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Structures have been determined for bilirubin-IXalpha conjugates in freshly collected bile of normal rats, dogs and man and in post-obstructive bile of man and rats. The originally secreted conjugate has been characterized as azopigment (I), i.e. a 1-O-acyl-beta-d-glucopyranuronic acid glycoside. Conversion of the acetylated methyl ester of azopigment (I) into methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1-bromo-1-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranuronate (V) indicates the pyranose ring structure for the carbohydrate and a C-1 attachment for the bilirubin-IXalpha acyl group. Alternative procedures for deconjugation of azopigment (I) and its derivatives are also described. In post-obstructive bile, the 1-O-acylglucuronide is converted into 2-, 3- and 4-O-acylglucuronides via sequential intramolecular migrations of the bilirubin acyl group. The following approach was utilized. (1) The tetrapyrrole conjugates were cleaved to dipyrrolic aniline and ethyl anthranilate azopigments, and the azopigments were separated as the acids or methyl esters. (2) The isomeric methyl esters were characterized by mass spectral analysis of the acetates and silyl ethers. (3) The free glycosidic function was demonstrated by 1-oxime and 1-methoxime derivative formation. (4) The position of the dipyrrolic O-acyl group was determined for the methyl esters by protecting the free hydroxyl groups of the glucuronic acid moieties as the acetals formed with ethyl vinyl ether and by further conversion of the carbohydrates into partially methylated alditol acetates. These were analysed by using g.l.c.-mass spectrometry. The relevance of the present results with regard to previous reports on disaccharidic conjugates is discussed. Details of procedures for the formation of chemical derivatives for g.l.c. and mass spectrometry have been deposited as Supplementary Publication SUP 50081 (15 pages) at the British Library Lending Division, Boston Spa, West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ, U.K., from whom copies can be obtained on the terms indicated in Biochem. J. (1978), 169, 5.  相似文献   
Spectrophotometric and paper chromatographic analyses of the pigments in the phytoplankton were made from early spring till the end of summer in two small Dutch freshwater lakes. It was found that pigment diversity cannot be adequately estimated by MARGALEF'S pigment ratio nor by polychromatic spectrophotometric methods. The pigments detected with the paper chromatographic method were: chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b, chlorophyll-c, phaeophytin-a (traces), phaeophorbide-a, Mg-containing chlorophyll-derivatives, carotene, lutein, violaxanthin, neoxanthin (traces), fucoxanthin, diadinoxanthin, diatoxanthin (traces), peridinin and keto-carotenoids (traces). It is suggested to distinguish between a richness-component and an evenness-component of pigment diversity.  相似文献   
Lipid profiles of three strains (Mexico, Australia, Japan) of Chattonella marina (Subrahmanyan) Hara et Chihara were studied under defined growth (phosphate, light, and growth phase) and harvest (intact and ruptured cells) conditions. Triacylglycerol levels were always <2%, sterols <7%, free fatty acids varied between 2 and 33%, and polar lipids were the most abundant lipid class (>51% of total lipids). The major fatty acids in C. marina were palmitic (16:0), eicosapentaenoic (EPA, 20:5ω3), octadecatetraenoic (18:4ω3), myristic (14:0), and palmitoleic (16:1ω7c) acids. Higher levels of EPA were found in ruptured cells (21.4–29.4%) compared to intact cells (8.5–25.3%). In general, Japanese N‐118 C. marina was the highest producer of EPA (14.3–29.4%), and Mexican CMCV‐1 the lowest producer (7.9–27.1%). Algal cultures, free fatty acids from C. marina, and the two aldehydes 2E,4E‐decadienal and 2E,4E‐heptadienal (suspected fatty acid‐derived products) were tested against the rainbow trout fish gill cell line RTgill‐W1. The configuration of fatty acids plays an important role in ichthyotoxicity. Free fatty acid fractions, obtained by base saponification of total lipids from C. marina showed a potent toxicity toward gill cells (median lethal concentration, LC50 (at 1 h) of 0.44 μg · mL?1 in light conditions, with a complete loss of viability at >3.2 μg · mL?1). Live cultures of Mexican C. marina were less toxic than Japanese and Australian strains. This difference could be related to differing EPA content, superoxide anion production, and cell fragility. The aldehydes 2E,4E‐decadienal and 2E,4E‐heptadienal also showed high impact on gill cell viability, with LC50 (at 1 h) of 0.34 and 0.36 μg · mL?1, respectively. Superoxide anion production was highest in Australian strain CMPL01, followed by Japanese N‐118 and Mexican CMCV‐1 strains. Ruptured cells showed higher production of superoxide anion compared to intact cells (e.g., 19 vs. 9.5 pmol · cell?1 · hr?1 for CMPL01, respectively). Our results indicate that C. marina is more ichthyotoxic after cell disruption and when switching from dark to light conditions, possibly associated with a higher production of superoxide anion and EPA, which may be quickly oxidized to produce more toxic derivates, such as aldehydes.  相似文献   
