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Cellular architecture of the lamina propria of human seminiferous tubules   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The lamina propria of human seminiferous tubules is composed of 5 to 7 cellular layers separated by laminae of extracellular connective-tissue components. By means of immunocytochemical methods the different nature of the cellular layers could be defined for the first time. Based on the light-microscopic demonstration of both desmin-like and vimentin-like immunoreactivity in the inner 3 to 4 layers of the lamina propria, these cells can be identified as myofibroblasts. The outermost one or two cellular layers, on the contrary, only show a vimentin-like immunoreactivity indicating the pure fibroblastic nature of these cells. Therefore, the outermost cellular layers are suggested to be derivatives of the interstitium. In cases of disturbed spermatogenesis, the lamina propria is frequently considerably thickened by an increase in the extracellular matrix components between the cellular layers. Whereas the ultrastructural localization of laminin-, collagen type-IV- and fibronectin-like immunoreactivity remains unaffected in the thickened lamina propria, the desmin-like immunoreactive cells of the inner layers strongly decrease in number and staining intensity. Most probably, the myofibro-blasts lose their myoid characteristics to participate in the secretion of increased amounts of extracellular matrix components, which in turn presumably block the mediation of the lamina propria between the interstitium and the germinal epithelium. It is still unclear whether the thickened lamina propria provokes the disturbance of spermatogenesis or vice versa.  相似文献   
Individual cells are basic units of life. Despite extensive efforts to characterize the cellular heterogeneity of different organisms, cross-species comparisons of landscape dynamics have not been achieved. Here, we applied single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to map organism-level cell landscapes at multiple life stages for mice, zebrafish and Drosophila. By integrating the comprehensive dataset of > 2.6 million single cells, we constructed a cross-species cell landscape and identified signatures and common pathways that changed throughout the life span. We identified structural inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction as the most common hallmarks of organism aging, and found that pharmacological activation of mitochondrial metabolism alleviated aging phenotypes in mice. The cross-species cell landscape with other published datasets were stored in an integrated online portal—Cell Landscape. Our work provides a valuable resource for studying lineage development, maturation and aging.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Genese der schwanzlosen Spermatozoen der Zecke Ornithodorus moubata wurde licht- und elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht.In der Keimzone des Hodens finden sich die kleinsten Zellen der Spermatogenese, die Spermatogonien A, die einzeln durch somatische Zellen voneinander isoliert sind. In einer Vermehrungsphase von 4 Teilungen entstehen Ballen von je 16 Spermatogonien B. Durch Wachstum gehen die Spermatogonien B in Spermatozyten I. Ordnung über. Dabei entsteht in ihnen eine Randstruktur, die sich nach den rasch ablaufenden Reifeteilungen in den Spermatiden zu einer Vakuole entwickelt, in die bandartige Zellfortsätze hineinhängen. Gleichzeitig mit einer Längsstreckung der Spermatide stülpt sich die spätere Spitze in die Vakuole ein und führt zu einer handschuhfingerartigen Umkrempung der Spermatide. Dieser letzte Schritt erfolgt erst nach der Kopulation im Weibchen. Dann liegen die ursprünglich in die Vakuole hängenden Fortsätze dem reifen Spermatozoon außen als Leisten an.Die Kernkondensation und die Akrosombildung werden im einzelnen beschrieben. Durch die komplizierte Umgestaltung der Spermatide erfahren auch Kern und Akrosom sowie die Zentriolen unfangreiche Ortsveränderungen, die erst im Weibchen abgeschlossen werden.
The spermatogenesis of the tick Ornithodorus moubata
Summary The genesis of the tailless spermatozoa of the tick Ornithodorus moubata has been studied by light and electron microscopy.In the germ zone of the testis the smallest cells of the spermatogenesis are located, the spermatogonia A which are separated from each other by somatic cells. The result of a multiplication phase with 4 mitoses are clusters of 16 spermatogonia B. While growing up the spermatogonia B differentiate into spermatocytes I. They show a special structure of their border which, after the quickly passed maturation divisions, gets more developed in the spermatides and turns into a vacuole with ribbon-like cytoplasmic processes hanging into it. Simultaneously with an elongation of the spermatide the subsequent apex invaginates into the vacuole and induces an inversion of the spermatide like the finger of a glove. This last step takes place only after the copulation in the female. Then the processes previously hanging into the vacuole are lying as groins close to the outside of the mature spermatozoon. The condensation of the nucleus and the formation of the acrosome are described in particular. Because of the complicated transformation of the spermatide also the nucleus, the acrosome and the centrioles undergo extensive migrations being accomplished in the female.
Zusammenfassung Die reifen, den Weibchen entnommenen Spermatozoen von Ornithodorus moubata bestehen aus einem kolbig verdickten Vorderende und einem längeren, dünneren schwanzartigen Hinterende, in dem der Kern und das Akrosom sich befinden. Den Kern durchbohrt ein Stab, der mit einem Konus an der Akrosomplatte befestigt ist. Die Akrosomplatte ist eine Verdickung der Akrosomlamelle. Diese ist größtenteils als Akrosomkanal in das schwanzartige Ende eingestülpt. Zwischen Kern und Akrosomplatte bzw. -lamelle liegen 2 Zentriolen. Die Oberfläche ist mit Fortsätzen bestanden, die im Bereich der Spitze (Apex) pilzförmig, auf dem übrigen Spermatozoon leistenartig sind. Die Struktur der Fortsätze wird analysiert. Sie sind durch feine Füße mit dem Spermatozoon in Verbindung. Diese Strukturen stellen zytologische Differenzierungen dar, für die es bisher in der vergleichenden Zytologie keine Entsprechung gibt.
