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One of the most famous examples of successful, classical biological control in Japan is the introduction of the parasitoids Coccobius fulvus and Aphytis yanonensis against the citrus pest arrowhead scale Unaspis yanonensis. Together, they comprise a host‐parasitoid system that has been demonstrated to be stable. To test the conventional theory that successful biological control of pests occurs through the establishment of a low stable equilibrium, brought about by the density‐dependent responses of natural enemies to the pest species, sampling was carried out at five sites in the field during 2000 and 2001 to examine the relationship between the rate of parasitism by C. fulvus and the density of its host. The data were analysed using three statistical techniques at nine spatial scales. Contrary to conventional theoretical predictions, each method of analysis detected very little density‐dependence at any spatial level in this study. Parasitoid aggregations independent of host density were not sufficient to stabilise host–parasitoid interactions. Our results suggest that neither spatial density‐dependent nor density‐independent parasitism is necessary for successful biological control, or for the stability of the host–parasitoid system. We propose an alternative mechanism: a spatial refuge induced by parasitoid introduction may stabilise a system.  相似文献   
Only few studies are available dealing with the relation between winter host density and spatial distribution and spring colonization of winter cereals by the host‐alternating cereal aphid species Rhopalosiphum padi and Metopolophium dirhodum. Large‐scale studies in climatically different agroecosystems in Germany from 2004 to 2006 revealed for R. padi and M. dirhodum larger spring/summer populations in landscapes with higher densities of winter hosts. A small‐scale study was performed in winter wheat fields adjacent to a large hedge with several typical winter hosts plants, bird cherry (Prunus padus) and wild rose species (Rosa spp.) to indentify distance effects (0–8, 8–24 and 24–60 m). Weekly measurements of aphid density between May to July showed significantly higher densities of R. padi compared with those of other aphids. Statistical analysis (Tukey–Kramer test and regression analyses) revealed significant gradients from the hedge to the field centre for R. padi and M. dirhodum. In comparative studies, winged R. padi from winter and adjacent summer hosts were genotyped using four microsatellite markers. The results showed that individuals from a certain winter host were not genetically similar with individuals from neighbouring summer hosts; it, therefore, seems that winter host clones did not significantly contribute to population built‐up in cereal fields over short distances. It could be concluded that on a regional scale, the density of sources for early migrants of R. padi is important for colonization intensity of surrounding summer hosts, but that the high local movement intensity and the relative small proportion of aphids that could be analysed in such tracking studies are blurring close spatial relations within short time periods.  相似文献   


In recent years large bibliographic databases have made much of the published literature of biology available for searches. However, the capabilities of the search engines integrated into these databases for text-based bibliographic searches are limited. To enable searches that deliver the results expected by comparative anatomists, an underlying logical structure known as an ontology is required.

Development and Testing of the Ontology

Here we present the Mammalian Feeding Muscle Ontology (MFMO), a multi-species ontology focused on anatomical structures that participate in feeding and other oral/pharyngeal behaviors. A unique feature of the MFMO is that a simple, computable, definition of each muscle, which includes its attachments and innervation, is true across mammals. This construction mirrors the logical foundation of comparative anatomy and permits searches using language familiar to biologists. Further, it provides a template for muscles that will be useful in extending any anatomy ontology. The MFMO is developed to support the Feeding Experiments End-User Database Project (FEED, https://feedexp.org/), a publicly-available, online repository for physiological data collected from in vivo studies of feeding (e.g., mastication, biting, swallowing) in mammals. Currently the MFMO is integrated into FEED and also into two literature-specific implementations of Textpresso, a text-mining system that facilitates powerful searches of a corpus of scientific publications. We evaluate the MFMO by asking questions that test the ability of the ontology to return appropriate answers (competency questions). We compare the results of queries of the MFMO to results from similar searches in PubMed and Google Scholar.

