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The mechanism underlying molecular recognition of lectins waselucidated by a novel solid phase binding assay system basedon surface plasmon resonance. When the apparent affinities ofinteractions between chitooligosaccharides and wheat germ agglutininwere compared between lectin-immobilized and oligosaccharide-immobilizedassay systems, the affinity constants (Ka) calculated for theformer system were in good agreement with the previously reportedvalues measured in solution. On the other hand, in the lattersystem, the calculated Ka could be more than 10,000 times higherthan the values in solution at lower lee tin concentrations.To elucidate the reason for this, we systematically investigatedthe effects of the oligosaccha-ride immobilized density andthe lectin valence on the apparent affinity in the oligosaccharide-immobilizedassay system. Both the apparent association (kass) and dissociationrate constants (kdiss) showed a tendency to decrease as theoligosaccharide density increased. This effect was most remarkablefor the interaction possessing an extremely fast intrinsic Kass.Oligomerization of lectin enhanced the avidity due to a significantreduction in kdiss. These phenomena could be explained by consideringthe nonhomogeneous conditions under which binding occurred.The reaction in a nonhomogeneous state is limited by the masstransport effect, and the effect of rebinding becomes so largethat it cannot be disregarded. These findings are the firstto demonstrate the importance of the mass transport effect inmodulating the affinity of lectin for oligosaccharides on asolid phase surface. avidity clustering effect lectin mass transport surface plasmon resonance  相似文献   
The infectious agents of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are composed of amyloidogenic prion protein, PrPSc. Real-time quaking-induced conversion can amplify very small amounts of PrPSc seeds in tissues/body fluids of patients or animals. Using this in vitro PrP-amyloid amplification assay, we quantitated the seeding activity of affected human brains. End-point assay using serially diluted brain homogenates of sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease patients demonstrated that 50% seeding dose (SD50) is reached approximately 1010/g brain (values varies 108.79–10.63/g). A genetic case (GSS-P102L) yielded a similar level of seeding activity in an autopsy brain sample. The range of PrPSc concentrations in the samples, determined by dot-blot assay, was 0.6–5.4 μg/g brain; therefore, we estimated that 1 SD50 unit was equivalent to 0.06–0.27 fg of PrPSc. The SD50 values of the affected brains dropped more than three orders of magnitude after autoclaving at 121°C. This new method for quantitation of human prion activity provides a new way to reduce the risk of iatrogenic prion transmission.  相似文献   
Assemblies of actin and its regulators underlie the dynamic morphology of all eukaryotic cells. To understand how actin regulatory proteins work together to generate actin-rich structures such as filopodia, we analyzed the localization of diverse actin regulators within filopodia in Drosophila embryos and in a complementary in vitro system of filopodia-like structures (FLSs). We found that the composition of the regulatory protein complex where actin is incorporated (the filopodial tip complex) is remarkably heterogeneous both in vivo and in vitro. Our data reveal that different pairs of proteins correlate with each other and with actin bundle length, suggesting the presence of functional subcomplexes. This is consistent with a theoretical framework where three or more redundant subcomplexes join the tip complex stochastically, with any two being sufficient to drive filopodia formation. We provide an explanation for the observed heterogeneity and suggest that a mechanism based on multiple components allows stereotypical filopodial dynamics to arise from diverse upstream signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress mediated clustering of membrane protein band 3 plays an essential role in the clearance of damaged and aged red blood cells (RBCs) from the circulation. While a number of previous experimental studies have observed changes in band 3 distribution after oxidative treatment, the details of how these clusters are formed and how their properties change under different conditions have remained poorly understood. To address these issues, a framework that enables the simultaneous monitoring of the temporal and spatial changes following oxidation is needed. In this study, we established a novel simulation strategy that incorporates deterministic and stochastic reactions with particle reaction-diffusion processes, to model band 3 cluster formation at single molecule resolution. By integrating a kinetic model of RBC antioxidant metabolism with a model of band 3 diffusion, we developed a model that reproduces the time-dependent changes of glutathione and clustered band 3 levels, as well as band 3 distribution during oxidative treatment, observed in prior studies. We predicted that cluster formation is largely dependent on fast reverse reaction rates, strong affinity between clustering molecules, and irreversible hemichrome binding. We further predicted that under repeated oxidative perturbations, clusters tended to progressively grow and shift towards an irreversible state. Application of our model to simulate oxidation in RBCs with cytoskeletal deficiency also suggested that oxidation leads to more enhanced clustering compared to healthy RBCs. Taken together, our model enables the prediction of band 3 spatio-temporal profiles under various situations, thus providing valuable insights to potentially aid understanding mechanisms for removing senescent and premature RBCs.  相似文献   
Uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) expression increases dramatically in skeletal muscle under metabolic states associated with elevated lipid metabolism, yet the function of UCP3 in a physiological context remains controversial. Here, in situ mitochondrial H(2)O(2) emission and respiration were measured in permeabilized fiber bundles prepared from both rat and mouse (wild-type) gastrocnemius muscle after a single bout of exercise plus 18 h of recovery (Ex/R) that induced a approximately 2-4-fold increase in UCP3 protein. Elevated uncoupling activity (i.e. GDP inhibitable) was evident in Ex/R fibers only upon the addition of palmitate (known activator of UCP3) or under substrate conditions eliciting substantial rates of H(2)O(2) production (i.e. respiration supported by succinate or palmitoyl-L-carnitine/malate but not pyruvate/malate), indicative of UCP3 activation by endogenous reactive oxygen species. In mice completely lacking UCP3 (ucp3(-/-)), Ex/R failed to induce uncoupling activity. Surprisingly, when UCP3 activity was inhibited by GDP (rats) or in the absence of UCP3 (ucp3(-/-)), H(2)O(2) emission was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in Ex/R versus non-exercised control fibers. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that the oxidant emitting potential of mitochondria is increased in skeletal muscle during recovery from exercise, possibly as a consequence of prolonged reliance on lipid metabolism and/or altered mitochondrial biochemistry/morphology and that induction of UCP3 in vivo mediates an increase in uncoupling activity that restores mitochondrial H(2)O(2) emission to non-exercised, control levels.  相似文献   
The suppressive effects on acute alcoholic liver injury of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and the sake yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kyokai No. 9, have been shown previously. To enhance the suppression of acute alcoholic liver injury by sake yeast, we prepared SAM-accumulating sake yeast (SAM yeast). Male C57BL/6 mice that had been fed on a diet containing 0.25% SAM yeast or sake yeast for two weeks received three doses of ethanol (5 g/kg BW). In the mice fed on the SAM yeast, the ethanol-induced increases in both triglyceride (TG) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were significantly repressed. In addition, the SAM yeast-fed mice did not show an ethanol-induced decrease in hepatic SAM level, suggesting that a disorder of methionine metabolism in the liver caused by ethanol was relieved by the SAM yeast. These results suggest that the SAM yeast had a stronger effect suppressing acute alcoholic liver injury in mice than the sake yeast.  相似文献   
The acute and chronic effects of 20 mM glucose and 10 microM carbachol on beta-cell responses were investigated. Acute exposure of rat islets to 20 mM glucose increased glucose usage rates and resulted in a large insulin-secretory response during a dynamic perifusion. The secretory, but not the metabolic, effect of 20 mM glucose was abolished by simultaneous exposure to 100 microM diazoxide. Glucose (20 mM) significantly increased inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation, an index of phospholipase C (PLC) activation, from [(3)H]inositol-prelabeled islets. Diazoxide, but not atropine, abolished this effect as well. Unlike 20 mM glucose, 10 microM carbachol (in the presence of 5 mM glucose) increased IP accumulation but had no effect on insulin secretion or glucose (5 mM) metabolism. The IP effect was abolished by 50 microM atropine but not by diazoxide. Chronic 3-h exposure of islets to 20 mM glucose or 10 microM carbachol profoundly reduced both the insulin-secretory and PLC responses to a subsequent 20 mM glucose stimulus. The adverse effects of chronic glucose exposure were abolished by diazoxide but not by atropine. In contrast, the adverse effects of carbachol were abolished by atropine but not by diazoxide. Prior 3 h of exposure to 20 mM glucose or carbachol had no inhibitory effect on glucose metabolism. Significant secretory responses could be evoked from 20 mM glucose- or carbachol-pretreated islets by the inclusion of forskolin. These findings support the concept that an early event in the evolution of beta-cell desensitization is the impaired activation of islet PLC.  相似文献   
To investigate the effects of administration of raffinose and encapsulated Bifidobacterium breve JCM 1192T cells on the rat cecal microbiota, in a preclinical synbiotic study groups of male WKAH/Hkm Slc rats were fed for 3 weeks with four different test diets: basal diet (group BD), basal diet supplemented with raffinose (group RAF), basal diet supplemented with encapsulated B. breve (group CB), and basal diet supplemented with both raffinose and encapsulated B. breve (group RCB). The bacterial populations in cecal samples were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). B. breve cells were detected only in the RCB group and accounted for about 6.3% of the total cells as determined by FISH analysis. B. breve was also detected only in the RCB group by T-RFLP analysis. This was in contrast to the CB group, in which no B. breve signals were detected by either FISH or T-RFLP. Increases in the sizes of the populations of Bifidobacterium animalis, a Bifidobacterium indigenous to the rat, were observed in the RAF and RCB groups. Principal-component analysis of T-RFLP results revealed significant alterations in the bacterial populations of rats in the RAF and RCB groups; the population in the CB group was similar to that in the control group (group BD). To the best of our knowledge, these results provide the first clear picture of the changes in the rat cecal microbiota in response to synbiotic administration.  相似文献   
To investigate the effects of administration of raffinose and encapsulated Bifidobacterium breve JCM 1192T cells on the rat cecal microbiota, in a preclinical synbiotic study groups of male WKAH/Hkm Slc rats were fed for 3 weeks with four different test diets: basal diet (group BD), basal diet supplemented with raffinose (group RAF), basal diet supplemented with encapsulated B. breve (group CB), and basal diet supplemented with both raffinose and encapsulated B. breve (group RCB). The bacterial populations in cecal samples were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). B. breve cells were detected only in the RCB group and accounted for about 6.3% of the total cells as determined by FISH analysis. B. breve was also detected only in the RCB group by T-RFLP analysis. This was in contrast to the CB group, in which no B. breve signals were detected by either FISH or T-RFLP. Increases in the sizes of the populations of Bifidobacterium animalis, a Bifidobacterium indigenous to the rat, were observed in the RAF and RCB groups. Principal-component analysis of T-RFLP results revealed significant alterations in the bacterial populations of rats in the RAF and RCB groups; the population in the CB group was similar to that in the control group (group BD). To the best of our knowledge, these results provide the first clear picture of the changes in the rat cecal microbiota in response to synbiotic administration.  相似文献   
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