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The hydrozoan family Aglaopheniidae (Cnidaria) is widespread worldwide and contains some of the most easily recognizable hydroids because of their large colony size and characteristic microscopic structure. The systematics of the group has, however, been controversial and dedicated molecular analyses are lacking. We therefore analysed existing and new 16S rRNA sequences of Aglaopheniidae, in a total of 98 16S sequences corresponding to 25 putative species (25 nominal and three undescribed) from seven genera. The monophyly of the subfamilies Gymnangiinae and Aglaopheniinae, and tribes Aglaopheniini and Cladocarpini were not verified with 16S sequence data. The genera Gymnangium and Aglaophenia can only be considered valid if both Gymnangium gracicaule and Aglaophenia latecarinata are removed from their respective genera. The phenotypically similar Cladocarpus and Streptocaulus are probably monophyletic and clearly distinct genetically. The genus Lytocarpia may be polyphyletic. The nominal species Aglaophenia pluma, Aglaophenia tubiformis, and Aglaophenia octodonta are probably conspecific, as are also the species Aglaophenia acacia and Aglaophenia elongata. The 16S data revealed the existence of two potentially unnamed species of Aglaophenia respectively from the Azores and Madeira. The phylogeographical structure of the taxa with the greatest representation of haplotypes from the north‐east Atlantic and Mediterranean, revealed the influence of Mediterranean waters in Madeira and the Azores, and gene flow between deep waters of the Mediterranean and Atlantic. The last glaciations in Europe may have caused genetic bottlenecks but also high intraspecific haplotype diversity. Finally, Macrorhynchia philippina was detected in samples from Madeira and possibly represents an invasive species. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 717–727.  相似文献   
Internal secretory cells may be morphologically indistinguishable from their neighbours except for the presence of secreted material, or they may differ to such an extent that could be classified as secretory idioblasts. Several authors have reported the presence of glandular trichomes secreting essential oil in Verbenaceae, including Lantana . However, none have reported internal secretory cells. Anatomical and histochemical methods applied to Lantana camara leaves revealed the occurrence of internal secretory cells whose ontogenesis and chemical nature are described in this paper. According to leaf developmental analysis, L. camara secretory cells originated from the ground meristem, started to differentiate in the third node leaves, and were actively secreting in the fourth node leaves. The content of the secretory cells was of a lipidic nature, and a terpenoid essence of their secretion was also identified. Based upon differences in size and shape from neighbouring cells and on detection of nonvolatile terpenes, they were confirmed as true internal secretory idioblasts.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 427–431.  相似文献   

The vocal repertoire of Amazona amazonica during its breeding season has been recorded from wild individuals in Santa Bárbara do Pará, Pará State, Brazil. At individual nests, we continuously recorded vocalizations and behaviour for four hours in the early morning and three hours in the late afternoon, three times a week throughout the breeding season. We identified nine vocalizations that we classified in three behavioural categories: (1) Flight call—emitted when parrots arrive in the nest area; (2) Perched contact calls—two different vocalizations, one of them related to feeding, were emitted when the pair was perched in the nest area and interacted socially between themselves or with other individuals; (3) Aggressive calls—emitted when birds were in a dangerous situation, i.e. alarm (three types of calls), agonistic contact and distress calls (two types of call). The Orange-winged Parrot is a highly social species and the complexity of its social interactions is reflected in the diversity of its vocal repertoire.  相似文献   
The didelphid marsupial, Didelphis aurita, is suggested as an intraguild predator and as key‐species in small mammal assemblages of the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. The field experiments required to test this hypothesis are complex to implement, but the recent revival of regression methods offers a viable alternative. Here we use the dynamic and static regression methods to determine the importance of D. aurita as a competitor and intraguild predator. Capture–recapture data from two localities in the Rio de Janeiro State were used, Garrafão (municipality of Guapimirim), a coastal forest of the Serra do Mar, and Barra de Maricá, a costal sand dune vegetation. Population and microhabitat variables were monitored from April 1997 to April 2003 in Garrafão, and from January 1986 to July 1990 in Barra de Maricá. Microhabitat variables were related to Canopy, Plant, Litter and Rock covers, Obstruction from 0 to 1.5 m, and Number of logs. Exploitation competition was tested by the dynamic method, which models the effects of D. aurita on the per capita growth rate of a species. Interference by predation or competition was tested by the static method, where the abundance of D. aurita at trap stations was regressed against the abundance of other small mammals, after removal of any variation associated with microhabitat factors. Exploitation competition was not detected, but the interference of D. aurita was pervasive, affecting all small mammals studied in the two localities. The clear avoidance of D. aurita by all small mammals tested in two localities of different physiognomies indicates that it functions as an intraguild predator, even if actual predation by D. aurita is an occasional event.  相似文献   
We have developed a new staining procedure that combines the traditional Gram staining for bacteria and the Weber's chromotrope staining method, the standard technique for the detection of microsporidia spores in clinical Specimens. This “Gram-chromotrope” staining technique enhances the staining characteristics of microsporidia spores and facilitates the easy detection and differentiation of spores from other microorganisms that are found in clinical specimens, especially stool samples. This new technique is fast, reliable, and simple to perform, and can be easily adapted for use in clinical laboratories.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Two strains of Acanthamoeba isolated from human brain tissue and a strain of Acanthamoeba isolated from a fish were compared with 10 species of Acanthamoeba belonging to groups 1, 2 and 3 based on their isoenzyme profiles and antigenic characteristics. A total of 12 enzymes were studied. The isoenzymes and antigens were electrophoretically separated on polyacrylamide gradient gels, and the patterns obtained were compared after appropriate staining for particular enzymes and reactivities with homologous and heterologous rabbit anti- Acanthamoeba antisera. One of the human strains (CDC:1283:V013) was identified as A. healyi n. sp. because of its unique isoenzyme profiles for 11 of the 12 enzymes tested. The other human isolate was reidentified as A. culbertsoni because its isoenzyme profiles for 10 of 12 enzymes resembled those of A. culbertsoni , Lilly A-1 strain. Since the isoenzyme profiles and the antigenic patterns of the fish isolate as well were remarkably similar to those of A. royreba , it was considered as a strain of A. royreba . Polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis appears to be a powerful technique for the study of isoenzymes and antigens of Acanthamoeba .  相似文献   
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