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Aspects of visual optics were investigated in the American toad (Bufo americanus). The development of the refractive state of the eye during metamorphosis was followed with IR photoretinoscopy. Frozen sections documented the changes in optical parameters before and after metamorphosis. There is a difference in light sensitivity between juvenile and adult toads. Binocular accommodation in adult toads was observed. 1. IR photoretinoscopic measurements showed that the refractive state of the eye changed very rapidly during metamorphosis, about 10 D/h while the animal entered the terrestrial habitat. 2. Frozen sections showed that the almost spherical lens in a tadpole eye had flattened in a just metamorphosed toad's eye while at the same time the distance of the lens to the retina had decreased. However, the morphological measurements were not sufficiently sensitive to record the relatively small changes in ocular dimensions that were responsible for the rapid changes in refractive state during metamorphosis. 3. Schematic eyes, with homogeneous and non homogeneous lenses, were constructed for tadpoles, juvenile toads, and adult toads. 4. Nonparaxial raytracing studies in schematic eyes suggested that the lenses of animals of the three developmental stages tadpole, juvenile toad, and adult are not homogeneous but have a refractive index gradient. The raytracing studies indicated that the refractive index gradient is different for the different developmental stages, being highest in the tadpole lens. 5. The observations of toads during feeding behavior at different light levels showed an increased light sensitivity in the adult nocturnal toads in contrast to the juvenile animals, which are diurnal. The increased light sensitivity could partly be explained with an increase in aperture and an increase in red rod outer segments. To fully explain the higher light sensitivity in adult toads, changes in neuronal parameters had to be assumed. 6. Retinoscopic measurements of the resting refractive state in the adult toad showed a hyperopic defocus of about +8 D. By subtracting the measurement artefact for retinoscopy, the true resting focus was found to be nearly emmetropic. 7. The amount of natural accommodation in adult toads during normal feeding behavior was investigated with IR photoretinoscopy. Binocular accommodation of about 8 D was observed.  相似文献   
Summary In an examination of the focusing abilities of 15 species of owls, the North American barn owl, Tyto alba pratincola (Bonaparte 1838), was an outstanding accommodator, having a range of accommodation exceeding 10 diopters (Murphy and Howland 1983). Using comparable methods, we examined the accommodation of 4 specimens of the Australian barn owl, Tyto alba delicatula (Gould 1837). We failed to elicit accommodation greater than two diopters, and most stimuli failed to evoke any discernable accommodation at all. Furthermore, examination of other Australian tytonid owls, the grass owl, T. longimembris, the sooty owl, T. tenebricosa, and both the mainland and Tasmanian subspecies of the masked owl, T. novaehollandiae novaehollandiae and T. novaehollandiae castanops, also failed to reveal anything but very moderate accommodative ranges. We conclude that the outstanding accommodative ability of the American barn owl is truly an exception to the modest accommodative abilities of the tytonid owls generally.  相似文献   
The numbers of presumptiveLegionella pneumophila cells in waters and sediments of nine different cooling towers located on the same site in the northeastern United States were determined at approximately monthly intervals for 18 months. All systems received makeup water from the same source and received the same chemical treatments. PresumptiveL. pneumophila were found in both water and sediment samples from all systems on all sampling dates. An important result of this study was the finding that tower sediments represent large reservoirs ofL. pneumophila. The only correlation between levels of presumptiveL. pneumophila and any of the physical, chemical, or operating characteristics evaluated was with winter shutdown and drainage followed by a nonoperational period. These systems showed a definite seasonal response with the highest levels of presumptiveL. pneumophila found in the summer and fall. Systems operated year round showed relatively constant numbers ofL. pneumophila in both water and sediments.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic and cell wall components of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus megaterium and the cytoplasmic and cell envelope components of the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli were assayed for chemotactic activity for the hemocytes of Crassostrea virginica. The cellular components were separated by differential centrifugation and gel filtration was used to determine the approximate molecular weights of the chemoattractant molecules. Active fractions were assayed for glycoproteins and lipoproteins. As a result, it is known that hemocytes are chemotactically attracted to proteins of approximately 10,000 daltons which are associated with the cell wall of B. megaterium and the cell envelope of E. coli.  相似文献   
During chronic infection, the single celled parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, can migrate to the brain where it has been associated with altered dopamine function and the capacity to modulate host behavior, increasing risk of neurocognitive disorders. Here we explore alterations in dopamine-related behavior in a new mouse model based on stimulant (cocaine)-induced hyperactivity. In combination with cocaine, infection resulted in heightened sensorimotor deficits and impairment in prepulse inhibition response, which are commonly disrupted in neuropsychiatric conditions. To identify molecular pathways in the brain affected by chronic T. gondii infection, we investigated patterns of gene expression. As expected, infection was associated with an enrichment of genes associated with general immune response pathways, that otherwise limits statistical power to identify more informative pathways. To overcome this limitation and focus on pathways of neurological relevance, we developed a novel context enrichment approach that relies on a customized ontology. Applying this approach, we identified genes that exhibited unexpected patterns of expression arising from the combination of cocaine exposure and infection. These include sets of genes which exhibited dampened response to cocaine in infected mice, suggesting a possible mechanism for some observed behaviors and a neuroprotective effect that may be advantageous to parasite persistence. This model offers a powerful new approach to dissect the molecular pathways by which T. gondii infection contributes to neurocognitive disorders.  相似文献   
The risk of aquatic invasions in the Arctic is expected to increase with climate warming, greater shipping activity and resource exploitation in the region. Planktonic and benthic marine aquatic invasive species (AIS) with the greatest potential for invasion and impact in the Canadian Arctic were identified and the 23 riskiest species were modelled to predict their potential spatial distributions at pan‐Arctic and global scales. Modelling was conducted under present environmental conditions and two intermediate future (2050 and 2100) global warming scenarios. Invasion hotspots—regions of the Arctic where habitat is predicted to be suitable for a high number of potential AIS—were located in Hudson Bay, Northern Grand Banks/Labrador, Chukchi/Eastern Bering seas and Barents/White seas, suggesting that these regions could be more vulnerable to invasions. Globally, both benthic and planktonic organisms showed a future poleward shift in suitable habitat. At a pan‐Arctic scale, all organisms showed suitable habitat gains under future conditions. However, at the global scale, habitat loss was predicted in more tropical regions for some taxa, particularly most planktonic species. Results from the present study can help prioritize management efforts in the face of climate change in the Arctic marine ecosystem. Moreover, this particular approach provides information to identify present and future high‐risk areas for AIS in response to global warming.  相似文献   


