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(1) The ability to produce cephalodia is usually a genus-specific character in lichens. (2)Lecidea shushanii Thoms., is a member of the genusTephromela, closely related toT. aglaea. It is not clear, whether or not the cephalodia of this taxon are true cephalodia or colonies of epiphytic cyanobacteria and whether or notLecidea shushanii is an independent species. (3)Lecidea dovrensis Nyl., is, in contrast to the traditional concept, not conspecific withLecidea alpestris Sommerf., but an earlier name forLecidea pallida Th. Fr. (4)Lecidea dovrensis is described in some detail. Chemically the species is characterized by the presence of isousnic acid (previously unknown in lecideoid lichens). It is restricted to areas north of the 60th parallel with an oceanic climate. (5) In connection with the attempt to clarify the taxonomic relationships ofLecidea dovrensis, figures of ascus apical structures of the following species are given (marked by an asterisk are genera where we found discrepancies with published data):Austrolecia antarctica, Catillaria chalybeia, Lecidea alpestris, L. caesioatra, L. limosa, Lecidoma demissum, Koerberiella wimmeriana, Micarea assimilata, M. crassipes, M. melaenida, M. prasina, Pilophorus robustus, Placodiella olivacea, Placolecis opaca, Porpidia trullisata, Protoblastenia rupestris, Psilolechia lucida, Psorula rufonigra, Squamarina gypsacea, Xanthopsorella texana. (6) Among crustaceous lichens we find no groups related toLecidea dovrensis. We supportTimal's concept of including this species in the genusPilophorus. Pilophorus, as well asLecidea dovrensis is characterized by the same ascus type, by a similar structure of thallus, cephalodia, paraphyses, and ascocarp (although there is no pseudopodetium developed inLecidea dovrensis), and the presence of isousnic acid. In addition, both taxa are restricted to cool oceanic climates and non-calciferous substrates. The following combination is proposed:Pilophorus dovrensis (Nyl.)Timdal, Hertel & Rambold, comb. nova. (7) The species of theLecidea alpestris-group form an independent genus, probably near toAustrolecia Hertel.
Frau Prof. Dr.Elisabeth Tschermak-Woess zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Summary To provide a hitherto lacking review which focuses on gill surface area of freshwater fish, we collected and analysed morphometric data from the literature. The scaling exponent of gill area ranges from 0.36 to 1.13, with a mean value of 0.76. The absolute values for the largest gill areas are about 5 times as high as those of the smallest. This range resembles that of marine fish, if specially adapted steady swimmers, such as tunnies and some sharks, are excluded. Generally it appears that the gill areas of freshwater fish are smaller than those of comparable marine species. To establish whether a relationship exists between gill area and swimming activity or oxygen content of water, the activity of each species and the oxygen content of its habitat were estimated and checked against the gill area. ANOVA revealed that activity explains the presence of the smallest gill areas only, while oxygen content does not correlate with gill area at all. The morphometric variables determining gill area (total length of filaments, average lamellar density, average lamellar area) are highly correlated; total gill area correlates mainly with lamellar density and to a lesser degree with filament length; lamellar area varies independently. Different populations of the same species exhibit striking differences with respect to gill areas, total length of filaments, average lamellar density and average lamellar area. These differences point to a substantial morphological plasticity of the gill system.  相似文献   
Microbial growth was studied in six damp buildings. Mesophilic fungi, especially Penicillium spp., yeasts, and species of Cladosporium and Aspergillus, occurred most abundantly on building constructions. Thermophilic fungi and mesophilic actinomycetes were occasionally found. A toxigenic fungus, Stachybotrys sp., was also detected on cellulose-based materials. In a cytotoxicity test, 23% of samples were positive. Spore counts varied considerably on materials, but no correlation between counts and the substrate or its water activity (aw) was observed. In experiments a rapid increase in CO2 production and spore propagule count was observed in all materials incubated at a relative humidity (RH) (RH=0·01*water activity) of 96–98°. Some differences were noted between materials in CO2 evolved, but not in propagule counts.  相似文献   


Strong postzygotic reproductive isolating barriers are usually expected to limit the extent of natural hybridization between species with contrasting ploidy. However, genomic sequencing has revealed previously overlooked examples of natural cross-ploidy hybridization in some flowering plant genera, suggesting that the phenomenon may be more common than once thought. We investigated potential cross-ploidy hybridization in British eyebrights (Euphrasia, Orobanchaceae), a group from which 13 putative cross-ploidy hybrid combinations have been reported based on morphology.


