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Oostenbrug, G. S., R. P. Mensink, M. R. Hardeman, T. DeVries, F. Brouns, and G. Hornstra. Exercise performance, red bloodcell deformability, and lipid peroxidation: effects of fish oil andvitamin E. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3):746-752, 1997.Previous studies have indicated that fish oilsupplementation increases red blood cell (RBC) deformability, which mayimprove exercise performance. Exercise alone, or in combination with anincrease in fatty acid unsaturation, however, may enhance lipidperoxidation. Effects of a bicycle time trial of ~1 h on RBCcharacteristics and lipid peroxidation were, therefore, studied in 24 trained cyclists. After 3 wk of fish oil supplementation (6 g/day),without or with vitamin E (300 IU/day), trial performance,RBC characteristics, and lipid peroxidation were measuredagain. RBC deformability appeared to decrease duringendurance exercise. After correction for hemoconcentration, plasmatotal tocopherol concentrations decreased by 0.77 µmol/l(P = 0.012) or 2.9% and carotenoidconcentrations by 0.08 µmol/l (P = 0.0008) or 4.5%. Endurance exercise did not affect the lag time andrate of in vitro oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), but themaximum amount of conjugated dienes formed decreased by 2.1 ± 1.0 µmol/mmol LDL cholesterol (P = 0.042) or 1.2%. Fish oil supplementation with andwithout vitamin E did not affect RBC characteristics or exerciseperformance. Both supplements decreased the rate of LDL oxidation, andfish oil supplementation with vitamin E delayed oxidation. The amountof dienes, however, was not affected. The supplements also did notchange effects of exercise. We conclude that the changes observedduring endurance exercise may indicate increased oxidative stress, butfurther research is necessary to confirm this. Fish oil supplementation does not improve endurance performance, but it also does not cause oraugment changes in antioxidant levels or LDL oxidation during exercise.

Surfactant protein-A (SP-A) belongs to a family of collagen-containing C-type lectins called collectins. SP-A is expressed by renal tubule epithelial cells. We investigated the distribution of SP-A in renal cell carcinomas (RCC) using immunohistochemical techniques and western blotting. We used 35 formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) RCC tissue samples. We compared results with clinico-pathological parameters of RCC including age, sex, Fuhrman grade, tumor volume, tumor node metastasis (TNM) and clinical stage. SP-A was localized in the glomerulus and renal tubule epithelium in nontumor tissue and strong SP-A immunoreactivity was observed in tumor tissue. SP-A was expressed in the RCC tumor cells (64%) and nontumor cells (34%) in males and RCC tumor cells (90%) and nontumor cells (30%) in females. There was a significant correlation between SP-A immunoreactivity in tumor cells and gender, age, tumor diameter, Fuhrman grade and tumor diameter. Western blot analysis supported the immunohistochemical findings. We present evidence for involvement of SP-A in RCC and suggest that increased SP-A expression in RCC is associated with favorable prognosis.  相似文献   
In a three-hour bioassay, we tested the palatability and feeding preferences of Uresiphita maorialis (kōwhai moth) for Sophora tetraptera, Sophora microphylla and Sophora prostrata. Palatability tests showed no differences among the Sophora species. Feeding preferences, on the other hand, showed that S. tetraptera and S. microphylla leaves are preferred over S. prostrata leaves. Our results support our field observations in Wellington city parks and gardens showing that S. tetraptera and S. microphylla plants frequently have higher densities of larvae than S. prostrata.  相似文献   
Nemaline myopathy (NM) is the most common disease entity among non-dystrophic skeletal muscle congenital diseases. Mutations in the skeletal muscle α-actin gene (ACTA1) account for ∼25% of all NM cases and are the most frequent cause of severe forms of NM. So far, the mechanisms underlying muscle weakness in NM patients remain unclear. Additionally, recent Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) studies reported a progressive fatty infiltration of skeletal muscle with a specific muscle involvement in patients with ACTA1 mutations. We investigated strictly noninvasively the gastrocnemius muscle function of a mouse model carrying a mutation in the ACTA1 gene (H40Y). Skeletal muscle anatomy (hindlimb muscles and fat volumes) and energy metabolism were studied using MRI and 31Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Skeletal muscle contractile performance was investigated while applying a force-frequency protocol (from 1–150 Hz) and a fatigue protocol (80 stimuli at 40 Hz). H40Y mice showed a reduction of both absolute (−40%) and specific (−25%) maximal force production as compared to controls. Interestingly, muscle weakness was associated with an improved resistance to fatigue (+40%) and an increased energy cost. On the contrary, the force frequency relationship was not modified in H40Y mice and the extent of fatty infiltration was minor and not different from the WT group. We concluded that the H40Y mouse model does not reproduce human MRI findings but shows a severe muscle weakness which might be related to an alteration of intrinsic muscular properties. The increased energy cost in H40Y mice might be related to either an impaired mitochondrial function or an alteration at the cross-bridges level. Overall, we provided a unique set of anatomic, metabolic and functional biomarkers that might be relevant for monitoring the progression of NM disease but also for assessing the efficacy of potential therapeutic interventions at a preclinical level.  相似文献   
