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This paper describes the discovery of novel α-L-fucosidases and evaluation of their potential to catalyse the transglycosylation reaction leading to production of fucosylated human milk oligosaccharides. Seven novel α-L-fucosidase-encoding genes were identified by functional screening of a soil-derived metagenome library and expressed in E. coli as recombinant 6xHis-tagged proteins. All seven fucosidases belong to glycosyl hydrolase family 29 (GH 29). Six of the seven α-L-fucosidases were substrate-inhibited, moderately thermostable and most hydrolytically active in the pH range 6–7, when tested with para-nitrophenyl-α-L-fucopyranoside (pNP-Fuc) as the substrate. In contrast, one fucosidase (Mfuc6) exhibited a high pH optimum and an unusual sigmoidal kinetics towards pNP-Fuc substrate. When tested for trans-fucosylation activity using pNP-Fuc as donor, most of the enzymes were able to transfer fucose to pNP-Fuc (self-condensation) or to lactose. With the α-L-fucosidase from Thermotoga maritima and the metagenome-derived Mfuc5, different fucosyllactose variants including the principal fucosylated HMO 2’-fucosyllactose were synthesised in yields of up to ~6.4%. Mfuc5 was able to release fucose from xyloglucan and could also use it as a fucosyl-donor for synthesis of fucosyllactose. This is the first study describing the use of glycosyl hydrolases for the synthesis of genuine fucosylated human milk oligosaccharides.  相似文献   
Visual species identification of cetacean strandings is difficult, especially when dead specimens are degraded and/or species are morphologically similar. The two recognised pilot whale species (Globicephala melas and Globicephala macrorhynchus) are sympatric in the North Atlantic Ocean. These species are very similar in external appearance and their morphometric characteristics partially overlap; thus visual identification is not always reliable. Genetic species identification ensures correct identification of specimens. Here we have employed one mitochondrial (D-Loop region) and eight nuclear loci (microsatellites) as genetic markers to identify six stranded pilot whales found in Galicia (Northwest Spain), one of them of ambiguous phenotype. DNA analyses yielded positive amplification of all loci and enabled species identification. Nuclear microsatellite DNA genotypes revealed mixed ancestry for one individual, identified as a post-F1 interspecific hybrid employing two different Bayesian methods. From the mitochondrial sequence the maternal species was Globicephala melas. This is the first hybrid documented between Globicephala melas and G. macrorhynchus, and the first post-F1 hybrid genetically identified between cetaceans, revealing interspecific genetic introgression in marine mammals. We propose to add nuclear loci to genetic databases for cetacean species identification in order to detect hybrid individuals.  相似文献   
The interaction between rat mammary gland thioesterase II and fatty acid synthetase has been studied by a variety of physicochemical techniques. Pyrene-labeled thioesterase II does not exhibit increased fluorescence anisotropy when mixed with fatty acid synthetase, suggesting that the enzymes do not readily form a complex. Nevertheless, the functional interaction between the enzymes can be easily demonstrated by observing the hydrolysis, by unmodified thioesterase II, of acyl chains from their thioester linkage to the 4-phosphopantetheine of the fatty acid synthetase. This hydrolytic reaction is not inhibited even in the presence of a large excess of fatty acid synthetase with vacant 4'-phosphopantetheine thiols, indicating that interaction occurs only between thioesterase and fatty acid synthetase species which carry acyl chains on the 4'-phosphopantetheine thiols. A novel model system was devised which allowed us to explore the nature of the physical interaction between the two enzymes under conditions where the synthetase was actively engaged in acyl chain assembly. Fatty acid synthetase was treated with phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride to inhibit its resident thioesterase activity, immobilized via a specific antibody to a column of Sepharose 4B, and exposed to the substrates required for acyl-enzyme assembly. When thioesterase II was introduced to the column, it passed through unretarded even though it efficiently catalyzed hydrolysis of the immobilized S-acyl synthetase en route. These results indicate that the two enzymes associate when an acyl chain is present on the synthetase and that they dissociate rapidly following completion of the catalytic process. Thus, the mammary system differs from that of the avian uropygial gland in which the two enzymes associate to form a stable complex even in the absence of substrates.  相似文献   
Hydroxyl radicals (OH.) in free solution react with scavengers at rates predictable from their known second-order rate constants. However, when OH. radicals are produced in biological systems by metal-ion-dependent Fenton-type reactions scavengers do not always appear to conform to these established rate constants. The detector molecules deoxyribose and benzoate were used to study damage by OH. involving a hydrogen-abstraction reaction and an aromatic hydroxylation. In the presence of EDTA the rate constant for the reaction of scavengers with OH. was generally higher than in the absence of EDTA. This radiomimetic effect of EDTA can be explained by the removal of iron from the detector molecule, where it brings about a site-specific reaction, by EDTA allowing more OH. radicals to escape into free solution to react with added scavengers. The deoxyribose assay, although chemically complex, in the presence of EDTA appears to give a simple and cheap method of obtaining rate constants for OH. reactions that compare well with those obtained by using pulse radiolysis.  相似文献   
