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Experiments with transgenic mice carrying rearranged Ig transgenes have shown that membrane bound Ig molecules cause feedback inhibition of endogenous Ig gene rearrangement. However, this inhibition is never complete. It has been postulated that escape from feedback may be a property of the Ly-1 B cell subset, whereas rearrangement of endogenous Ig genes may be completely inhibited in conventional B cells. This possibility was investigated in transgenic mice carrying a lambda transgene under the control of the H chain enhancer. It was found that kappa producing B cells in these lambda transgenic mice were for the most part, although not exclusively, of the conventional B cell phenotype. Examination of peritoneal exudate cells revealed that a large proportion of Ly-1 B cells also express kappa. Adoptive transfer of bone marrow from adult lambda transgenic mice, a source of conventional B cell precursors, resulted in the production of relatively high levels of serum kappa 2 to 3 mo after transfer into recipient SCID mice. A high proportion of donor B cells in the spleen produced endogenous kappa protein with or without co-production of lambda. It is concluded that precursors of both conventional and Ly-1 B cells can escape feedback inhibition of L chain gene rearrangement.  相似文献   
In 82 consecutive cases of intrauterine growth retardation managed by established criteria fetal Doppler studies identified 29 fetuses with absence of end diastolic frequencies in the fetal aorta. These same fetuses were significantly more growth retarded (p less than 0.001) and had an earlier gestational age at delivery (p less than 0.001) than those with end diastolic frequencies present. A subgroup of these cases was analysed in more detail to examine the prognostic value of this phenomenon for the neonate. Two groups of neonates of equivalent gestational age and with a birth weight below 2000 g were compared. There were 26 neonates with absent end diastolic frequencies (group 1) and 20 with end diastolic frequencies (group 2) in the fetal aorta. Those in group 1 were more likely to suffer perinatal death (p less than 0.05), necrotising enterocolitis (p less than 0.01), and haemorrhage (p less than 0.05). Only 4 (15%) of the babies in group 1 had an uncomplicated neonatal period compared with 15 (75%) in group 2 (p less than 0.001). The circulatory changes identified in these cases may provide a more sensitive measure of critical fetal compromise than current techniques and thus allow the clinician to deliver the fetus before irreversible tissue damage has occurred.  相似文献   
Lysine residues outside of the NADH-binding site in the soluble catalytic fragment of cytochrome b5 reductase were modified with ethyl acetimidate and acetic anhydride while the binding site was protected by formation of the stable oxidized nucleotide-reduced flavoprotein complex. This treatment had a minimal effect on enzyme activity; the turnover number with potassium ferricyanide was 45,300 in the native reductase and 39,200 in the derivative. Subsequent reaction with [3H]acetic anhydride after the removal of NADH resulted in the loss of 91% of the enzyme activity and the incorporation of 1.9 eq of acetyl groups into the protein. Treatment with 1 M hydroxylamine at pH 13 indicated that only lysine residues were acetylated, and fragmentation of the derivative with cyanogen bromide and subfragmentation with trypsin and chymotrypsin demonstrated that only Lys110 was labeled at high specific activity, with a stoichiometry of 0.83 acetyl groups/mol, in good agreement with the loss of enzyme activity observed. The remaining label was distributed at low levels among four or more additional lysine residues. These results demonstrate that only Lys110 is specifically protected by NADH and is therefore the residue which provides the epsilon-amino group implicated in NADH binding in cytochrome b5 reductase.  相似文献   
The immunogenicity of an isolated murine helper T cell determinant was studied. Mice were immunized with a synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acid residues 111-120 of the influenza PR8 hemagglutinin (HA) heavy chain, a region previously identified as a major target of the helper T cell response to the HA molecule in virus-primed BALB/c mice. Lymph node T cells from these mice were fused with BW 5147 cells to produce T hybrids for clonal analysis of their recognition specificities. Three T cell hybridoma clones, obtained from two different mice, responded to the immunizing peptide when presented by syngeneic antigen-presenting cells. All of these clones responded also to antigen provided as intact wild-type PR8 virus. The fine specificity of the peptide-induced T cell hybridomas, in response to a panel of mutant and variant influenza viruses, was indistinguishable from the fine specificities of T cells to the corresponding region of the HA1 chain of the HA molecule which had been generated by priming of mice with intact wild-type virus. These results suggest that an immunogenic determinant is contained within the 111-120 sequence that is able to elicit anti-influenza virus T cells with a similar repertoire to those elicited by immunization with whole virus.  相似文献   
