosis in the future.  相似文献   
A 527 marker linkage map ofSaccharum spontaneum L. SES 208 (2n = 64) was established by analyzing 208 single-dose (SD) arbitrarily primed PCR polymorphisms, 234 SD RFLPs, 41 double-dose (DD) and one triple-dose (TD) polymorphisms. A map hypothesis constructed using these markers (minimum LOD = 4.00, = 0.25 M) had 64 linkage groups with 13 SD, nine DD, and one TD markers unlinked. Eight chromosome homology groups were identified by using DD fragments as well as SD RFLPs that identified more than one linkage group. Linkages in repulsion phase were absent from the map, as found in two previous genetic studies of this species. Together, these data demonstrate that SES 208 displayed polysomic segregation, a genetic behavior typical of autopolyploid species. As with previous studies, it was concluded that SES 208 behaved like an auto-octoploid, which was also in agreement with the number of homology groups observed. A 2 was used to test whether the 527 markers were randomly distributed throughout the genome: both arbitrarily primed PCR markers and RFLPs had a distribution that was statistically indistinguishable from random. The integrated arbitrarily primed PCR-RFLP map had a predicted genomic coverage of 93% (considering only 442 SD polymorphisms) and an average interval between markers of 6 cM. SD markers were used to estimate the genome size of SES 208 at ca. 33 00 cM.  相似文献   
Ocean acidification and warming (OAW) are occurring globally. Additionally, at a more local scale the spreading of hypoxic conditions is promoted by eutrophication and warming. In the semi-enclosed brackish Baltic Sea, occasional upwelling in late summer and autumn may expose even shallow-water communities including the macroalga Fucus vesiculosus to particularly acidified, nutrient-rich and oxygen-poor water bodies. During summer 2014 (July–September) sibling groups of early life-stage F. vesiculosus were exposed to OAW in the presence and absence of enhanced nutrient levels and, subsequently to a single upwelling event in a near-natural scenario which included all environmental fluctuations in the Kiel Fjord, southwestern Baltic Sea, Germany (54°27 ´N, 10°11 ´W). We strove to elucidate the single and combined impacts of these potential stressors, and how stress sensitivity varies among genetically different sibling groups. Enhanced by a circumstantial natural heat wave, warming and acidification increased mortalities and reduced growth in F. vesiculosus germlings. This impact, however, was mitigated by enhanced nutrient conditions. Survival under OAW conditions strongly varied among sibling groups hinting at a substantial adaptive potential of the natural Fucus populations in the Western Baltic. A three-day experimental upwelling caused severe mortality of Fucus germlings, which was substantially more severe in those sibling groups which previously had been exposed to OAW. Our results show that global (OAW), regional (nutrient enrichment) and local pressures (upwelling), both alone and co-occurring may have synergistic and antagonistic effects on survival and/or growth of Fucus germlings. This result emphasizes the need to consider combined stress effects.  相似文献   
The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is one of the 25 biodiversity hot spots in the world. Although the diversity of its fauna and flora has been studied fairly well, little is known of its microbial communities. In this work, we analyzed the Atlantic Forest ecosystem to determine its bacterial biodiversity, using 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and correlated changes in deduced taxonomic profiles with the physicochemical characteristics of the soil. DNAs were purified from soil samples, and the 16S rRNA gene was amplified to construct libraries. Comparison of 754 independent 16S rRNA gene sequences from 10 soil samples collected along a transect in an altitude gradient showed the prevalence of Acidobacteria (63%), followed by Proteobacteria (25.2%), Gemmatimonadetes (1.6%), Actinobacteria (1.2%), Bacteroidetes (1%), Chloroflexi (0.66%), Nitrospira (0.4%), Planctomycetes (0.4%), Firmicutes (0.26%), and OP10 (0.13%). Forty-eight sequences (6.5%) represented unidentified bacteria. The Shannon diversity indices of the samples varied from 4.12 to 3.57, indicating that the soils have a high level of diversity. Statistical analysis showed that the bacterial diversity is influenced by factors such as altitude, Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio, and Al3+ and phosphorus content, which also affected the diversity within the same lineage. In the samples analyzed, pH had no significant impact on diversity.The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is one of the 25 biodiversity hot spots in the world. Altogether, these hot spots contain more than 60% of the total terrestrial species of the planet (17). The Atlantic Forest is a dense ombrophilous forest with several variations, including coastal (3 to 50 m), submontane (50 to 500 m), montane (500 to 1,200 m), and high montane (1,200 to 1,400 m) forests, creating a vegetation gradient ranging from shrubs to well-developed montane forest (4). The Serra do Mar is a mountainous system that shelters the main remainder of the Atlantic Forest following the Brazilian east coast, from north to south along the coastal line, and it is divided into diverse sections of high and low blocks, which have regional denominations.The most important law-protected conservation area of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest is located in the Serra do Mar of the southern state of Paraná. This conservation area (∼5,000 km2) shelters 72% of the fauna and flora species that occur in Paraná and was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1992. Much