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A theoretical analysis of two models of the vestibulo-ocular and optokinetic systems was performed. Each model contains a filter element in the vestibular periphery to account for peripheral adaptation, and a filter element in the central vestibulooptokinetic circuit to account for central adaptation. Both models account for1 adaptation, i.e. a response decay to a constant angular acceleration input, in both peripheral vestibular afferent and vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) responses and2 the reversal phases of optokinetic after-nystagmus (OKAN) and the VOR and3 oscillatory behavior such as periodic alternating nystagmus. The two models differ regarding the order of their VOR transfer function. Also, they predict different OKAN patterns following a prolonged optokinetic stimulus. These models have behavioral implications and suggest future experiments.  相似文献   
A chimeric gene containing the neomycin phosphotransferase II coding region under the control of the hsp70 promoter from Drosophila was integrated and found to be expressed, in a heat-regulated fashion, in tobacco tissue.  相似文献   
The modulation of the calcium release channel (CRC) by protein kinases and phosphatases was studied. For this purpose, we have developed a microsyringe applicator to achieve sequential and multiple treatments with highly purified kinases and phosphatases applied directly at the bilayer surface. Terminal cisternae vesicles of sarcoplasmic reticulum from rabbit fast twitch skeletal muscle were fused to planar lipid bilayers, and single-channel currents were measured at zero holding potential, at 0.15 microM free Ca2+, +/- 0.5 mM ATP and +/- 2.6 mM free Mg2+. Sequential dephosphorylation and rephosphorylation rendered the CRC sensitive and insensitive to block by Mg2+, respectively. Channel recovery from Mg2+ block was obtained by exogenous protein kinase A (PKA) or by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CalPK II). Somewhat different characteristics were observed with the two kinases, suggesting two different states of phosphorylation. Channel block by Mg2+ was restored by dephosphorylation using protein phosphatase 1 (PPT1). Before application of protein kinases or phosphatases, channels were found to be "dephosphorylated" (inactive) in 60% and "phosphorylated" (active) in 40% of 51 single-channel experiments based on the criterion of sensitivity to block by Mg2+. Thus, these two states were interconvertable by treatment with exogenously added protein kinases and phosphatases. Endogenous Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (end CalPK) had an opposite action to exogenous CalPK II. Previously, dephosphorylated channels using PPT (Mg2+ absent) were blocked in the closed state by action of endogenous CalPK. This block was removed to normal activity by the action of either PPT or by exogenous CalPK II. Our findings are consistent with a physiological role for phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in the modulation of the calcium release channel of sarcoplasmic reticulum from skeletal muscle. A corollary of our studies is that only the phosphorylated channel is active under physiological conditions (mM Mg2+). Our studies suggest that phosphorylation can be at more than one site and, depending on the site, can have different functional consequences on the CRC.  相似文献   
Summary Population dynamics of the epizoic bivalve Lissarca notorcadensis living on spines of cidaroid sea urchins in the Weddell Sea were investigated. Total production (somatic & gonad) of the suspension feeding bivalve ranged between 16.5 and 487.4 mg AFDM y–1 per sea urchin. Annual sedimentation rates are not sufficient to maintain the production of the Lissarca sub-populations carried by the sea urchins, and resuspension of organic matter is most likely to be an important food source. The ratio of the number of freshly settled juveniles to the number of embryos brooded is between 0.054 and 0.207 and seems negatively related to the biomass already present, indicating intraspecific competition for space. Interspecific competition for space is caused by the strong preference of L. notorcadensis as well as other epizoa (colonial anthozoans and bryozoans) for the spines located on the aboral hemispere of the sea urchins.AWI Publication No. 572  相似文献   
Spheroplasts of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains and E. coli were fused with protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum. Fusion products were cultured in the presence of antibiotics to eliminate remaining bacterial spheroplasts. On hormone free medium, tobacco protoplasts treated with wild type Agrobacterium-strains formed colonies with an average frequency of 10–4. Opine synthesis was detected in the tissues. Some calli derived from protoplasts treated with A. tumefaciens C58C1pRi15834 formed typical hairy roots. Kanamycin resistant calli were obtained after fusion with A. tumefaciens containing pLGVTi23 neo (frequency=10–3). Fusion of E. coli spheroplasts containing a virulent pTiB6S3::RP4 co-integrate with tobacco protoplasts yielded two hormone independent growing calli producing octopine out of 105 microcalli.Abbreviations PEG Polyethylene glycol - PVA Polyvinyl alcohol  相似文献   