BALB/c mice were primed with type A influenza virus by footpad injection or by aerosol infection with PR8 [A/PR/8/34-(H1N1)]. Isolated T cells from draining lymph nodes were then tested for their proliferation in the presence of purified viral proteins hemagglutinin, neuraminidase, matrix, and nucleoprotein. Significant responses [( 3H]thymidine incorporation) were seen against each of the four proteins after either priming scheme. When helper T (TH) cell clones were isolated by hybridoma formation from two different strains of mice, responsiveness (interleukin 2 production) towards each protein was against apparent. Of 12 virus-specific T cell hybridomas isolated, four responded to matrix, three to nucleoprotein, one to neuraminidase, three to hemagglutinin, and one cell was of undefined specificity. Each hybridoma was also tested for recognition of the HK virus [A/Hong Kong/1/68-(H3N2)], which differs in subtype from the priming strain. All matrix-specific cells, two nucleoprotein-specific cells, and the cell of undefined specificity were cross-reactive with HK virus. H1-subtype specificity was seen for all hemagglutinin and neuraminidase-specific cells and one of the three nucleoprotein-specific cells. Because many virus-immune TH cells recognize antigenically variable determinants, a significant fraction of TH cell function may be lost after virus evolution. When selecting priming schemes for long-term immunization against influenza, the isolated enhancement of TH cells recognizing conserved determinants on matrix and nucleoprotein may therefore be considered.  相似文献   
We determined the sites at which ribosomes form initiation complexes on Rous sarcoma virus RNA in order to determine how initiation of Pr76gag synthesis at the fourth AUG codon from the 5' end of Rous sarcoma virus strain SR-A RNA occurs. Ribosomes bind almost exclusively at the 5'-proximal AUG codon when chloride is present as the major anion added to the translational system. However, when chloride is replaced with acetate, ribosomes bind at the two 5'-proximal AUG codons, as well as at the initiation site for Pr76gag. We confirmed that the 5'-proximal AUG codon is part of a functional initiation site by identifying the seven-amino acid peptide encoded there. Our results suggest that (i) translation in vitro of Rous sarcoma virus virion RNA results in the synthesis of at least two polypeptides; (ii) the pattern of ribosome binding observed for Rous sarcoma virus RNA can be accounted for by the modified scanning hypothesis; and (iii) the interaction between 40S ribosomal subunits or 80S ribosomal complexes is stronger at the 5'-proximal AUG codon than at sites farther downstream, including the initiation site for the major viral proteins.  相似文献   
Characterization of messenger RNA by direct translation from agarose gels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method for characterizing nanogram quantities of poly(A)-containing messenger RNAs that have been fractionated according to size by electrophoresis through agarose gels has been developed. The mRNAs from Friend leukemia cells were identified by the protein products they encode, as determined by slicing the agarose gel and directly translating the enclosed mRNA with an extract from rabbit reticulocytes that had been treated with micrococcal nuclease. A number of parameters which affect the efficiency of translation in this system have been examined. These include the sensitivity of the in vitro translational system to RNA, the agarose concentration, the incubation temperature, and the addition of either exogeneous tRNA or RNasin. The procedure is rapid, simple, reproducible, and applicable for the fractionation and characterization of mRNAs from any source.  相似文献   
Human large granular lymphocytes (LGL), which are known to be responsible for natural killer (NK) cell activity, also produced a variety of lymphokines including interleukin 2 (IL 2), colony stimulating factor (CSF), and interferon (IFN) in response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or concanavalin A (Con A). Human peripheral blood LGL, which were purified by removal of monocytes adhering to plastic flasks and nylon columns, followed by separation on a discontinuous Percoll gradient, and additional treatment with anti-OKT3 and Leu-M1 plus complement, were more potent producers of these lymphokines than unseparated mononuclear cells (MNC), nylon column-eluted cells, or purified T lymphocytes. Moreover, IL 2 production by LGL could be further distinguished in that it was not enhanced by the addition of macrophages or macrophage-derived factor, i.e., IL 1, whereas addition of macrophages did potentiate IL 2 production by T lymphocytes. Further analysis of cells in the LGL population using various monoclonal antibodies revealed that removal of cells with OKT11 or AF-10, a monoclonal antibody against human HLA-DR antigen, decreased IL 2 production, whereas removal of OKT8+, OKM1+, Leu-M1+, or Leu-7+ cells led to enhanced IL 2 production. The LGL population is therefore heterogeneous and includes at least three functionally and phenotypically distinct subsets. An atypical T cell subset (OKT3-, Leu-1-, OKT11+) rather than the myeloid subset of LGL (Leu-M1+ or OKMI+) was the source of LGL-derived IL 2, whereas the latter subset and/or another subset of OKT8+ cells appear to regulate this IL 2 production. In addition to performing NK activity, LGL on a per cell basis seem to be more effective than T lymphocytes in producing lymphokines, namely, IL2, CSF, and IFN.  相似文献   
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