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The diet of the viperine snake was compared with food availability in the Ebro Delta, a wetland largely occupied by rice fields, in 1990 and 1991. Snake selection of prey type and size was studied seasonally and by snake group: males, females and immature snakes. Overall, feeding activity (percentage of individuals with prey and number of prey per stomach) increased with food availability. Diet analysis showed that viperine snakes mainly foraged on the green frog Rana perezi (adults and tadpoles) and the carp Cyprinus earpio. Conversely, viperine snakes rejected the mosquito fish Gambusia holbroki which is the most abundant species in autumn, when Natrix maura has a low feeding activity. Statistical comparisons between viperine snake diet and prey availability showed that males selected small carp, immature snakes selected tadpoles and, in spring, females selected frogs. The selection of small carp by males may reflect a sexual divergence of trophic niche related to sexual size dimorphism, as females are larger than males. As tadpoles are presumably easier to catch than fish, tadpole selection by immature individuals may reflect variance in capture abilities. In spring, the selection of frogs by females overlapped with vitellogenesis, suggesting that females compensate for the cost of reproduction by selecting green frogs, which have a greater biomass and higher energy content than fish. Carps eaten in spring were smaller than in summer. Moreover, in summer viperine snakes selected smaller carp than the available mean size. This divergent tendency between carp size selection and carp size availability reveals how seasonal diet shifts in prey size selection may be a response to an increase in prey size.  相似文献   


Plants trigger and tailor defense responses after perception of the oral secretions (OS) of attacking specialist lepidopteran larvae. Fatty acid-amino acid conjugates (FACs) in the OS of the Manduca sexta larvae are necessary and sufficient to elicit the herbivory-specific responses in Nicotiana attenuata, an annual wild tobacco species. How FACs are perceived and activate signal transduction mechanisms is unknown.  相似文献   
Observations on the behavior of living hominoids show generic differences in the use and posture of the wrist joint. Both orang-utans and hylobatids usually use the wrist in suspensory behaviors. However, orang-utans emphasize markedly adducted and flexed wrist postures, while hylobatids emphasize violent forearm and wrist rotation. African apes, especially the gorilla, use the wrist more frequently than other hominoids for terrestrial quadrupedal weight-bearing. Humans use the wrist less frequently for supportive purposes than do other hominoids. These behavioral differences correspond to structural specializations in the proximal carpal joint of each of the hominoid genera. Although each of the hominoid genera has apparently modified its proximal carpal joint best to serve its characteristic behaviors, all hominoids share a unique proximal carpal joint that permits approximately 160ℴ of forearm rotation. The hylobatid proximal carpal joint is specialized in exhibiting a marked development of those structures limiting forearm rotation, but it is in most respects the least derived— that is, closest to the nonhominoid anthropoids. Chimpanzees show a proximal carpal joint that is more generalized than those of the other great apes but more derived than that of hylobatids. The human and gorilla proximal wrist joints, on the other hand, show marked modifications for weight-bearing in terrestrial behaviors. Orang-utans have the most derived proximal carpal joint, which in many respects parallels that of the slow-climbing nonhominoid primates. The comparative anatomy and structural specializations of the wrist joint support (a) an early divergence of hylobatids from the common hominoid stock, (b) a common ancestry for gorillas and humans separate from the other hominoids, and (c) a long independent evolutionary period for orang-utans since their divergence from the common hominoid stock, or one that was marked by strong selection pressures for wrist specializations. Unfortunately, the generalized condition of the chimpanzee’s wrist joint and the very derived condition of the orang-utan wrist provide uncertain evidence as to which of the two was first to diverge from the common hominoid stock. Identification of hominoid wrist specializations as reflecting real phylogenetic relationships or parallelisms depends on how well the phytogeny inferred from wrist morphology accords with those arrived at from the study of other systems.  相似文献   
The plantar process of the tuber calcanei among pongids and hominids serves as the origin for the superficial head of the flexor digitorum brevis muscle (FDB). In a survey of the soft tissues and osteology of the foot in a diverse number of anthropoid genera, it was found that a large superficial head of the FDB is associated with a large inflated plantar process (heel process). A large FDB with a separate calcaneal origin allows toe flexion independent of foot position. This type of movement allows an animal to reach and grasp or hang by its feet during slow deliberate climbing. The presence of á heel process in anthropoids and in nonprimate mammals is correlated with those animals which are slow climbers or are likely descended from slow-climbing forms. The presence of a heel process in humans and in pongids implies that the common pongid-hominid ancestor was most likely a slow climber. In fossil catarrhines the presence of a heel process can be interpreted either as evidence of slow-climbing behavior or as a heritage feature from a slow-climbing ancestor.  相似文献   
