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Seventy-eight strains of avian paramyxoviruses (PMV) were isolated from cloacal and/or tracheal swabs taken from 1,342 feral ducks, comprised of spot-bill ducks, mallards, pintails, teals, falcated teals, wigeons and buffie-heads, in Wakuya-cho, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, between 1976 and 1979. Five and a half percent of the ducks were positive for virus. Serological and structural characterization indicated that three different avian paramyxoviruses arc prevalent in the Japanese feral duck population. The first group of PMV was Newcastle disease virus (NDV), and in vivo pathogenecity tests in embryonated chicken eggs and 1-day-old chicks revealed that all the NDV strains isolated were avirulent. The second and most prevalent strain was closely related to PMV-4, duck/Hong Kong/D3/75 strain. The viruses of the third group were recovered only from pintails. They cross-reacted antigenically with PMV-3 when antisera to the PMV-3 reference strains, turkey/Wisconsin/68 and parakeet/Netherlands/449/75, were employed. However, no cross-reaction was observed when antiserum to pintail/ Wakuya/20/78, the prototype of this group, was used. The viruses of the third group also differed in viral polypeptide profile from the reference strains of PMV-3.  相似文献   
When dark grown cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii y-1 mutantwere exposed to continuous light, an immediate transformationof small amounts of protochlorophyll(ide), which had been presentin the dark grown cells, to chlorophyll was observed. Afterthis, there was a slow accumulation of chlorophyll lasting for2.5-3 hr before the start of exponential synthesis. Initialaccumulation of chlorophyll was distinctly slower at a highlight intensity (13,000 lux) than it was at moderate intensitiesof light (2,000–5,000 lux). However, the exponential synthesisof chlorophyll started after the same 2.5–3 hr of illumination. A brief pre-illumination of cells followed by incubation indarkness was effective in promoting chlorophyll synthesis undersubsequent continuous illumination at high, as well as moderatelight intensities. Pretreatment alleviated retardation of theinitial chlorophyll accumulation by light of high intensity.The promoting effect of preillumination on chlorophyll synthesiswas sufficient, even when a light impulse as short as 10 secwas given. However, the effect was dependent on length of thedark period after the short pre-illumination. The full extentof this effect was observed when the dark period was about 2.5–3hr long. Further dark incubation gradually decreased the effect. On the basis of these findings, it is assumed that a factor(s)responsible for promotion of chlorophyll (or chloroplast) synthesisin the process of greening of dark grown cells is produced duringthe dark period after a brief pre-illumination, and that thefactor is turned over at a relatively fast rate. The possiblenature of the presumed factor is discussed in relation to chloroplastdevelopment. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Kobe University, Nada-ku, Kobe, Japan. (Received August 18, 1970; )  相似文献   
Mammalian melanins exist in two chemically distinct forms: the brown to black eumelanins and the yellow to reddish-brown pheomelanins. They can be quantified by HPLC analysis of pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (PTCA) and aminohydroxyphenylalanine (AHP). We recently developed a spectrophotometric method for assaying the total amount of eu- and pheomelanins by dissolving melanins in Soluene-350 plus water. In this study, we examined whether absorbance at 500 nm (A500) of the Soluene-350 solution reflects the total amount of melanins obtained by the HPLC methods, and whether the ratio of absorbances between 650 and 500 nm reflects the eumelanin/total melanin ratio in mouse hair, sheep wool, and human hair. Our findings were as follows: (1) Total melanin levels calculated from A500 values correlate well with those obtained from PTCA and AHP values by multiplying with the following factors: for mice, PTCA × 45 + AHP × 2.5; for sheep, PTCA × 40 + AHP × 15; and for humans, PTCA × 160 + AHP × 10. (2) The A650/A500 ratios were higher (0.25–0.33) in black to brown hair while they were significantly lower (0.10–0.14) in yellow to red hair. These results indicate that (1) the A500 value can be used to quantify the total combined amount of eu- and pheomelanins, and (2) the A650/A500 ratio can serve as a parameter to estimate the eumelanin/total melanin ratio. The present method provides a convenient way to qualitatively characterize eu- and pheomelanins in melanins produced in follicular melanocytes.  相似文献   
In contrast with the case in sea urchin sperm, in starfish the acrosome reaction is not spontaneously induced by simply increasing the extracellular Ca2+ concentration or pH. At higher pHs, starfish sperm undergo morphological changes accompanied by exocytosis of the acrosomal vacuole, but they do not form acrosomal filaments. Nomarski-microscopic observation confirmed that spermatozoa undergo the acrosome reaction within the jelly coat. Acrosome reaction-inducing substance, a glycoprotein from the egg jelly, required a diffusible cofactor(s) present in the egg jelly for full activity. Several lines of evidence showed that this diffusible factor(s) is not merely Ca2+.  相似文献   
