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Membrane transport pathways for transplacental transfer of the water-soluble vitamin pantothenate were investigated by assessing the possible presence of a Na(+)-pantothenate cotransport mechanism in the maternal facing membrane of human placental epithelial cells. The presence of Na(+)-pantothenate cotransport was determined from radiolabeled tracer flux measurements of pantothenate uptake using preparations of purified brush-border membrane vesicles. Compared with other cations the imposition of an inward Na+ gradient stimulated vesicle uptake of pantothenate to levels approximately 40-fold greater than those observed at equilibrium. The observed stimulation of pantothenate uptake was not the result of indirect electrostatic coupling to an inside positive Na+ diffusion potential. In the absence of Na+ and pantothenate concentration gradients an inside negative voltage difference induced a Na(+)-dependent net influx of pantothenate, suggesting the presence of an electrogenic Na(+)-pantothenate cotransport mechanism. The effect of biotin on the kinetics of Na(+)-dependent pantothenate uptake and the effect of pantothenate on the kinetics of Na(+)-dependent biotin uptake suggested that placental absorption of biotin and pantothenate from the maternal circulation occurs by a common Na+ cotransport mechanism in apical brush-border membrane.  相似文献   
Historic samples of phytoplankton can provide information on the abundance of the toxigenic genotypes of cyanobacteria in dependence on increased or decreased eutrophication. The analysis of a time-series from preserved phytoplankton samples by quantitative PCR (qPCR) extends observation periods considerably. The analysis of DNA from heat-desiccated samples by qPCR can be aggravated by point substitutions or the fragmentation of DNA introduced by the high temperature. In this study, we analyzed whether the heat desiccation of the cellular material of the cyanobacterium Planktothrix sp. introduced potential errors to the template DNA that is used for qPCR within (i) 16S rDNA and phycocyanin genes and (ii) the mcyA gene indicative of the incorporation of either dehydrobutyrine (Dhb) or N-methyl-dehydroalanine (Mdha) in position 7, and (ii) the mcyB gene, which is indicative of homotyrosine (Hty) in position 2 of the microcystin (MC) molecule. Due to high temperature desiccation, the deterioration of the DNA template quality was rather due to fragmentation than due to nucleotide substitutions. By using the heat-desiccated samples of Lake Zürich, Switzerland the abundance of the Dhb, Mdha and Hty genotypes was determined during three decades (1977-2008). Despite major changes in the trophic state of the lake resulting in a major increase of the total Planktothrix population density, the proportion of these genotypes encoding the synthesis of different MC congeners showed high stability. Nevertheless, a decline of the most abundant mcyA genotype indicative of the synthesis of Dhb in position 7 of the MC molecule was observed. This decline could be related to the gradual incline in the proportion of a mutant genotype carrying a 1.8kbp deletion of this gene region. The increase of this mcyA (Dhb) gene deletion mutant has been minor so far, however, and likely did not affect the overall toxicity of the population.  相似文献   
We investigated the morphology, phylogeny of the 18S rDNA, and pH response of Oxytricha acidotolerans sp. nov. and Urosomoida sp. (Ciliophora, Hypotricha) isolated from two chemically similar acid mining lakes (pH  2.6) located at Langau, Austria, and in Lusatia, Germany. Oxytricha acidotolerans sp. nov. from Langau has 18 frontal-ventral-transverse cirri but a very indistinct kinety 3 fragmentation so that the assignment to Oxytricha is uncertain. The somewhat smaller species from Lusatia has a highly variable cirral pattern and the dorsal kineties arranged in the Urosomoida pattern and is, therefore, preliminary designated as Urosomoida sp. The pH response was measured as ciliate growth rates in laboratory experiments at pH ranging from 2.5 to 7.0. Our hypothesis was that the shape of the pH reaction norm would not differ between these closely related (3% difference in their SSU rDNA) species. Results revealed a broad pH niche for O. acidotolerans, with growth rates peaking at moderately acidic conditions (pH 5.2). Cyst formation was positively and linearly related to pH. Urosomoida sp. was more sensitive to pH and did not survive at circumneutral pH. Accordingly, we reject our hypothesis that similar habitats would harbour ciliate species with virtually identical pH reaction norm.  相似文献   
