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Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) monitored redox titrations are a powerful method to determine the midpoint potential of cofactors in proteins and to identify and quantify the cofactors in their detectable redox state.The technique is complementary to direct electrochemistry (voltammetry) approaches, as it does not offer information on electron transfer rates, but does establish the identity and redox state of the cofactors in the protein under study. The technique is widely applicable to any protein containing an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) detectable cofactor.A typical titration requires 2 ml protein with a cofactor concentration in the range of 1-100 µM. The protein is titrated with a chemical reductant (sodium dithionite) or oxidant (potassium ferricyanide) in order to poise the sample at a certain potential. A platinum wire and a Ag/AgCl reference electrode are connected to a voltmeter to measure the potential of the protein solution. A set of 13 different redox mediators is used to equilibrate between the redox cofactors of the protein and the electrodes. Samples are drawn at different potentials and the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectra, characteristic for the different redox cofactors in the protein, are measured. The plot of the signal intensity versus the sample potential is analyzed using the Nernst equation in order to determine the midpoint potential of the cofactor.  相似文献   
In Western Europe, many pond owners introduce amphibians for ornamental purposes. Although indigenous amphibians are legally protected in most European countries, retailers are circumventing national and international legislation by selling exotic nonprotected sibling species. We investigated to what extent non‐native species of the European water frog complex (genus Pelophylax) have become established in Belgium, using morphological, mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers. A survey of 87 sampling sites showed the presence of non‐native water frogs at 47 locations, mostly Marsh frogs (Pelophylax ridibundus). Surprisingly, at least 19% of all these locations also harboured individuals with mitochondrial haplotypes characteristic of Anatolian water frogs (Pelophylax cf. bedriagae). Nuclear genotyping indicated widespread hybridization and introgression between P. ridibundus and P. cf. bedriagae. In addition, water frogs of Turkish origin obtained through a licensed retailer, also contained P. ridibundus and P. cf. bedriagae, with identical haplotypes to the wild Belgian populations. Although P. ridibundus might have invaded Belgium by natural range expansion from neighbouring countries, our results suggest that its invasion was at least partly enhanced by commercial trade, with origins as far as the Middle East. Also the invasion and rapid spread of Anatolian lineages, masked by their high morphological similarity to P. ridibundus, is likely the result of unregulated commercial trade. We expect that Anatolian frogs will further invade the exotic as well as the native range of P. ridibundus and other Pelophylax species elsewhere in Western and Central Europe, with risks of large‐scale hybridization and introgression.  相似文献   
Fine excipient particles or ‘fines’ have been shown to improve the dispersion performance of carrier-based formulations for dry powder inhalation. Mechanistic formulation studies have focussed mainly on explaining this positive effect. Previous studies have shown that higher drug contents may cause a decrease in dispersion performance, and there is no reason why this should not be true for fines with a similar shape, size and cohesiveness as drug particles. Therefore, the effects on drug detachment of ‘fine lactose fines’ (FLF, X50 = 1.95 µm) with a similar size and shape as micronised budesonide were studied and compared to those of ‘coarse lactose fines’ (CLF, X50 = 3.94 µm). Furthermore, interactions with the inhalation flow rate, the drug content and the mixing order were taken into account. The observed effects of FLF are comparable to drug content effects in that the detached drug fraction was decreased at low drug content and low flow rates but increased at higher flow rates. At high drug content the effects of added FLF were negligible. In contrast, CLF resulted in higher detached drug fractions at all flow rates and drug contents. The results from this study suggest that the effects of fines may be explained by two new mechanisms in addition to those previously proposed. Firstly, fines below a certain size may increase the effectiveness of press-on forces or cause the formation of strongly coherent fine particle networks on the carrier surface containing the drug particles. Secondly, when coarse enough, fines may prevent the formation of, or disrupt such fine particle networks, possibly through a lowering of their tensile strength. It is recommended that future mechanistic studies are based on the recognition that added fines may have any effect on dispersion performance, which is determined by the formulation and dispersion conditions.  相似文献   
Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) is a tetrahydrobiopterin (BH(4)) and non-heme iron-dependent enzyme that hydroxylates L-Phe to L-Tyr. The paramagnetic ferric iron at the active site of recombinant human PAH (hPAH) and its midpoint potential at pH 7.25 (E(m)(Fe(III)/Fe(II))) were studied by EPR spectroscopy. Similar EPR spectra were obtained for the tetrameric wild-type (wt-hPAH) and the dimeric truncated hPAH(Gly(103)-Gln(428)) corresponding to the "catalytic domain." A rhombic high spin Fe(III) signal with a g value of 4.3 dominates the EPR spectra at 3.6 K of both enzyme forms. An E(m) = +207 +/- 10 mV was measured for the iron in wt-hPAH, which seems to be adequate for a thermodynamically feasible electron transfer from BH(4) (E(m) (quinonoid-BH(2)/BH(4)) = +174 mV). The broad EPR features from g = 9.7-4.3 in the spectra of the ligand-free enzyme decreased in intensity upon the addition of L-Phe, whereas more axial type signals were observed upon binding of 7,8-dihydrobiopterin (BH(2)), the stable oxidized form of BH(4), and of dopamine. All three ligands induced a decrease in the E(m) value of the iron to +123 +/- 4 mV (L-Phe), +110 +/- 20 mV (BH(2)), and -8 +/- 9 mV (dopamine). On the basis of these data we have calculated that the binding affinities of L-Phe, BH(2), and dopamine decrease by 28-, 47-, and 5040-fold, respectively, for the reduced ferrous form of the enzyme, with respect to the ferric form. Interestingly, an E(m) value comparable with that of the ligand-free, resting form of wt-hPAH, i.e. +191 +/- 11 mV, was measured upon the simultaneous binding of both L-Phe and BH(2), representing an inactive model for the iron environment under turnover conditions. Our findings provide new information on the redox properties of the active site iron relevant for the understanding of the reductive activation of the enzyme and the catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   
Muscarinic activation of tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) involves a M3AChR/heterotrimeric-G protein/NPR-GC coupling mechanism. G protein activators Mastoparan (MAS) and Mastoparan-7 stimulated 4- and 10-fold the NPR-GC respectively, being insensitive to PTX and antibodies against Gαi/o subfamily. Muscarinic and MAS stimulation of NPR-GC was blocked by antibodies against C-terminal of Gαq16, whose expression was confirmed by RT-PCR. However, synthetic peptides from C-terminal of Gαq15/16 stimulated the NPR-GC. Coupling of αq16 to M3AChR is supported by MAS decreased [3H]QNB binding, being abolished after M3AChR-4-DAMP-alkylation. Anti-i3M3AChR antibodies blocked the muscarinic activation of NPR-GC, and synthetic peptide from i3M3AChR (M3P) was more potent than MAS increasing GTPγ [35S] and decreasing the [3H]QNB activities. Coupling between NPR-GC and Gαq16 was evaluated by using trypsin-solubilized-fraction from TSM membranes, which displayed a MAS-sensitive-NPR-GC activity, being immunoprecipitated with anti-Gαq16, also showing an immunoreactive heterotrimeric-G-β -subunit. These data support the existence of a novel transducing cascade, involving Gαq16β γ coupling M3AChR to NPR-GC.  相似文献   
One‐third of the human proteome is comprised of membrane proteins, which are particularly vulnerable to misfolding and often require folding assistance by molecular chaperones. Calnexin (CNX), which engages client proteins via its sugar‐binding lectin domain, is one of the most abundant ER chaperones, and plays an important role in membrane protein biogenesis. Based on mass spectrometric analyses, we here show that calnexin interacts with a large number of nonglycosylated membrane proteins, indicative of additional nonlectin binding modes. We find that calnexin preferentially bind misfolded membrane proteins and that it uses its single transmembrane domain (TMD) for client recognition. Combining experimental and computational approaches, we systematically dissect signatures for intramembrane client recognition by calnexin, and identify sequence motifs within the calnexin TMD region that mediate client binding. Building on this, we show that intramembrane client binding potentiates the chaperone functions of calnexin. Together, these data reveal a widespread role of calnexin client recognition in the lipid bilayer, which synergizes with its established lectin‐based substrate binding. Molecular chaperones thus can combine different interaction modes to support the biogenesis of the diverse eukaryotic membrane proteome.  相似文献   
The objective of this simulation study was to compare the effect of the number of QTL and distribution of QTL variance on the accuracy of breeding values estimated with genomewide markers (MEBV). Three distinct methods were used to calculate MEBV: a Bayesian Method (BM), Least Angle Regression (LARS) and Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR). The accuracy of MEBV calculated with BM and LARS decreased when the number of simulated QTL increased. The accuracy decreased more when QTL had different variance values than when all QTL had an equal variance. The accuracy of MEBV calculated with PLSR was affected neither by the number of QTL nor by the distribution of QTL variance. Additional simulations and analyses showed that these conclusions were not affected by the number of individuals in the training population, by the number of markers and by the heritability of the trait. Results of this study show that the effect of the number of QTL and distribution of QTL variance on the accuracy of MEBV depends on the method that is used to calculate MEBV.  相似文献   
A ferritin from the obligate anaerobe and hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus (optimal growth at 100°C) has been cloned and overproduced in Escherichia coli to one-fourth of total cell-free extract protein, and has been purified in one step to homogeneity. The ferritin (PfFtn) is structurally similar to known bacterial and eukaryal ferritins; it is a 24-mer of 20 kDa subunits, which add up to a total Mr 480 kDa. The protein belongs to the non-heme type of ferritins. The 24-mer contains approximately 17 Fe (as isolated), 2,700 Fe (fully loaded), or <1 Fe (apoprotein). Fe-loaded protein exhibits an EPR spectrum characteristic for superparamagnetic core formation. At 25°C Vmax=25 mole core Fe3+ formed per min per mg protein when measured at 315 nm, and the K0.5=5 mM Fe(II). At 0.3 mM Fe(II) activity increases 100-fold from 25 to 85°C. The wild-type ferritin is detected in P. furiosus grown on starch. PfFtn is extremely thermostable; its activity has a half-life of 48 h at 100°C and 85 min at 120°C. No apparent melting temperature was found up to 120°C. The extreme thermostability of PfFtn has potential value for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
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