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Blood chemistry values were collected over a three-year period from at least 10 colony-born and 24 wild-born apparently normal common marmosets. BUN, SGOT, creatinine, calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, protein, albumin, cholesterol, triglycerides, uric and glucose values were determined. A statistical comparison of baseline values was made between wild-born, colony-born, male and female marmosets. Also the same comparison was made between common marmosets and cotton-top tamarins, white lipped tamarins and human subjects.  相似文献   
1. The pH-dependences of the second-order rate constants (k) for the alkylation by chloroacetate of the active-centre thiol groups of papain (EC and ficin (EC were determined over a wide range of pH at 25 degrees C at I 0.1. 2. The main feature of both pH-k profiles is a striking rate maximum at pH6 (characterizing parameters in both cases pKI approx. 3.5, pKII approx. 8.4 and pH-independent rate constant approximately kXH 2.5-3.0 M-1 . s-1). 3. The profile for the ficin reaction contains a plateau at high pH, with approximately kX 0.10 M-1 . s-1; if an analogous plateau exists in the papain reaction, approximately kX ix much lower, less than 0.02 M-1 . s-1. 4. Both enzymes appear to contain closely similar thiolate-imidazolium interactive systems at pH6, but differences in their behaviour in more-acidic media and in alkaline media suggest differences in interaction with the postulated carboxylate component of the putative catalytic triad.  相似文献   
Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) E6 and E7 oncoproteins are required for cellular transformation and represent candidate targets for HPV-specific and major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted CD8(+)-T-cell responses in patients with cervical cancer. Recent evidence suggests that cross-reactivity represents the inherent nature of the T-cell repertoire. We identified HLA-A2 binding HPV16 E7 variant peptides from human, bacterial, or viral origin which are able to drive CD8(+)-T-cell responses directed against wild-type HPV16 E7 amino acid 11 to 19/20 (E7(11-19/20)) epitope YMLDLQPET(T) in vitro. CD8(+) T cells reacting to the HLA-A2-presented peptide from HPV16 E7(11-19(20)) recognized also the HLA-A2 binding peptide TMLDIQPED (amino acids 52 to 60) from the human coronavirus OC43 NS2 gene product. Establishment of coronavirus NS2-specific, HLA-A2-restricted CD8(+)-T-cell clones and ex vivo analysis of HPV16 E7 specific T cells obtained by HLA-A2 tetramer-guided sorting from PBL or tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes obtained from patients with cervical cancer showed that cross-reactivity with HPV16 E7(11-19(20)) and coronavirus NS2(52-60) represents a common feature of this antiviral immune response defined by cytokine production. Zero of 10 patients with carcinoma in situ neoplasia and 3 of 18 patients with cervical cancer showed > or =0.1% HPV16 E7-reactive T cells in CD8(+) peripheral blood lymphocytes. In vivo priming with HPV16 was confirmed in patients with cervical cancer or preinvasive HPV16-positive lesions using HLA-A2 tetramer complexes loaded with the E6-derived epitope KLPQLCTEL. In contrast, we could not detect E6-reactive T cells in healthy individuals. These data imply that the measurement of the HPV16 E7(11-19(20)) CD8(+)-T-cell response may reflect cross-reactivity with a common pathogen and that variant peptides may be employed to drive an effective cellular immune response against HPV.  相似文献   
Soluble MHC class I molecules loaded with antigenic peptides are available either to detect and to enumerate or, alternatively, to sort and expand MHC class I-restricted and peptide-reactive T cells. A defined number of MHC class I/peptide complexes can now be implemented to measure T cell responses induced upon Ag-specific stimulation, including CD3/CD8/zeta-chain down-regulation, pattern, and quantity of cytokine secretion. As a paradigm, we analyzed the reactivity of a Melan-A/MART-1-specific and HLA-A2-restricted CD8(+) T cell clone to either soluble or solid-phase presented peptides, including the naturally processed and presented Melan-A/MART-1 peptide AAGIGILTV or the peptide analog ELAGIGILTV presented either by the HLA-A2 wild-type (wt) or mutant (alanineright arrowvaline aa 245) MHC class I molecule, which reduces engagement of the CD8 molecule with the HLA-A2 heavy chain. Soluble MHC class I complexes were used as either monomeric or tetrameric complexes. Soluble monomeric MHC class I complexes, loaded with the Melan-A/MART-1 peptide, resulted in CD3/CD8 and TCR zeta-chain down-regulation, but did not induce measurable cytokine release. In general, differences pertaining to CD3/CD8/zeta-chain regulation and cytokine release, including IL-2, IFN-gamma, and GM-CSF, were associated with 1) the format of Ag presentation (monomeric vs tetrameric MHC class I complexes), 2) wt vs mutant HLA-A2 molecules, and 3) the target Ag (wt vs analog peptide). These differences are to be considered if T cells are exposed to recombinant MHC class I Ags loaded with peptides implemented for detection, activation, or sorting of Ag-specific T cells.  相似文献   