Results and Significance

Our tests demonstrate that the MFMO is competent to answer queries formed in the common language of comparative anatomy, but PubMed and Google Scholar are not. Overall, our results show that by incorporating anatomical ontologies into searches, an expanded and anatomically comprehensive set of results can be obtained. The broader scientific and publishing communities should consider taking up the challenge of semantically enabled search capabilities.  相似文献   
Gephyrin is the major protein determinant for the clustering of inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors. Earlier analyses revealed that gephyrin tightly binds to residues 398-410 of the glycine receptor β subunit (GlyR β) and, as demonstrated only recently, also interacts with GABA(A) receptors (GABA(A)Rs) containing the α1, α2, and α3 subunits. Here, we dissect the molecular basis underlying the interactions between gephyrin and GABA(A)Rs containing these α-subunits and compare them to the crystal structure of the gephyrin-GlyR β complex. Biophysical and biochemical assays revealed that, in contrast to its tight interaction with GlyR β, gephyrin only loosely interacts with GABA(A)R α2, whereas it has an intermediate affinity for the GABA(A)R α1 and α3 subunits. Despite the wide variation in affinities and the low overall sequence homology among the identified receptor subunits, competition assays confirmed the receptor-gephyrin interaction to be a mutually exclusive process. Selected gephyrin point mutants that critically weaken complex formation with GlyR β also abolished the GABA(A)R α1 and α3 interactions. Additionally, we identified a common binding motif with two conserved aromatic residues that are central for gephyrin binding. Consistent with the biochemical data, mutations of the corresponding residues within the cytoplasmic domain of α2 subunit-containing GABA(A)Rs attenuated clustering of these receptors at postsynaptic sites in hippocampal neurons. Taken together, our experiments provide key insights regarding similarities and differences in the complex formation between gephyrin and GABA(A)Rs compared with GlyRs and, hence, the accumulation of these receptors at postsynaptic sites.  相似文献   
Anagrus atomus L. is an important egg parasitoid of the green leafhopper Empoasca decipiens Paoli. In this study the ability of the parasitoid to locate and parasitize its host was investigated on four host plants, i.e., broad beans (Vicia faba L.), sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), and French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). For each plant species, the behavior of the parasitoid was observed on E. decipiens infested and noninfested plants. Searching and oviposition behavior were characterized by drumming, probing, and resting. Parasitoids spent significantly less time on non-infested than infested plants, 274.5 and 875.7 s, respectively, and no probing behavior was observed on non-infested plants. Frequency of resting behavior was significantly greater on non-infested than on infested plants. Total foraging time was significantly longer on infested than on non-infested plants, indicating that A. atomus females can efficiently discriminate between leaves with and without infestation. Parasitism of A. atomus was influenced by parasitoid density, with the highest parasitism rate (64.0%) obtained at a density of 10 A. atomus females/0.1356 m2 but the number of parasitized eggs per female and the searching efficiency decreased with increasing parasitoid density.  相似文献   
The efficiency of a natural enemy combination compared to a single species release for the control of western flower thrips (WFT) Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) on cucumber plants was investigated. Since a large part of F occidentalis seems to enter the soil passage, a joint release of the plant-inhabiting predatory mite Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) that feeds on thrips first-instar larvae and the soil-dwelling predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer (Canestrini) that preys on thrips pupae in the ground might offer a promising approach for a holistic control strategy. Therefore, two sets of experiments were conducted in cooperation with a commercial vegetable grower where the plants in plots were infested with a defined number of larval and adult F occidentalis. Two species of natural enemies were released either synchronously or solely, and their efficacy was compared to control plots devoid of antagonists. In both experiments, the predatory mites were released twice with a density of 46 A. cucumeris/m2, and 207 H. aculeifer/m2 (low-density) in the first experiment and 528 H. aculeifer/m2 (high-density) in the second one. Population growth of all arthropod species on the plants and in the soil was quantified at regular intervals and included all soil-dwelling mites and alternative preys present in the substrate. The results showed that H. aculeifer alone had a significant impact on thrips population development only when released at high-densities, but competence was lower compared to the other antagonist treatments. The impact of A. cucumeris alone and A. cucumeris & H. aculeifer combined was similar. Thus, the pooled exploitation of natural enemies did not boost thrips control compared to the single species application of A. cucumeris (non-additive effect), which could be explained by resource competition between both predatory mite species. Species number and population size in the soil of the experimental plots both showed a high variability, a possible consequence of their interaction with released soil-dwelling predatory H. aculeifer mites. The impact of resource competition and presence of alternative preys on thrips biological control is exhaustively discussed. From our study, we can extract the subsequent conclusions: (1) the combined use of H. aculeifer and A. cucumeris cannot increase thrips control on cucumber compared to the release of A. cucumeris alone, but the overall reliability of thrips biological control might be enhanced, (2) the availability of alternative preys seemed to affect the thrips predation rate of H. aculeifer, and (3) the impact of naturally occurring soil predatory mites on the control of WFT seemed to be partial.  相似文献   
