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1. River InVertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS)‐type predictive models are increasingly used to assess the biological condition of freshwaters, but management schemes may also be based on a priori groupings of similar water bodies (typologies) to control for natural variation in biota. The two approaches may lead to disagreements of the biological status of a site, depending on, for example, the spatial scale at which assessments are conducted. 2. We used data from 96 reference and 134 potentially impacted sites from Western and Central Finland to compare RIVPACS‐type models and a simple size‐based typology of rivers for the assessment of taxonomic completeness (the quotient of the Observed‐to‐Expected number of predicted taxa, O / E) of riffle macroinvertebrates. We specifically examined how geographical extent influences bioassessment performance (accuracy, precision and sensitivity to detect impact) of the two approaches. To fully examine the behaviour of the O / E‐index with the two approaches at differing spatial scales, we performed all assessments with a full range of thresholds for predicted taxa occurrence probabilities (pt from 0+ to 0.9). 3. Both approaches performed consistently better than the corresponding null models. At the larger extent (i.e. assessment encompassing the whole study area), the RIVPACS‐approach performed in all aspects better than the typology‐approach. However, at the smaller extent (i.e. regional assessments) the RIVPACS‐type models and the typologies showed similar accuracy to predict the actual fauna (mean E), similar precision (SD) of cross‐validated O / E and similar sensitivity to detect sites with human impairment. 4. SD(O / E) decreased (i.e. precision increased) consistently with increasing pt. However, both approaches were most sensitive at intermediate pt:s (c. 0.2–0.6) when taxa with low predicted occurrence probabilities were excluded. 5. Our results show that RIVPACS‐type predictive models are less susceptible to variations in spatial scale, whereas the performance of a priori typologies increases with decreasing spatial extent. Thus, RIVPACS‐type models are more efficient for large‐scale bioassessments, but at restricted spatial scales, or with an otherwise biologically meaningful stratification, simple a priori classifications can be equally useful for the assessment of taxonomic completeness of river macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   
1. Data on macroinvertebrates and stream chemistry were collected from sixty-four streams in Finland. Weighted averaging (WA) regression and calibration models were constructed to infer the minimum pH of streams from their invertebrate assemblages. The purpose was to develop an instrument for biological assessment and monitoring of stream acidification. The WA method was compared with simpler approaches, based on qualitative invertebrate data and pH tolerance limits, that are widely used.
2. Performance of the two approaches was assessed in terms of correlation between the inferred and observed minimum pH within the 'training set', and in terms of root mean squared differences (predicted – observed) (RMSEP) estimated by cross-validation or bootstrap resampling techniques. The models were further tested using independent data from the literature representative of a wide geographical range.
3. The predictive power of the WA models was reasonable (RMSEP 0.40–0.44 pH units) in the training set and consistently better than that of the tolerance limit method. In contrast to the latter, the WA models were able to infer a minimum pH above 5.5, suggesting they could detect the early stages of acidification.
4. The WA models performed better than the tolerance limit method in inferring pH from the independent literature, further demonstrating the superiority and generality of the WA approach.
5. The weighted averaging technique could be an effective and widely applicable tool for contemporary biological monitoring and assessment using aquatic invertebrates.  相似文献   
The nature of the proteinases which are secreted by barley aleurone layers in response to gibberellic acid was studied by constructing pH vs. activity curves for the hydrolysis of gelatin by incubation media and aleurone layer extracts. The results indicate that the aleurone layers release several different proteinases. The main component is a labile sulphydryl enzyme with an optimum pH of 3.9. The other enzymes include two sulphydryl proteinases with pH optima between pH 5 and 6.5 and a metal-activated enzyme active at pH 7.0. No differences could be demonstrated between the proteinases released by and retained in the aleurone layers.  相似文献   
The effect of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) was studied by measuring the amylase activity of leaf extracts and the starch content of chloroplasts in Stellaria media-plants cultivated for five days in solutions containing different quantities of BAP. Small amounts of BAP decreased amylase activity in weak-growing plants. In strong-growing ones the effect was variable. However, in all experiments very high amount of this growth regulator caused a great increase in amylase activity which was accompanied by a relatively high concentration of starch in the chloroplasts. The induction of amylase activity was thus not high enough to diminish the starch content. This is supposed to be due to the lack of a sink organ since the growth of roots and shoots was greatly inhibited in concentrated BAP-solutions (10-5M or more). In these cases the plants usually died during the first week. In some cases small amounts of BAP increased the growth of S. media, and high concentrations inhibited it causing characteristic morphological changes, such as creeping growth pattern, small, thick leaves and the turning up of the leaf margins. Benzylaminopurine also caused increased resistance to aging, especially in low concentrations (10–7–10–6M).  相似文献   
