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The applicability of the electron spectroscopic imaging technique for detection of the intracellular distribution of calcium in plant cells was tested with calyptra cells ofZea mays and with pollen tubes ofLilium longiflorum. After fixation in enhanced Ca2+ levels and embedding in resin, ultrathin sections were analyzed for the elemental distribution. Calcium and phosphorus were enriched in cell wall, plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and Golgi vesicles, mainly in granular or globular deposits appearing electron dense in transmission electron microscopy. The results demonstrated that the ESI-technique allows exact localization of calcium enrichment relative to specific cell organelles.  相似文献   
Summary In most nereids sexual maturation is accompanied by a dramatic reorganization of the body that enables swarming of the formerly benthic worms. However, a border exists between unchanged anterior (atokous) and metamorphosed posterior (epitokous) segments. The site of this atokous-epitokous border (a/e border) is different in sexually mature males and females of Platynereis dumerilii. There is no correlation between the total number of setigerous segments of a specimen and the location of the a/e border. The location of the a/e border and sexual development are affected neither by cutting off caudal segments of juveniles (including the prospective a/e border) nor by transecting the ventral nerve cord. When parapodia are transplanted from prospective epitokous regions to prospective atokous regions and vice versa, they maintain their original character during metamorphosis. The results presented here suggest that prospective atokous as well as epitokous characters are determined at or only very shortly after formation of the respective segments. Thus the a/e border is established well in advance of the onset of epitokous metamorphosis.  相似文献   
The details of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis are described forOphryotrocha puerilis. The ultrastructure of mature sperm is shown forO. puerilis, O. hartmanni, O. gracilis, O. diadema, O. labronica, andO. notoglandulata. Clusters of sixteen cells each are proliferated by two stem cells in each setigerous segment ofO. puerilis representing the very early stages of both oogenesis and spermatogenesis. In each spermatocyte-I cluster, the cells are interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges. Early, clusters are enveloped by peritoneal sheath cells. These transient gonad walls break down prior to meiosis. The meiotic processes may start in the clusters with the cells still interconnected, or during breakdown of the original cluster, giving rise to smaller subclusters of both spermatocytes I and spermatocytes II with various numbers of cells. Finally, spermatid tetrads are present. As spermiogenesis progresses, the tetrads disintegrate. Golgi vesicles in both spermatocytes and spermatids contain electron-dense material, presumably preacrosomal. The acrosome is formed by such vesicles. In the six species studied here, the acrosomes appear to be of a similar overall structure but are of different shape. Centrioles are usually located beneath the acrosome. The distal centriole forms the basal body of a flagellum-like cytoplasmic process. The microtubules of these flagellar equivalents do not show a normal ciliar arrangement. The flagellar equivalent appears to be non-motile. InO. hartmanni and inO. notoglandulata, a flagellar equivalent is missing. Microtubules originating from the proximal end of the distal centriole stretch to the nuclear envelope. This feature appears to be especially conspicuous inO. puerilis and inO. labronica. InO. labronica and inO. notoglandulata, bundles of microtubules paralleling the cell perimeter appear to stabilise the sperm. Various numbers of mitochondria are either randomly distributed around the nucleus or accumulate on one side, often directly under the acrosome. Parts of the present paper were presented at the 2nd International Polychaete Conference, Copenhagen 1986 and at the 3rd International Polychaete Conference, Long Beach, Ca. 1989.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An Blutausstrichen und Gewebsschnitten von männlichen und weiblichen Mäusen und Ratten wurde das Vorkommen von geschlechtsspezifischen morphologischen Kernmerkmalen untersucht. Die Kerne der neutrophilen Granulocyten weisen bei beiden Arten keine an den Kernanhängen erkennbare Geschlechtsdifferenz auf. An den Kernen der Parenchymzellen wurde für weibliche und auch für männliche Tiere ein positiver Geschlechtsnachweis auf Grund einer charakteristischen Chromatinverteilung geführt.Wir stimmen dem Vorschlag von Th. Lüers (1957) zu, die Begriffe Geschlechts-bestimmung und Geschlechtsdifferenzierung nur in ihrer ursprünglichen Bedeutung zu verwenden.  相似文献   
