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In order to understand the control mechanisms of a large, stable bacterial standing stock, enclosure experiments were conducted in a eutrophic lake, where both bacterial productivity and grazing pressure were very high. Total bacterial number in the different enclosures ranged from 1.2 to 2.7×107 cells mL−1 throughout the experiment. The average bacterial cell production rate estimated from a grazer eliminating experiment was 6.3×105 cells mL−1 h−1. Difference in the bacterial cell production rate between shaded and unshaded enclosures was not apparent. Bacteria showed a reduction in standing stock of only about 25–30% even after the supply of light was cut to 1%. Bacteria in the shaded enclosures then recovered their production rate in the first 12 days of perturbation. Grazing pressure in the shaded enclosures was not less than that for the control. Thus, it was considered a control mechanism of bacterial stable standing stock that the bacteria shifted their organic substrate from extracellular dissolved organic carbon freshly released from phytoplankton to that already stocked in the water column, though it is not known whether the dominant bacteria were the same.  相似文献   
To evaluate the influence of overwintering individuals of zooplankton on spring zooplankton communities, the dynamics of zooplankton communities with or without overwintering individuals were observed in experimental ponds from fall to spring. An insecticide, carbaryl, was used to regulate the overwintering individuals. In ponds which received insecticide applications in November or January, all cladoceran and rotiferan species were eliminated by the treatments and did not reappear until late March or early April, even when the chemical disappeared rapidly. The low water temperature may delayed the establishment of the populations from resting eggs. In these ponds, populations of various cladoceran and rotiferan species, which seemed to be originated from resting eggs, were built up in the spring. In control ponds,Daphnia ambigua orD. longispina overwintered as juveniles and adults and established a large spring population earlier than other cladocerans and rotifers overwintering as resting eggs. The latter zooplankters did not increase in the spring probably because their growth was suppressed by the precedingDaphnia species through competition. In nature, even if the number of overwintering individuals is small, they may have a potential to build up a large population earlier than the individuals hatching from resting eggs. As a result, the species which have overwintered as individuals seem to predominate in the spring and have a large influence on the spring zooplankton community.  相似文献   
Primary production of phytoplankton and secondary production of a daphnid and a chaoborid were studied in a small eutrophic pond. The gross primary production of phytoplankton was 290 gC m−2 per 9 months during April–December. Regression analysis showed that the gross primary production was related to the incident solar radiation and the chlorophylla concentration and not to either total phosphorus or total inorganic nitrogen concentration. The mean chlorophylla concentration (14.2 mg m−3), however, was about half the expected value upon phosphorus loading of this pond. The mean zooplankton biomass was 1.60 g dry weight m−2, of whichDaphnia rosea and cyclopoid copepods amounted to 0.69 g dry weight m−2 and 0.61 g dry weight m−2, respectively. The production ofD. rosea was high during May–July and October and the level for the whole 9 months was 22.6 g dry weight m−2.Chaoborus flavicans produced 10 complete and one incomplete cohorts per year. Two consecutive cohorts overlapped during the growing season. The maximum density, the mean biomass, and the production were 19,100 m−2, 0.81 g dry weight m−2, and 11.7 g dry weight m−2yr−1, respectively. As no fish was present in this pond, the emerging biomass amounted to 69% of larval production. The production ofC. flavicans larvae was high in comparison with zooplankton production during August–September, when the larvae possibly fed not only on zooplankton but also algae.  相似文献   
1. We assessed the impact of predation by the invertebrate predator Leptodora kindtii on Bosmina longirostris and B. fatalis, which show seasonal and reciprocal succession patterns in Lake Suwa, in a mesocosm experiment using 20‐L tanks with or without the predator under different food conditions. We also analysed morphological responses of the two Bosmina species to the predator in the tanks. 2. Bosmina fatalis dominated B. longirostris regardless of predator presence under high food density. However, the presence of Leptodora induced the dominance of B. fatalis more rapidly than its absence. On the contrary, no dominance of B. fatalis was observed in tanks with low food density, irrespective of the presence of the predator. Only B. fatalis showed morphological changes in response to the presence of Leptodora. 3. Mucrone length and antennule shape (angle between body and antennule and angle between antennules) showed marked responses at both high and low food densities, but antennule length responded only at high food density. Mucrone length seems to be a more effective defence against Leptodora. 4. The results suggest that B. fatalis is a superior competitor against B. longirostris and is more resistant to Leptodora predation, especially in good food conditions. The repeatedly observed seasonal succession of the two Bosmina species in the eutrophic Lake Suwa – the replacement of B. longirostris by B. fatalis following the occurrence of abundant Leptodora– seems to be caused by the selective predation of Leptodora on B. longirostris as well as the competitive ability of B. fatalis.  相似文献   