Catecholamines induce net salt and water movements in duck red cells incubated in isotonic solutions. The rate of this response is approximately three times greater than a comparable effect observed in 400 mosmol hypertonic solutions in the absence of hormone (W.F. Schmidt and T. J. McManus. 1977 a.J. Gen. Physiol. 70:59-79. Otherwise, these two systems share a great many similarities. In both cases, net water and salt movements have a marked dependence on external cation concentrations, are sensitive to furosemide and insensitive to ouabain, and allow the substitution of rubidium for external potassium. In the presence of ouabain, but the absence of external potassium (or rubidium), a furosemide-sensitive net extrusion of sodium against a large electrochemical gradient can be demonstrated. When norepinephrine-treated cells are incubated with ouabain and sufficient external sodium, the furosemide-sensitive, unidirectional influxes of both sodium and rubidium are half- maximally saturated at similar rubidium concentrations; with saturating external rubidium, the same fluxes are half-maximal at comparable levels of external sodium. In the absence of sodium, a catecholamine-stimulated, furosemide-sensitive influx of rubidium persists. In the absence of rubidium, a similar but smaller component of sodium influx can be seen. We interpret these results in terms of a cotransport model for sodium plus potassium which is activated by hypertonicity or norepinephrine. When either ion is absent from the incubation medium, the system promotes an exchange-diffusion type of movement of the co-ion into the cells. In the absence of external potassium, net movement of potassium out of the cell leads to a coupled extrusion of sodium against its electrochemical gradient.  相似文献   
鄱阳湖沙地蔓荆灌丛沙堆形态特征及空间分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前灌丛沙堆研究主要集中在干旱半干旱区的沙质草原和沙漠边缘,对亚热带湿润区灌丛沙堆的形成、演变过程并不清楚。以鄱阳湖沙地为研究区,通过样方调查和地统计学的方法,研究不同沙化程度下蔓荆灌丛沙堆的形态特征及分布格局。结果表明:鄱阳湖沙地蔓荆沙堆的形态以盾形为主,其冠幅变化幅度为1.2—18.2 m~2,固定和半固定沙地显著高于流动沙地;对灌丛沙堆的形态参数来说,其长轴与短轴在固定和半固定沙地上呈极显著的线性相关关系,流动沙地上呈二次函数关系;半固定和流动沙地上沙堆底面积与沙堆高度呈二次函数关系(r0.6);3种类型沙地上灌丛底面积与沙堆体积之间极显著线性相关,其中半固定沙地线性函数的斜率最大;除固定沙地的沙堆高度和半固定沙地的灌丛高度外,3种沙地上蔓荆灌丛与沙堆的其他形态参数间均极显著相关,说明随着沙地的固定,蔓荆灌丛有利于沙堆水平尺度的增长;3种沙地上蔓荆沙堆均呈随机分布。  相似文献   
荒漠区植物光合器官解剖结构对水分利用效率的指示作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物生理功能的发挥以结构为基础,因此,植物光合器官(叶片或同化枝)解剖结构会对水分利用效率(WUE)有一定的指示作用。通过对黑河流域优势种灌木光合器官的解剖特征和表征WUE的稳定碳同位素比率(δ13C)进行分析,试图从解剖结构的角度为荒漠植物WUE寻求一个有效的指示指标。结果显示:(1)除花棒外,轴状光合器官植物的δ13C值均高于叶状。(2)不同荒漠植物光合器官及不同组织厚度变化范围较广,叶厚度(Tl)或轴直径(Da)、角质层厚度(Tc)、表皮厚度(Te)、栅栏组织厚度(Tp)、海绵组织厚度(Ts)、贮水组织厚度(Ta)的最大值分别约为最小值的6.9、5.8、11、4、3.5和3.5倍。荒漠区多数轴状光合器官植物的Da以及Te高于叶状。(3)所研究优势种灌木的δ13C值与Tl或Da之间存在极显著的正相关关系(r=0.719,P<0.01),与不同组织厚度(Tc、Te、Tp、Ts和Ta)之间相关性不显著。由此可知,从植物光合器官的解剖结构来看,荒漠区植物的WUE可以用Tl或Da来表征,叶片越厚,越有利于植物高效利用水分,且轴状光合器官植物的WUE高于叶状。  相似文献   
Here, we describe a fast, easy-to-use, and sensitive method to profile in-depth structural micro-heterogeneity, including intricate N-glycosylation profiles, of monoclonal antibodies at the native intact protein level by means of mass spectrometry using a recently introduced modified Orbitrap Exactive Plus mass spectrometer. We demonstrate the versatility of our method to probe structural micro-heterogeneity by describing the analysis of three types of molecules: (1) a non-covalently bound IgG4 hinge deleted full-antibody in equilibrium with its half-antibody, (2) IgG4 mutants exhibiting highly complex glycosylation profiles, and (3) antibody-drug conjugates. Using the modified instrument, we obtain baseline separation and accurate mass determination of all different proteoforms that may be induced, for example, by glycosylation, drug loading and partial peptide backbone-truncation. We show that our method can handle highly complex glycosylation profiles, identifying more than 20 different glycoforms per monoclonal antibody preparation and more than 30 proteoforms on a single highly purified antibody. In analyzing antibody-drug conjugates, our method also easily identifies and quantifies more than 15 structurally different proteoforms that may result from the collective differences in drug loading and glycosylation. The method presented here will aid in the comprehensive analytical and functional characterization of protein micro-heterogeneity, which is crucial for successful development and manufacturing of therapeutic antibodies  相似文献   
Genome-scale design of PCR primers and long oligomers for DNA microarrays   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During the last years, the demand for custom-made cDNA chips/arrays as well as whole genome chips is increasing rapidly. The efficient selection of gene-specific primers/oligomers is of the utmost importance for the successful production of such chips. We developed GenomePRIDE, a highly flexible and scalable software for designing primers/oligomers for large-scale projects. The program is able to generate either long oligomers (40–70 bases), or PCR primers for the amplification of gene-specific DNA fragments of user-defined length. Additionally, primers can be designed in-frame in order to facilitate large-scale cloning into expression vectors. Furthermore, GenomePRIDE can be adapted to specific applications such as the generation of genomic amplicon arrays or the design of fragments specific for alternative splice isoforms. We tested the performance of GenomePRIDE on the entire genomes of Listeria monocytogenes (1584 gene-specific PCRs, 48 long oligomers) as well as of eukaryotes such as Schizosaccharomyces pombe (5006 gene-specific PCRs), and Drosophila melanogaster (21 306 gene-specific PCRs). With its computing speed of 1000 primer pairs per hour and a PCR amplification success of 99%, GenomePRIDE represents an extremely cost- and time-effective program.  相似文献   
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