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A general phenomenon in peripartum mammals is the breakdown of (acquired) immunity. The incidence of parasite load, disease and inflammation often rise during the specific energetically demanding time of pregnancy and lactation. In this period, blood leukocytes display decreased DNA synthesis in response to mitogens in vitro. Leukocyte activation, the phase of the cell cycle preceding the DNA synthetic phase has hardly been investigated, but the few studies suggest that leukocyte activation may also be impaired by the limited energy/nutrient availability. Leukocyte activation is characterized by manifold processes, thus, we used the cellular oxygen consumption rate (OCR) as a measure of ATP turnover to support all these processes. We hypothesized that the activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) – in terms of oxygen consumed over basal levels after in vitro stimulation – is altered by energy balance around parturition. We studied peripartum high-yielding dairy cows because they undergo substantial fluctuations in energy intake, energy output and body fat mass. We established a fluorescence-based test strategy allowing for long-term (≥ 24 h) quantification of O2-consumption and studied the peripartum period from 5 weeks ante partum to 5 weeks postpartum. In addition, we determined cellular lactate production, DNA/RNA synthesis and cell size and zoo-technical parameters such as animal energy intake and milk yield were assessed, as well as selected plasma parameters, e.g. glucose concentration. The basal OCR of PBMC from pregnant, non-lactating cows (n = 6, ? 5 weeks ante partum) was 1.19 ± 0.15 nmol min? 1 (107 cells)? 1 and increased to maximum levels of 2.54 ± 0.49 nmol min? 1 (107 cells)? 1 in phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated PBMC. The basal OCR did not change over the peripartum period. Whereas the activation indices, herein defined as the PHA-induced 24 h-increase of OCR above baseline, amounted to 1.1 ± 0.3, 4.2 ± 0.3, 4.1 ± 1.1, 2.1 ± 0.3, and 2.7 ± 0.5 at weeks ? 5, ? 1, + 1, + 2, and + 5 relative to parturition, respectively. Because the activation index was positively correlated to plasma glucose levels and to energy balance during late pregnancy (week ? 5/week ? 1) and transition to lactation (week ? 1/week + 2), we conclude that PBMC activation is modulated by energy/nutrient availability. In future studies, the activation index should aid the identification of causal mechanisms of disparity in PBMC activation, such as attenuated ion transport or macromolecule synthesis.  相似文献   


Na+ can be stored in muscle and skin without commensurate water accumulation. The aim of this study was to assess Na+ and H2O in muscle and skin with MRI in acute heart failure patients before and after diuretic treatment and in a healthy cohort.


Nine patients (mean age 78 years; range 58–87) and nine age and gender-matched controls were studied. They underwent 23Na/1H-MRI at the calf with a custom-made knee coil. Patients were studied before and after diuretic therapy. 23Na-MRI gray-scale measurements of Na+-phantoms served to quantify Na+-concentrations. A fat-suppressed inversion recovery sequence was used to quantify H2O content.


Plasma Na+-levels did not change during therapy. Mean Na+-concentrations in muscle and skin decreased after furosemide therapy (before therapy: 30.7±6.4 and 43.5±14.5 mmol/L; after therapy: 24.2±6.1 and 32.2±12.0 mmol/L; p˂0.05 and p˂0.01). Water content measurements did not differ significantly before and after furosemide therapy in muscle (p = 0.17) and only tended to be reduced in skin (p = 0.06). Na+-concentrations in calf muscle and skin of patients before and after diuretic therapy were significantly higher than in healthy subjects (18.3±2.5 and 21.1±2.3 mmol/L).


