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Obstructions to replication fork progression, referred to collectively as DNA replication stress, challenge genome stability. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cells lacking RTT107 or SLX4 show genome instability and sensitivity to DNA replication stress and are defective in the completion of DNA replication during recovery from replication stress. We demonstrate that Slx4 is recruited to chromatin behind stressed replication forks, in a region that is spatially distinct from that occupied by the replication machinery. Slx4 complex formation is nucleated by Mec1 phosphorylation of histone H2A, which is recognized by the constitutive Slx4 binding partner Rtt107. Slx4 is essential for recruiting the Mec1 activator Dpb11 behind stressed replication forks, and Slx4 complexes are important for full activity of Mec1. We propose that Slx4 complexes promote robust checkpoint signaling by Mec1 by stably recruiting Dpb11 within a discrete domain behind the replication fork, during DNA replication stress.  相似文献   
In response to DNA damage, checkpoint signalling protects genome integrity at the cost of repressing cell cycle progression and DNA replication. Mechanisms for checkpoint down‐regulation are therefore necessary for proper cellular proliferation. We recently uncovered a phosphatase‐independent mechanism for dampening checkpoint signalling, where the checkpoint adaptor Rad9 is counteracted by the repair scaffolds Slx4‐Rtt107. Here, we establish the molecular requirements for this new mode of checkpoint regulation. We engineered a minimal multi‐BRCT‐domain (MBD) module that recapitulates the action of Slx4‐Rtt107 in checkpoint down‐regulation. MBD mimics the damage‐induced Dpb11‐Slx4‐Rtt107 complex by synergistically interacting with lesion‐specific phospho‐sites in Ddc1 and H2A. We propose that efficient recruitment of Dpb11‐Slx4‐Rtt107 or MBD via a cooperative ‘two‐site‐docking’ mechanism displaces Rad9. MBD also interacts with the Mus81 nuclease following checkpoint dampening, suggesting a spatio‐temporal coordination of checkpoint signalling and DNA repair via a combinatorial mode of BRCT‐domains interactions.  相似文献   
在复杂生化系统的研究过程中,仿真与建模变得越来越重要.对于参与分子数量比较大的生化系统,通常可以采用常微分方程来解决这一问题.对于分子数量比较小的系统,离散粒子基础上的随机模拟方法更精确.然而目前还没有明确的理论方法来确定,对于实际问题用哪种方法能得到更合理的结果.因此需要在一个普遍研究的体系中,通过Ca~(2+)振荡传导信号来研究从随机行为到确定行为的过渡过程.本文以肝细胞中Ca~(2+)振荡对肝糖磷酸化酶激活随机效应为例,讨论了利用随机微分方程来解决分子数量比较小的生化系统的仿真与建模问题,利用细胞内Ca~(2+)有关的Li-Rinzel随机模型,研究了在磷酸化酶降解肝糖的磷酸化-去磷酸化作用循环过程中,三磷酸肌醇受体通道(IP_3R)释放Ca~(2+)的调控作用.结果表明,肝糖磷酸化酶的激活率随受体通道IP_3R的总数增大而减弱,而且三磷酸肌醇浓度比较小时出现相干共振.  相似文献   
2010年12月至2011年2月,在新疆哈密山区,采用截线抽样法和遥感技术,对野生天山马鹿(Cervus elaphus songaricus)种群现状和冬季生境选择进行了研究。在不同区域和不同类型栖息地共布设了28条样线,样线总长度达60.1 km。其中,16条样线上发现马鹿共233头,调查区域平均种群密度(2.83±1.01)头/km2,种群数量(1 684.56±379.71)头,与1993年的调查结果相比有所上升。雌雄性比为2.24:1,幼体和亚成体总数多于成体和老体总数,种群数量呈增长趋势。根据野外考察GPS数据并解译天山马鹿分布生境2006秋季的LANDSAT TM/ETM+遥感影像,将生境要素分为山地针叶林、草甸、灌木丛、农田和戈壁5种类型,其中,草甸与山地针叶林为天山马鹿冬季适宜生境。  相似文献   
The release of inflammatory cytokines, namely tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), plays an important role in the pathogenesis of cardiomyopathy. TNF-α increases in plasma and in myocardium of heart failure patients. We aimed to investigate the role of TNF-α inhibitor (infliximab; IFX) in regulating dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) induced in rats. DCM was induced in rats by doxorubicin (DOX; 3.5 mg. kg−1, i.p) twice weekly for 3 weeks (21 mg. kg−1 cumulative dose). DCM rats were treated with RPL (1 mg. kg−1 orally, daily), IFX (5 mg. kg−1; i.p. once) or their combination for 4 weeks starting next day of last DOX dose. Echocardiography was conducted followed by a collection of blood and left ventricle (LV) for biochemical and histological investigations. DCM rats revealed deteriorated cardiac function (increased CK-MB activity, LVIDs, LVIDd, ESV, and EDV, while decreased EF% and FS%), hypertrophy (increased HW/TL, β-MHC, and α-actin), inflammation (increased IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α). The activation of Wnt/β-catenin along with increased gene expression of RAS components (RENIN, ACE, and AT1) were evident. LV architecture also revealed abnormalities and some degree of fibrosis. Treatment with RPL and/or IFX suppressed TNF-α and consequently improved most of these parameters suppressing Wnt/β-catenin/RAS axis. Combined RPL and IFX treatment was the best among all treatments. In conclusion, Wnt/β-catenin/RAS axis is implicated in DOX-induced cardiomyopathy. The upstream TNF-α was proved for the first time in-vivo to stimulate this axis where its inhibition by RPL or IFX prevented DCM. Targeting this axis at two points using RPL and IFX showed better therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   
The intracellular hemoglobin (Hb) of the marine polychaete Glycera dibranchiata is comprised of two groups of globins differing in their primary structures and state of aggregation. About six electrophoretically and chromatographically distinct monomeric Hbs which have Leu as the distal residue, and an equal number of polymeric Hbs which have the usual distal His, have been identified to date. Deconvolution of the electrospray ionization mass spectra (ESI-MS) of the Hbs and of their carbamidomethylated, reduced, and reduced/carbamidomethylated forms, using a maximum entropy-based approach (MaxEnt), showed the presence of at least 18 peaks attributable to monomer Hbs (14,500–15,200 Da) and an approximately equal number of polymer Hb peaks (15,500–16,400 Da). Although the ratio of the monomer to polymer components in pooled Hb preparations remained constant at 60:40, Hb from individuals had generally less than 6 monomer and 6 polymer components; 2 of the 19 individuals appeared to be deficient in polymer Hbs. Taking into account possible fragmentations of the known monomeric and polymeric globin sequences, we estimate conservatively that there are 10 monomeric and an equal number of polymeric Hbs, the majority comprising a single free Cys. Surprisingly, the calculated mass of the sequence deduced from the high-resolution monomer Hb crystal structures does not correspond to any of the observed masses. ESI-MS of the monomer Hb crystal revealed 11 components, of which 5, accounting for 67% of total, were related to the three major sequences GMG2–4. These findings underline the need for routine mass spectrometric characterization of all protein preparations. The complete resolution of the Glycera Hb ESI-MS using MaxEnt processing illustrates the power of this method to resolve complex protein mixtures.  相似文献   
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