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The lepidopteran mitochondrial control region: structure and evolution   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
For several species of lepidoptera, most of the approximately 350-bp mitochondrial control-region sequences were determined. Six of these species are in one genus, Jalmenus; are closely related; and are believed to have undergone recent rapid speciation. Recent speciation was supported by the observation of low interspecific sequence divergence. Thus, no useful phylogeny could be constructed for the genus. Despite a surprising conservation of control-region length, there was little conservation of primary sequences either among the three lepidopteran genera or between lepidoptera and Drosophila. Analysis of secondary structure indicated only one possible feature in common--inferred stem loops with higher-than-random folding energies-- although the positions of the structures in different species were unrelated to regions of primary sequence similarity. We suggest that the conserved, short length of control regions is related to the observed lack of heteroplasmy in lepidopteran mitochondrial genomes. In addition, determination of flanking sequences for one Jalmenus species indicated (i) only weak support for the available model of insect 12S rRNA structure and (ii) that tRNA translocation is a frequent event in the evolution of insect mitochondrial genomes.   相似文献   


The Dmbx1 gene is important for the development of the midbrain and hindbrain, and mouse gene targeting experiments reveal that this gene is required for mediating postnatal and adult feeding behaviours. A single Dmbx1 gene exists in terrestrial vertebrate genomes, while teleost genomes have at least two paralogs. We compared the loss of function of the zebrafish dmbx1a and dmbx1b genes in order to gain insight into the molecular mechanism by which dmbx1 regulates neurogenesis, and to begin to understand why these duplicate genes have been retained in the zebrafish genome.  相似文献   
We have applied a new equilibration procedure for the atomic level simulation of a hydrated lipid bilayer to hydrated bilayers of dioleyl-phosphatidylcholine (DOPC) and palmitoyl-oleyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC). The procedure consists of alternating molecular dynamics trajectory calculations in a constant surface tension and temperature ensemble with configurational bias Monte Carlo moves to different regions of the configuration space of the bilayer in a constant volume and temperature ensemble. The procedure is applied to bilayers of 128 molecules of POPC with 4628 water molecules, and 128 molecules of DOPC with 4825 water molecules. Progress toward equilibration is almost three times as fast in central processing unit (CPU) time compared with a purely molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Equilibration is complete, as judged by the lack of energy drift in 200-ps runs of continuous MD. After the equilibrium state was reached, as determined by agreement between the simulation volume per lipid molecule with experiment, continuous MD was run in an ensemble in which the lateral area was restrained to fluctuate about a mean value and a pressure of 1 atm applied normal to the bilayer surface. Three separate continuous MD runs, 200 ps in duration each, separated by 10,000 CBMC steps, were carried out for each system. Properties of the systems were calculated and averaged over the three separate runs. Results of the simulations are presented and compared with experimental data and with other recent simulations of POPC and DOPC. Analysis of the hydration environment in the headgroups supports a mechanism by which unsaturation contributes to reduced transition temperatures. In this view, the relatively horizontal orientation of the unsaturated bond increases the area per lipid, resulting in increased water penetration between the headgroups. As a result the headgroup-headgroup interactions are attenuated and shielded, and this contributes to the lowered transition temperature.  相似文献   
Integrins are well characterized cell surface receptors for extracellular matrix proteins. Mapping integrin-binding sites within the fibrillar collagens identified GFOGER as a high affinity site recognized by α2β1, but with lower affinity for α1β1. Here, to identify specific ligands for α1β1, we examined binding of the recombinant human α1 I domain, the rat pheochromocytoma cell line (PC12), and the rat glioma Rugli cell line to our collagen Toolkit II and III peptides using solid-phase and real-time label-free adhesion assays. We observed Mg(2+)-dependent binding of the α1 I domain to the peptides in the following rank order: III-7 (GLOGEN), II-28 (GFOGER), II-7 and II-8 (GLOGER), II-18 (GAOGER), III-4 (GROGER). PC12 cells showed a similar profile. Using antibody blockade, we confirmed that binding of PC12 cells to peptide III-7 was mediated by integrin α1β1. We also identified a new α1β1-binding activity within peptide II-27. The sequence GVOGEA bound weakly to PC12 cells and strongly to activated Rugli cells or to an activated α1 I domain, but not to the α2 I domain or to C2C12 cells expressing α2β1 or α11β1. Thus, GVOGEA is specific for α1β1. Although recognized by both α2β1 and α11β1, GLOGEN is a better ligand for α1β1 compared with GFOGER. Finally, using biosensor assays, we show that although GLOGEN is able to compete for the α1 I domain from collagen IV (IC(50) ~3 μm), GFOGER is much less potent (IC(50) ~90 μm), as shown previously. These data confirm the selectivity of GFOGER for α2β1 and establish GLOGEN as a high affinity site for α1β1.  相似文献   
