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In disbudded epicotyl cuttings taken from light grown 5-dayold Azukia angularis Phaseolus angularis) seedlings, all adventitiousrootlets appeared on the second day of incubation. No root primordiawere observed within the first 24 hr and no increase in thenumber of roots occurred after 48 hr. Puromycin (5.5?10–5M), p-fluorophenylalanine (1?10–3M),2-thiouracil (2.3?10–4M) and 2,6-diaminopurine (2?10–5M)inhibited rooting when applied to cuttings on the second day,but showed no inhibition when applied on the first day. Unlike these inhibitors, pyrithiamine (7.2?10–5M) inhibitedrooting when it was applied to cuttings on the first day. A rooting promoting effect was observed with actinomycin D (2.4?10–6M),2,4-dinitrophenol (3?10–5M) and p-fluorophenylalanine(1?10–4M) applied to the cuttings on the first day, whereasindoleacetic acid (1.7?10–4M) showed its promoting effectmost effectively on the second day. 1Contribution No. 17 from the Botanical Gardens, Faculty ofScience, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. (Received June 4, 1969; )  相似文献   
1. Aquatic macrophyte diversity and water quality of 55 ponds in western Japan were related to land use and morphometric variables to identify the environmental factors that sustain biodiversity and the spatial extent at which these factors operate. 2. The relevant spatial extent for floating‐leaved macrophyte richness (500 m from pond edge) was larger than that for submerged macrophyte occurrence (10, 75 and 100 m), whereas emergent macrophyte richness was best explained at much larger extents (1000 m). Total macrophyte richness was explained at the extent of 500, 750 and 1000 m. The extents relevant for explaining the physicochemical condition of pond water (100 and 250 m) were similar to those for submerged and floating‐leaved macrophytes, suggesting that these two growth forms are more sensitive to water quality compared to emergent macrophytes. 3. Diversity of all three growth forms and that of total macrophytes collectively were inversely related to turbidity and nutrient concentration; among the three growth forms, submerged macrophytes were most affected by water quality. 4. Negative relationships were found between the proportion of urban area and the diversity of the three growth forms and that of total macrophytes and water quality. Species richness of emergent, floating‐leaved and total macrophytes decreased with depth and increased with surface area up to about 5000 m2, above which it declined. 5. Urbanisation and enlargement of ponds were the two main factors that decreased aquatic macrophyte diversity in irrigation ponds. To alleviate the adverse effects of urban areas on aquatic macrophyte diversity, our results suggest that management efforts should focus on the creation of buffer zones within the relevant spatial extent from the pond edge.  相似文献   
A new bioassay which employs disbudded epicotyl cuttings takenfrom light grown Azukia seedlings (A. angularis) was devisedfor testing rooting promotion activity. By use of this method,the rooting promoting principle in leaves of Portulaca grandiflorawas isolated and identified with portulal which had been previouslyobtained. Portulal was reported as an inhibitor of rooting inetiolated Raphanus cuttings and has recently been determinedto be a bicyclic diterpene containing a perhydroazulene nucleus.Portulal promoted the adventitious root formation in severalkinds of plants, i.e. Azukia angularis, Vigna Catiang var. sinensis,Phaseolus Mungo and Raphanus sativus var. acanthiformis ‘Risodaikon’. The rooting process in Azukia and Raphanus cuttings seems toinclude at least two phases; a "preparatory phase" or a portulal-and gibberellin-sensitive phase and a "main phase" or an auxin-sensitiveand portulal-insensitive phase. 1Contribution No. 16 from the Botanical Gardens, Faculty ofScience, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. (Received April 3, 1969; )  相似文献   
  1. Heliangine at 110–4 M promoted the adventitious rootformation in hypocotyls of cuttings taken from light-grown (1,900lux) Phaseolus mungo seedlings. The promotion was almost completelyreversed by 310–4 M uracil, uridine, cytidine, oroticacid or 610–4 M carbamoyl DL-aspartic acid, and partlyby 310–4 M thymine or thymidine. Neither 310–4M cytosine, adenine, adenosine, guanine, guanosine nor a combinationof 310–4 M carbamoyl phosphate and 310–4 M L-asparticacid reduced the promotion by heliangine.
  2. Uracil did not reducethe inhibiting effect of heliangine onthe indoleacetic acidinduced elongation of etiolated Avenacoleoptile sections.
  3. Helianginein an aqueous uracil solution was recovered unchangedafter24-hr incubation at room temperature.
  4. The root formation ofPhaseolus cuttings was promoted also by2-thiouracil and 5-fluorouracil.The effect was reversed byorotic acid or carbamoyl asparticacid, but not by carbamoylphosphate plus aspartic acid.
  5. Ribonucleaseat 100 µg/ml increased the number of rootsprotruded fromhypocotyls of cuttings by about 260%.
  6. A possible interpretationfor the promotion of root formationby heliangine is offered.
1 Contribution No. 15 from the Botanical Gardens, Faculty ofScience, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 2 Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. SODING in commemoration of the 70thbirthday.  相似文献   
A continuous cell line was established from embryonic tissues of the fleshfly, Sarcophaga peregrine , and was designated as NIH-SaPe-4. The primary culture was initiated in October, 1977, and the cell line was passed 68 times during the following year. The cells were heterogeneous in morphology. Most cells were diploid and their chromosomes consisted of 4 metacentric, 6 sub-metacentric and 2 micro chromosomes. The population doubling time of the cell line was about 30 hr. The cells grew faster in Mitsuhashi-Maramorosch's medium than in Schneider's medium. The cells were either stored in the usual medium at 5°C for about 3 months, or in a medium containing 10% glycerol at –80°C for a longer period. Cell growth was suppressed by 20-hydroxy-ecdysone when at a greater concentration than 0.01 μg/ml, whereas insulin showed no effects on cell growth at a strength of 0.4 and 0.04 IU/ml.  相似文献   
  1. Heliangine at 10–4M promoted the adventitious root formationin hypocotyls of cuttings taken from light-grown (1,900 lux)seedlings of Phaseolus mungo. The promotion was almost completelyreduced by simultaneously supplied 310–4M cysteine or1.510–4M cystine, but not suppressed by 310–4Mof reduced glutathione, alanine or serine.
  2. A 4 hr pretreatmentwith 310–4M cysteine made Phaseoluscuttings less sensitiveto heliangine, but cysteine suppliedafter the treatment withheliangine brought about no effecton the action of heliangine.
  3. Cysteine also removed the inhibiting effect of heliangineonthe indoleacetic acid-induced elongation of etiolated Avenacoleoptile sections.
  4. In an aqueous solution heliangine formedan addition productwith cysteine, indicating that cysteinecan inactivate helianginewithout any biological processes.
  5. On Phaseolus adventitious rooting, no effect was observedofp-chloromercuribenzoic acid, N-ethylmaleimide, 1,4-naphthoquinone,coumarin or penicillin. Reactivity toward sulfhydryl groupsalone does not qualify a substance to be a promotor of rootformation.
  6. Maleic hydrazide at 10–4M promoted root formation,butits effect was not removed by cysteine.
1 Contribution No. 13 from the Botanical Gardens, Faculty ofScience, University of Tokyo, Koishikawa, Tokyo.  相似文献   
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