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Various levels of organisation in the central nervous system can be distinguished, ranging from the molecular, the cellular, the multicellular and the neuronal system level. The relationship between receptor function and behaviour is focussed to the dopamine D2 type receptor of the striatal complex in relation to extrapyramidal and limbic systems. In the striatal complex a striosomal and a matrix compartment can be distinguished. The matrix compartment can be considered as a part of the extrapyramidal system and is innervated by the motor cortex and by the dopaminergic neurons of the ventral tegmental, the dorsal substantia nigra and the retrorubral area. This compartment has a relatively high density of D2 receptors. The striosomes are innervated by e.g. the prelimbic cortex and dopamine neurones of the ventral part of the substantia nigra; here the density of D2 receptors are lower. Under normal conditions most of the D2 receptors are occupied by endogenous dopamine, and postsynaptic (e.g. cholinergic) function is therefore sensitive to antagonists; e.g. antipsychotics. Exposure to drugs such as amphetamine produces a substantial overflow of dopamine from nerve terminals leading to the activation of remote dopamine receptors, that may belong to the system that normally is not influenced by these nerve terminals (defined here as extra synaptic receptor activation). A loss of the normal spatial-temporal relationships may also occur during L-DOPA therapy in Parkinson's disease. In this illness, due to degeneration of dopaminergic innervation, several dopamine receptors have become non-synaptic. In these states of intoxication the normal spatial/temporal organization is lost and such a loss may contribute to behavioural impairments.  相似文献   
Automated determinations of 5-hydroxytryptamine and its main metabolite, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, have been described (Technicon autoanalyzer). The determinations are based on an extraction procedure from deproteinized tissue extracts or cerebrospinal fluid by means of butanolheptane mixtures. The indoles are transferred from the organic phase to a water phase and determined fluormetrically with the cysteine-o-phthaldialdehyde method. The method is highly sensitive: solutions containing 1 ng/ml can be reproducibly determined. Twenty samples per hour can be passed through the system. The determination of both 5-hydroxyindoles is performed with the same manifold.  相似文献   
Summary The retinal proteins opsin,-transducin, S-antigen and interstitial retinol-binding protein (IRBP) are essential for the processes of vision. By use of immunocyto-chemistry we have employed antibodies directed against these photoreceptor proteins in an attempt to identify the photoreceptor systems (retina, pineal and deep brain) of the Japanese quail. Opsin immunostaining was identified within many outer (basal portion) and inner segments of retinal photoreceptor cells and limited numbers of photoreceptor perikarya. Opsin immunostaining was also demonstrated in limited numbers of pinealocytes with all parts of these cells being immunoreactive. These results differ from previous observations. In contrast to the results obtained with the antibody against opsin, S-antigen and-transducin immunostaining was seen throughout the entire outer segments and many photoreceptor perikarya of the retina. In the pineal organ immunostaining was seen in numerous pinealocytes in all follicles. These results conform to previous findings in birds. In addition, IRBP has been demonstrated for the first time in the avian retina and pineal organ. These findings underline the structural and functional similarities between the retina and pineal organ and provide additional support for a photoreceptive role of the avian pineal. No specific staining was detected in any other region of the brain in the Japanese quail; the hypothalamic photoreceptors of birds remain unidentified.  相似文献   
The heterogeneous paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of birds offers favorable conditions for the analysis of intrinsic, afferent, and efferent connections of neuroendocrine systems. Paraventricular neurons are successfully impregnated with the Golgi-technique. The findings indicate a direct influence of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) on the magnocellular neurons that, via their axon terminals in the neural lobe of the pituitary, are also exposed to the hemal milieu. The magnocellular neurons are intermingled with parvocellular elements which may represent local interneurons. A group of parvocellular nerve cells is identified as CSF-contacting neurons. This type of cell forms a basic morphologic component of the avian neuroendocrine apparatus. Immunocytochemical and ultrastructural studies further support the concept of neuronal interactions between parvocellular and magnocellular elements. Moreover, these findings speak in favor of the existence of recurrent collaterals of the magnocellular neurons. Nerve cells giving rise to afferent connections to the PVN are located in the limbic system and autonomic areas of the upper and lower brainstem. Further afferents may originate from the subfornical organ, the organon vasculosum laminae terminalis, the ventral tegmentum, and the area postrema. Via efferent projections, the PVN is connected to the nucleus accumbens, lateral septum, several hypothalamic nuclei, the neural lobe of the pituitary, the organon vasculosum laminae terminalis, the subfornical organ, the pineal organ, the area postrema, the lateral habenular complex, and various autonomic areas of the reticular formation in the upper and lower brainstem and the spinal cord. In conclusion, the PVN may be regarded as an integral component of the neuroendocrine apparatus reciprocally coupled to the limbic system, several circumventricular organs, and various autonomic centers of the brain.  相似文献   