Microalgal bloom events can cause major ecosystem disturbances, devastate local marine economies, and endanger public health. Therefore, detecting and monitoring harmful microalgal taxa is essential to ensure effective risk management in waterways used for fisheries, aquaculture, recreational activity, and shipping. To fully understand the current status and future direction of algal bloom distributions, we need to know how populations and ecosystems have changed over time. This baseline knowledge is critical for predicting ecosystem responses to future anthropogenic change and will assist in the future management of coastal ecosystems. We explore a NGS metabarcoding approach to rapidly identify potentially harmful microalgal taxa in 63 historic and modern Australian marine port and ballast tank sediment samples. The results provide a record of past microalgal distribution and important baseline data that can be used to assess the efficacy of shipping guidelines, nutrient pollution mitigation, and predict the impact of climate change. Critically, eDNA surveys of archived sediments were able to detect harmful algal taxa that do not produce microscopic fossils, such as Chattonella, Heterosigma, Karlodinium, and Noctiluca. Our data suggest a potential increase in Australian harmful microalgal taxa over the past 30 years, and confirm ship ballast tanks as key dispersal vectors. These molecular mapping tools will assist in the creation of policies aimed at reducing the global increase and spread of harmful algal taxa and help prevent economic and public‐health problems caused by harmful algal blooms.  相似文献   
We characterized the physical/chemical conditions and the algal and bacterial assemblages in ballast water from 62 ballast tanks aboard 28 ships operated by the U.S. Military Sealift Command and the Maritime Administration, sampled at 9 ports on the U.S. West Coast and 4 ports on the U.S. East Coast. The ballast tank waters had been held for 2–176 days, and 90% of the tanks had undergone ballast exchange with open ocean waters. Phytoplankton abundance was highly variable (grand mean for all tanks, 3.21 × 104 viable cells m−3; median, 7.9 × 103 cells m−3) and was unrelated to physical/chemical parameters, except for a positive relationship between centric diatom abundance and nitrate concentration. A total of 100 phytoplankton species were identified from the ballast tanks, including 23 potentially harmful taxa (e.g. Chaetoceros concavicornis, Dinophysis acuminata, Gambierdiscus toxicus, Heterosigma akashiwo, Karlodinium veneficum, Prorocentrum minimum, Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries). Assemblages were dominated by chain-forming diatoms and dinoflagellates, and viable organisms comprised about half of the total cells. Species richness was higher in ballast tanks with coastal water, and in tanks containing Atlantic or Pacific Ocean source waters rather than Indian Ocean water. Total and viable phytoplankton numbers decreased with age of water in the tanks. Diversity also generally decreased with water age, and tanks with ballast water age >33 days did not produce culturable phytoplankton. Abundance was significantly higher in tanks with recently added coastal water than in tanks without coastal sources, but highly variable in waters held less than 30 days. Bacterial abundance was significantly lower in ballast tanks with Atlantic than Pacific Ocean source water, but otherwise was surprisingly consistent among ballast tanks (overall mean across all tanks, 3.13 ± 1.27 × 1011 cells m−3; median, 2.79 × 1011 cells m−3) and was unrelated to vessel type, exchange status, age of water, environmental conditions measured, or phytoplankton abundance. At least one of four pathogenic eubacteria (Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa) was detected in 48% of the ballast tanks, but toxigenic strains of Vibrio cholerae were not detected. For ships with tanks of similar ballasting history, the largest source of variation in phytoplankton and bacteria abundance was among ships; for ships with tanks of differing ballasting histories, and for all ships/tanks considered collectively, the largest source of variation was within ships. Significant differences in phytoplankton abundance, but not bacterial abundance, sometimes occurred between paired tanks with similar ballasting history; hence, for regulatory purposes phytoplankton abundance cannot be estimated from single tanks only. Most tanks (94%) had adequate records to determine the source locations and age of the ballast water and, as mentioned, 90% had had ballast exchange with open-ocean waters. Although additional data are needed from sediments that can accumulate at the bottom of ballast tanks, the data from this water-column study indicate that in general, U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) ships are well managed to minimize the risk for introduction of harmful microbiota. Nevertheless, abundances of viable phytoplankton with maximum dimension >50 μm exceeded proposed International Maritime Organization standards in 47% of the ballast tanks sampled. The data suggest that further treatment technologies and/or alternative management strategies will be necessary to enable DoD vessels to comply with proposed standards.  相似文献   
Localized and propagating surface plasmon resonances are known to show very pronounced interactions if they are simultaneously excited in the same nanostructure. Here, we study the Fano interference that occurs between localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) and propagating surface plasmon polariton (SPP) modes by means of phase-sensitive spectroscopic ellipsometry. The sample structures consist of periodic gratings of gold nanodisks on top of a continuous gold layer and a thin dielectric spacer, in which the structural dimensions were tuned in such a way that the dipolar LSPR mode and the propagating SPP modes are excited in the same spectral region. We observe pronounced anti-crossing and strongly asymmetric line shapes when both modes move to each other’s vicinity, accompanied of largely increased phase differences between the respective plasmon resonances. Moreover, we show that the anti-crossing can be exploited to increase the refractive index sensitivity of the localized modes dramatically, which result in largely increased values for the figure-of-merit which reaches values between 24 and 58 for the respective plasmon modes.  相似文献   
