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The bacteriophage T7 tail complex consists of a conical tail-tube surrounded by six kinked tail-fibers, which are oligomers of the viral protein gp17 (Mr 61,400). We have derived a molecular model for the tail-fiber by integrating secondary structure predictions with ultrastructural information obtained by correlation averaging of electron micrographs of negatively stained tail complexes. This model has been further refined by high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy of purified fibers, both negatively stained and unstained. Mass measurements made from the latter images establish that the fiber is a trimer of gp17. The proximal half-fiber is a uniform rod, about 2.0 nm in diameter and 16.4 nm long, which we infer to be a triple-stranded coiled-coil, containing three copies of an alpha-helical domain of about 117 residues, starting at Phe151. The distal half-fiber is 15.5 nm long, and is made up of four globules, 3.1 to 4.8 nm in diameter, in rigid linear array: it contains the carboxy-terminal halves (residues approximately 268 to 553) of the constituent gp17 chains, arranged with 3-fold symmetry around its long axis. The amino-terminal domains (residues 1 to 149) link the fiber to the tail-tube. We conclude that the three gp17 chains are quasi-equivalent in the proximal half-fiber, equivalent in the distal half-fiber, and non-equivalent in the kink region that separates the two half-fibers: such localized non-equivalence may represent a general mechanism for the formation of kinked joints in segmented homo-oligomeric proteins.  相似文献   
Digitized images of molecules of 16 S rRNA from Escherichia coli, obtained by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), provide quantitative structural information that is lacking in conventional electron micrographs. We have determined the morphology, total molecular mass, mass distribution within individual rRNA molecules and apparent radii of gyration. From the linear density (M/L) we have assessed the number of strands in the structural backbone of rRNA and studied the pattern of branching and folding related to the secondary and tertiary structure of rRNAs under various buffer conditions. Even in reconstitution buffer 16 S RNA did not show any resemblance to the native 30 S subunit.  相似文献   
Single batrachotoxin-activated sodium channels from rat brain were modified by trimethyloxonium (TMO) after incorporation in planar lipid bilayers. TMO modification eliminated saxitoxin (STX) sensitivity, reduced the single channel conductance by 37%, and reduced calcium block of inward sodium currents. These effects always occurred concomitantly, in an all-or-none fashion. Calcium and STX protected sodium channels from TMO modification with potencies similar to their affinities for block. Calcium inhibited STX binding to rat brain membrane vesicles and relieved toxin block of channels in bilayers, apparently by competing with STX for the toxin binding site. These results suggest that toxins, permeant cations, and blocking cations can interact with a common site on the sodium channel near the extracellular surface. It is likely that permeant cations transiently bind to this superficial site, as the first of several steps in passing inward through the channel.  相似文献   
The mechanism of 16 S ribosomal RNA folding into its compact form in the native 30 S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli was studied by scanning transmission electron microscopy and circular dichroism spectroscopy. This approach made it possible to visualize and quantitatively analyze the conformational changes induced in 16 S rRNA under various ionic conditions and to characterize the interactions of ribosomal proteins S4, S8, S15, S20, S17 and S7, the six proteins known to bind to 16 S rRNA in the initial assembly steps. 16 S rRNA and the reconstituted RNA-protein core particles were characterized by their mass, morphology, radii of gyration (RG), and the extent and stability of 16 S rRNA secondary structure. The stepwise binding of S4, S8 and S15 led to a corresponding increase of mass and was accompanied by increased folding of 16 S rRNA in the core particles, as evident from the electron micrographs and from the decrease of RG values from 114 A and 91 A. Although the binding of S20, S17 and S7 continued the trend of mass increase, the RG values of these core particles showed a variable trend. While there was a slight increase in the RG value of the S20 core particles to 94 A, the RG value remained unchanged (94 A) with the further addition of S17. With subsequent addition of S7 to the core particles, the RG values showed an increase to 108 A. Association with S7 led to the formation of a globular mass cluster with a diameter of about 115 A and a mass of about 300 kDa. The rest of the mass (about 330 kDa) remained loosely coiled, giving the core particle a "medusa-like" appearance. Morphology of the 16 S rRNA and 16 S rRNA-protein core particles, even those with all six proteins, does not resemble the native 30 S subunit, contrary to what has been reported by others. The circular dichroism spectra of the 16 S rRNA-protein complexes and of free 16 S rRNA indicate a similarity of RNA secondary structure in the core particles with the first four proteins, S4, S8, S15, S20. The circular dichroism melting profiles of these core particles show only insignificant variations, implying no obvious changes in the distribution or the stability of the helical segments of 16 S rRNA. However, subsequent binding of proteins S17 and S7 affected both the extent and the thermal stability of 16 S rRNA secondary structure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
  1. Male bullfrogs at two different natural calling sites were presented with playbacks of synthetic advertisement calls differing in phase spectra. Sounds were presented in a ABA design to analyze the ability of the animals to perceive changes in repeated series of stimuli.
  2. The number of individual croaks in an answering call significantly increased over repeated presentations of two of the three stimulus phase types in condition A1. There were significantly fewer croaks to the third stimulus. These data suggest that two stimuli were perceived in a similar manner.
