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Heat stress reduces maize yield and several lines of evidence suggest that the heat lability of maize endosperm ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) contributes to this yield loss. AGPase catalyzes a rate-limiting step in starch synthesis. Herein, we present a novel maize endosperm AGPase small subunit variant, termed BT2-TI that harbors a single amino acid change of residue 462 from threonine to isoleucine. The mutant was isolated by random mutagenesis and heterologous expression in a bacterial system. BT2-TI exhibits enhanced heat stability compared to wildtype maize endosperm AGPase.The TI mutation was placed into another heat-stable small subunit variant, MP. MP is composed of sequences from the maize endosperm and the potato tuber small subunit. The MP-TI small subunit variant exhibited greater heat stability than did MP. Characterization of heat stability as well as kinetic and allosteric properties suggests that MP-TI may lead to increased starch yield when expressed in monocot endosperms.  相似文献   
The phosphorylation of glycogen synthase has been studied in freshly isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes. Six peaks of 32P-labeled tryptic peptides are recovered via C-18 high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) when synthase is immunoprecipitated from 32P-labeled cardiomyocytes and digested with trypsin. When epinephrine treated cells are used as a source of enzyme, the same HPLC profile is obtained with a dramatic enhancement of 32P recovered in two of the HPLC peaks. In vitro phosphorylation of rat heart synthase by cAMP-dependent protein kinase stimulates the conversion of synthase from the I to the D form and results in the recovery of the same tryptic peptides from the C-18 as is the case for synthase derived from cardiomyocytes. Treatment of cAMP-dependent kinase phosphorylated synthase with protein phosphatase-1 leads to a reactivation of the enzyme and a dephosphorylation of the same tryptic peptides that are selectively phosphorylated in epinephrine treated cardiomyocytes. These results are discussed in relation to hormonal control of glycogen metabolism in cardiac tissue.  相似文献   
The binding of pentaammineruthenium (III) to ribonuclease A and B both free and complexed with d(pA)4 has been examined in the crystalline state through the application of X-ray diffraction and difference Fourier techniques. In crystals of native RNase B, the reagent was observed to have many binding sites, some entirely electrostatic in nature and others consistent with coordination to histidine residues. The primary histidine in the latter case was 105 with 119 also partially substituted. In crystals of RNase A+d(pA)4 complex only a single, extremely strong site of substitution was observed, and this was 2.4 Å from the native position of the imidazole ring of histidine 105. Thus, the results of these X-ray diffraction studies appear to be quite consistent with the findings of earlier NMR studies and with the results obtained in crystals of the gene 5 DNA binding protein.  相似文献   
Atomic Force Microscopy in Imaging of Viruses and Virus-Infected Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary: Atomic force microscopy (AFM) can visualize almost everything pertinent to structural virology and at resolutions that approach those for electron microscopy (EM). Membranes have been identified, RNA and DNA have been visualized, and large protein assemblies have been resolved into component substructures. Capsids of icosahedral viruses and the icosahedral capsids of enveloped viruses have been seen at high resolution, in some cases sufficiently high to deduce the arrangement of proteins in the capsomeres as well as the triangulation number (T). Viruses have been recorded budding from infected cells and suffering the consequences of a variety of stresses. Mutant viruses have been examined and phenotypes described. Unusual structural features have appeared, and the unexpectedly great amount of structural nonconformity within populations of particles has been documented. Samples may be imaged in air or in fluids (including culture medium or buffer), in situ on cell surfaces, or after histological procedures. AFM is nonintrusive and nondestructive, and it can be applied to soft biological samples, particularly when the tapping mode is employed. In principle, only a single cell or virion need be imaged to learn of its structure, though normally images of as many as is practical are collected. While lateral resolution, limited by the width of the cantilever tip, is a few nanometers, height resolution is exceptional, at approximately 0.5 nm. AFM produces three-dimensional, topological images that accurately depict the surface features of the virus or cell under study. The images resemble common light photographic images and require little interpretation. The structures of viruses observed by AFM are consistent with models derived by X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM.  相似文献   

Book Review

Techniques in molecular biologyJ.M. Walker and W. Gaastra (Eds.), vol. 2. London: Croom Helm, 1987. iv + 332 pages. £14.95. ISBN 0-7099-3673-7  相似文献   
The growth inhibitory activity in conditioned medium of African green monkey kidney epithelial (BSC-1) cells that has been shown to arise, at least in part, from transforming growth factor beta 2 (TGF-beta 2) [Hanks, S. K., Armour, R., Baldwin, J. H., Maldonado, F., Spiess, J., & Holley, R. W. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 79-82] was tested for growth inhibitory activity prior to and following acidification. Similar to TGF-beta 1 from human platelets, the inhibitory activity from BSC-1 cells demonstrated an 8-10-fold stimulation following acidification, showing that the activity was secreted from the cells in latent form. Conditioned medium from BSC-1 cells was collected, acidified, and fractionated by procedures that separate TGF-beta 1 and -2. Biological activity was assayed by using the BSC-1 cell proliferation assay. Two active proteins with properties similar to known TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 were identified. Identity was confirmed by using immunological and amino acid sequencing techniques. These results were consistent with Northern blot analysis of total BSC-1 RNA, using cDNA probes for TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2, which demonstrated strong signals for both mRNAs. Metabolic labeling in conjunction with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that the cells secrete approximately 10% TGF-beta 1 and 90% TGF-beta 2.  相似文献   
Inositol phosphate formation in response to cholinergic stimulation was studied in cultured human sweat duct cells, prelabelled with myo-[2-3H]inositol. Formation of inositol mono-, bis-, tris- and tetrakisphosphates was increased after 15 min stimulation by 30 microM carbachol. Formation of inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and inositol tetrakisphosphate was significantly increased within 1 min at carbachol concentrations between 10 microM and 100 microM. No detectable increase in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate formation was observed at 15 s or 1 min, but an increase was observed after 15 min at a carbachol concentration of 30-100 microM. The data are consistent with an involvement of inositol polyphosphates in the biphasic response of ion transport, to cholinergic stimulation in these cells (see Pederson, P.S. (1986) 6th Professional Conference "Broken Arrow 1986". Genetic and Eptihelial Dysfunction in Cystic Fibrosis (Riordan, J.R. and Buchwalds, M., eds.), Alan Liss, New York and Pedersen, P.S. (1987) Med. Sci. Res. 15, 769-770) and suggest a different pattern of metabolism from exocrine acinar cells.  相似文献   
Pullulanase from Klebsiella pneumoniae strain FG9 has an unusual N-terminal amino acid sequence that includes six repeats of the tripeptide Gly-X-Pro. This type of sequence is characteristic of animal collagens and collagen-like proteins which form triple helical structures. We have investigated the molecular organization of this bacterial pullulanase isolated from the cell surface of Escherichia coli cells that carry the cloned FG9 pulA (pullulanase encoding) gene. Non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel analysis shows that pullulanase exists as higher order, apparently homogeneous, structures. We have used highly purified bacterial collagenase to probe the role of the collagen-like region and we demonstrate that this feature is essential for non-covalent association of pullulanase homotrimers. In addition we show collagenase-specific release of cell-bound pullulanase.  相似文献   
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