An exposure — response study with proportionalto-ambient ozone levels was conducted in closed chambers on 3-year-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) of montane origin. The fumigation started in April 1990 and lasted for a single growing season. Climate data and ozone concentrations monitored at an experimental station of the Institute for Applied Plant Biology, Schönenbuch, Switzerland were simulated in the exposure chambers 12 days later (1*O3). To test exposure-response relations three additional treatments were applied, subambient (0.2*O3) and two proportionally increased ozone treatments (1.5*O3 and 2*O3). The photosynthetic behaviour of the trees in August revealed the light reactions to be less affected than parameters which are related to the dark reactions of photosynthesis. Assimilation (A350), apparent carboxylation efficiency (CE), and maximum photosynthetic capacity (A2500) were reduced with increasing ozone concentration. For the ozone response of CE and A2500 Critical Levels were calculated.  相似文献   
Abstract: There is increasing, although largely indirect, evidence that neurotrophic factors not only function as target-derived survival factors for projection neurons, but also act locally to regulate developmental processes. We studied the expression of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) and the CNTF-specific ligand-binding α-subunit of the CNTF receptor complex (CNTFRα) in the rat retina, a well-defined CNS model system, and CNTF effects on cultured retinal neurons. Both CNTF and CNTFRα (mRNA and protein) are expressed during phases of retinal neurogenesis and differentiation. Retina-specific Müller glia are immunocytochemically identified as the site of CNTF production and CNTFRα-expressing, distinct neuronal cell types as potential CNTF targets. Biological effects on corresponding neurons in culture further support the conclusion that locally supplied CNTF plays a regulatory role in the development of various retinal cell types including ganglion cells and interneurons.  相似文献   
Three associations of the Nanocyperion teneriffae Lebrun 1947 (Sporoboletalia festivi Lebrun 1947) are described. They are physiognomically and ecologically similar to associations of the Mediterranean Isoeto-Nanojuncetea Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943 and Helianthemetalia guttati Br.-Bl. 1940. They are rich in very specialized therophytes and resurrection plants.
Meinem Lehrer H. Walter, Stuttgart gewidmet.  相似文献   
We use specific restriction fragments as defined primers for DNA synthesis on single-stranded circular phage fd DNA. These structures are relatively poor templates for a highly purified DNA polymerase α from Xenopus laevis eggs. However, DNA synthesis is stimulated about 5-fold by addition of ATP to the reaction mixture. We show that the deoxynucleotide polymers, synthesized in the presence of ATP, are significantly longer than those produced in the absence of ATP. We also show that this effect is due to a more tenacious binding of DNA polymerase α to DNA and conclude that ATP increases the processivity of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Pollen of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. was germinated for 12 h in growth medium containing 1·10-4 M chlorotetracycline (CTC), or growing tubes were treated with 1·10-4 M CTC for up to 2 h. These treatments have drastic effects: In the CTC-containing medium, out-growing tubes form only short tubes. Irregular wall thickenings are visible. Thirty minutes CTC-treatment cause growing tubes to bend and grow back toward the grain. Electron micrographs of CTC-treated tubes show that CTC affects the organelle distribution: The polar zonation of organelles is disturbed. Vesicle-and endoplasmic reticulum-accumulations are found in the wrong places, together with extensive wall thickenings and a very irregular plasma membrane. The structural details of most cell organelles look normal after CTC treatment, but the mitochondria possess unusual cristae, and microtubules are absent. The disoriented growth is interpreted as an effect of the ability of CTC to chelate intracellular calcium ions, to bind them to membranes, and thus to disturb the dynamics of the delicate Ca2+-equilibria thought to regulate oriented exocytosis.Abbreviations CTC chlorotetracycline - ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   
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