The pre-calling behavior of female adults of the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) collected in southern Japan and southeastern Asian countries was investigated. Most females started calling on days 1-4 after adult emergence. In three populations obtained in Saga prefecture in Kyushu mainland, Japan, two different patterns of pre-calling period (PCP) were observed: one was the above-mentioned pattern shown by most individuals, and the other was a pattern in which females sexually matured within several hours after emergence. Diel periodicity was shown in the time of calling activity, and its pattern varied among the populations. Pre-calling period was stable over successive generations in the laboratory.  相似文献   
In order to better understand the cascade of melanogenic events in melanocytes, this report has introduced our two recent approaches for the expression of melanogenesis/or melanosome-associated genes and encoded proteins in melanocytes (melanoma cells) after repeated exposure to UV -B and after cotransfection of two human genes, i.e., tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TRP-1). Repeated exposure of UV B (2.5–5.0 mJ/cm2) caused not only upregulation of tyrosinase and TRP-1 genes but also coordinated increase in the gene and protein synthesis expression of Lamp-1 (lysosome-associated membrane protein-1). When COS-7 kidney cells and amelanotic melanoma (C32 and SKMEL-24) and melanotic melanoma (G361 and SK-MEL-23) cells were exposed to cotransfection of human tyrosinase and TRP-1 cDNAs, there was also an increased expression of Lamp-1 mRNA and protein along with tyrosinase activation and new melanin synthesis. Importantly, single transfectants of human tyrosinase cDNA revealed marked cellular degeneration, whereas this degeneration was not seen in single transfectants of TRP-1 cDNA or cotransfectants of human tyrosinase and TRP-1 cDNAs, indicating that TRP-1 prevented, along with Lamp-1, programmed death of melanocytes after transfection of tyrosinase gene. The coordinated expression of TRP-1 and Lamp-1 was further confirmed by antisense oligodeoxynucleotide hybridization experiment against Lamp-1 gene, showing the decreased expression of TRP-1 as identified by three different types of anti-TRP-1 monoclonal antibodies. We propose therefore that human tyrosinase and TRP-l, when activated or expressed together, will coordinate to upregulate the mRNA expression and protein synthesis of Lamp-1. The Lamp-1 molecules will, in turn, cover the inner surface of melanosomal membrane, together with TRP-1 molecules, thus protecting the melanosomal membrane from toxic melanin intermediates generated during melanogenesis in the presence of active tyrosinase. In contrast, the expression of other lysosome-related proteins, e.g., β-galactosidase and CD63 is not stimulated in new melanogenesis.  相似文献   
S100-immunoreactivity (ir) was examined in tooth pulp primary neurons of the rat. An immunofluorescence method demonstrated that the molar tooth pulp contained S100-immunoreactive (ir) nerve fibers. In the root pulp, pulp horn and roof of the pulp chamber, S100-ir smooth and varicose fibers ramified and formed subodontoblastic nerve plexuses. All the fibers became varicose at the base of the odontoblastic layer and extended to the odontoblastic layer. Some varicose endings could be traced into the dentin. The trigeminal neurons retrogradely labeled with fluorogold (FG) from the first and second maxillary molar tooth pulps exhibited S100- and parvalbumin-ir. Approximately 60% and 24% of the labeled cells were ir for S100 and parvalbumin, respectively. Virtually all parvalbumin-ir FG-labeled cells showed S100-ir, while 40% of S100-ir ones coexpressed parvalbumin-ir. An immunoelectron microscopic method revealed that all myelinated axons and half of the unmyelinated axons in the root pulp contained S100-ir. In the odontoblastic layer, predentin and dentin, S100-ir neurites lost the Schwann cell ensheathment and made close contact with cell bodies and processes of odontoblasts. The odontoblastic layer also contained parvalbumin-ir neurites. These neurites were devoid of the Schwann cell ensheathment and in close apposition to cell bodies and processes of odontoblasts. S100-ir pulpal axons seemed to be insensitive to repeated neonatal capsaicin treatment. This study suggests that S100-ir tooth pulp primary neurons are mostly myelinated and that S100-ir unmyelinated axons in the root pulp are preterminal segments of myelinated stem axons.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in tick haemolymph was analysed immunochemically and biochemically for its antigenicity, antibody activity and relative concentration in a soft tick, Ornithodoros moubata (Murray) sensu Walton 1962 (Acari: Argasidae). Ouchterlony immunodiffusion tests showed that haemolymph from a tick engorged on rabbit IgG (or human IgG) through an artificial membrane, reacted with anti-rabbit IgG (anti-human IgG) but not with anti-human IgG (anti-rabbit IgG). This indicates that haemolymph of the fed tick contains IgG with a similar antigen specificity to host blood IgG. IgG from tick haemolymph was demonstrated by enzyme immunoassay to have the same antibody activity as ingested IgG. The IgG concentration in tick haemolymph was measured by a quantitative single immunodiffusion test. Changes of IgG titre after a bloodmeal were correlated with IgG activity, which was low for 5 days after a bloodmeal and then suddenly increased. The IgG titre reached a maximum 7 days post-engorgement, and remained high for over 4 months during and after oviposition. 125I-labelled IgG was injected into the tick haemocoel to determine the persistence of IgG in the haemolymph. Recovery of labelled IgG was low at 1 and 3 days, and high at 5, 8 and 16 days after engorgement. The data suggest that IgG in haemolymph disappears quickly soon after engorgement possibly by degradation and/or absorption (adhesion to tissues).  相似文献   
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