1. Benthic macroinvertebrates (MI) are commonly used to assess freshwater ecosystems with the reference condition approach. Such assessments necessitate control for natural community variation, either by categorical typologies or by predictive models that have been widely and successfully developed for running water biota but not previously for lake profundal invertebrates. 2. We evaluated four modelling techniques [multivariate regression tree (MRT), limiting environmental differences, nonparametric multiplicative regression (NPMR) and River Invertebrate Prediction And Classification System (RIVPACS) and the operative Finnish lake typology for assessing taxonomic completeness (observed‐to‐expected number of taxa, O/E) of profundal MI assemblages. We used data from 74 and 33 minimally disturbed reference lake basins for calibration and validation of the approaches, respectively, and 72 test basins subject to various anthropogenic pressures to evaluate sensitivity to detect impact. Either all predicted taxa (threshold probability of capture Pt = 0+) or only those predicted to be captured with ≥0.25 probability were used to calculate O/E. 3. With Pt = 0.25, all four modelling approaches were accurate (mean O/E = 0.966–1.053) but imprecise (SD of O/E = 0.279–0.304) in predicting the fauna actually observed in validation sites. All models were subtly more precise than a null model (mean 1.038, SD 0.343) or the typology (1.046, 0.327). The taxon‐specific NPMR model was slightly more precise than the other three models based on site groupings. 4. The O/E values correlated relatively weakly (r = 0.55–0.86) among the approaches, which thus produced contrasting lake‐specific assessments, despite their seemingly comparable performances. Indeed, typology, suggesting that MI assemblages were impaired in 56% of test sites, was more sensitive than the other approaches (26–46%) as an indicator of human‐induced deterioration. However, this greater ostensible sensitivity seemed to be biased, as lake morphometry, a main driver of natural community variation, remained uncontrolled by the typology. 5. Generally, our exercise illustrates the inconclusiveness of the common validation criteria for the assessment methods. The apparent poor predictability of the profundal fauna, irrespective of the method, may partly stem from large observation error, which could be alleviated by more intensive sampling. However, instead of an O/E‐taxa index, some other metric encompassing quantitative aspects might be preferable for assessing these species‐poor communities.  相似文献   
1. Egg size is often used as a proxy of egg quality although size and composition may vary, e.g. in insects egg size usually decreases as female ages. Whether this decrease in size reflects reduced concentrations of essential nutrients such as lipids and proteins of eggs laid by ageing females, or does reduced size per se explain often observed lower fitness of later laid eggs is poorly explored. 2. Egg properties were compared with fitness parameters of offspring laid on the first and fourth night during the oviposition period of a capital breeding moth, Cleorodes lichenaria (Hufnagel). The study aim was to explore whether decreased egg size is caused by decreased provisioning into later laid eggs measured as egg protein and lipid concentration, and whether it results in lower fitness of later laid offspring. 3. The fresh and dry weight of eggs decreased over the oviposition period, but the protein and lipid concentration remained constant. Survival of larvae was lower among the fourth night laid offspring on a low quality host Parmelia sulcata Taylor compared to a high quality host Ramalina fraxinea (L.) Ach. No differences were observed in egg fertility or hatchability, neonate survival without food and pupal mass between the offspring produced on different nights. 4. Decreased survival of offspring produced later was rather attributable to absolute provisioning (i.e. lower weight of eggs) than relative provisioning (i.e. decreased concentrations of nutrients in eggs). It is argued that lower survival of later laid smaller eggs on low quality diet is likely attributable to physical and chemical characteristics of host lichens and/or physical properties of tiny neonate larvae.  相似文献   
Extracts of resting pine seeds inhibited the proteinase activities present in extracts of endosperms of germinating seeds (hydrolysis of haemoglobin at pH 3.7 and hydrolysis of casein at pH 5.4 and 7.0). Heating the extracts of resting seeds at 60°C destroyed their own proteinase activity but their proteinase inhibitor activity decreased by only 25 to 30%. Some properties of the inhibitor(s) were studied using extracts treated at 60°C. The inhibitor activities were non-dialysable. the inhibition increased linearly with increasing inhibitor concentration up to 80% of total proteinase activity, and the maximal inhibition was 80% at pH 3.7. 90% at pH 5.4. and 97% at pH 7.0. The extracts of resting seeds did not inhibit the pepsin-like acid pine proteinase that accounts for a minor part of the proteolytic activity of endosperm extracts at pH 3.7. Neither did they have any effect on the acid pine carboxypeptidase or trypsin and chymotrypsin. Fresh extracts of endosperms of germinating seeds contained relatively high proteinase activity (assayed directly) and moderate inhibitor activity (assayed after treatment at 60°C). When fresh extracts were dialysed at 50°C for 48 h their proteinase activities increased considerably while the corresponding inhibitor activities disappeared. It is concluded that the decrease of inhibitors during dialysis is due to enzymatic inactivation and that the corresponding increase of proteinase activities is at least partly due to the destruction of the inhibitors.  相似文献   
Extracts prepared from resting seeds of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L., rapidly hydrolysed two peptides, Leu–Tyr and Ala–Gly, at pH 8.6 and 7.8, respectively. In gel chromatography on Sephadex G-100 the two activities were eluted as separate peaks, which indicates that they are due to two different peptidases. The seeds were allowed to germinate at 20°C, the activities of the two enzymes were assayed separately on extracts from the endosperm and seedling tissues at different stages of germination, and compared with corresponding changes in dry weight and total nitrogen. Both enzyme activities were relatively high in the endosperm of resting seeds, and they increased about 2- and 3-fold during germination (expressed as enzyme units per seed), the increases coinciding with the time of rapid reserve protein mobilization. Both enzymes were also abundant in the embryos of resting seeds, and during germination their activities increased even more rapidly than those in the endosperm. The possible role of these two “alkaline peptidases” in reserve protein hydrolysis is discussed.  相似文献   
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