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The avian embryo exchanges the oxygen and carbon dioxide withthe ambient air by diffusion. The respiratory organ is the chorioallantois,endowed with a rich circulation. Between ambient air and chorioallantoiccapillary blood are interposed the porous shell fibrous shellmembranes, and the chorioendothelium which compose the diffusionbarrier. The air cell is formed between the two shell membranesin the blunt end of the egg. The diffusion barrier is dividedinto an outer barrier (shell plus outer membrane) and an innerbarrier (inner membrane plus chorioendothelium and capillaryblood). The resistance to gas diffusion (the reciprocal of thediffusive conductance) in the outer barrier is almost fixedthroughout incubation while that in the inner barrier decreasesas the embryo develops. Because of the fixed outer barrier conductance,the embryo is obliged to take up oxygen under hypoxic conditionsagainst increasing metabolism with development and encountersa relative respiratory acidosis. In connection with the diffusivehypoventilation caused by the fixed outer barrier conductancethe respiratory factors of the allantoic circulation changeprogressively with development to moderate the restraint ofgas exchange through the shell. Blood oxygen capacity and hemoglobinincrease with development in association with an increase inerythrocyte count and hematocrit value. In addition, a progressiveleftward shift of the oxygen dissociation curve occurs. Theincreases in the allantoic blood flow and chorioallantoic capillaryvolume contribute to the increasing conductance of the innerbarrier. Furthermore regulation of acid base balance is inferredin the developing embryo.  相似文献   
Well-nodulated soya bean (Glycine max L.) plants were allowedto assimilate 13CO2 for 10 h in the light, under steady-stateconditions in which CO2 concentration and 13C abundance wereboth strictly controlled at constant levels. The respiratoryevolution of 13CO2 from roots and nodules and 13C incorporationinto various metabolic fractions were measured during the 13CO2feeding and subsequent 48 h chase period. CO2 respired from nodules was much more rapidly labelled with13C than that from roots. The level of labelling (percentageof carbon currently assimilated during the 13COM2 feeding period)of CO2 respired from nodules reached a maximum of about 87 percent after 4 h of steady-state l3CO2 assimilation and thereafterremained fairly constant. The absolute amount of labelled carbonevolved by the respiration of the nodules during the 10 h 13CO2feeding period was 1·5-fold that of root respiration.These results demonstrated that the currently assimilated (labelled)carbon was preferentially used to support nodule respiration,while root respiration relied considerably on earlier (non-labelled)carbon reserved in the roots. Sucrose pools were mostly composed of currently assimilatedcarbon in all tissues of the plants, since the levels of labellingaccounted for 86–91 per cent at the end of the 13CO2 feeding.In the nodules, the kinetics and levels of sucrose labellingwere in fairly good agreement with those of respired CO2, whilein the roots, the level of labelling of respired CO2 was significantlylower than that of sucrose. Succinate and malate were highly labelled in both roots andnodules but they were labelled much more slowly than sucroseand respired CO2. The kinetics and levels of labelling of theseKrebs cycle intermediates resembled those of major amino acidswhich are derived directly from Krebs cycle intermediates. Itis suggested that large fractions of organic acids in noduleswere physically separate from the respiration site. Glycine max L., Soya bean, 13CO2 assimilation, respiratory evolution of 13CO2, carbon metabolism in root nodules  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The effects of organic solvents on the ATPase activity and the sliding disintegration of axonemes from Chlamydomonas were investigated. The axonemal ATPase was markedly activated by methanol accompanying with marked inhibition of the sliding disintegration of axonemes. On the contrary, glycerol inhibited the ATPase activity without serious inhibition of the sliding disintegration. As far as the axonemes are not irreversibly denatured by extremely high concentration of solvents, the effects of solvents both on the ATPase and the ability of sliding are reversible. Therefore, the inhibition of sliding accompanied by the activation of ATPase is probably due to an inability to couple the hydrolysis of ATP to sliding between dynein and microtubule in the presence of methanol. The axonemal ATPase was less sensitive to vanadate inhibition after exposure to methanol. This indicates that methanol makes the dyneinADP.Pi complex unstable and increases product release. On the other hand, glycerol and ethylene glycol seem to stabilize the force generation responsible for the sliding through stabilizing the dynein.ADP.Pi complex.  相似文献   
Hydrocortisone is regarded as an initiator of keratinization in embryonic skin. The present investigation dealt with the effect of hydrocortisone on the proliferation of epidermal cells during early development: Cell kinetic analyses using 3H-thymidine autoradiography were applied to a skin organ culture prepared from a 13-day chick embryo.