Shear flow assays are used to mimic the influence of physiological shear force in diverse situations such as leukocyte rolling and arrest on the vasculature, capture of nanoparticles, and bacterial adhesion. Analysis of such assays usually involves manual counting, is labor-intensive, and is subject to bias. We have developed the Leukotrack program that incorporates a novel (to our knowledge) segmentation routine capable of reliable detection of cells in phase contrast images. The program also automatically tracks rolling cells in addition to those that are more firmly attached and migrating in random directions. We demonstrate its use in the analysis of lymphocyte arrest mediated by one or more active conformations of the integrin LFA-1. Activation of LFA-1 is a multistep process that depends on several proteins including kindlin-3, the protein that is mutated in leukocyte adhesion deficiency-III patients. We find that the very first stage of LFA-1-mediated attaching is unable to proceed in the absence of kindlin-3. Our evidence indicates that kindlin-3-mediated high-affinity LFA-1 controls both the early transient integrin-dependent adhesions in addition to the final stable adhesions made under flow conditions.  相似文献   
Suspensions of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae display free-running light scattering oscillations at the onset of development. We describe a device to monitor these oscillations in several samples in parallel. The apparatus consists of a thermostated cuvette holder where up to eight cuvettes containing cell suspension are inserted. Cells are aerated and kept in suspension via an airlift. Infrared light emitted from a five-diode array passes through the suspension and is detected by an array of five light detecting diodes. The resulting signal is digitized and recorded with a sampling rate of two measuring points/second. The parallel analysis approach allows determination of the effects of adding of agents or of variations in the external conditions in the same batch of amoebae at the same developmental time point. This represents an advantage over the conventional single cuvette approach, as oscillation characteristics themselves are developmentally regulated. Moreover, as the new experimental setup enables simultaneous analyses of up to eight samples, the behavior of wild-type and several mutant strains can be compared under identical experimental conditions.  相似文献   
The cytokines interleukin-1 (IL-1alpha and IL-1beta) and the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) both play a major role in the initiation and regulation of inflammation and immunity responses. Polymorphisms within the gene sequences of these cytokines IL-1 and TNF-alpha have been proposed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of certain diseases. Affecting nearly every organ, various diseases, including some cancers, are described to be associated with an increased level of IL-1 and TNF-alpha proteins, for example, solid tumors, hematologic malignancies, malignant histiocytosis, autoimmune disorders, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, sepsis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Regarding genetic backgrounds and pathways, numerous canine diseases show close similarities to their human counterparts. As a genetic model, the dog could be used to unravel the genetic mechanisms, for example, in particular the predispositions, the development, and progression of cancer and metabolic diseases. The identity comparison of gene and protein sequences of different species could be used to elucidate the structure and function of the genes and proteins by identifying the evolutionary conserved regions and domains. Herein we analyzed in detail the mRNA and protein structures and identities of the present known mammalian (human, canine, murine, rat, ovine, equine, feline, porcine, and bovine) TNF-alpha, IL-1alpha, and IL-1beta mRNAs and proteins. Additionally, based on the canine genome sequence, we derived in silico the complete mRNA structures of the IL-1alpha and IL-1beta mRNAs.  相似文献   
The activation of leukocyte integrins through diverse receptors results in transformation of the integrin from a bent, resting form to an extended conformation, which has at least two states of ligand-binding activity. This highly regulated activation process is essential for T cell migration and the formation of an immunological synapse. The signalling events that drive integrin activation are complex. Some key players have been well-characterized, but other aspects of the signalling mechanisms involved are still unclear. This Review focuses on the integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA1; also known as αLβ2 integrin), which is expressed by T cells, and explores how disparate signalling pathways synergize to regulate LFA1 activity.  相似文献   
Numerous Bayesian methods of phenotype prediction and genomic breeding value estimation based on multilocus association models have been proposed. Computationally the methods have been based either on Markov chain Monte Carlo or on faster maximum a posteriori estimation. The demand for more accurate and more efficient estimation has led to the rapid emergence of workable methods, unfortunately at the expense of well-defined principles for Bayesian model building. In this article we go back to the basics and build a Bayesian multilocus association model for quantitative and binary traits with carefully defined hierarchical parameterization of Student's t and Laplace priors. In this treatment we consider alternative model structures, using indicator variables and polygenic terms. We make the most of the conjugate analysis, enabled by the hierarchical formulation of the prior densities, by deriving the fully conditional posterior densities of the parameters and using the acquired known distributions in building fast generalized expectation-maximization estimation algorithms.  相似文献   
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