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Lipid peroxidation in Peridinium samples taken from two differentdepths in Lake Kinneret fluctuated throughout the spring withan overall increasing trend. Samples from 0.5 and 5 m showeda similar peroxidation pattern, which was maximal after thefall off in algal biomass. The rapid decline in Peridinium biomasscoincided with ambient lake temperatures of 21–23C. Fattyacid composition profiles were similar at both depths, althoughafter the peak of the bloom, a significant increase in polyunsaturatedfatty acids and oleic acid was only found at 0.5 m, togetherwith a decrease in the percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids.These effects were related to ambient light stress rather thana result of lipid peroxidation. Lake samples taken at differentperiods of the bloom and incubated at various temperatures showeddifferential peroxidation. Higher temperatures caused increasedlipid peroxidation, but this appeared to be dependent on thesampling period. Samples withdrawn from the lake at the beginningof the bloom showed little peroxidation after a 5 day incubationat 14C, room temperature (25C) or ambient lake temperature(16C) compared to mid-bloom samples in which there was a significantincrease in peroxidation when they were incubated at room temperature(25C) or ambient lake temperature (22C). Incubation at 14Cinhibited peroxidation; however, samples from mid-bloom againshowed enhanced peroxidation compared with those from the beginningof the bloom. These in situ results suggested a relationshipbetween temperature, another environmental variable during thebloom and lipid peroxidation in Peridinium. As total dissolvedinorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations fall significantly duringthe progress of the bloom and represent an important sourceof environmental stress, laboratory experiments were establishedto investigate the synergistic effect of temperature and carbonnutrition on lipid peroxidation in Peridinium cultures. Increasedtemperature alone caused a slight increase in lipid peroxidation,but this was greatly augmented by carbon limitation. Althoughcarbon limitation induced increased catalase activity, at highertemperatures activity declined after 48 h, allowing for thesubstantial increase in lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   
The filamentous cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon ovalisporum wasobserved for the first time in Lake Kinneret in August 1994and formed a prominent bloom from September through October.Aphanizomenon ovalisporum reappeared in diminished amounts inthe summer and fall of 1995. These events are the first recordof significant quantities of a potentially toxic nitrogen-fixingcyanobacterium in this lake. No definite provenance of inoculumhas been identified, although A.ovalisporum was also observedin a newly reflooded area (Lake Agmon) in the catchment. Unusuallyhigh water temperatures and low wind inputs were observed priorto and during the A.ovalisporum bloom period. These, togetherwith possibly enhanced availability of phosphorus or other growthfactors, may have contributed to the cyanobacterium growth in1994. Phosphorus limi tation, as indicated by high cellularalkaline phosphatase activity, the onset of stormy conditionsand a fall in water temperatures led to the demise of the 1994bloom. Although the A. ovalisporum bloom in 1994 had no seriousdirect impact on water quality, the continued presence of apotentially toxic cyanobacterium in Lake Kinneret, a major nationalwater supply source, is a cause for serious concern.  相似文献   
RNA helicases melt regions of duplex RNA in a process that requires energy derived from the hydrolysis of nucleoside triphosphates. The process of protein synthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes involves one proven RNA helicase (elF-4A) and several putative RNA helicases. Of these, one group of helicases is thought to unwind secondary structure in the 5′ non-coding region of mRNAs to facilitate ribosome binding. A second group is implicated in ribosome assembly, in particular in ribosomal RNA maturation.  相似文献   
Adequate CO2 elimination and normal arterial PCO2 levels can be maintained in dogs during apnea by delivering a continuous flow of inspired gas at high flow rate (1-3 l.min-1.kg-1) through tubes placed in the main-stem bronchi. However, during constant-flow ventilation (CFV) the mean alveolar pressure is increased, causing increased lung volume despite low pressures in the trachea. We hypothesized that the increased dynamic alveolar pressures during CFV were due to momentum transfer from the high-velocity jet stream to resident gas in the lung. To test this, we simulated CFV in straight tubes and in a branched airway model to determine whether changes in gas flow rate (V), gas density (rho), and tube diameter (D) altered the pressure difference (delta P) between alveoli and airway opening in a manner consistent with that predicted by conservation of momentum. Momentum analysis predicts that delta P should vary with V2, whereas measurements yielded a dependence of V1.69 in branched tubes and V1.9 in straight tubes. Substitution of heliox (80% He-20% O2) for air significantly reduced lung hyperinflation during CFV. As predicted by momentum transfer, delta P varied with rho 1.0. Momentum analysis also predicts that delta P should vary with D-2.0, whereas measurements indicated a dependence on D-2.02. The influence of V and rho on depth of penetration of the jet down the airway was explored in a straight tube model by varying the flow rate and gas used. The influence of geometry on penetration was measured by changing the ratio of jet-to-airway tube diameters.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