  3. Latency of calling to stimuli presented in conditions A and B changed in response to shifts in phase spectrum at a low density calling site. These differences were significant when comparing latency to playbacks where shifts in the phase spectrum changed the temporal fine-structure and waveform periodicity of the stimulus.
  4. The increase in number of croaks and decrease in response latency across condition A1 and the increase in latency in condition B suggest that discrimination may take the form of stimulus-specific sensitization. In this context, sensitization might reflect an increase in arousal due to repeated presentation of a salient stimulus.
  5. The operation of a hypothetical ‘mating call detector,’ based on linear summation of temporal responses from the eighth nerve, provides output similar to the behavioral results.
A web-like reticulum underlying the human erythrocyte membrane was studied at a resolution of 5–10 nm by means of a scanning electron microscope. The network was visualized in isolated membranes (ghosts) torn open to reveal their interior space and in residues derived from ghosts extracted with Triton X-100. It formed a continuous (rather than patchy) cover over the entire cytoplasmic surface, except where lifted off or torn away. Filaments (5–40 nm in diameter), annular figures (40–60 nm in diameter), and nodes (30–100 nm in diameter) were prominent in different networks. The dimensions of the filaments and the interstices in the reticulum varied with conditions, suggesting that the network has elastic properties. This reticulum is probably related to the erythrocyte membrane proteins spectrin and actin.  相似文献   
Foraminifera have one of the best known fossil records among the unicellular eukaryotes. However, the origin and phylogenetic relationships of the extant foraminiferal lineages are poorly understood. To test the current paleontological hypotheses on evolution of foraminifera, we sequenced about 1,000 base pairs from the 3' end of the small subunit rRNA gene (SSU rDNA) in 22 species representing all major taxonomic groups. Phylogenies were derived using neighbor- joining, maximum-parsimony, and maximum-likelihood methods. All analyses confirm the monophyletic origin of foraminifera. Evolutionary relationships within foraminifera inferred from rDNA sequences, however, depend on the method of tree building and on the choice of analyzed sites. In particular, the position of planktonic foraminifera shows important variations. We have shown that these changes result from the extremely high rate of rDNA evolution in this group. By comparing the number of substitutions with the divergence times inferred from the fossil record, we have estimated that the rate of rDNA evolution in planktonic foraminifera is 50 to 100 times faster than in some benthic foraminifera. The use of the maximum-likelihood method and limitation of analyzed sites to the most conserved parts of the SSU rRNA molecule render molecular and paleontological data generally congruent.   相似文献   
We have recently found that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are targets for T-cell and B-cell reactivity in experimental arthritis. In the present article, we investigate whether modulation of MMP-specific T-cell responses could influence the course of adjuvant arthritis (AA). Lewis rats were treated nasally with MMP peptides prior to or after AA induction. Administration of the MMP-10 or the MMP-16 peptide prior to AA induction reduced the arthritic symptoms. In contrast, administration of the MMP-10 peptide after AA induction aggravated the arthritic symptoms. The present study shows the possible usefulness of MMP peptides for immunotherapy. However, a clear understanding of proper timing of peptide administration is crucial for the development of such therapies.  相似文献   
The alpha-like globin gene cluster in rabbits contains embryonic zeta- globin genes, an adult alpha-globin gene, and theta-globin genes of undetermined function. The basic arrangement of genes, deduced from analysis of cloned DNA fragments, is 5'-zeta 0-zeta 1-alpha 1-theta 1- zeta 2-zeta 3-theta 2-3'. However, the pattern of restriction fragments containing zeta- and theta-globin genes varies among individual rabbits. Analysis of BamHI fragments of genomic DNA from 24 New Zealand white rabbits revealed eight different patterns of fragments containing zeta-globin genes. The large BamHI fragments containing genes zeta 0 and zeta 1 are polymorphic in length, whereas a 1.9-kb fragment containing the zeta 2 gene and the 3.5-kb fragment containing the zeta 3 gene do not vary in size. In contrast to this constancy in the size of the restriction fragments, the copy number of the zeta 2 and zeta 3 genes does vary among different rabbits. No length polymorphism was detected in the BamHI fragments containing the theta-globin genes, but again the copy number varies for restriction fragments containing the theta 2 gene. The alpha 1- and theta 1-globin genes are located in a nonpolymorphic 7.2-kb BamHI fragment. The combined data from hybridization with both zeta and theta probes shows that the BamHI cleavage pattern does not vary within the region 5'-alpha 1-theta 1- zeta 2-zeta 3-theta 2-3', but the pattern genomic blot-hybridization patterns for the progeny of parental rabbits with different zeta-globin gene patterns shows that the polymorphic patterns are inherited in a Mendelian fashion. Two different haplotypes have been mapped based on the genomic blot-hybridization data. The variation in the alpha-like globin gene cluster in the rabbit population results both from differences in the copy number of the duplication block containing the zeta-zeta-theta gene set and from the presence or absence of polymorphic BamHI sites.   相似文献   
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