Hydrocortisone at a concentration between 0.01 and 1.0 μg/ml was effective in initiating a morphological change leading to the epidermal keratinization in vitro and caused a marked decrease in the mitotic and labeling indices of epidermal basal cells, the decrease being maximum at 2 days of culture previous to the morphological change.
During continuous labeling with 3H-thymidine, the number of labeled basal cells reached 100% within 2 days in the control and 4 days in the culture treated with hydrocortisone. This confirmed that the growth fraction of epidermal basal cells was 1.0 even after the administration of hydrocortisone.
The duration of each cell cycle phase at 2 days of culture was determined by percent labeled mitoses and double-labeling analyses. It was concluded that hydrocortisone extended the generation time of epidermal basal cells at this time point about three fold over the control. This extension was mainly due to the elongation of the G 1 phase.  相似文献   
MIGRATION of peritoneal exudate cells removed from guinea-pigs or mice exhibiting delayed hypersensitivity is inhibited by specific antigen1–3. This in vitro macrophage migration inhibition has been regarded as a useful immunological test for delayed skin hypersensitivity4,5. Studies of the mechanism of this phenomenon revealed that, in contact with specific antigen, lymphocytes from sensitized animals released into the medium a specific substance (migration inhibitory factor; MIF) capable of inhibiting the migration of normal macrophages6,7. When injected intradermally into normal guinea-pigs, MIF elicits inflammatory reactions characterized by induration, erythema and mononuclear cell infiltration8.  相似文献   
Growth, respiratory activities and electrophoretic characteristicsof phosphatase and catalase in three strains of Ceratocystisfimbriata (sweet potato strain, coffee strain and prune strain)differing in pathogenicity on sweet potato roots were investigated.There were no significant differences in either growth kineticsor respiratory activity among the strains. Potassium cyanideand antimycin A inhibited oxygen uptake in sweet potato andprune strains. The oxygen uptake of endoconidia of coffee strainwas stimulated by these inhibitors. Mitochondria were preparedfrom endoconidia and mycelia of each strain, and enzyme activitiesof the electron transport system were measured. NADH2: cytochromec oxidoreductase activity of coffee strain was higher than thatof the other strains. The electrophoretic phosphatase patternof coffee strain was identical with that of sweet potato strain,but differed from that of prune strain. On the other hand, thecatalase zymogram from prune strain was closely related to thatof sweet potato strain, but not to that of coffee strain. 1This paper constitutes part 79 of the phytopathological chemistryof sweet potato with black rot and injury. (Received May 22, 1969; )  相似文献   
Abstract Phenotypic variability of Cardamine flexuosa (Cruciferae) was examined in response to different lengths of exposure to low temperature (5°C) at the juvenile stage, and to two photoperiod regimes (8 and 16 hrs day-lengths) in the subsequent growth period. The results indicated that this species had a facultative chilling or long-day requirement for flowering. The long-day and chilling treatments both caused an earlier onset of stem internode elongation. Longer chilling treatments reduced the number of nodes and increased internode length under both long and short photoperiod regimes. Prolonged chilling treatments followed by long-day photoperiod remarkably induced more numerous basal branches and inflorescences, as a result producing more siliques. Remarkable rosette leaves Were formed at the base of the main stem when partial chilling and the short-day treatment suppressed stem internode elongation. The responses to chilling and long-day treatment closely resembled the synchronized flowering of this species in spring in the field. Delayed flowering under the short-day treatment resembled size- or age-dependent flowering in late summer to autumn in the field populations.  相似文献   
Isocitrate lyase was purified to homogeneity from ethanol-grown Euglena gracilis. The specific activity was 0.26 μmol/min/mg protein. The molecular mass of the enzyme was calculated to be 380 kDa by gel filtration on a Superose 6 column. The subunit molecular mass of the enzyme was 116 kDa as determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These results showed that the native form of this enzyme was a trimer composed of three identical subunits. The pH optimum for cleavage and condensation reactions was 6.5 and 7.0, respectively. The Km values for isocitrate, glyoxylate and succinate were 3.8, 1.3 and 7.7 mM, respectively. Isocitrate lyase absolutely required Mg for enzymatic activity. This is the first report of the purification of isocitrate lyase to homogeneity from Euglena gracilis.  相似文献   
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