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A mechanically transmissible virus obtained from symptomless plants of a red raspberry selection imported into Scotland from Quebec, Canada was indistinguishable serologically from a cherry isolate of cherry rasp leaf virus (CRLV). The raspberry isolate, CRLV-R, was graft transmitted to several virus indicator species and cultivars of Rubus without inducing noticeable symptoms. In Chenopodium quinoa sap, CRLV-R lost infectivity after dilution to 10-5 or heating for 10 min at 60°C but was infective after 16 days (the longest period tested) at 18°, 4° or - 15°C. The virus particles are isometric, c. 28 nm in diameter, and were purified with difficulty from infected C. murale and C. quinoa plants. The particles comprise two nucleoprotein components with sedimentation coefficients of 89 and 115 S and are prone to aggregate during purification. When centrifuged to equilibrium in CS2SO4 solution, purified virus preparations formed two major components with p= 1·28 and 1·36 g/cm3. Virus particles contained two RNA species which, when denatured in glyoxal and electrophoresed in agarose gels, had estimated mol. wt of 2·56 × 106 (RNA-1) and 1·26 × 106 (RNA–2). Infectivity of CRLV-R RNA was abolished by treatment with proteinase K, suggesting that the RNA is linked to protein necessary for infectivity; RNA molecules contained polyadenylate. In reticulocyte lysates, CRLV-R RNA stimulated the incorporation of 3H-leucine, mainly into two polypeptides of estimated mol. wt 200 000 and 102 000. When electrophoresed in polyacrylamide gels, protein obtained from CRLV-R particles purified by centrifugation to equilibrium in Cs2SO4 separated into three bands with estimated mol. wt 26 000 , 23 000 and 21 000.  相似文献   
WHEN chromosomes pair at meiosis the bivalents so formed do not normally interlock. Heat-treatments can, however, induce bivalent interlocking in the locust Locusta migratoria. Only the longest bivalents interlock and usually only two are found per cell; two “rod” bivalents, with single chiasmata, two “ring” bivalents, each with two or three chiasmata, or one “rod” and one “ring” bivalent (Fig. 1a, b and c). The nature of this interlocking and the metaphase orientational and congressional properties of interlocked bivalents are analysed in detail elsewhere1.  相似文献   
Shedding of the fruit of the oil palm takes place in two co-ordinatedstages. The first, a cell separation event at a pre-defined,positionally differentiated abscission zone at the base of thefruit, is followed by further cell separation in peripheraltissue at the junction with the rudimentary androecial ringand the tepals. The position of the second separation is determinedby the age and ripeness of the fruit and the degree of pressureto which it is subjected; it is also dependent upon completionof the first stage. Implications of this unusual two stage separationprocess are discussed. Key words: Abscission, cell separation, anatomy, oil palm, Elaeis guineensis  相似文献   
Potato aucuba mosaic virus (PAMV) has few reliable local lesion assay hosts. However, lesions formed when PAMV-inoculated leaves were exposed to thermal shock (dipping for 40 s in water at 50 or 2 °C). Leaves of Nicotiana tabacum (cv. Xanthi-nc, Samsun or Samsun NN), Hyoscyamus niger and Datura metel consistently developed necrotic lesions, leaves of Chenopodium amaranticolor developed whitish rings, and leaves of N. glutinosa developed diffuse cream-coloured rings and spots. In PAMV-inoculated leaves of Xanthi-nc tobacco, C. amaranticolor and D. metel, lesions formed only in areas exposed to light. Thermal shocks applied to systemically infected leaves of Xanthi-nc tobacco induced necrotic vein banding patterns. In inoculated Xanthi-nc tobacco leaves, PAMV seemed confined to local lesions. The rate of lesion enlargement was therefore a measure of rate of virus spread. Lesion size increased as the interval between inoculation and shock treatment increased. The mean rates of increase in lesion radius were 17 and 27 Cμm/h at 15 and 25°C respectively. ‘Target’ lesions, composed of concentric necrotic rings, formed when inoculated Xanthi-nc tobacco leaves were given two or more 50°C shocks. The first of two 50°C treatments decreased subsequent rates of lesion enlargement.  相似文献   
Cyclic AMP content in embryonic chick pelvic cartilage increases significantly as the embryo ages from 8 to 10 d. This in ovo elevation in cyclic AMP content precedes maximal cartilage alkaline phosphatase activity by some 24 h. We studied whether this temporal relationship may be causally related, using an in vitro organ culture. Incubation of pelvic cartilage from 9- and 10-d embryos in medium containing monobutyryl cyclic AMP (BtcAMP) resulted in significant increases in alkaline phosphatase activity (220 and 66 percent, respectively) as compared to that of cartilages incubated in medium alone. This stimulation was both concentration- and time-dependent with maximal response at 0.5 mM BtcAMP and 4-h incubation, respectively. Similar incubations of cartilage in medium containing 1-methyl-3-isobutyl xanthine (MIX), 0.25 mM, also resulted in increased alkaline phosphatase activity (114 percent). However, pelvic cartilage from 11-d embryos incubated in medium containing BtcAMP or MIX showed no increase in alkaline phosphatase activity. We postulated that developmental age was the factor responsible for this difference in response and that immature cartilage (that with little or no alkaline phosphatase activity) would respond to BtcAMP whereas mature cartilage (that with significant alkaline phosphatase activity) would not. This was tested by incubating end sections of 11-d cartilage, which have little alkaline phosphatase activity, and center sections, which have significantly alkaline phosphatase activity, with both BtcAMP and MIX. Alkaline phosphatase activity in end sections (immature cartilage) was stimulated by BtcAMP and MIX, whereas it was not stimulated in the center sections. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide inhibited BtcAMP and MIX stimulation of alkaline phosphatase activity. Thus, the in vitro data suggest that cyclic AMP is a mediator for the stimulation of alkaline phosphatase activity in embryonic cartilage.  相似文献   
  • 1 Immature apterae of five species of cereal aphid were distinguished by ultraviolet examination of chromatograms of their fluorescent pigments.
  • 2 Non-expert examiners could identify Metopolophium dirhodum, Sitobion fragariae and Rhopalosiphumpadi with a mean reliability of 98, 83 and 71% respectively; Metopolophium festucae and Sitobion avenae could be separated from the rest but not from each other.
  • 3 All species gave consistent chromatograms whether reared on oats or on wheat: some species produced atypical traces if reared on certain grasses.
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