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A scrutiny of the literature shows that the ctenophore Haeckelia (= Euchlora) ruba has only kleptocnidae and that Hydroctena salenskii is a ctenophore without special cnidarian affinities. The “missing links” between cnidarians and ctenophores have thus turned out to be based on misinterpretations and must be excluded from future discussions on phylogeny.  相似文献   
  • 1 Habitat choice of some field-inhabiting carabid beetles was studied in the field, and included the adult-overwintering Bembidion lampros Herbst, Pterostichus cupreus L. and Agonum dorsale Pontoppidan, and the larval-overwintering Trechus secalis Paykull, Pterostichus melanarius Illiger, P.niger Schaller and Harpalus rufipes De Geer. These were compared to the forest-inhabiting and adult-overwintering species, Carabus nemoralis Müller.
  • 2 Marked beetles were released in the centre of a circular enclosure which was placed on the edge between a cereal field and a wood. The direction of movement in this circle was compared with that in a control circle placed entirely in the cereal field.
  • 3 In the field/wood circle, adult-overwinterers and the larval-overwin-terer H.rufipes choose to move into the cereal field. The majority of T.secalis. P.melanarius and C.nemoralis, however, moved into the wood, while P.niger exhibited no preference.
  • 4 In the field circle, adult-overwinterers moved towards the more sun-exposed parts of the circle, whereas the movements of larval-overwin-terers were random.
  • 5 Some species-specific characteristics considered important for habitat choice by these carabid beetles, and the relevance of these characteristics for their dispersal behaviour are discussed.
Putrescine, spermidine, and spermine content were analysed inzygotic embryos of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Changes in polyaminecontent were observed during zygotic embryo growth. In two cultivars,‘Bomi’ and ‘Golden Promise’, the totalpolyamine content in the embryos was 2.6–2.9 nmol mg–1fresh weight 10 d after anthesis, the highest content observed.It dropped to 1.3 nmol mg–1 fresh weight 14 d after anthesis.This drop was caused by decreases in all three polyamine concentrations.From 14 to 35 d after anthesis the putrescine content continuedto decrease while the spermidine and spermine content increased,thus the total polyamine content remained constant until 35d after anthesis. The mutant ‘Ris? 1508’ showeda constant polyamine content around 1.3 nmol mg–1 freshweight from 14 to 35 d after anthesis. The polyamine patternwas conserved in all three lines throughout the period of investigationshowing a spermidine content higher than putrescine contentwhich was, in turn, higher or equal to the spermine content.The polyamine content measured as nmol µg–1 proteindecreased from 14 to 21 d post anthesis in all three lines,because the protein content (µg mg–1 fresh weight)increased during the period. In dedifferentiating zygotic embryoscultured in vitro the putrescine content (nmol mg–1 freshweight) rose by a factor of nine and the spermidine contentdoubled within the first week of cultivation, whereas sperminecontent did not change. For embryoderived calli a repeated patternof change in polyamine content was observed throughout the subculturingperiod. Key words: Polyamines, Hordeum vulgare L., embryo development  相似文献   
The analytical sensitivities of three different enzyme linked immunoassays (ELISA), two competitive and a capture format were assessed. the assay systems employed monoclonal antibodies to Salmonella lipopolysaccharide (LPS) outer core epitopes to detect crude LPS antigens from Salmonella typhimurium. the most sensitive ELISA was the capture procedure, being capable of detection 1.3 ng/ml of LPS. This technique, however also gave the greatest between-test variation and as a result, the lowest amount that could be detected with a 95% confidence limit was actually 12.8 ng/ml and it took the longest time to perform (3 h, 30 min). A competitive ELISA using limiting monoclonal antibody to compete between solid phase antigen and soluble antigen in the sample, ranked second in sensitivity, and can detect 2.8 and 3.8 ng/ml of LPS when tested with two different monoclonal antibodies. However, because of the slight between test variation, the actual sensitivities that could be detected with a 95% confidence limit were 3.1 and 4.6 ng/ml, respectively. This test takes approximately 1 h and 30 min to perform.