We have recently reported that glycation can be exploited to increase the circumferential tensile stiffness and ultimate tensile strength of media-equivalents (MEs) and increase their resistance to collagenolytic degradation, all without loss of cell viability (Girton et al., 1999). The glycated MEs were fabricated by entrapping high passage adult rat aorta SMCs in collagen gel made from pepsin-digested bovine dermal collagen, and incubated for up to 10 weeks in complete medium with 30 mM ribose added. We report here on experiments showing that ME compaction due to traction exerted by the SMCs with consequent alignment of collagen fibrils was necessary to realize the glycation-mediated stiffening and strengthening, but that synthesis of extracellular matrix constituents by these cells likely contributed little, even when 50 micrograms/ml ascorbate was added to the medium. These glycated MEs exhibited a compliance similar to arteries, but possessed less tensile strength and much less burst strength. MEs fabricated with low rather than high passage adult rat aorta SMCs possessed almost ten times greater tensile strength, suggesting that alternative SMCs sources and biopolymer gels may yield sufficient strength by compositional remodeling prior to implantation in addition to the structural remodeling (i.e., circumferential alignment) already obtained.  相似文献   
Objective: The recently described adipokine visfatin is produced in visceral fat and has been suggested to influence insulin resistance. To investigate whether visfatin concentrations are related to changes in body weight, this adipokine was measured in insulin‐resistant severely obese patients before and after gastroplastic surgery. Research Methods and Procedures: Visfatin, interleukin‐6, high‐sensitivity C‐reactive protein, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA‐IR), and other clinical parameters were assessed in 36 severely obese subjects (28 female; mean age, 43 years) with a median BMI of 44.3 kg/m2 (95% confidence interval, 43.3 to 48.1 kg/m2). Results: After surgery, BMI decreased to a median of 31.9 kg/m2 (30.1 to 35.1 kg/m2) (p < 0.0001). Median visfatin concentrations increased significantly after weight loss [70.9 ng/mL (61.4 to 75.6 ng/mL) vs. 86.4 ng/mL (79.4 to 89.8 ng/mL); p < 0.0005]. This increase correlated with the decrease of insulin and HOMA‐IR and was associated with a reduction in plasma interleukin‐6 and high‐sensitivity C‐reactive protein concentrations. Discussion: Massive weight loss after gastroplastic surgery is accompanied by an increase in circulating concentrations of the novel adipokine visfatin. This increase correlates with the decrease in plasma insulin concentrations and HOMA‐IR.  相似文献   
The mechanism of HCO3- translocation across the proximal tubule basolateral membrane was investigated by testing for Na+-HCO3- cotransport using isolated membrane vesicles purified from rat renal cortex. As indicated by 22Na+ uptake, imposing an inwardly directed HCO3- concentration gradient induced the transient concentrative accumulation of intravesicular Na+. The stimulation of basolateral membrane vesicle Na+ uptake was specifically HCO3(-)-dependent as only basolateral membrane-independent Na+ uptake was stimulated by an imposed hydroxyl gradient in the absence of HCO3-. No evidence for Na+-HCO3- cotransport was detected in brush border membrane vesicles. Charging the vesicle interior positive stimulated net intravesicular Na+ accumulation in the absence of other driving forces via a HCO3(-)-dependent pathway indicating the flow of negative charge accompanies the Na+-HCO3- cotransport event. Among the anion transport inhibitors tested, 4-4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid demonstrated the strongest inhibitor potency at 1 mM. The Na+-coupled transport inhibitor harmaline also markedly inhibited HCO3- gradient-driven Na+ influx. A role for carbonic anhydrase in the mechanism of Na+-HCO3- cotransport is suggested by the modest inhibition of HCO3- gradient driven Na+ influx caused by acetazolamide. The imposition of Cl- concentration gradients had a marked effect on HCO3- gradient-driven Na+ influx which was furosemide-sensitive and consistent with the operation of a Na+-HCO3- for Cl- exchange mechanism. The results of this study provide evidence for an electrogenic Na+-HCO3- cotransporter in basolateral but not microvillar membrane vesicles isolated from rat kidney cortex. The possible existence of an additional basolateral membrane HCO3(-)-translocating pathway mediating Na+-HCO3- for Cl- exchange is suggested.  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria are reported to produce secondary metabolites of which toxic and bioactive peptides are of scientific and public interest. Many peptides are synthesized by the non-ribosomal peptide synthesis pathway and their presence is a stable feature of individual clones. We isolated 18 clonal strains of Planktothrix from a single water sample from lake Maxsee near Berlin and analyzed them by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, HPLC, and PCR for their production of peptides and the presence of microcystin synthetase genes. Microcystins could be detected in seven of the strains with considerable variability of contents and numbers of structural variants. Other known peptides like anabaenopeptins B and E/F, microviridin I, and prenylagaramide B and new variants of known peptide classes like aeruginosins and cyanopeptolins were detected in some strains while lacking in others. The 18 strains represented 15 chemotypes with respect to their peptide patterns. In contrast, all strains were morphologically very similar with respect to cell dimensions and pigmentation. Given the diversity of chemotypes among the randomly selected isolates, an immense diversity of chemotypes in the entire population can be assumed.  相似文献   
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