Nemaline myopathy (NM) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorder characterized by muscle weakness and the presence of nemaline bodies (rods) in skeletal muscle. Disease-causing mutations have been reported in five genes, each encoding a protein component of the sarcomeric thin filament. Recently, we identified mutations in the muscle alpha-skeletal-actin gene (ACTA1) in a subset of patients with NM. In the present study, we evaluated a new series of 35 patients with NM. We identified five novel missense mutations in ACTA1, which suggested that mutations in muscle alpha-skeletal actin account for the disease in approximately 15% of patients with NM. The mutations appeared de novo and represent new dominant mutations. One proband subsequently had two affected children, a result consistent with autosomal dominant transmission. The seven patients exhibited marked clinical variability, ranging from severe congenital-onset weakness, with death from respiratory failure during the 1st year of life, to a mild childhood-onset myopathy, with survival into adulthood. There was marked variation in both age at onset and clinical severity in the three affected members of one family. Common pathological features included abnormal fiber type differentiation, glycogen accumulation, myofibrillar disruption, and "whorling" of actin thin filaments. The percentage of fibers with rods did not correlate with clinical severity; however, the severe, lethal phenotype was associated with both severe, generalized disorganization of sarcomeric structure and abnormal localization of sarcomeric actin. The marked variability, in clinical phenotype, among patients with different mutations in ACTA1 suggests that both the site of the mutation and the nature of the amino acid change have differential effects on thin-filament formation and protein-protein interactions. The intrafamilial variability suggests that alpha-actin genotype is not the sole determinant of phenotype.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the effect of unilateral and bilateral resistance exercise (RE) on maximal voluntary strength, total volume of load lifted (TVLL), rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and blood lactate concentration of resistance-trained males. Twelve healthy men were assessed for the leg extension one-repetition maximum (1RM) strength using bilateral and unilateral contractions. Following this assessment, an RE session (3 sets of repetitions to failure) was conducted with bilateral and unilateral (both limbs) contractions using a load of 50% 1RM. The TVLL was calculated by the product of the number of repetitions and the load lifted per repetition. RPE and blood lactate were measured before, during and after each set. Session RPE was measured 30 minutes after RE sessions. There was a significant difference in the bilateral (120.0±11.9) and unilateral (135.0±20.2 kg) 1RM strength (p < 0.05). The TVLL was similar between both RE sessions. Although the repetitions decreased with each successive set, the total number of repetitions completed in the bilateral protocol (48) was superior to the unilateral (40) protocol (p < 0.05). In both bouts, RPE increased with each subsequent set whilst blood lactate increased after set 1 and thereafter remained stable (p < 0.05). The RPE and lactate responses were not significantly different between both sessions. In conclusion, a bilateral deficit in leg extension strength was confirmed, but the TVLL was similar between both RE sessions when exercising to voluntary fatigue. This outcome could be attributed to the number of repetitions completed in the unilateral RE bout. The equal TVLL would also explain the similar perceptual and metabolic responses across each RE session.  相似文献   
Spatially distinct populations of microfilaments, characterized by different tropomyosin (Tm) isoforms, are present within a neuron. To investigate the impact of altered tropomyosin isoform expression on neuronal morphogenesis, embryonic cortical neurons from transgenic mice expressing the isoforms Tm3 and Tm5NM1, under the control of the beta-actin promoter, were cultured in vitro. Exogenously expressed Tm isoforms sorted to different subcellular compartments with Tm5NM1 enriched in filopodia and growth cones, whereas the Tm3 was more broadly localized. The Tm5NM1 neurons displayed significantly enlarged growth cones accompanied by an increase in the number of dendrites and axonal branching. In contrast, Tm3 neurons displayed inhibition of neurite outgrowth. Recruitment of Tm5a and myosin IIB was observed in the peripheral region of a significant number of Tm5NM1 growth cones. We propose that enrichment of myosin IIB increases filament stability, leading to the enlarged growth cones. Our observations support a role for different tropomyosin isoforms in regulating interactions with myosin and thereby regulating morphology in specific intracellular compartments.  相似文献   
三氧化二砷对食管癌细胞增殖和热休克蛋白70表达的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究三氧化二砷(As2O3)对食管癌细胞增殖和热休克蛋白70(HSP70)表达的影响。方法:通过相差显微镜、流式细胞术、免疫细胞化学染色和免疫印迹分析等方法观察As2O3对人食管癌细胞株EC1的作用效果和作用机制。结果:与对照组相比,经2μmol/L和5μmol/Las2O3作用的细胞出现明显的生长抑制,G2/M期细胞比例增加;2μmol/Las2O3作用48h后经Ecl细胞HSP70(heat shock protein70)及HSC70(heat shock cognate protein70)表达均增加。结论:As2O3诱导食管癌细胞G2/M期阻滞抑制细胞增殖和生长;HSP70的升高是细胞对As2O3作用后出现的应激反应,并与细胞周期阻滞相关。  相似文献   
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