23Na-MRI shows accumulation of Na+ in muscle and skin in patients with acute heart failure. Diuretic treatment can mobilize this Na+-deposition; however, contrary to expectations, water and Na+-mobilization are poorly correlated.  相似文献   
Bone tissue has an exceptional quality to regenerate to native tissue in response to injury. However, the fracture repair process requires mechanical stability or a viable biological microenvironment or both to ensure successful healing to native tissue. An improved understanding of the molecular and cellular events that occur during bone repair and remodeling has led to the development of biologic agents that can augment the biological microenvironment and enhance bone repair. Orthobiologics, including stem cells, osteoinductive growth factors, osteoconductive matrices, and anabolic agents, are available clinically for accelerating fracture repair and treatment of compromised bone repair situations like delayed unions and nonunions. Preclinical and clinical studies using biologic agents like recombinant bone morphogenetic proteins have demonstrated an efficacy similar or better than that of autologous bone graft in acute fracture healing. A lack of standardized outcome measures for comparison of biologic agents in clinical fracture repair trials, frequent off-label use, and a limited understanding of the biological activity of these agents at the bone repair site have limited their efficacy in clinical applications.  相似文献   
1 An appraisal of non‐native invertebrate plant pest establishments in Great Britain, between 1970 and 2004, was carried out to improve our understanding of current invasion processes by non‐native plant pests, and to assist national strategies in managing the risks they pose. 2 A total of 164 establishments, comprising 50 natural colonists and 114 human‐assisted introductions, were recorded across 13 major taxonomic groups. 3 The mean rate of establishment was 22.1 species per 5‐year period: 19.1 and 3.0 species outside and inside protected cultivation, respectively. Despite the continuing rapid growth in international trade and a general perception that rates of pest invasions are accelerating, no significant temporal trends in the rate of establishments in Great Britain were detected, either for natural colonists or human‐assisted introductions, or for pests of plants grown indoors or outside. 4 The plant trade, particularly in ornamental plants, accounted for nearly 90% of human‐assisted introductions; apiculture, biological control, timber imports, transport stowaways and intentional releases each contributed less than 5%. Only eight (4.9%) of the establishments could be considered as having no direct potential economic impact because all other species have been recorded as feeding on cultivated plants. A greater proportion of establishments by both natural colonists and human‐assisted introductions occurred on non‐native, woody plants. 5 The present study confirms previous work in other European countries that highlight the predominant role of the ornamental plant trade in introducing new plant pests to the European continent, mainly from Asia and North America.  相似文献   
Vascularization of bioartificial matrices is crucial for successful tissue engineering. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) have shown vascularization potential in ischemic conditions and may also support blood vessel formation in tissue-engineered matrices. The aim of our study was to investigate the impact of a well-characterized murine embryonal EPC line (T17b-EPC) on vascularization and fibrovascular granulation tissue formation after suspension in a fibrine matrix followed by subcutaneous implantation in a separation chamber in rats. EPC were fluorescently labelled in vitro prior to implantation. After 3, 7 or 14 days, animals were killed followed by explantation and histological analysis of the constructs. Before the end of the experiment, Bandeirea Simplicifolia lectin was intravenously injected to mark the vascular ingrowth into the implanted constructs. The transplanted cells were histologically detected at all time-points and located almost exclusively within the fibrin matrix at day 3 but the number of cells in the clot continuously decreased over day 7 to day 14. Conversely, cells were detected within the newly formed granulation tissue in increasing numbers from day 3 over day 7 to day 14. Transplanted cells were also found in the intermuscular septa. Cell viability was confirmed by use of an EPC clone expressing β-galactosidase. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated integration of the transplanted cells in newly formed blood vessels within the fibrovascular granulation tissue adjacent to the fibrin clot. Presence of cells in the fibrin clot lead to thicker granulation tissue and an increased blood vessel diameter compared to cell-free controls. Organ standard controls showed presence of the transplanted cells in spleens at day 14 after transplantation. In summary, EPC exhibited biological activity after subcutaneous implantation in a fibrin matrix by migration from the fibrin clot into the granulation tissue and along intermuscular septae, undergoing differentiation into mature endothelial cells and integration into newly formed blood vessels and altering fibrovascular granulation tissue development. EPC may hold promise to modulate blood vessel formation in bioartificial matrices.  相似文献   
Chromohalobacter salexigens is one of nine currently known species of the genus Chromohalobacter in the family Halomonadaceae. It is the most halotolerant of the so-called 'moderately halophilic bacteria' currently known and, due to its strong euryhaline phenotype, it is an established model organism for prokaryotic osmoadaptation. C. salexigens strain 1H11(T) and Halomonas elongata are the first and the second members of the family Halomonadaceae with a completely sequenced genome. The 3,696,649 bp long chromosome with a total of 3,319 protein-coding and 93 RNA genes was sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute Program DOEM 2004.  相似文献   
Bacteroides helcogenes Benno et al. 1983 is of interest because of its isolated phylogenetic location and, although it has been found in pig feces and is known to be pathogenic for pigs, occurrence of this bacterium is rare and it does not cause significant damage in intensive animal husbandry. The genome of B. helcogenes P 36-108(T) is already the fifth completed and published type strain genome from the genus Bacteroides in the family Bacteroidaceae. The 3,998,906 bp long genome with its 3,353 protein-coding and 83 RNA genes consists of one circular chromosome and is a part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   
Mahella australiensis Bonilla Salinas et al. 2004 is the type species of the genus Mahella, which belongs to the family Thermoanaerobacteraceae. The species is of interest because it differs from other known anaerobic spore-forming bacteria in its G+C content, and in certain phenotypic traits, such as carbon source utilization and relationship to temperature. Moreover, it has been discussed that this species might be an indigenous member of petroleum and oil reservoirs. This is the first completed genome sequence of a member of the genus Mahella and the ninth completed type strain genome sequence from the family Thermoanaerobacteraceae. The 3,135,972 bp long genome with its 2,974 protein-coding and 59 RNA genes is a part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   
Prevotella multisaccharivorax Sakamoto et al. 2005 is a species of the large genus Prevotella, which belongs to the family Prevotellaceae. The species is of medical interest because its members are able to cause diseases in the human oral cavity such as periodontitis, root caries and others. Although 77 Prevotella genomes have already been sequenced or are targeted for sequencing, this is only the second completed genome sequence of a type strain of a species within the genus Prevotella to be published. The 3,388,644 bp long genome is assembled in three non-contiguous contigs, harbors 2,876 protein-coding and 75 RNA genes and is a part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.  相似文献   
Rhodospirillum rubrum (Esmarch 1887) Molisch 1907 is the type species of the genus Rhodospirillum, which is the type genus of the family Rhodospirillaceae in the class Alphaproteobacteria. The species is of special interest because it is an anoxygenic phototroph that produces extracellular elemental sulfur (instead of oxygen) while harvesting light. It contains one of the most simple photosynthetic systems currently known, lacking light harvesting complex 2. Strain S1(T) can grow on carbon monoxide as sole energy source. With currently over 1,750 PubMed entries, R. rubrum is one of the most intensively studied microbial species, in particular for physiological and genetic studies. Next to R. centenum strain SW, the genome sequence of strain S1(T) is only the second genome of a member of the genus Rhodospirillum to be published, but the first type strain genome from the genus. The 4,352,825 bp long chromosome and 53,732 bp plasmid with a total of 3,850 protein-coding and 83 RNA genes were sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute Program DOEM 2002.  相似文献   
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