The spermatozoa of the tick Ornithodorus moubata (Murr)
Summary Mature spermatozoa of Ornithodorus moubata removed from females consist of a thickened club shaped anterior part and a longer and thinner posterior part formed like a tail. The latter contains the nucleus and the acrosome. A rod perforates the nucleus and is attached to the acrosomal plate by a conical structure. The acrosomal plate is a thickening of the acrosomal lamella, which is mostly invaginated into the posterior part of the spermatozoon as an acrosomal channel. Between nucleus and acrosomal plate or acrosomal lamella two centrioles are located. The surface is occupied with processes which are fungiform at the apex and formed like strips at the main part of the spermatozoon. The structure of these processes has been analysed. They are connected to the spermatozoon by fine feet. These processes are cytological differentiations, which so far are unknown in comparative cytology.

Herrn Prof. Dr. K. Goerttler zum 70. Geburtstag in Verehrung gewidmet.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die zentralen Chylusgefäße in den Zotten des Duodenum und Jejunum von Meerschweinchen und Affe zeigen die Strukturbesonderheiten, die für die Lymphkapillaren des Dünndarms charakteristisch sind. Die Endothelzellen sind durch ihre langen Ausläufer in komplizierter Weise miteinander verzahnt. Sie können an diesen Stellen auseinanderweichen und größeren Chylomikronen den Durchtritt vom extrazellulären Raum in die Lymphkapillaren ermöglichen. Marklose Nervenfasern und vor allem glatte Muskelzellen der Muscularis mucosae treten mit dem Endothel der Lymphkapillaren in Kontakt. Das Zusammenwirken der Endothelverzahnungen mit der Zottenpumpe, die auf den Kontraktionen der glatten Muskelzellen beruht, wird im Hinblick auf den Lymphtransport diskutiert.
Lymphatic capillaries in the intestine villi of guinea pig and monkey
Summary The central lacteals in the villi of duodenum and jejunum (Macaca mulatta, Cavia cobaya) exhibit the same structural peculiarities as the lymphatic capillaries in the villi of the small intestine in general. The endothelial cells overlap extensively at their margins. At these points they may be separated from each other so enabling larger chylomicra to pass from the extracellular space into the lumen of the lacteal. Nonmyelinated nerve fibres as well as smooth muscle cells of the Muscularis mucosae in particular contact the endothelium of the lymphatic capillaries. The co-operation of the endothelial interdigitations with the villus pump, realized by the contractions of the smooth muscle cells, is discussed as mechanism of the lymph transport.
30. Mai 1972.  相似文献   
Aging is associated with progressive alterations of immune functions, leading to higher susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections and reduced vaccine responses. Data concerning cytokine production in response to Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands are highly variable in old people, reflecting the heterogeneity of the geriatric population. The aim of our study was to define the relative contribution of age and clinical status on TLR-induced interleukin (IL)-12p70 and IL-23 production as these cytokines play an important role in the protection against intracellular and extracellular pathogens, respectively. For this purpose, we recruited 100 subjects (aged 23–96 years) in the general population or hospitalized for chronic diseases. We collected information on clinical status (medical history, ongoing comorbidities, treatments and geriatric scales), biological parameters (biochemical and hematological tests, telomere length determination, cytomegalovirus serology). Whole blood samples were stimulated with a combination of TLR4 and TLR7/8 ligands. We performed univariate and stepwise backward multivariate analyses regression to define which set of clinical variables could be predictive for IL-12p70 and IL-23 production in these conditions. Our results indicated that age was not correlated with TLR-mediated IL-12p70 and IL-23 production. In contrast, poor nutritional status and frailty in subjects >75 years were associated with decreased IL-12p70 and IL-23 production. By intracytoplasmic staining, we confirmed that production of IL-12/23p40 by conventional dendritic cells (DCs) upon TLR ligation was decreased in frail patients. However, proportion of DCs and monocytes subsets, phenotypic maturation and proximal signaling events were found to be comparable in frail and healthy old subjects. These results suggest the importance of age-associated clinical parameters and not age by itself in the alteration of innate immune responses in old individuals and emphasis the importance of innate immune responses in the susceptibility of frail geriatric patients to infections.  相似文献   
Summary The development of the olfactory organ in the rainbow fish, Nematocentris maccullochi, was studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy; it was compared with the developmental process in other teleosts, especially in the closely related atherinids and cyprinodonts. The formation of the nares parallels that in atherinids, salmonids, cyprinids and heterosomats, but differs from that found in cyprinodonts. Another ontogenetic feature in which the olfactory organs of the rainbow fish and also of atherinids differ from those of cyprinodonts, is the occurrence of transitory kinociliary cells which disappear during the postlarval period. The divergent evolutionary pathways are discussed with reference to experimental investigations. During development, ciliated and microvillous receptor cell types occur. At the primary larval stage ciliated receptor neurons are exclusively present. At a later stage the microvillous type develops and becomes equal in frequency. Thus, the microvillous receptor represents a separate type of olfactory neuron and is not a progenitor of the ciliated receptor cell.This work was supported by the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftThe authors would like to acknowledge Prof. G. Hartmann (Hamburg) and Prof. V. Storch (Kiel) for use of the SEM, Prof. K. Seifert (Neumünster) for valuable discussion. For skillful technical assistance we are indebted to Miss C. Heim, Mrs. K. Hoffmann, and Mr. H.P. Dreyer  相似文献   
Summary In the swan, Cygnus olor, spermatogenesis shows a pronounced seasonal cycle. During the long involution phase a transient invasion of macrophages into the seminiferous tubules regularly takes place at the height of regression prior to total rest. These macrophages are involved in the additional disposal of supernumerary and degenerating premature germ cells, at a time when the Sertoli cells are already filled with phagolysosomes.  相似文献   
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