Information on trauma-related deaths in low and middle income countries is limited but needed to target public health interventions. Data from a health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) were examined to characterise such deaths in rural western Kenya.

Methods And Findings

Verbal autopsy data were analysed. Of 11,147 adult deaths between 2003 and 2008, 447 (4%) were attributed to trauma; 71% of these were in males. Trauma contributed 17% of all deaths in males 15 to 24 years; on a population basis mortality rates were greatest in persons over 65 years. Intentional causes accounted for a higher proportion of male than female deaths (RR 2.04, 1.37-3.04) and a higher proportion of deaths of those aged 15 to 65 than older people. Main causes in males were assaults (n=79, 25%) and road traffic injuries (n=47, 15%); and falls for females (n=17, 13%). A significantly greater proportion of deaths from poisoning (RR 5.0, 2.7-9.4) and assault (RR 1.8, 1.2-2.6) occurred among regular consumers of alcohol than among non-regular drinkers. In multivariate analysis, males had a 4-fold higher risk of death from trauma than females (Adjusted Relative Risk; ARR 4.0; 95% CI 1.7-9.4); risk of a trauma death rose with age, with the elderly at 7-fold higher risk (ARR 7.3, 1.1-49.2). Absence of care was the strongest predictor of trauma death (ARR 12.2, 9.4-15.8). Trauma-related deaths were higher among regular alcohol drinkers (ARR 1.5, 1.1-1.9) compared with non-regular drinkers.


While trauma accounts for a small proportion of deaths in this rural area with a high prevalence of HIV, TB and malaria, preventive interventions such as improved road safety, home safety strategies for the elderly, and curbing harmful use of alcohol, are available and could help diminish this burden. Improvements in systems to record underlying causes of death from trauma are required.  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis that inhibition of axonal transport is sufficient to cause motor neuron degeneration such as that observed in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), we engineered a targeted disruption of the dynein-dynactin complex in postnatal motor neurons of transgenic mice. Dynamitin overexpression was found to disassemble dynactin, a required activator of cytoplasmic dynein, resulting in an inhibition of retrograde axonal transport. Mice overexpressing dynamitin demonstrate a late-onset progressive motor neuron degenerative disease characterized by decreased strength and endurance, motor neuron degeneration and loss, and denervation of muscle. Previous transgenic mouse models of ALS have shown abnormalities in microtubule-based axonal transport. In this report, we describe a mouse model that confirms the critical role of disrupted axonal transport in the pathogenesis of motor neuron degenerative disease.  相似文献   
Resolving the genetic population structure of species inhabiting pristine, high latitude ecosystems can provide novel insights into the post‐glacial, evolutionary processes shaping the distribution of contemporary genetic variation. In this study, we assayed genetic variation in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) from Great Bear Lake (GBL), NT and one population outside of this lake (Sandy Lake, NT) at 11 microsatellite loci and the mtDNA control region (d‐loop). Overall, population subdivision was low, but significant (global FST θ = 0.025), and pairwise comparisons indicated that significance was heavily influenced by comparisons between GBL localities and Sandy Lake. Our data indicate that there is no obvious genetic structure among the various basins within GBL (global FST = 0.002) despite the large geographic distances between sampling areas. We found evidence of low levels of contemporary gene flow among arms within GBL, but not between Sandy Lake and GBL. Coalescent analyses suggested that some historical gene flow occurred among arms within GBL and between GBL and Sandy Lake. It appears, therefore, that contemporary (ongoing dispersal and gene flow) and historical (historical gene flow and large founding and present‐day effective population sizes) factors contribute to the lack of neutral genetic structure in GBL. Overall, our results illustrate the importance of history (e.g., post‐glacial colonization) and contemporary dispersal ecology in shaping genetic population structure of Arctic faunas and provide a better understanding of the evolutionary ecology of long‐lived salmonids in pristine, interconnected habitats.  相似文献   
Specimens of the estuarine prosobranch Ilyanassa obsoleta collected in the vicinity of Charleston, South Carolina, during June, July, and August 1981, were found to be parasitized by larvae of the digeneans Cercaria dipterocerca, Himasthla quissetensis, Lepocreadium setiferoides, Microbilharzia variglandis, Microphalloides nassicola, Stephanostomum tenue, and Zoogonus lasius. The aminopeptidase activity levels and the total protein concentrations of the hemocytes and sera of these infected snails were determined. It was ascertained that snails parasitized by larvae of L. setiferoides had significantly higher levels of hemocytic aminopeptidase activity and hemocytic total protein concentrations than noninfected snails. Furthermore, snails parasitized by L. setiferoides larvae had significantly higher hemocytic levels of aminopeptidase activity than snails parasitized by larvae of S. tenue, Z. lasius, M. nassicola, and H. quissetensis.  相似文献   
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