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Immunofluorescence visualization of microtubule (MT) arraysin stomatal complexes of Lolium rigidum shows that disassemblyof the arrays can be successfully achieved using oryzalin orhigh pressure treatments. Under conditions allowing for MT recovery,MTs reappear within an hour after oryzalin or within 5 min afterhigh pressure treatment. During recovery guard mother cells(GMCs) nucleate MTs at sites distributed randomly in the cellcortex. Even after 22 h of recovery the MTs are not arrangedinto any configuration found in untreated tissue. This inabilityto reorganize their MTs after treatment makes GMCs more sensitiveto the loss of MTs than are other cells of the leaf. In guardcells (GCs) MTs reappear around the pore at the junction ofthe periclinal and ventral walls. They subsequently appear throughoutmost of the cell cortex and the majority of stomatal complexesrecover fully organized MT arrays indistinguishable from thosein untreated cells. The results support and extend ultrastructuraland immunofluorescence observations that suggest that MTs inGCs of developing stomata are nucleated in the cell cortex. 2Present address: Department of Biology, The University of SouthwesternLouisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana 70504-2451, U.S.A. (Received April 24, 1990; Accepted July 7, 1990)  相似文献   
Summary The role of tubular mastigonemes in the reversal of thrust of the anterior flagellum ofPhytophthora cinnamomi was analysed using mastigoneme-specific monoclonal antibodies and immunoflu-orescence and video microscopy. Exposure of live zoospores ofP. cinnamomi to the mastigoneme-specific Zg antibodies caused alterations in the arrangement of mastigonemes on the flagellar surface and at Zg concentrations above 0.3 /ml, mastigonemes became detached from the flagellum. As a consequence of antibody binding to the mastigonemes there were concentration-dependent perturbations in zoospore swimming behaviour and anterior flagellum beat pattern. With increasing antibody concentration zoospores swam more slowly and other parameters of their swimming pattern, such as the wavelength of the swimming helix and the frequency of rotation, were also reduced. The effects of Zg antibodies were specific at two levels: control immunoglobulins or antibodies that bound to other flagellar surface components did not have an effect on motility, and Zg antibodies did not interfere with the motility of zoospores of oomycete species to which they did not bind. The effects of antibody-induced disruption of mastigoneme arrangement strongly support previous hypotheses that tubular mastigonemes are responsible for thrust reversal by the anterior flagellum, enabling it to pull the cell through the surrounding medium.  相似文献   
Structure of cortical microtubule arrays in plant cells   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Serial sectioning was used to track the position and measure the lengths of cortical microtubules in glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide-fixed root tip cells. Microtubules lying against the longitudinal walls during interphase, those overlying developing xylem thickenings, and those in pre-prophase bands are oriented circumferentially but on average are only about one-eighth of the cell circumference in length, i.e., 2-4 micrometer. The arrays consist of overlapping component microtubules, interconnected by cross bridges where they are grouped and also connected to the plasma membrane. Microtubule lengths vary greatly in any given array, but the probability that any pass right around the cell is extremely low. The majority of the microtubule terminations lie in statistically random positions in the arrays, but nonrandomness in the form of groups of terminations and terminations in short lines parallel to the axis of cell elongation has been observed. Low temperature induces microtubule shortening and increases the frequency of C-shaped terminations over the 1.7% found under normal conditions; colchicine and high pressures produce abnormally large proportions of very short microtubules amongst those that survive the treatments. Deuterium oxide (D2O) treatment probably induces the formation of additional microtubules as distinct from increasing the length of those already present. The distribution of C-shaped terminations provides evidence for at least local polarity in the arrays. The validity of the findings is discussed, along with implications for the development, maintenance, and orientation of the arrays and their possible relationship to the orientation of cellulose deposition.  相似文献   
Gunning  B. E. S.  Hughes  J. E.  Hardham  A. R. 《Planta》1978,143(2):121-144
The root of the water fern Azolla is a compact higher-plant organ, advantageous for studies of cell division, cell differentiation, and morphogenesis. The cell complement of A. filiculoides Lam. and A. pinnata R.Br. roots is described, and the lineages of the cell types, all derived ultimately from a tetrahedral apical cell, are characterised in terms of sites and planes of cell division within the formative zone, where the initial cells of the cell files are generated. Subsequent proliferation of the initial cells is highly specific, each cell type having its own programme of divisions prior to terminal differentiation. Both formative and proliferative divisions (but especially the former) occur in regular sequences. Two enantiomorphic forms of root develop, with the dispositions of certain types of cell correlating with the direction, dextrorse or sinistrorse, of the cell-division sequence in the apical cells. Root growth is determinate, the apical cell dividing about 55 times, and its cell-cycle duration decreasing from an initial 10 h to about 4 h during the major phase of root development. Sites of proliferation progress acropetally during aging, but do not penetrate into the zone of formative divisions. The detailed portrait of root development that was obtained is discussed with respect to genetic and epigenetic influences; quantal and non-quantal cell cycles; variation in cell-cycle durations; relationships between cell expansion and cell division: the role of the apical cell; and the limitation of the total number of mitotic cycles during root formation.  相似文献   