We analyzed a contact zone between diploid Euphrasia rostkoviana and tetraploid E. arctica in Wales. We sequenced part of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA and used genotyping by sequencing (GBS) to look for evidence of cross-ploidy hybridization and introgression.


Common variant sites in the ITS region were fixed between diploids and tetraploids, indicating a strong barrier to hybridization. Clustering analyses of 356 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) generated using GBS clearly separated samples by ploidy and revealed strong genetic structure (FST = 0.44). However, the FST distribution across all SNPs was bimodal, indicating potential differential selection on loci between diploids and tetraploids. Demographic inference suggested potential gene flow, limited to around one or fewer migrants per generation.


Our results suggest that recent cross-ploidy hybridization is rare or absent in a site of secondary contact in Euphrasia. While a strong ploidy barrier prevents hybridization over ecological timescales, such hybrids may form in stable populations over evolutionary timescales, potentially allowing cross-ploidy introgression to take place.  相似文献   
The influence of different estrogen and/or progesterone treatments on concentrations of A and B forms of progesterone receptor (PR-A and PR-B) in the different cell types of chick oviduct was studied. A semiquantitative immunohistochemical assay for cellular PR concentrations was developed using a computer-assisted image analysis system. The staining intensity of nuclear PR in the basal layer of epithelial cells, glandular, smooth muscle and mesothelial cells was analysed separately using two monoclonal antibodies, PR6 and PR22. The measured concentrations of PR varied between different cell types and from cell to cell. A significant decrease in PR concentration, as noted by a decrease in staining intensity, was observed in all cell types studied 2 or 6 h after a single injection of progesterone with or without simultaneous estrogen administration. The decrease was also verified with immunoblotting and an immunoenzymometric assay (IEMA) for chicken PR. After down-regulation the concentration of PR recovered to the control level within 48 h after progesterone or estrogen administration. Estrogen administration alone was observed to cause changes in the concentration of PR-A only, having little or no effect on PR-B concentration depending on the cell type studied.

These findings indicate that estrogen and progesterone cause cell-specific changes not only to the total concentration of PR but also to the cellular ratio of PR-A and PR-B.  相似文献   

The prediction experiment reveals that fold recognition has become a powerful tool in structural biology. We applied our fold recognition technique to 13 target sequences. In two cases, replication terminating protein and prosequence of subtilisin, the predicted structures are very similar to the experimentally determined folds. For the first time, in a public blind test, the unknown structures of proteins have been predicted ahead of experiment to an accuracy approaching molecular detail. In two other cases the approximate folds have been predicted correctly. According to the assessors there were 12 recognizable folds among the target proteins. In our postprediction analysis we find that in 7 cases our fold recognition technique is successful. In several of the remaining cases the predicted folds have interesting features in common with the experimental results. We present our procedure, discuss the results, and comment on several fundamental and technical problems encountered in fold recognition. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Immunochemical characterization of human plasma fibronectin.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Human plasma fibronectin has been purified by a non-denaturing affinity chromatography procedure [Vuento & Vaheri, (1979) Biochem.J. 183, 331--337], and antisera have been raised by immunizing rabbits with the native protein. The antisera reacted strongly with native fibronectin, but only weakly with reduced and alkylated fibronectin or with heat-denaturated fibronectin. Denaturation also affected the haemagglutinating and gelatin-binding activities of fibronectin and increased its susceptibility to proteolytic degradation. The antisera reacted with fragments of fibronectin obtained by proteolysis with plasmin. Large fragments (mol.wt. 180000--200000), lacking the region harbouring the interchain disulphide bridges but containing the sites responsible for gelatin-binding and haemagglutinating activity, showed as intense a reaction with the antisera as intact fibronectin. Smaller peptides showed a weaker reaction. All fragments tested showed sensitivity to denaturation in their reaction with the antisera. The results were interpreted as showing that: (1) native fibronectin has an ordered conformation that is easily perturbed by denaturation; (2) most of the antigenic determinants of the protein are dependent on conformation; (3) the region of the fibronectin molecule containing the interchain disulphide bridges has only few antigenic determinants; and (4) covalent interaction of the two subunits does not contribute to the antigenic structure recognized by rabbit antisera. The observed correlation between the antigenic activity and a structural and functional intactness of fibronectin suggests that the antibodies to native fibronectin could be used as a conformational probe in studies on this protein.  相似文献   

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Our Planet, Our Health Report of the who commission on health and environment  相似文献   
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