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora is used in biological control of soil-borne insect pests in horticulture and turf. Mass production is carried out in monoxenic liquid cultures pre-incubated with the symbiont of the nematodes, the bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens, before nematode dauer juveniles (DJ) are inoculated. As a response to bacterial food signals, the DJ recover from the developmentally arrested dauer stage, grow to adults and produce DJ offspring. Variable DJ recovery after inoculation into cultures of P. luminescens often causes process failure due to low numbers of adult nematodes in the medium. In order to enhance DJ recovery, improve nematode population management and increase yields, the optimal timing for DJ inoculation was sought. The process parameter pH and respiration quotient (RQ) were recorded in order to test whether changes can be used to identify the best moment for DJ inoculation. When DJ were inoculated during the lag and early logarithmic growth phases of P. luminescens cultures, DJ recovery was low and almost no nematode reproduction was obtained. High populations of P. luminescens phase variants were recorded. Recovery and yields increased when DJ were inoculated during the latter log phase during which the RQ dropped to values <0.8 and the pH reached a maximum. The highest DJ recovery and yields were observed in cultures that were inoculated during the late stationary growth phase. This period started with the increase of the pH after its distinct minimum at pH <8.0. Thus optimal timing for DJ inoculation can be defined through monitoring of the pH in the P. luminescens culture.  相似文献   
The prey-location behaviour of larvae of Episyrphus balteatus DeG. (Dipt.: Syrphidae) was investigated in two different experimental set-ups. First instar larvae exhibited directed search over short distances, guided by olfactory cues from aphids, but not from honeydew. However, second and third instars did not respond to aphid-plant-complex odours in a 4-arm-olfactometer. Aphid extracts, honeydew and sucrose were found to be feeding stimulants for the larvae. The oviposition behaviour of female syrphids was investigated in a series of two-choice experiments: females were able to evaluate aphid numbers and adjust oviposition rates accordingly, with higher prey numbers eliciting increased oviposition, even when the aphids were removed at the start of the experiment. The presence of conspecific syrphid larvae did not inhibit oviposition when the females were deprived of suitable oviposition sides before the experiments were conducted.  相似文献   
Otitis media is a prominent disease among children. Previous literature indicates that otitis media is a polymicrobial disease, with Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Alloiococcus otitidis and Moraxella catarrhalis being the most commonly associated bacterial pathogens. Recent literature suggests that introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines has had an effect on the etiology of otitis media. Using a multiplex PCR procedure, we sought to investigate the presence of the aforementioned bacterial pathogens in middle ear fluid collected from children undergoing routine tympanostomy tube placement at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center during the period between January 2011 and March 2014. In purulent effusions, one or more bacterial organisms were detected in ~90% of samples. Most often the presence of H. influenzae alone was detected in purulent effusions (32%; 10 of 31). In non-purulent effusions, the most prevalent organism detected was A. otitidis (26%; 63 of 245). Half of the non-purulent effusions had none of these otopathogens detected. In purulent and non-purulent effusions, the overall presence of S. pneumoniae was lower (19%; 6 of 31, and 4%; 9 of 245, respectively) than that of the other pathogens being identified. The ratio of the percentage of each otopathogen identified in purulent vs. non-purulent effusions was >1 for the classic otopathogens but not for A. otitidis.  相似文献   
The unbiased and comprehensive analysis of metabolites in any organism presents a major challenge if proper peak annotation and unambiguous assignment of the biological origin of the peaks are required. Here we provide a comprehensive multi-isotope labelling-based strategy using fully labelled (13) C, (15) N and (34) S plant tissues, in combination with a fractionated metabolite extraction protocol. The extraction procedure allows for the simultaneous extraction of polar, semi-polar and hydrophobic metabolites, as well as for the extraction of proteins and starch. After labelling and extraction, the metabolites and lipids were analysed using a high-resolution mass spectrometer providing accurate MS and all-ion fragmentation data, providing an unambiguous readout for every detectable isotope-labelled peak. The isotope labelling assisted peak annotation process employed can be applied in either an automated database-dependent or a database-independent analysis of the plant polar metabolome and lipidome. As a proof of concept, the developed methods and technologies were applied and validated using Arabidopsis thaliana leaf and root extracts. Along with a large repository of assigned elemental compositions, which is provided, we show, using selected examples, the accuracy and reliability of the developed workflow.  相似文献   
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