Nerve fibers connecting the brain with the pineal gland of the Mongolian gerbil (central pinealopetal fibers) were investigated by means of light and electron microscopy. Several myelinated fibers penetrate from the brain into the deep pineal gland, extend further into the pineal stalk and continue to the superficial portion of the pineal gland. In the centripetal direction these fibers were traced to the stria medullaris and to the habenular nuclei, where they turned laterad and then occupied a position immediately ventral to the optic tract. As shown in electron micrographs, lesions of the habenular area led to degeneration of myelinated fibers and nerve boutons in the deep pineal gland, the pineal stalk and the superficial pineal gland. Only boutons containing clear transmitter vesicles (devoid of a dense core) were observed to degenerate after the habenular lesions. On the other hand, removal of the superior cervical ganglia resulted in degeneration of boutons containing small (40 to 60 nm in diameter) dense-core vesicles. Several of the nerve fibers that penetrate into the deep pineal directly from the brain (central fibers) exhibited a positive reaction for acetylcholinesterase (AChE). AChE-positive perikarya were located in the projections of the stria medullaris, the lateral portions of the deep pineal, the area of the posterior commissure, and the periventricular gray of the mesencephalon. Such perikarya were found neither in the pineal stalk nor in the superficial pineal gland. These results present anatomical evidence that the pineal organ of the Mongolian gerbil receives multiple nervous inputs mediated by peripheral autonomic (i.e., sympathetic) nerve fibers, on the one hand, and by central fibers, on the other.  相似文献   
Batra , Lekh R., and Richard P. Korf . (Cornell U., Ithaca, N. Y.) The species of Ciborinia pathogenic to herbaceous angiosperms. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(6): 441–450. Illus. 1959.—On the basis of anatomical studies, 2 distinct species of Ciborinia, a generic segregate of Sclerotinia, are shown to occur on Erythronium. The life history and phytopathology of one of these, C. erythronii, are reported. The species is shown to be homothallic, to develop its sclerotia in nearly all parts of the plant, to overwinter also in the form of mycelium in bulbs, and to form spermatia in the field. Experiments on factors affecting formation of sclerotia and apothecia in the laboratory are reported. Prolonged washing of sclerotia formed in the laboratory proved to be an important factor for development of apothecia. A new species, C. trillii, pathogenic to Trillium is described, as is a new species, C. violae, pathogenic to Viola. The generic diagnosis of Ciborinia is emended on the basis of these studies. A new combination, C. hirtella, is also proposed.  相似文献   
We have evaluated the possibility of monitoring the plasma lactate concentration in human volunteers during cycle ergometer exercise using subcutaneous and transcutaneous microdialysis. In transcutaneous microdialysis, the relative increase in dialysate lactate concentration exceeded that of plasma lactate concentration by a factor of 6 during exercise due to exercise-induced lactate secretion in sweat. During exercise the subcutaneous microdialysis dialysate lactate concentration underestimated the plasma lactate concentration possibly due to diffusion limitation or adipose tissue lactate production. While it was demonstrated that microdialysis can be used for on-line lactate monitoring, neither subcutaneous nor transcutaneous dialysate lactate concentration were linearly related to the plasma lactate concentration during exercise, and it was found therefore that it was not possible to monitor directly plasma lactate concentration during exercise.  相似文献   
Abstract— Conjugated (sulphonyloxy) dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) were synthesized from free DOPAC and HVA and used as reference compounds in their fluorimetric determination in rat brain (detection limit 0.2 nmol/g). The conjugated DOPAC and HVA form 29 and 36% of the total DOPAC and HVA found in rat striatum, respectively. Dopamine (DA) metabolism was studied in the rat striatum by following the decline of both free and conjugated DOPAC and HVA after treatment with pargyline (100mg/kg. i.p.) either alone or in combination with tropolone (100 mg/kg, i.p.). or from the accumulation of the free and conjugated acids after treatment with probenecid (100-500mg/kg. i.p.). The rates of decline were analysed by a non-linear curve fitting method using a simple model of DA metabolism that postulates the formation of the conjugates exclusively from the free acids, and HVA from DOPAC, with first order kinetics and single open compartments only. The curves computed all passed through the s.e.m. of every experimental point. The rate constants thus found indicate that DOPAC turnover is about 23nmol/g/h. Of this about 16 nmol/g/h are O -methylated to HVA, about 6 nmol/g/h are conjugated and less than 1 nmol/g/h is eliminated as free DOPAC. Of the HVA formed, about 8.5nmol/g/h are conjugated and about 7.5 nmol/g/h eliminated as free HVA. The conjugates accumulated after treatment with probenecid (1 h) faster than the free acids. The maximal accumulation of all four metabolites found (21 nmol/g/h) approximates the total turnover of DOPAC.  相似文献   
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