Medium-chain fatty acid synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 18p- syndrome. Report of two cases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Rice grown under flooded conditions consistently produces better vegetative growth and higher grain yields than when grown in unflooded culture. Physiological and nutritional differences in rice grown under these two conditions were determined. Growth observations showed that plants under unflooded culture made an initial vigorous start, but soon showed poor tillering, depressed leaf growth, delayed flowering, low moisture content, foliar chlorosis, and 52.6 per cent lower yield than flooded plants.Chemical analysis emphasized the higher manganese content of plants grown under unflooded culture with no significant differences in other elements. Plants grown in nutrient cultures and under field conditions gave evidence that nitrate nitrogen nutrition, as exists for plants under unflooded conditions, favored manganese accumulation.Growth responses suggest differences in auxin metabolism. Since auxins could not be estimated directly, some factors affecting auxin degradation were investigated. It was found that plants grown under unflooded conditions had: 1) a low catalase activity, and: 2) a high peroxidase activity, which favor accelerated auxin degradation. It is proposed that high manganese levels in plants grown under unflooded conditions affects the indoleacetic acid oxidase mechanism resulting in retarded growth and depressed grain yields.  相似文献   
Two acidic chitinase isoforms, SP1 and SP2, have been purified to homogeneity from leaves of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) infected with Cercospora beticola. SP1 and SP2 are extracellular proteins with an apparent molecular mass of 35 kDa and an approximate pI of 4.2. Since the only major difference was slightly diverging M r's, only the SP2 chitinase was further characterized. Partial amino acid sequence data for SP2 was used to generate a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) clone employed for the isolation of a cDNA clone encoding SP2. SP2 exhibits significant structural identity with the class IV chitinases from sugar beet, rapeseed, bean and maize, but differs from the other members of this class in having a longer hinge region, comprising 22 amino acid residues, with a repeated TTP motif. Western blotting analyses, using antibody raised against SP2, demonstrated an induction of SP protein during infection with C. beticola. The induction was very local, with high protein accumulation found close to the infection site only. Amino acid compositional analysis of SP2 revealed that five out of fourteen prolines are hydroxylated. No glucosamine or galactosamine residues are present. Evidence was obtained that SP2 is glycosylated with a limited number (7) of xylose residues: (1) SP2 was stained with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reagent, (2) electrospray mass spectrometry on SP2 gave a series of M r's with a consistent increase between two molecular masses of 132 Da, (3) SP2 was recognized by an antibody specific for -1,4-D-xylopyranose. The vacuolar class I chitinases A and B in tobacco have recently been shown to comprise a new class of hydroxyproline-containing proteins (Sticher et al., Science 257 (1992) 655–657). The SP2 chitinase differs from these in being glycosylated and, thus, represents a novel type of hydroxyproline-containing glycoproteins in plants.  相似文献   
A protocol was developed combining non-radioactive in situ hybridization histochemistry with enzyme based immunohistochemistry, detect the expression of mRNA in phenotypically defined neurons. Freefloating brain sections were hybridized with the oligonucleotide probes which have been 3-end labelled with biotin-11-dUTP. The hybridized probe was visualized by a combined avidin-biotin bridge method, anti-avidin immunohistochemistry, and horseradish peroxidase detection using diaminobenzidine as a substrate. The in situ hybridization step yielded a very stable reaction product enabling subsequent immunohistochemical reactions using horseradish peroxidase and benzidine dihydrochloride as a chromogen. Magnocellular neurons of the hypothalamo-neurophypophysial system synthesize either vasopressin or oxytocin; water deprivation and chronic saline ingestion are potent stimuli for the expression of both of the genes encoding these neuropeptides. A number of other neuropeptides with putative transmitter action are synthesized in magnocellular neurons during such stimulation. Experiments were performed to explore whether neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity is present within magnocellular vasopressin mRNA-expressing neurons of the hypothalamo-neurophypophysial system. The results clearly demonstrated that neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive elements were present within a number of magnocellular vasopressin mRNA-containing cells. In addition, immunohistochemical detection of the neuropeptides ocytocin and cholecystokinin was carried out on sections hybridized non-radioactively for vasopressin; as expected vasopressin mRNA did not co-exist with cholecystokinin, whereas a few oxytocin immunoreactive neurons in osmotically stimulated animals also contained vasopressin mRNA. The developed method makes possible the immunohistochemical detection of intracellular antigens with concomitant detection of intracellular mRNA.  相似文献   
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