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The classification and generic definition in the tropical–subtropical fern family Lindsaeaceae have been uncertain and have so far been based on morphological characters only. We have now studied the evolutionary history of the Lindsaeaceae by simultaneously optimizing 55 morphological characters, two plastid genes (rpoC1 and rps4) and three non‐coding plastid intergenic spacers (trnL‐F, rps4‐trnS and trnH‐psbA). Our data set included all genera associated with Lindsaeaceae, except Xyropteris, and c. 73% of the currently accepted species. The phylogenetic relationships of the lindsaeoid ferns with two enigmatic genera that have recently been included in the Lindsaeaceae, Cystodium and Lonchitis, remain ambiguous. Within the monophyletic lindsaeoids, we found six well‐supported and diagnostic clades that can be recognized as genera: Sphenomeris, Odontosoria, Osmolindsaea, Nesolindsaea, Tapeinidium and Lindsaea. Sphenomeris was shown to be monotypic; most taxa formerly placed in that genus belong to the Odontosoria clade. Ormoloma is embedded within Lindsaea and therefore does not merit recognition as a genus. Tapeinidium is sister to a clade with some species formerly placed in Lindsaea that are morphologically distinct from that genus and are transferred to Osmolindsaea and Nesolindsaea, proposed here as two new genera. We do not maintain the current subgeneric classification of Lindsaea itself, because neither of the two generally accepted subgenera (Lindsaea and Odontoloma) is monophyletic, and most of the sections also appear unnatural. Nesolindsaea shows an ancient biogeographical link between Sri Lanka and the Seychelles and many of the main clades within Lindsaea have geographically disjunct distributions. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 305–359.  相似文献   
Although loss of genetic variation is frequently assumed to be associated with loss of adaptive potential, only few studies have examined adaptation in populations with little genetic variation. On the Swedish west coast, the northern fringe populations of the natterjack toad Bufo calamita inhabit an atypical habitat consisting of offshore rock islands. There are strong among‐population differences in the amount of neutral genetic variation, making this system suitable for studies on mechanisms of trait divergence along a gradient of within‐population genetic variation. In this study, we examined the mechanisms of population divergence using QST–FST comparisons and correlations between quantitative and neutral genetic variation. Our results suggest drift or weak stabilizing selection across the six populations included in this study, as indicated by low QSTFST values, lack of significant population × temperature interactions and lack of significant differences among the islands in breeding pond size. The six populations included in this study differed in both neutral and quantitative genetic variation. Also, the correlations between neutral and quantitative genetic variation tended to be positive, however, the relatively small number of populations prevents any strong conclusions based on these correlations. Contrary to the majority of QST–FST comparisons, our results suggest drift or weak stabilizing selection across the examined populations. Furthermore, the low heritability of fitness‐related traits may limit evolutionary responses in some of the populations.  相似文献   
pPLA‐I is the evolutionarily oldest patatin‐related phospholipase A (pPLA) in plants, which have previously been implicated to function in auxin and defence signalling. Molecular and physiological analysis of two allelic null mutants for pPLA‐I [ppla‐I‐1 in Wassilewskija (Ws) and ppla‐I‐3 in Columbia (Col) ] revealed pPLA‐I functions in auxin and light signalling. The enzyme is localized in the cytosol and to membranes. After auxin application expression of early auxin‐induced genes is significantly slower compared with wild type and both alleles show a slower gravitropic response of hypocotyls, indicating compromised auxin signalling. Additionally, phytochrome‐modulated responses like abrogation of gravitropism, enhancement of phototropism and growth in far red‐enriched light are decreased in both alleles. While early flowering, root coils and delayed phototropism are only observed in the Ws mutant devoid of phyD, the light‐related phenotypes observed in both alleles point to an involvement of pPLA‐I in phytochrome signalling.  相似文献   
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