The classical type of competitive assay, employing a labelled antigen, was the least sensitive being capable of detecting 5.8 ng/ml if the LPS was conjugated with horseradish peroxidase and 16.0 ng/ml if alkaline phosphatase was used as a label. to account for the between-test variation, the sensitivities with a 95% confidence limit were 8.6 and 18.7 ng/ml for the respective assays, which take 2 h and 15 min to perform.
These sensitivities compare favorably with those published for similar assays, but all of the procedures were judged insufficiently sensitive for direct use on food samples to be tested for the presence of Salmonella species. However, the assays would be quite suitable for demonstration of Salmonella sp. after an enrichment procedure.  相似文献   
The aim was to study spatial summation within and between ipsi- and contralateral dermatomes at different painful temperatures. For heat stimulation we used a computer controlled thermofoil based thermode. The thermode area could be varied in five discrete steps from 3.14 to 15.70 cm2. When we applied the stimuli within a dermatome, the mean heat pain threshold decreased significantly from 45.6 to 43.5 C as the area was increased from minimum (3.14 cm2) to maximum (15.70 cm2). When the areas were increased involving different dermatomes (both ipsi- or contralateral), we found similar decreases in pain threshold. Spatial summation was also found within and between dermatomes at supra-threshold temperatures (46, 48, 50 C).The study shows that spatial summation of pain is most likely a mechanism acting across segments and is existing from pain threshold to tolerance.  相似文献   
Macromolecular Physiology of Plastids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The composition and amount of carotenoid pigments were determined in etiolated seedling leaves of 6 barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutants, comprising 1 xantha and 5 tigrina mutants. All mutants had on a mole basis approximately the same content of carotenoids as the wild type. The mutants xan-u21, tig-n32, and tig-33 contained significantly higher amounts of carotenes than the wild type, ranging from 32 to 68% of the total carotenoid content as compared to the 4–8% found in the wild type. In the mutants tig-b23 and tig-o34, only a slight increase in the amount of carotenes was notable. The carotene content and composition in tig-d12 was indistinguishable from that of the wild type. The carotenes extracted from xan-u21, tig-b23, tig-n32, tig-33, and tig-o34 were characterized by adsorption chromatography and spectrophotometry. Mutant xan-u21 is in the dark blocked in β-carotene synthesis, and accumulates the aliphatic polyenes: phytofluene, proneurosporene, poly-cis-lycopenes, neo-lycopene and lycopene. The other four mutants synthesize β-carotene, but accumulate in addition various higher saturated carotenes, the main components being ζ-carotene in tig-b23, a lycopenic pigment in tig-n32 and tig-33, and lycopene in tig-o34. Accumulation of higher saturated carotenes appears correlated with specific aberrations of the membrane structure in plastids. The regulation of carotene and protochlorophyllide syntheses in etioplasts are closely linked as shown by the single gene mutants which affect both pathways. However, several mutants have been identified which cause defects in protochlorophyllide synthesis only.  相似文献   
Abstract: White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are important game mammals and potential reservoirs of diseases of domestic livestock; thus, diseases of deer are of great concern to wildlife managers. Contact, either direct or indirect, is necessary for disease transmission, but we know little about the ecological contexts that promote intrasexual contact among deer. Using pair-wise direct contacts estimated from Global Positioning System collar locations and joint utilization distributions (JUDs), we assessed habitats in which contacts occur to test whether direct contact rates among female white-tailed deer in different social groups differs among land-cover types. We also tested whether contact rates differed among seasons, lunar phases, and times of day. We obtained locations from 27 female deer for periods of 0.5–17 months during 2002–2006. We designated any simultaneous pair of locations for 2 deer <25 m apart as a direct contact. For each season, we used compositional analysis to compare land-cover types where 2 deer had contact to available land-cover weighted by their JUD. We used mixed-model logistic regression to test for effects of season, lunar phase, and time of day on contact rates. Contact rates during the gestation season were greater than expected from random use in forest and grassland cover, whereas contact rates during the fawning period were greater in agricultural fields than in other land-cover types. Contact rates were greatest during the rut and lowest in summer. Diel patterns of contact rates varied with season, and contact rates were elevated during full moon compared to other lunar periods. Both spatial and temporal analyses suggest that contact between female deer in different social groups occurs mainly during feeding, which highlights the potential impact of food distribution and habitat on contact rates among deer. By using methods to associate contacts and land-cover, we have created beneficial tools for more elaborate and detailed studies of disease transmission. Our methods can offer information necessary to develop spatially realistic models of disease transmission in deer.  相似文献   
