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地球上细胞最小、丰度最大的放氧光合自养原核生物原绿球藻( Prochlorococcus )发现于热带大洋,并被证实可在某些近海甚至近岸水域大量分布.但除温度之外,原绿球藻自然分布的控制因子尚不明了.从近海和大洋生态条件的主要差别考虑,在南海进行了主要营养盐--氮、磷和微量元素--铁、钴扰动的现场培养实验,并应用流式细胞技术监测原绿球藻及聚球藻( Synechococcus )、超微型真核浮游植物(pico-eukaryotes)的细胞丰度和单细胞色素含量的响应以及细菌的影响.结果表明,磷和钴的添加有利于原绿球藻,而氮和铁的添加更有利于聚球藻和超微型真核浮游植物.同时,由环境条件引起的生物响应又间接地导致超微型生物之间的相互作用.因而,原绿球藻在近海的分布,可能受到营养盐组成等环境因子以及生物之间的相互作用等多方面的限制和影响.  相似文献   
西南鼠耳蝠广东新纪录及其核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>西南鼠耳蝠(Myotis altarium Thomas,1911),因峨眉山为其模式产地,又称峨眉鼠耳蝠或者四川鼠耳蝠。隶属于翼手目(Chiroptera)蝙蝠科(Vespertilionidae)鼠耳蝠属(Myotis),主要分布  相似文献   
We collected a specimen of Chinese Pygmy Dormouse (Typhlomys cinereus)from Nanling Nature Reserve in Guangdong Province in August 2012,analyzed the specimen’s morphological and skull indices,and compared them with the published data for other T. cinereus subspecies located throughout China. The skull of our specimen had four pairs of palatal holes:among them,the two posterior pairs merged together to form two large and long holes,and the posterior edge of the nasals was located vertically below the frontopremaxillary suture. Based on these two unique characteristics,we identified the specimen as the subspecies T. c. daloushanensis. This is the first time this species has been recorded in Guangdong Province.  相似文献   
2012年8月在广东省南岭自然保护区采集到6只森林型蝙蝠(3♀,3♂),其鼻部呈管状,毛被厚密而柔软,后腿、翼膜和尾膜被覆有棕色绒毛。体型较大,雌雄之间有明显差异,前臂长♀48.94~52.67mm,♂44.00~46.92 mm;核型为2n=44,FN=52;超声波为调频型,主频率为78.3 kHz。经鉴定为蝙蝠科管鼻蝠亚科的毛翼管鼻蝠(Harpiocephalus harpia)。这一发现使该物种在中国大陆地区目前的分布区与栖息地得以进一步核实和确认,弥补了该珍稀蝙蝠物种的分布、行为和生态学资料。  相似文献   
从营养扰动实验看原绿球藻在近海分布的制约因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地球上细胞最小、丰度最大的放氧光合自养原核生物原绿球藻 (Prochlorococcus)发现于热带大洋 ,并被证实可在某些近海甚至近岸水域大量分布。但除温度之外 ,原绿球藻自然分布的控制因子尚不明了。从近海和大洋生态条件的主要差别考虑 ,在南海进行了主要营养盐———氮、磷和微量元素———铁、钴扰动的现场培养实验 ,并应用流式细胞技术监测原绿球藻及聚球藻 (Synechococcus)、超微型真核浮游植物 (pico_eukaryotes)的细胞丰度和单细胞色素含量的响应以及细菌的影响。结果表明 ,磷和钴的添加有利于原绿球藻 ,而氮和铁的添加更有利于聚球藻和超微型真核浮游植物。同时 ,由环境条件引起的生物响应又间接地导致超微型生物之间的相互作用。因而 ,原绿球藻在近海的分布 ,可能受到营养盐组成等环境因子以及生物之间的相互作用等多方面的限制和影响  相似文献   
Excised stem explants of Antirrhinum majus L. var. ‘Kymosyblanc’ were grown in a denned medium to investigate factorsinfluencing bud and root development, callus induction, andsomatic embryogenesis. Auxins such as indoleacetic acid (IAA)and naphthaleneacetie acid (NAA) caused limited callus developmentand abundant root formation, whereas 2,4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2,4-D) promoted soft friable callus with embryos and occasionaldevelopment of thick abnormal roots. 2-Naphthoxyacetic acid(NOA) and coconut milk (CM) used together induced friable greencallus growth and differentiation of small globular embryoswhich eventually developed into plantlets after transfer toauxin-free agar mineral medium containing sucrose. Cytokininssuch as benzyladenine (BA), zeatin, and kinetin induced compactgreen callus but in the absence of auxin failed to promote organogenesis.The interaction of IAA and kinetin resulted in the regenerationof the whole plant from stem explants. When NAA was used withkinetin, shoot development was totally inhibited and abundantroots were formed. Thus, the alternative morphogenetic eventsprobably reflect the biochemical subtleties occurring withinthe callus as a result of differences of actual endogenous levelsof growth substances in the tissues studied. These experimentshave been performed and interpreted on a histological basis.  相似文献   
Factors influencing adventitious bud and root development, callus induction and embryogenesis were investigated in stem and leaf cultures of Petunia inflata R. E. Fries and Petunia hybrida cv. Cascade and cv. Rose du ciel grown on a synthetic nutrient medium. Indoleacetic acid caused limited callus development and root formation whereas naphthaleneacetic acid Induced abundant roots. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid promoted callus growth and differentiation of embryos which eventually developed into plantlets. Cytokinins such as benzyladenine, zeatin and kinetin induced bud development. A combination of auxins and cytokinins caused an interaction which was manifested in altered morphogenetic response. Thus 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in conjunction with benzyladenine caused suppression of bud development and retarded differentiation of embryos. Likewise, when benzyladenine was used with indoleacetic acid root development was totally inhibited and abundant buds were produced.  相似文献   
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