Only three recognition motifs, GFOGER, GLOGER, and GASGER, all present in type I collagen, have been identified to date for collagen-binding integrins, such as alpha(2)beta(1). Sequence alignment was used to investigate the occurrence of related motifs in other human fibrillar collagens, and located a conserved array of novel GER motifs within their triple helical domains. We compared the integrin binding properties of synthetic triple helical peptides containing examples of such sequences (GLSGER, GMOGER, GAOGER, and GQRGER) or the previously identified motifs. Recombinant inserted (I) domains of integrin subunits alpha(1), alpha(2) and alpha(11) all bound poorly to all motifs other than GFOGER and GLOGER. Similarly, alpha(2)beta(1) -containing resting platelets adhered well only to GFOGER and GLOGER, while ADP-activated platelets, HT1080 cells and two active alpha(2)I domain mutants (E318W, locked open) bound all motifs well, indicating that affinity modulation determines the sequence selectivity of integrins. GxO/SGER peptides inhibited platelet adhesion to collagen monomers with order of potency F >/= L >/= M > A. These results establish GFOGER as a high affinity sequence, which can interact with the alpha(2)I domain in the absence of activation and suggest that integrin reactivity of collagens may be predicted from their GER content.  相似文献   
To understand the mechanism of p56lck protein downregulation observed in human T cells infected by human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), we have investigated the ability of the 3' end of the HTLV-1 genome as well as that of the tax and rex genes to modulate p56lck protein expression and p56lck mRNA synthesis. By using Jurkat T cells stably transfected with constructs that expressed either the 3' end of the HTLV-1 genome (JK C11-pMTEX), the tax gene (JK52-Tax) or the rex gene (JK9-Rex), we found that the expression of p40tax (Tax) was sufficient to modulate p56lck protein expression. Similarly, we found that the expression of the mRNA which encoded p56lck was repressed in Jurkat T cells which expressed Tax. This downregulation was shown to be proportional to the amount of tax mRNA found in the transfected cells, as evidenced by experiments that used cells (JPX-9) stably transfected with a tax gene driven by a cadmium-inducible promoter. Furthermore, cadmium induction of Tax in JPX-9 cells transiently transfected with a construct containing the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene under control of the lck distal promoter (lck DP-CAT) resulted in the downregulation of CAT gene expression. In contrast, cadmium induction of Tax in JPX-9 cells transiently transfected with a CAT construct driven by a lck DP with a deletion extending from position -259 to -253 (a sequence corresponding to a putative E-Box) did not modulate CAT gene expression, suggesting that the effect of Tax on p56lck is mediated through an E-Box binding protein.  相似文献   
Integrin–collagen interactions play a critical role in a myriad of cellular functions that include immune response, and cell development and differentiation, yet their mechanism of binding is poorly understood. There is increasing evidence that conformational flexibility assumes a central role in the molecular mechanisms of protein–protein interactions and here we employ NMR hydrogen–deuterium exchange (HDX) experiments to explore the impact of slower timescale dynamic events. To gain insight into the mechanisms underlying collagen‐induced conformational switches, we have undertaken a comparative study between the wild type integrin α1 I and a gain‐of‐function E317A mutant. NMR HDX results suggest a relationship between regions exhibiting a reduced local stability in the unbound I domain and those that undergo significant conformational changes upon binding. Specifically, the αC and α7 helices within the C‐terminus are at the center of such major perturbations and present reduced local stabilities in the unbound state relative to other structural elements. Complementary isothermal titration calorimetry experiments have been performed to derive complete thermodynamic binding profiles for association of the collagen‐like triple‐helical peptide with wild type α1 I and E317A mutant. The differential energetics observed for E317A are consistent with the HDX experiments and support a model in which intrinsically destabilized regions predispose conformational rearrangement in the integrin I domain. This study highlights the importance of exploring different timescales to delineate allosteric and binding events.  相似文献   
A set of 57 synthetic peptides encompassing the entire triplehelical domain of human collagen III was used to locate binding sites for the collagen-binding integrin alpha(2)beta(1). The capacity of the peptides to support Mg(2+)-dependent binding of several integrin preparations was examined. Wild-type integrins (recombinant alpha(2) I-domain, alpha(2)beta(1) purified from platelet membranes, and recombinant soluble alpha(2)beta(1) expressed as an alpha(2)-Fos/beta(1)-Jun heterodimer) bound well to only three peptides, two containing GXX'GER motifs (GROGER and GMOGER, where O is hydroxyproline) and one containing two adjacent GXX'GEN motifs (GLKGEN and GLOGEN). Two mutant alpha(2) I-domains were tested: the inactive T221A mutant, which recognized no peptides, and the constitutively active E318W mutant, which bound a larger subset of peptides. Adhesion of activated human platelets to GER-containing peptides was greater than that of resting platelets, and HT1080 cells bound well to more of the peptides compared with platelets. Binding of cells and recombinant proteins was abolished by anti-alpha(2) monoclonal antibody 6F1 and by chelation of Mg(2+). We describe two novel high affinity integrin-binding motifs in human collagen III (GROGER and GLOGEN) and a third motif (GLKGEN) that displays intermediate activity. Each motif was verified using shorter synthetic peptides.  相似文献   
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