Rhizobia are soil bacteria which symbiotically infect legume roots and generate nodules in which they fix atmospheric nitrogen for the plant in exchange for photosynthetically fixed carbon. A crucial aspect of signal exchange between these symbionts is the secretion of phenolic compounds by the host root which induce nodulation gene expression in the bacteria. Stimulation of nod gene expression by host phenolics is required for nodule formation, is biochemically specific at 10-6 M, and is mediated by nodD. We and others have shown that rhizobia display chemotaxis to 10-9 M of the same phenolic compounds. Chemotaxis to inducer phenolics is selectively reduced or abolished by mutations in certain nod genes governing nodulation efficiency or host specificity. Conversely, mutations in rhizobia that affect general motility or chemotaxis have substantial effects on nodulation efficiency and competitiveness. These findings suggest that microbes entering the rhizosphere environment may utilize minor, non-nutrient components in root exudates as signals to guide their movement towards the root surface and elicit changes in gene expression appropriate to this environment.  相似文献   
R. Garcés  C. Sarmiento  M. Mancha 《Planta》1994,193(4):473-477
For the first time, an active fatty-acid metabolism is indicated for triacylglycerols (TAG) of developing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds. When the developing seeds were transferred to low temperature, the total amount of oleate found in TAG decreased as that of linoleate increased, while the contents of total lipids and TAG remained unchanged. These results suggest that oleate from TAG was used for desaturation. This occurred first in microsomal TAG, but after a long cold period it was observed mainly in the oil-body fraction. Thesn-2 position of TAG was preferentially enriched in linoleate. Apparently, more linoleate than necesary for the maintenance of membrane fluidity was synthesized at the expense of TAG oleate.  相似文献   
Multiple endonuclease digestion of template DNA or amplification products can increase significantly the detection of polymorphic DNA in fingerprints generated by multiple arbitrary amplicon profiling (MAAP). This coupling of endonuclease cleavage and amplification of arbitrary stretches of DNA, directed by short oligonucleotide primers, readily allowed distinction of closely related fungal and bacterial isolates and plant cultivars. MAAP analysis of cleaved template DNA enabled the identification of molecular markers linked to a developmental locus of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill). Ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS)-induced supernodulating, near-isogenic lines altered in the nts locus, which controls nodule formation, could be distinguished from each other and from the parent cultivar by amplification of template pre-digested with 2–3 restriction enzymes. A total of 42 DNA polymorphisms were detected using only 19 octamer primers. In the absence of digestion, 25 primers failed to differentiate these soybean genotypes. Several polymorphic products co-segregated tightly with the nts locus in F2 families from crosses between the allelic mutants nts382 and nts1007 and the ancestral G. soja Sieb. & Succ. PI468.397. Our results suggest that EMS is capable of inducing extensive DNA alterations, probably around discrete mutational hot-spots. EMS-induced DNA polymorphisms may constitute sequence-tagged markers diagnostic of specific genomic regions.  相似文献   
Ecosystems - Frugivory and seed dispersal by fish is an important mutualistic interaction in complex and species-rich tropical rivers. The local ecological knowledge (LEK) held by fishers can...  相似文献   
Frataxin is a kinetic activator of the mitochondrial supercomplex for iron-sulfur cluster assembly. Low frataxin expression or a decrease in its functionality results in Friedreich's Ataxia (FRDA). With the aim of creating new molecular tools to study this metabolic pathway, and ultimately, to explore new therapeutic strategies, we have investigated the possibility of obtaining small proteins exhibiting a high affinity for frataxin. In this study, we applied the ribosome display approach, using human frataxin as the target. We focused on Affi_224, one of the proteins that we were able to select after five rounds of selection. We have studied the interaction between both proteins and discussed some applications of this specific molecular tutor, concerning the modulation of the supercomplex activity. Affi_224 and frataxin showed a KD value in the nanomolar range, as judged by surface plasmon resonance analysis. Most likely, it binds to the frataxin acidic ridge, as suggested by the analysis of chemical shift perturbations (nuclear magnetic resonance) and computational simulations. Affi_224 was able to increase Cys NFS1 desulfurase activation exerted by the FRDA frataxin variant G130V. Importantly, Affi_224 interacts with frataxin in a human cellular model. Our results suggest quaternary addition may be a new tool to modulate frataxin function in vivo. Nevertheless, more functional experiments under physiological conditions should be carried out to evaluate Affi_224 effectiveness in FRDA cell models.  相似文献   
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