is known about the diversity of its fauna and flora, but little is known of its microbial diversity, particularly the soil microbial diversity and the soil characteristics that influence it.The soil microbial diversity is vast, and it is estimated that >99% of species remain unidentified (1, 28). Acidobacteria and Proteobacteria are the most abundant groups in soil (15). However, the Proteobacteria lineage is more diverse and stable than the Acidobacteria lineage, suggesting that the latter group is more susceptible to variation in soil properties and to disturbing factors (33). Seasonal, physical, and physicochemical factors can be relevant to the structure and diversity of microbial communities. For example, seasonal changes in vegetation and temperature led to replacement of dominant groups in a wheat field (25) and in grassland soils (16). The particle size also has an influence on the bacterial diversity of soils. The clay fraction has a more diverse bacterial community than do silt or sand fractions (23). Finally, analyses of communities from North and South American soils showed that pH plays a major role in bacterial diversity, with less diverse communities associated with a lower pH (9).Human activity can also change the microbial diversity of soils, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Analyses of microbial communities on coral atolls in the central Pacific Ocean under different degrees of human impact showed that the least-impacted atoll had autotrophs and heterotrophs equally distributed in the community, whereas the most-impacted atoll had a dominance of heterotrophs and about 10 times more microbial cells and virus-like particles in the water column, including a large percentage of potential pathogens (7). A comparison between bacterial communities in forest and pasture soil showed that there is a less diverse and more restricted community in pasture soils. The vegetation shift from forest to pasture resulted in changes to G+C% contents of soil bacterial DNA and amplified rRNA gene restriction analysis (ARDRA) profiles (18). Similar changes occurred with communities of soils submitted to agroindustrial treatments and pollutants (3, 30).In this work, we used a culture-independent approach based on 16S rRNA gene sequences to survey the bacterial community of the Atlantic Forest soils and determined the physicochemical factors affecting its bacterial biodiversity.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Neuronal damage in idiopathic parkinsonism may be in response to ubiquitous occult infection. Since peptic ulceration is prodromal, Helicobacter is a prime candidate. AIM: To consider the candidature of Helicobacter in parkinsonism with cachexia. METHODS: We explore the relationship between being underweight and inflammatory products in 124 subjects with idiopathic parkinsonism and 195 controls, and present the first case-series evidence of efficacy of Helicobacter eradication, in parkinsonism advanced to the stage of cachexia. RESULTS: Association of a low body mass index with circulating interleukin-6 was specific to parkinsonism (p = .002), unlike that with antibodies against Helicobacter vacuolating-toxin and cytotoxicity-associated gene product (p < .04). Marked reversibility in both cachexia and disability of idiopathic parkinsonism followed Helicobacter heilmannii eradication in one case, Helicobacter pylori eradication in another, follow-up being > or = 3.5 years. The latter presented with postprandial bloating, and persistent nausea: following eradication, radioisotope gastric-emptying returned towards normal, and upper abdominal symptoms regressed. Reversibility of their cachexia/disability contrasts with the outcome of anti-Helicobacter therapy where eradication repeatedly failed (one case), and in non-Helicobacter gastritis (three cases). Anti-parkinsonian medication remained constant. Intestinal absorption and barrier function were normal in all. CONCLUSION: Categorization, according to presence or absence of Helicobacter infection, was a useful therapeutic tool in late idiopathic parkinsonism.  相似文献   


The ICECAP-A and EQ-5D-5L are two index measures appropriate for use in health research. Assessment of content validity allows understanding of whether a measure captures the most relevant and important aspects of a concept. This paper reports a qualitative assessment of the content validity and appropriateness for use of the eq-5D-5L and ICECAP-A measures, using novel methodology.


In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with research professionals in the UK and Australia. Informants were purposively sampled based on their professional role. Data were analysed in an iterative, thematic and constant comparative manner. A two stage investigation - the comparative direct approach - was developed to address the methodological challenges of the content validity research and allow rigorous assessment.


Informants viewed the ICECAP-A as an assessment of the broader determinants of quality of life, but lacking in assessment of health-related determinants. The eq-5D-5L was viewed as offering good coverage of health determinants, but as lacking in assessment of these broader determinants. Informants held some concerns about the content or wording of the Self-care, Pain/Discomfort and Anxiety/Depression items (EQ-5D-5L) and the Enjoyment, Achievement and attachment items (ICECAP-A).


Using rigorous qualitative methodology the results suggest that the ICECAP-A and EQ-5D-5L hold acceptable levels of content validity and are appropriate for use in health research. This work adds expert opinion to the emerging body of research using patients and public to validate these measures.  相似文献   
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