To evaluate the effectiveness of Oxyphenbutazone as an anti-inflammatory agent, a double-blind study of Oxyphenbutazone and a placebo in a group of 42 patients who had nasal cosmetic operations involving osteotomy was carried out. The observations included direct objective measurement of the width of the palpebral fissure after operation, grading of the severity of postoperative edema and ecchymosis from photographs, and observations by the patients regarding the clearing of the postoperative discoloration. It appeared from the results of these observations that Oxyphenbutazone is not effective in preventing postoperative edema in such operations or in promoting more rapid resolution of postoperative edema. It did appear to enhance the clearing of postoperative periorbital ecchymosis.  相似文献   
Measurement of the oxygen metabolite hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in biological fluids such as plasma could be of interest because it might indicate participation of toxic oxygen species in tissue injury. Recently several reports claimed to measure H2O2 using spectrophotometric and high pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC) techniques that utilize oxidation of a substrate to a product by a peroxidase. In such a system it is crucial to perform two control experiments to verify whether the measured substance is H2O2. The specificity of the assay for H2O2 should be checked with catalase, and the degradation of H2O2 or inhibition of the assay system by the sample should be checked by determining the recovery of exogenously added H2O2. We performed both types of controls for HPLC and spectrophotometric determinations of H2O2 in plasma and blood. Our results indicate that contrary to previous reports in the literature the measured substance(s) in plasma or blood is not H2O2. Moreover, quantitative measurements of H2O2 in plasma or blood by HPLC was unreliable due to the irreversible binding of H2O2 to the column surface.  相似文献   
Assimilation of N by heterotrophic soil microbial biomass is associated with decomposition of organic matter in the soil. The form of N assimilated can be either low molecular weight organic N released from the breakdown of organic matter (direct assimilation), or NH+4 and NO3 from the soil inorganic N pool, into which mineralized organic N is released (mineralization immobilization turnover). The kinetics of C and N turnover in soil is quantifiable by means of computer simulation models. NCSOIL was constructed to represent the two assimilation schemes. The rate of N assimilation depends on the rate of C assimilation and microbial C/N ratio, thereby rendering it independent of the assimilation scheme. However, if any of the N forms is labeled, a different amount of labeled N assimilation will be simulated by the different schemes. Experimental data on inorganic N and 15N and on organic 15N dynamics in soils incubated with 15N added as NH+4 or organic N were compared with data simulated by different model schemes. Direct assimilation could not account for the amount of 15N assimilated in any of the experimental treatments. The best fit of the model to experimental data was obtained for the mineralization immobilization turnover scheme when both NH+4 and NO3 were assimilated, in proportion to their concentration in the soil.  相似文献   
We have characterized the effects of p53 on several biochemical activities of simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor (T) antigen. While p53 induced a strong inhibition of the T antigen DNA helicase activity, surprisingly, its RNA helicase activity was stimulated. This supports the liklihood that the DNA and RNA helicase activities of T antigen reflect discrete functions. p53 did not significantly affect the ATP-dependent conversion of T antigen monomers to hexamers. However, the ability of these hexamers to assemble on a DNA fragment containing the viral origin was impaired by p53. Thus, these results suggest that p53 inhibits the function but not the formation of T antigen multimers. This conclusion was further supported by the observation that the addition of a purified p53:T antigen complex was as inhihitory as free p53 to the DNA helicase activity of free T antigen. Thus our data indicates that the targets of p53 inhibition are the functional units of T antigen, namely the hexamers.  相似文献   
Preferential feeding behaviour by Daphnia magna was shown when Daphnia were fed on a mixture of 14C-labelled algae (Chlorella vulgaris or Scenedesmus quadricauda) and 3H-labelled bacteria (Escherichia coli). Daphnia consumption of bacteria was equal or higher in the presence of algae. On the other hand, in the presence of bacteria, algal consumption decreased by 40–70% compared to algal consumption in the absence of bacteria. 14C radioactive uptake was in good agreement with the chlorophyll content and demonstrates the preferential feeding behaviour of Daphnia.  相似文献   
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