During infection, plant pathogens secrete effector proteins to facilitate colonization. In comparison with our knowledge of bacterial effectors, the current understanding of how fungal effectors function is limited. In this study, we show that the effector AvrL567-A from the flax rust fungus Melampsora lini interacts with a flax cytosolic cytokinin oxidase, LuCKX1.1, using both yeast two-hybrid and in planta bimolecular fluorescence assays. Purified LuCKX1.1 protein shows catalytic activity against both N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)-adenine (2iP) and trans-zeatin (tZ) substrates. Incubation of LuCKX1.1 with AvrL567-A results in increased catalytic activity against both substrates. The crystal structure of LuCKX1.1 and docking studies with AvrL567-A indicate that the AvrL567 binding site involves a flexible surface-exposed region that surrounds the cytokinin substrate access site, which may explain its effect in modulating LuCKX1.1 activity. Expression of AvrL567-A in transgenic flax plants gave rise to an epinastic leaf phenotype consistent with hormonal effects, although no difference in overall cytokinin levels was observed. We propose that, during infection, plant pathogens may differentially modify the levels of extracellular and intracellular cytokinins.  相似文献   
Tobacco was transformed with three different alleles (L2, L6, and L10) of the flax rust resistance gene L, a member of the toll interleukin-1 receptor, nucleotide-binding site, leucine-rich repeat (TIR-NBS-LRR) class of plant disease resistance genes. L6 transgenics had a stunted phenotype, expressed several defense response genes constitutively, and had increased resistance to the fungus Cercospora nicotianae and the oomycete Phytophthora parasitica pv. nicotianae. L2 and L10 transgenics, with one exception for L10, did not express these phenotypes, indicating that the activation of tobacco defense responses is L6 allele-specific. The phenotype of the exceptional L10 transgenic plant was associated with the presence of a truncated L10 gene resulting from an aberrant T-DNA integration. The truncated gene consisted of the promoter, the complete TIR region, and 39 codons of the NBS domain fused inframe to a tobacco retrotransposon-like sequence. A similar truncated L10 gene, constructed in vitro, was transiently expressed in tobacco leaves and gave rise to a strong localized necrotic reaction. Together, these results suggest that defense signaling properties of resistance genes can be expressed in an allele-specific and pathogen-independent manner when transferred between plant genera.  相似文献   
Translocation of pathogen effector proteins into the host cell cytoplasm is a key determinant for the pathogenicity of many bacterial and oomycete plant pathogens. A number of secreted fungal avirulence (Avr) proteins are also inferred to be delivered into host cells, based on their intracellular recognition by host resistance proteins, including those of flax rust (Melampsora lini). Here, we show by immunolocalization that the flax rust AvrM protein is secreted from haustoria during infection and accumulates in the haustorial wall. Five days after inoculation, the AvrM protein was also detected within the cytoplasm of a proportion of plant cells containing haustoria, confirming its delivery into host cells during infection. Transient expression of secreted AvrL567 and AvrM proteins fused to cerulean fluorescent protein in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and flax cells resulted in intracellular accumulation of the fusion proteins. The rust Avr protein signal peptides were functional in plants and efficiently directed fused cerulean into the secretory pathway. Thus, these secreted effectors are internalized into the plant cell cytosol in the absence of the pathogen, suggesting that they do not require a pathogen-encoded transport mechanism. Uptake of these proteins is dependent on signals in their N-terminal regions, but the primary sequence features of these uptake regions are not conserved between different rust effectors.  相似文献   
Cytoskeleton and cell wall function in penetration resistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plants successfully repel the vast majority of potential pathogens that arrive on their surface, with most microorganisms failing to breach the outer epidermal wall. Resistance to penetration at the epidermis is a key component of basal defence against disease and critically depends on fortification of the cell wall at the site of attempted penetration through the development of specialised cell wall appositions rich in antimicrobial compounds. Formation of cell wall appositions is achieved by rapid reorganisation of actin microfilaments, actin-dependent transport of secretory products to the infection site and local activation of callose synthesis. Plants are finely tuned to detect the presence of pathogens on their surface, perceiving both chemical and physical signals of pathogen origin. In the on-going evolution of interaction strategies, plants must continually monitor and out manoeuvre pathogen avoidance or suppression of plant defences in order to preserve the effectiveness of penetration resistance.  相似文献   
PnPMA1, a gene encoding a putative P-type plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase, has been isolated by differential screening of a Phytophthora nicotianae germinated cyst cDNA library. PnPMA1 is differentially expressed during pathogen asexual development with a more than 10-fold increase in expression in germinated cysts, the stage at which plant infection is initiated, compared to vegetative or sporulating hyphae or motile zoospores. PnPMA1 proteins are encoded by two closely linked genes that have no introns and encode identical proteins having 1,068 amino acid residues and a molecular mass of 116.3kDa. PnPMA1 shows moderate identity (30-50%) to plant and fungal plasma membrane H(+)-ATPases and weak identity to other P-type cation-transporting ATPases. PnPMA1 contains all the catalytic domains characteristic of H(+)-ATPases but also has a distinct domain of approximately 155 amino acids that forms a putative cytoplasmic loop between transmembrane domains 8 and 9, a feature that is not present in PMA1 proteins from other organisms. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the 155 residue domain were shown by immunogold labelling to react with a protein in the plasma membrane of P. nicotianae germinated cysts but not with the plasma membrane of motile zoospores. Genetic complementation experiments demonstrated that the P. nicotianae PnPMA1 is functional in yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   
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