We present a cladistic analysis of the Cirripedia Thoracica using morphological characters and the Acrothoracica and Ascothoracida as outgroups. The list of characters comprised 32 shell and soft body features. The operational taxonomic units (OTUs) comprised 26 well-studied fossil and extant taxa, principally genera, since uncertainty about monophyly exists for most higher ranking taxonomic units. Parsimony analyses using PAUP 3.1.1 and Hennig86 produced 189 trees of assured minimal length. We also examined character evolution in the consensus trees using MacClade and Clados. The monophyly of the Balanomorpha and the Verrucomorpha sensu stricto is confirmed, and all trees featured a sister group relationship between the ‘living fossil Neoverruca and me Brachylepadomorpha. In the consensus trees the sequential progression of ‘pedunculate‘sister groups up to a node containing Neolepas also conforms to current views, but certain well-established taxa based solely on plesiomorphies stand out as paraphyletic, such as Pedunculata (= Lepadomorpha); Eolepadinae, Scalpellomorpha and Chthamaloidea. The 189 trees differed principally in the position of shell-less pedunculates, Neoverruca, the scalpelloid Capitulum, and the interrelationships within the Balanomorpha, although the 50% majority rule consensus tree almost fully resolved the latter. A monophyletic Sessilia comprising both Verrucomorpha and Balanomorpha appeared among the shortest trees, but not in the consensus. A tree with a monophyletic Verrucomorpha including Neoverruca had a tree length two steps longer than the consensus trees. Deletion of all extinct OTUs produced a radically different tree, which highlights the importance of fossils in estimating cirripede phylogeny. Mapping of our character set onto a manually constructed cladogram reflecting die most recent scenario of cirripede evolution resulted in a tree length five steps longer than any of our shortest trees. Our analysis reveals that several key questions in cirripede phylogeny remain unsolved, notably the position of shell-less forms and the transition from ‘pedunculate‘to ‘sessile‘barnacles. The inclusion of more fossil species at this point in our understanding of cirripede phylogeny will only result in even greater levels of uncertainty. When constructing the character list we also identified numerous uncertainties in the homology of traits commonly used in discussing cirripede evolution. Our study highlights larval ultrastructure, detailed studies of early ontogeny, and molecular data as the most promising areas for future research.  相似文献   
Trees are exceptional organisms that have evolved over some 385 million years and have overtaken other plants in order to harvest light first. However, this advantage comes with a cost: trees must transport water all the way up to their crowns and inherent physical limitations make them vulnerable to water deficits. Because climate change scenarios predict more frequent extreme drought events, trees will increasingly need to cope with water stress. Recent occurrences of climate change‐type droughts have had severe impacts on several forest ecosystems. Initial experimental studies have been undertaken and show that stomatal control of water loss hinders carbon assimilation and could lead to starvation during droughts. Other mechanisms of drought‐induced mortality are catastrophic xylem dysfunction, impeded long‐distance transport of carbohydrates (translocation) and also symplastic failure (cellular breakdown). However, direct empirical support is absent for either hypothesis. More experimental studies are necessary to increase our understanding of these processes and to resolve the mystery of drought‐related tree mortality. Instead of testing the validity of particular hypothesis as mechanisms of drought‐induced tree mortality, future research should aim at revealing the temporal dynamics of these mechanisms in different species and over a gradient of environmental conditions. Only such studies will reveal whether the struggle for light will become a struggle for water and/or for carbon in drought‐affected areas.  相似文献   
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