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Hajibagheri, M. A., Flowers, T. J., Collins, J. C. and Yeo,A. R. 1988. A comparison of the methods of X-ray microanalysis,compartmental analysis and longitudinal ion profiles to estimatecytoplasnuc ion concentrations in two maize varieties.—J.exp. Bot. 39: 279-290. The ion content of compartments within plant root cells hasbeen studied by three different methods; flux analysis usingradioactive isotopes, longitudinal ion profiles and X-ray microanalysis.The data provide estimates of the concentrations of K+ and CIin the cytoplasm of roots of culture solution and salt grownmaize by three independent methods. In the cultivar LG11 grown in 50 mol m–3 NaCl X-ray microanalysis,compartmental analysis and longitudinal profiles yielded approximatelyagreeing values for cytoplasmic K+ of 90, 70 and 62 mol m–33of tissue volume respectively. However, the methods disagreedon cytoplasmic Cl where the value obtained by compartmentalanalysis was about four times that from X-ray microanalysisand longitudinal profiles. Possible reasons for this are discussed. Key words: X-ray microanalysis, longitudinal ion profiles, compartmental analysis, salt-tolerance.  相似文献   
X-ray microanalysis was performed on hyphae of the filamentousmarine fungus Dendryphiella salina growing at different salinitiesto give sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations in thecytoplasm, vacuole and cell wall. Sodium and chloride concentrationsincreased with salinity in all compartments. Cytoplasmic andvacuolar sodium and chloride concentration were broadly similar,and vacuolar contents represented, at most, 19% of the totalprotoplasmic content of an individual ion species. Potassiumconcentrations decreased to some extent with salinity, althoughconcentrations were not severely affected by competition withsodium uptake. Results are discussed with regard to the roleof ions in the overall osmotic adjustment in this species. Key words: Dendryphiella salina, marine fungus, salt-tolerance, x-ray microanalysis  相似文献   
Abstract. The starch concentration in mature leaves of the halophyte Suaeda maritima increased from 4.7 to 7.3 mg mg−1 chlorophyll when sodium chloride (680 mol M−3) was added to the solution in which the plants were grown. This effect of salinity on the starch: chlorophyll ratio was greater in young than in old leaves. Electron micrographs showed the starch to be in the chloroplasts and this was confirmed by measurements on isolated chloroplasts. Total phosphorus concentration (mg mg−1 chlorophyll) in leaves of all ages from plants of S. maritima decreased on salinization of the growth medium suggesting an inverse relationship between phosphorus and starch concentrations. However, although leaf starch concentration varied with leaf age, phosphorus concentration did not. The cause of starch accumulation in chloroplasts at salinities which are optimal for growth (340 mol m−3) remains unclear.  相似文献   
Hajibagheri, M. A., Gilmour, D. J., Collins, J. C. and Flowers,T. J. 1986. X-ray microanalysis and ultrastructural studiesof cell compartments of Dunaliella parva. -J. exp. Bot. 37:1725–1732. Ultrastructural studies of the unicellular green alga Dunaliellaparva showed the presence of cytoplasmic vacuoles. X-ray microanalysiswas performed on sections of cells which had been freeze substitutedin acetone. It was found that the concentrations of both Naand Cl were much higher in the vacuoles than in the cytoplasm.When cells were grown in 0·4 kmol m–3 NaCl theNa and Cl concentrations in the vacuoles were 349 and 283 molm –3 respectively, whilst cytoplasmic Na and Cl concentrationswere 37 and 26 mol m–3. Corresponding values for cellsgrown in 1·5 kmol m–3 NaCl were 392 mol m–3Na and 325 mol m–3 Cl in the vacuoles and 36 mol m–3Na and 30 mol m–3 Cl in the cytoplasm. Immediately afterexposure to an increase in external salinity Na and Q concentrationsincreased in both vacuoles and cytoplasm. The results are discussedwith reference to compartmental models for the ionic relationsof Dunaiiella. Key words: X-ray microanalysis, ultrastructural studies, Dunaliella parva  相似文献   
Abstract Cytoplasmic concentrations, fluxes of K+, Na+ and Cl and microsomal membrane lipids were investigated in a salt-sensitive and salt-resistant variety of Zea mays. The salt resistance of Protador relative to LGH (salt-sensitive) appears to be related to higher K+ fluxes and cytoplasmic concentrations, and lower Na+ and Cl fluxes and cytoplasmic concentrations, when grown in NaCl. There were no apparent differences in the simple chemical composition of root microsomal membrane lipids between the two varicties, neither were these affected by salt.  相似文献   
A stereological analysis of cells from the mesophyll, vascularbundles and central parenchyma in leaves of the halophyte Suaedamaritima (L.) Dum is described. The volume fraction of vacuolewas greater in plants grown under saline conditions when comparedwith those under non-saline conditions, and there was a concurrentincrease in the surface density of the tonoplast. The volumefraction of chloroplasts and cell wall fell under saline conditions,while that of the intercellular spaces increased. Salinizationof the growth medium was accompanied by a large increase inthe fraction of the cell volume occupied by the mitochondria:the increase in surface density of mitochondrial membranes wassome 72% when averaged over all the cell types analysed. Key words: Salt tolerance, Halophyte, Suaeda maritima, Stereology  相似文献   
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