Large bag-type (75 m3) and tube-type (105 m3) enclosures were set up in the shallow eutrophic Lake Suwa and were each stocked with exotic planktivorous whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus maraena). The release of whitefish caused the increase in nutrient concentration in the tube-type enclosure whereas no such increase was observed in the bag-type enclosure. Bottom sediment seemed to be an important source of chironomid food for whitefish. The proportion of phytoplankton measuring<10μm and 20–40μm, which respectively corresponded toOchromonas spp. andCryptomonas sp., were lower in the fish enclosures than in the control, which might have been caused by high grazing pressure by rotifers. The predation by whitefish might have affected the species composition of phytoplankton through reducing copepod predation on rotifers, not through reducing the densities of cladocerans which directly feed on phytoplankton as many investigators have reported. The phytoplankton biomass was not affected much by the release of fish. Possible reasons are that the increase in density of rotifers reduced the biomass of available phytoplankton and also that inedible Cyanophyceae were in the decreasing phase of their seasonal succession and could not increase successfully in spite of elevated nutrient levels.  相似文献   
Bag-type enclosures (75 m3) with bottom sheets and tube-type enclosures (105 m3) open to the bottom sediment were stocked with exotic whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus maraena) to study their predation effects on the plankton community. The fish fed mainly on adult chironomids during the period of their emergence (earlier part of the experimental period). Thereafter, the food preference was shifted to larvae of chironomids and crustacean zooplankters. The predation effects on the plankton community were not evident in the bag-type enclosures where zooplankton densities were consistently low. The fish reduced the crustacean populations composed ofBosmina fatalis, B. longirostris andCyclops vicinus in the tube-type enclosures where the prey density was high (above ca. 50 individuals 1−1). The results suggested that the intensity of predation depended on the prey density. Rotifers increased in the fish enclosure, probably becauseCoregonus reduced the predation pressure byCyclops vicinus on rotifers and allowed the latter to increase. In the fish enclosures, no marked changes in species composition were observed. Zooplankton predated by the fish seemed to be distributed near the walls of the enclosures. Problems of enclosure experiments for examining the effects of fish predation on pelagic zooplankton communities are discussed.  相似文献   
Biomanipulation has been employed in numerous locations throughout the world as a means for reducing phytoplankton biomass; however, it has not been employed very often in Japan. A common approach involves the introduction of piscivorous fish to reduce the abundance of planktivorous fish. In our study, to first apply biomanipulation, we stocked Lake Shirakaba (a high-altitude, protected area in a park) in central Japan with rainbow trout fingerlings and cladoceran Daphnia (Daphnia galeata) in 2000. A “pre-biomanipulation” data set (1997–1999) and “a post-biomanipulation” data set (2000–2006) allowed us to evaluate the lake's response to biomanipulation. After the biomanipulation, zoo-planktivorous pond smelt disappeared and a large population of Daphnia had been established, which substantially reduced the number of the previously dominant small cladocerans and rotifers. Water transparency increased from about 2 m (before biomanipulation) to more than 4 m (after biomanipulation). Reductions in algal biomass and increased transparency led to expansion of the submerged macrophyte Elodea nuttallii. Total phosphorus concentrations declined as well over this time period. Based on these results, we concluded that biomanipulation using piscivore and Daphnia stocking succeeded in improving lake water quality by reducing algal abundance and providing favorable conditions for the establishment of rooted plants.  相似文献   
We investigated seasonal changes in the density of epiphytic cladocerans Alona spp. (Chydoridae, Anomopoda) in two habitats, emergent and submerged aquatic plants, in Lake Suwa, Japan, from April to August 1998 and from April to November 2000. Alona had a density peak in early June on reeds (emergent) and in late June on Potamogeton malaianus (submerged). In summer, Alona density remained low in both habitats. Although density was positively correlated with the abundance of epiphytic algae, the birth rate was constant and no correlation between algal abundance and clutch size was detected. In a field experiment using ropes as an artificial substrate covered with high and low densities of epiphytic algae as food, more Alona attached to the ropes with the high density of algae. These results suggest that Alona may select food-rich habitats and migrate seasonally, and that migration is an important factor in the population dynamics of epiphytic chydorid cladocerans such as Alona. In Lake Suwa, Alona may migrate from the reed zone to the submerged macrophyte zone in June.  相似文献   
Laboratory populations of cloned Daphnia magna were exposed at different population phases (growing phase, density peak, stable phase) to the insecticide carbaryl at 15 μg 1−1, which was harmful to juveniles but not to adults, and their population dynamics were analyzed. The population declined most at the density peak, when not only juveniles but also many adult individuals died. To analyze the factors affecting population vulnerability to carbaryl, acute toxicity tests were conducted using Daphnia individuals of different body sizes under different food conditions. The test revealed that daphnid sensitivity to carbaryl increased greatly when food density was changed from a high food level to a low level. This food condition, of low availability, might be the condition to which the Daphnia populations were exposed at their density peak. The synergism of the negative impacts of anthropogenic and natural stresses such as insecticides and food shortage may control aquatic populations.  相似文献   
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