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Extracellular cAMP induces excitation of adenylate and guanylate cyclase in Dictyostelium discoideum. Continuous stimulation with cAMP leads to adaptation, while cells deadapt upon removal of the cAMP stimulus. Excitation of guanylate cyclase by cAMP has a lag time of approximately 1 s; excitation of adenylate cyclase is much slower with a lag time of 30 s. Excitation of both enzyme activities is less than twofold slower at 0 degrees C than at 20 degrees C. Adaptation of guanylate cyclase is very fast (t1/2 = 2.4 s at 20 degrees C), and virtually absent at 0 degrees C. Adaptation of adenylate cyclase is much slower (t1/2 = 110 s at 20 degrees C) but not very temperature sensitive (t1/2 = 290 s at 0 degrees C). At 20 degrees C, deadaptation of adenylate cyclase is about twofold slower than deadaptation of guanylate cyclase (t1/2 = 190 and 95 s, respectively). Deadaptation of adenylate cyclase is absent at 0 degrees C, while that of guanylate cyclase proceeds slowly (t1/2 = 975 s). The results show that excitation, adaptation, and deadaptation of guanylate cyclase have different kinetics and temperature sensitivities than those of adenylate cyclase, and therefore are probably independent processes.  相似文献   
P J Van Haastert 《Biochemistry》1987,26(23):7518-7523
Extracellular cAMP induces the rapid activation of guanylate cyclase, which adapts within 10 s to constant cAMP concentrations. A new response can be induced either by a higher cAMP concentration or by the same cAMP concentration at some time (t1/2 = 90 s) after removal of the previous stimulus. Stimulation of guanylate cyclase is supposed to be mediated by a subpopulation of cell surface cAMP receptors (B-sites). These sites can exist in three states, BF, BS, and BSS, which interconvert in a cAMP and guanine nucleotide dependent manner. It has been proposed that the transition of BS to BSS represents the activation of a guanine nucleotide regulatory protein [Van Haastert, P.J.M., De Wit, R.J.W., Janssens, P.M.W., Kesbeke, F., & DeGoede, J. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 9604-9611]. Binding of [3H]cAMP to these sites was measured after a short preincubation with an identical concentration of nonradioactive cAMP. [3H]cAMP could still bind to BF and BS, but not to BSS, indicating that the transition of BS to BSS is blocked by the preincubation with cAMP. This blockade was rapid and showed first-order kinetics with t1/2 = 4 s. A half-maximal blockade was induced by 0.7 nM cAMP; at this concentration only 5% of the B-sites are occupied with cAMP. The blockade of the transition of BS to BSS was released by two conditions: (i) When the concentration of cAMP was increased, the blockade was released within a few seconds. (ii) When cAMP was removed, the blockade was released slowly with t1/2 = 90 s.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
cAMP binds to surface receptors of Dictyostelium discoideum cells, transducing the signal to adenylate cyclase, guanylate cyclase and to chemotaxis. The activation of adenylate cyclase is maximal after 1 min and then declines to basal levels due to desensitization, which is composed of two components: a rapidly reversible adaptation process, and a slowly reversible down-regulation of cAMP receptors. Adaptation is correlated with receptor phosphorylation.The chemotactic response and the cAMP-induced cGMP response were not significantly altered in D. discoideum cells pretreated with pertussis toxin. The initial increase of cAMP levels was identical in control and toxin treated cells, suggesting that activation of adenylate cyclase was also not affected. However, cAMP synthesis continued in toxin treated cells, due to a strongly diminished desensitization. Pertussis toxin inhibited the adaptation of adenylate cyclase stimulation, but not the down-regulation or phosphorylation of the cAMP receptors. Adenylate cyclase in D. discoideum membranes can be stimulated or inhibited by GTP, depending on the conditions used. Pertussis toxin did not affect the stimulation of adenylate cyclase but nullified the inhibition. In membranes from desensitized control cells, stimulation of adenylate cyclase by GTP was lost, whereas inhibition was retained. Stimulation of adenylate cyclase in membranes from desensitized pertussis toxin treated cells was diminished but not absent. These results indicate that receptor phosphorylation is not sufficient for adaptation of adenylate cyclase, and that a pertussis toxin substrate, possibly Gi, is also involved in this process.Abbreviations used ATPS Adenosine 5-0-(3-Thiotriphosphate) - GTPS Guanosine 5-0-(3-thiotri-phosphate) - (Sp)-cAMPS Adenosine 3,5-monophosphorothioate-Sp-isomer - dcAMP 2-deoxyadenosine 3,5-monophosphate - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - DTT Dithiothreitol - buffer A 10 mM KH2PO4/Na2HPO4, pH 6.5 - buffer B 40 mM Hepes/NaOH, 0.5 mM EDTA, 250 mM sucrose, pH 7.7  相似文献   
In Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae, cAMP-induced phosphorylation of the surface cAMP receptor is associated with a discrete transition in its electrophoretic mobility. The native and modified forms of the receptor are designated R and D (Mr = 40,000 and 43,000). The relationship of the number of receptors which are modified as a function of the receptors which bind cAMP was investigated. Modification was assessed by determining the amounts of R and D forms in Western blots which detect all receptors whether or not they are exposed on the surface. Cyclic AMP or the analog, adenosine 3',5'-monophosphorothioate ((Rp)-cAMPS), induced a loss of cAMP-binding activity (down-regulation), which was not accompanied by a loss of the receptor protein. About 60% of the receptors do not bind cAMP in the absence of Ca2+ and are unmasked by 10 mM Ca2+. However, the fraction of receptors which are modified in response to cAMP is equal in the absence or presence of Ca2+. (Rp)-cAMPs induces down-regulation (50%) but not modification. Addition of cAMP, following down-regulation by (Rp)-cAMPS, causes all receptors to be modified. cAMP induces both down-regulation (80%) and modification. Modification is more readily reversed than down-regulation: 30 min after removal of cAMP, receptors remain down-regulated (57%) but are found in the R form. All receptors shift to the D form when cAMP is readded to the cells. These results indicate that exposed, as well as cryptic and down-regulated receptors, are modified in response to the cAMP stimulus.  相似文献   
A rapid and sensitive method was developed for the quantitative determination of alpha-tocopherol in tissues and plasma of rats and mice. Tissue and plasma were extracted in acetone and chromatographed on a reverse-phase C18 column with 2% water in methanol. Fluorescence and ultraviolet detection were used for tissue and plasma alpha-tocopherol levels, respectively. Extraction of tissues and plasma was found to be more complete in acetone than in other solvent systems analyzed. The average recovery of alpha-tocopherol added to tissue samples was 97%. As little as 0.1 g of tissue or 0.1 ml plasma can be accurately used for analysis. The method is sensitive to 0.05 micrograms alpha-tocopherol/g tissue.  相似文献   
Recently, interest in the enzyme nucleoside diphosphate kinase (EC2.7.4.6) has increased as a result of its possible involvement in cell proliferation and development. Since NDP kinase is one of the major sources of GTP in cells, it has been suggested that the effects of an altered NDP kinase activity on cellular processes might be the result of altered transmembrane signal transduction via guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G-proteins). In the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum, extracellular cAMP induces an increase of phospholipase C activity via a surface cAMP receptor and G-proteins. In this paper it is demonstrated that part of the cellular NDP kinase is associated with the membrane and stimulated by cell surface cAMP receptors. The GTP produced by the action of NDP kinase is capable of activating G-proteins as monitored by altered G-protein-receptor interaction and the activation of the effector enzyme phospholipase C. Furthermore, specific monoclonal antibodies inhibit the effect of NDP kinase on G-protein activation. These results suggest that receptor-stimulated NDP kinase contributes to the mediation of hormone action by producing GTP for the activation of GTP-binding proteins.  相似文献   
Abstract. The effects of the differentiation inducing factor (DIF) on several CAMP-induced responses in Dictyostelium were investigated. It was found that DIF reduces the apparent affinity of cell-surface cAMP receptors. DIF does not affect the CAMP-induced cGMP response, but it is a potent inhibitor of the CAMP-relay response. DIF also inhibits the induction of prespore differentiation by cAMP in aggregation-competent cells. We also compared the effects of DIF on CAMP-induced responses with those of the relay inhibitor, caffeine, and the morphogen, adenosine.  相似文献   
Binding of ligand to its receptor is a stochastic process that exhibits fluctuations in time and space. In chemotaxis, this leads to a noisy input signal. Therefore, in a gradient of chemoattractant, the cell may occasionally experience a "wrong" gradient of occupied receptors. We obtained a simple equation for P(pos), the probability that half of the cell closest to the source of chemoattractant has higher receptor occupancy than the opposite half of the cell. P(pos) depends on four factors, the gradient property delC/sq. root of C, the receptor characteristic R(t)/K(D), a time-averaging constant I, and nonreceptor noise sigma(B). We measured chemotaxis of Dictyostelium cells to known shallow gradients of cAMP and obtained direct estimates for these constants. Furthermore, we observed that in shallow gradients, the measured chemotaxis index is correlated with P(pos), which suggests that chemotaxis in shallow gradients is a pure biased random walk. From the observed chemotaxis and derived time-averaging constant, we deduce that the gradient transducing second messenger has a lifetime of 2-8 s and a diffusion rate constant of approximately 1 microm(2)/s. Potential candidates for such second messengers are discussed.  相似文献   
We present a fast protocol that can be used to obtain highly purified cultures of proliferating adult human and rat Schwann cells accessible for non-viral transfection methods. The use of enriched genetically modified adult Schwann cells is of interest in the context of autologous cell transplantation within nerve transplants for peripheral nerve repair. Cell preparation from pre-degenerated adult peripheral nerves is described, together with the use of melanocyte growth medium plus forskolin, fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), pituitary extract and heregulin as a selective, serum-free culture medium and a subsequent cell enrichment step (cold jet). Proliferating adult Schwann cells can be efficiently genetically modified using optimized, non-viral electroporation protocols. The protocol results in Schwann cell cultures that are more than 90-95% pure, and transfection efficiencies vary depending on the initial cell constitution from 20 to 40%. The procedure takes up to 21 d, depending on the length of the pre-degeneration period.  相似文献   
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