Between May 2000 and February 2001, a major bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum (a causative organism of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning, PSP) affected over 1500 km of coastline of New Zealand’s North Island. As this was the first record of this species in New Zealand, we aimed to resolve whether this represented a recent introduction/spreading event or perhaps an indigenous cryptic species stimulated by environmental/climatic change. To answer this question, we analysed for G. catenatum resting cysts in 210Pb dated sediment cores (18–34 cm long; sedimentation rates 0.34–0.69 cm per year) collected by SCUBA divers from Manukau Harbour, where the species was first detected, and from Hokianga Harbour, where the highest shellfish toxicity was recorded, while using Wellington Harbour as a well-monitored control site. The results of this study conclusively demonstrate that abundant G. catenatum has been in northern New Zealand at least since the early 1980s, increasing up to 1200 cysts/g around the year 2000, but with low cyst concentrations possibly present since at least 1937. In contrast, Wellington Harbour cores contained only very sparse G. catenatum cysts (8 cysts/g), present only to a depth of 7 cm (surface mixed layer depth), reflecting an apparent recent range expansion of this dinoflagellate in New Zealand, possibly stimulated by unusual climatic conditions associated with the 2000 La Nina event. The significant increases since the early 1980s also of Protoperidinium cysts at Hokianga Harbour and of Gonyaulax, Protoperidinium and Protoceratium cysts at Manukau Harbour suggest a broad scale environmental change has occurred in Northland, New Zealand.  相似文献   
GRP78, a molecular chaperone with critical endoplasmic reticulum functions, is aberrantly expressed on the surface of cancer cells, including prostate and melanoma. Here it functions as a pro-proliferative and anti-apoptotic signaling receptor via NH2-terminal domain ligation. Auto-antibodies to this domain may appear in cancer patient serum where they are a poor prognostic indicator. Conversely, GRP78 COOH-terminal domain ligation is pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative. There is no method to disrupt cell-surface GRP78 without compromising the total GRP78 pool, making it difficult to study cell-surface GRP78 function. We studied six cell lines representing three cancer types. One cell line per group expresses high levels of cell-surface GRP78, and the other expresses low levels (human hepatoma: Hep3B and HepG2; human prostate cancer: PC3 and 1-LN; murine melanoma: B16F0 and B16F1). We investigated the effect of Escherichia coli subtilase cytoxin catalytic subunit (SubA) on GRP78. We report that SubA specifically cleaves cell-surface GRP78 on HepG2, 1-LN, and B16F1 cells without affecting intracellular GRP78. B16F0 cells (GRP78low) have lower amounts of cleaved cell-surface GRP78. SubA has no effect on Hep3B and PC3 cells. The predicted 28-kDa GRP78 COOH-terminal fragment is released into the culture medium by SubA treatment, and COOH-terminal domain signal transduction is abrogated, whereas pro-proliferative signaling mediated through NH2-terminal domain ligation is unaffected. These experiments clarify cell-surface GRP78 topology and demonstrate that the COOH-terminal domain is necessary for pro-apoptotic signal transduction occurring upon COOH-terminal antibody ligation. SubA is a powerful tool to specifically probe the functions of cell-surface GRP78.  相似文献   
The widespread coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) W. W. Hay et H. Mohler plays a pivotal role in the carbon pump and is known to exhibit significant morphological, genetic, and physiological diversity. In this study, we compared photosynthetic pigments and morphology of triplicate strains of Southern Ocean types A and B/C. The two morphotypes differed in width of coccolith distal shield elements (0.11–0.24 μm, type A; 0.06–0.12 μm, type B/C) and morphology of distal shield central area (grill of curved rods in type A; thin plain plate in type B/C) and showed differences in carotenoid composition. The mean 19′‐hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (Hex):chl a ratio in type B/C was >1, whereas the type A ratio was <1. The Hex:fucoxanthin (fuc) ratio for type B/C was 11 times greater than that for type A, and the proportion of fuc in type A was 6 times higher than that in type B/C. The fuc derivative 4‐keto‐19′‐hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (4‐keto‐hex) was present in type A but undetected in B/C. DNA sequencing of tufA distinguished morphotypes A, B/C (indistinguishable from B), and R, while little variation was observed within morphotypes. Thirty single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified in the 710 bp tufA sequence, of which 10 alleles were unique to B/C and B morphotypes, seven alleles were unique to type A, and six alleles were unique to type R. We propose that the morphologically, physiologically, and genetically distinct Southern Ocean type B/C sensu Young et al. (2003) be classified as E. huxleyi var. aurorae var. nov. S. S. Cook et Hallegr.  相似文献   
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